Corpus Christi Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2024)

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Corpus Christi Timesi

Corpus Christi, Texas

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4 i CORPUS CHRISTI TIMES' Tuesday Ok 4 1951 Pageant on Oil Progress To End 'Blowout' Tonight Commissioners Okay Purchase Of Machine To Test Sobriety The county enmmlaelonera met i approve tho purehaeo with tha Career Day Talks Start At Ray High againat Harper br ITH which Wooda mud aa Mg wurt LeGrand Wooda thla morning jpatitlim lie loaned Htrpar over a filed auit In lGfiUi Dletrict Court fma Body of Passenger On Plane Found ROCK PORT The body of WUlio HawkinAtho only paaian-gar in tha tench pinna which rraahod near hart on tha night of Nov 20 waa found floating In Copnno Bay at yeeter-day IV milaa aoutn of MUIa Wharf Tha plana wna piloted by Eubanka liar Brand Cattto Co foreman on Matagorda bland Ilia body waa found Friday on Mud bland about IS milaa horn where hrleny Ihte morning to ranvaiw Icily of nn automatic machine to Tha Ml ainhnnuiraa at wa itho reeiitta of Saturday'a eimalt-iat aohrtety Rav Hiah School nttended wiarilon in Weal Oeo and "he counly half of the STM rear at thdr "Thla will aid thla office In preparing driving whila Intoxicated County Attorney John Younf Mid lodiv He added that the purrhaeo will this morning to bfflclaUy open a three-day Carter Manning ProTngjnaAr gram in hx-al public achoola tngillCCr VelllCl John Gilliland Ray aoph- ui A ornora gava the welcoming Vf III I OUT AfCQ draaa and introduce represent! narching at MO marcl rni JmM UBgi tivea o' tho oiaaniaa' mJ P' economy maaiura in theHawkina body waa discovered by becauae tha laata ran be I crew mrmbera of a Brown and epon noting Sonc'nm Ilona Tha organliatlnna art H'twl tSLri i madaTv Brlth iim vwcA alvcn'oti Diatilct I itorfwmane ny ha an vu'ci Mmirntn vi anyone familiar with the Hoot tug of Engneera arrived at CUR machine A technician to not hca- Aranaaa County Sheriff A gathar In 12:10 for a school oil bualneaa at a dinner o'clock bagtna by ape to honor apadally Killam How-all Rodney Dolan Porter Warren Earl Baldridge George jaha Harman Coltor-TImra Nm Itorrlr An "oil progress" tap ant tonight will brine to rW thia section's Inuth Texaa ut two-day celebration man of Um all Industry A full aehadula of avanla wm an today' program Ineludad wara a tour of ilia King Ranch tola morning tha equipment ahnw and damofiairallona at Mamorlal lit-dlum Fratwrea of Fara4a A parade faaturlnf all flaM equipment cammarrtal and ar-ganliatton floata and Quaan r-trolla and bar court waa achat ulrd to begin at noon Mary Fran tea Snyder of Garpua Cbrlatl Dal Mar College student au cboaaa Monday aa quern lanta Claua and bla alaigti wiU bring an early Ouiatmaa touch CoaaU Edwin Gan i Hamas Georg Parr Oil Induatry 1 from near and far will Memorial Stadium at barbtrua Maaaad will play and gtvn a demoiutraUon beginning o'clock Old tlmara In tha twill ha apodal gueata wt Hotel Alien at Tha pagoaat of progroaa at 1:15 o'clock Mlowod clal award praaontatlona riaato at o'clock Special 0 aorta Men who arc to be honored arc 0 Moantr Smith Arthur Lundall go Quin Albina Cana lea Chiy Storey Hoffer Earl Rowe --jv repraaentativw Hwap Richard aary Shi vara mat tha tug at Milla In their cnnvaaa of the echoed Wharf and tank the body to Cage conaolldatlon vote the commie-' Funeral Home In Aran Pbm aionera found that Weal Gao votaial Hawhlna rook for tho Star raid It balloia for and on again! Brand Catll Co mrvivad by ronaoliDatlnn and Koatoryi voiara141 niece Ha and Eubanka wara fiaat II ballota for and again! tha object of nn exton aiv Und-ginco tha prnpnaal must rarry alraaa aearch whan It waa In both dirtrlcto helot a ronollda learned they did not reach the turn can toko place the propoearraiKi the morning of Nov Si tailed A 5 Municipal Airpoit ahorlly be- P-TA GU dance COunaelora and fort noon today tor hla flrat in- ui i lwrl0H pr hl Hi disirirt Pntilcin Hlgglna of the YWCA nrlti1re South Texaa and part waa Introduced aa the rhairman of Lmilalana for Caieer Day and lira Mariam ma( Nelaon waa introduced aa eecia- of the Unira of En Jim mmwm vormllan and Ilrnalee aa (utft Ha waa to vlalt the local of-alatant principal introiuced Dr ftca tour tha port and navigation IT'S SANITARYI BRAND NEW VACUUM CLEANERI NO BAG TO EMPTYI THROW THE BAG AWAY! 'Hum flaco" Maurlea Ahrena curriculum tt- diti and attend a lererliim an-l Ktobwf Maa-lrm tor who gave tha prtncMl od- inner tonight at tha Rolwrt Inia-umi Milan Brldwell Al Bu drraa cun unri rhanaa Starr Pope Hmdarann After tha aiaemhlv the aopho' Coquet 0 Rowtoy Nue- more a I tended two diectuwlon RRR WnrilC I ifu'c Three Negro men ware a treated lueua John Lynch Dirk group of vocation of their rhotce YTUIllB Wily a Jl tock "Ighllarnon Gorman thi mmning They were to Aonlnrf when idea aquadmen broke up aiBelioelfMd Ika Howath Ren tend two other ocareer planning A3 FOCOrS AQQInSl tha 12M btork af NAah Miller and aaaainna thla afternoon ee aquai poker game la Teen-Agers Arrested Two' teenage bmlhera front San Antonio wet a arrealed al 10:11 o'rlorh bat night when police pNtiolinan apolted Ihem carting 'of (lie and wheel from a Ciorkett Oil Co aervira atBii 507 at 25T Agnta The boya were i i i i Hli Aa la rwfli Mm arp auwiiH ealat I Para aai let Mae a iaa la few Mala al nftNIiaiMa -Mfe raa Iim laimte arai Mmh'i li a lea Part taiaMi a-ana Pima law Waa I Food atoro huyera were warned placed to Iha Childron'a Shelter 0 CROW RKALTY today by tha Better UuaintM Bu- and their car waa Impounded I III-51 lVItoan Rida Dial 4-5191 reau that a canned meat whole- aaler la In Iha city Melting pro- North Itaplaa 'oi DEATHS AND FUNERALS Physics Professor Gives Testimony In Bottle Case Kate Smith says durta which do not match hla illa-plav Mmplca The roller claim to reprenont Dr (bear Fryer college Fwlng Dilrlbutiiqt Cu and Aca -'Canring both of Lnotvicw uiveHgallon tailed to locate died at her home In Bonnie Vlwralilail hare ycara' wlU bo Hlh Dlairlci c'lhcr flm lietwi in laaigview OinimwMy amitheaM of hero Kun-lhald at 1:10 pm Wednaaday at lw mmning to leatify in'Mi-iry Schlcnb manager of day night were to be held at I'Uw Ingleatda MeUwdiat Church damage auit of Stephen BHB aaid pm today jl tha Fvangellcaand'JJdth Iha Rev Young of American Botlllng! Schlenk aaid the matter wa called to hla atlcnthHi by a local gioccr writh a atiiail atm a who purchaaed aornu of tha stork canned moat beef with gravy ami canned barbecued wleneia and later found tha cans contained moatly water Samples displayed by tha paddler appeared good the grocer aaid The seller deliver tha eturk on tho apot from a truck and collecta cash for It Apparently he to approaching buna! In La Roan Ce matary Mra Meurat bad bean of Refugio County about 25 years Mi waa a member of tho Evangelical and Reform ad Church Suivfving are her husband Ftank Meu-at four daughter! Mra Ora Voaea of Woodabdra Mra Joalo WaKera of Woodaboro Mra Lula Furkra of Noniholm KENDALL FAINT STORE and Mra Frankie Itaplaa of Wondabora and two grandchildren Fun or si arrangement ware tinder the direction of Itarbuck Toliand Funaral Horn of WE CUAKANTEE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ONLY 2 Year Guaranies Al New Attachment Ns Duit lag to Empty Buy Whils Supply Last "1 Mm A WUder oi 'JKia tnfnnin on Min I piihur win a MU Hr Fiyer aaid breakage from i'ajlbtarera will ba A I Phalpa thermal airaln would occur wllhm three aeconda after an abrupt tempera! lira change and that a Coca Cola bottle at room temper ature placed In an lea cheat would wIM be honorary pallbearers not expioda three hour and 45 Cage Funeral Home of Aranaaa minutea later through Poai to in chnrgo of nrrnngamenta! thermal ahock THE 100 LATEX EMULSI0I1 PAINT Million know Sprvd SATIN i lb noil gorgeou od durable feniik ever aiuto for wall ceiling and woodwork It goa oa ia half ihatime withoM bruihmarkt Drie ia 20 miaoMi guanotaad watk ahto Select tonal SO bwixiful enhwa 159 ql 519 gal PHONE 4-7082 FOR A FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION ITBTIi A Cleaner of Any Mala Cal STATE" 1745 IROWNLEE KENDALL PAINT STORE 1656 Irawalii at Ayats Dial 1-2191 (SAnebmntSR Unfortunately burglar hava their busiest seaaon while Santo Claua makes hla rounds Don't let burglars hiln your holldayaSscur Insuratu-a and be financially protected Cecil Clay Witt CBlter-TUnce Ken Renira BISHOP- Fimeral aarvlcea for racll Clay Witt 42 Win ba bald al to am Wednesday at tha Flrat Baptist Church Raymondvtll with tha Rev Kendrick officiating aaatatad by tha Rav Simpson pastor of Uw First Baptist Cnureh Hlahop Wilt died of basil attack at 4 pm Monday on hunting tons MFS Dorothy DClIlS near Mtdino Funaral arrongemento for Mra Following the funaral aervlcos Dorothy Btllto 40 of 50 King tho body will ba taken to Cage-Piper Funeral Home here where II wlU nmala from 1 to I pm when It wlU be taken to Bishop Cemetery for gravadd aervlcao Owens Funaral Home of Ray-mondvIUs to In charge of arrange-mento Witt veteran of World War II waa contractor with tho Rv-mond villa Const ruction Ob Ha FUnaral a Rosoty for Mra Ballto will bo aaid ot 5 pm today al tha Chapel Funaral services will be held at 9 a tomorrow at Corpus Christ! Cathedral with burial In Saoaido Memorial CAgt-IUIto Funeral hom*o to Ip' charge tf orrongamento war aUU incomplete this tol yeUardoy afternoon after brtof 111mm She hod resided ban tho part ntoo years urvhwa Includo a aon Robert Frank Duncan doughtor Mrs John Richard Swentoar grondcoA J- Swontnar rrongai Jr manta are to be Gage-Mills Allf PorhD0y Injured Dy AUtO I Cajr Canditian ror VanalIIOn Jerry CorliKt-l 5 kxi of Mr and Mra Cailuccl 30 ChurchtU Drive la today in fair condition at Memorial llnapital after being etruck by a car lot yntarday afternoon The boy'a it 1-year-old lter Francra was m- tocalhoapt-jj BM gU niiBfitoiwd after be-: oipv treated They were rroaaing 7 Tortton Street near Ito Umi with Ay era The boy baa a broken left aU bow and goUorbona and possible Mdhrad Injur lea Pollraman A Jonea Identl- By 717 Lioparf Sf twi Exrhangc fled tha driver of the ear that ga-Mllla Funeral mirk tha children as Tlxunaa Buckley 21 of 200 Clemmar la aurvivad by hla wife Lula and two children Judy and Brando of Raymond vlUa broth ar Alvin of Oraanwood IC a slater Mra Juanita Kally of Ants Duka and a his mother Mra James Hopkins CaUer-HniM News Servlet PORT Funaral aerv Iras for Jomaa Thomas Htwklna 74 who died In a Cbrpuo CbrtoU root home Monday afternoon will ho conducted ot 4 pm Wednesday tn Prairie View Cematory with Lynn King Christian Sctanca reader officiating Hopkins retired actor had baaa a resident of Aratuwa Pass two years and wnc i mem bar of tho Christian Sciatic Church He to aurvivad by a atm James Hopkins of Aransas Pass Cage PUnaral Home of Aranaaa Paao la In charge of arrangements Mrs Lola Dean Cross Funeral services for Mrs Loin Dean Cross 94 of 1104 Florida a rooidant of Corpus Chrtoll 21 years will ba held at 10 am tomorrow ot Gage-Mills Funeral Chapel Officiating min later wlU ba Thurman Smith of Carpus Chrtott snd John Blair of Bobo- CUTS DOWN GLARE OF! VJSUN SNOW AND 5 --O AND SUlA HEADLIGHTS REDUCES DRIVING EYE STRAIN CUTS IStX HEAT FROM SUN RAYS FATIGUE ALL AROUND 1 GIVES YOU PROTECTION CM i' fr Burial will bo to Rom Hin Cento-tory Mra Cresa died to a local hospital yaatorday She waa a member of tha Church of Christ at Niagara and Baldwin Surviving are har huaband Cross four broth art Gordon Doc and Leonard Smith of Corpus Chriatl and Komar Smith of Hobatown William Robertson Funeral aervicea for William Henry Robertson 92 of 1024 Brownlee will be held at 2 pm1 tomorrow at Klker-Wanren Funer-al Horn in Abllana Burial win ba to Capps Cematory to AMIena Robertson retired former died to local nursing bom about yesterday Ha had been of Corpus Chrtott sines 1919 A former real dent of AbUano ha ana membor of Uw Morgan Ava-nit Baptist Church snd Corpus Chrtott Lodga 159 AFAAM Surviving ar two daughter Mrs Xns Banka of AbUano and Mrs Joa Stephan Sr Cor-nun CbrtoU a too Clyde of Sudan Texas 21 grandchildren snd great-grandchildren Caga-MiUa Funaral Hems was In charge of local arrangamontA NEW DODGE-TINT SAFETY GLASS Availablt now at romarkably low-costl Dodge-Tint Safely Glass is brand new different better! From the inside you scarcely notice its soft pleasing lint But what wonderful things it does for you I Anti-glare and anti-heat the new Dodge-Tint Safety Glasf makes all your driving safer and more enjoyable It fights off the glare of sun kky or snow by day takes the sting out of blinding lights at night It reduces eye-strain and driving fatigue Keeps your car cooler cuts summer sun's heat 21 Come in and lest this new advance yourself See how it adds smartness and style to new Dodge beauty You'll be surprised at its low cost less than half that of older type tinted glass Come In today leeUSwaM wkMi foonfyonf of the 1 n'-'t many many rafue pachd features of the 't' -i NEW 52 DODGE wwmw otaiMfieJ3-a fa tfa FRANK HAYDEN MOTORS TRUSSES FITTED EDTTAEtDS CO 1324 MORGAN THE 1201 North Chaparral DODGE-PLYMOUTH OLD SUNNY HOOK COMPANY IOUISVIUI KENTUCKY' Corpus Christ! i.

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Corpus Christi Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Views: 6413

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.