The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER, TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1897. HELP WANTED MALE. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. WANTED--Persons desiring appointments In Postal, Customs, Internal Revenue, Railway Mail and other branches of the service to write at once for valuable information about' positions, salaries, and next examinations to be held in ('leveland, to National Correspondence tute, Second National Bank. Building, Washington, D.

C. WANTED -An IDEA. Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your John Wedderburn Patent: Attorideas: they may bring wealth. Write prize. offer Washington, and list D.

of 1,000 for 5 their inventions $1,800 wanted. ti WANTED -A man to solicit in the city for retall house furnishing department; steady employment; must be acquainted in the city and experienced in the work; give reference. Address box 86, Plain Dealer office. WANTED -A good man with a little means to represent the Hygeia Filter Co. of Detroit for Cleveland.

Apply between 9 and 10 Bowden, Hollenden hotel. WANTED--A first-class chewing guin maker: salary wanted. and where employed; first class! man only need apply. Box 51, Plain Dealer 5 A TRUSTWORTHY and reliable young work on salary; promotion and permanent position. Write or see Greenaugh, 50 Euclid 4 IF you want a good permanent position any capacity apply, with references, at room 12, 208 Superior.

SITUATIONS WANTEDWANTED- -A position by good looking, middle aged Englishman as nurse or companion to. an invalid; good reader and correspondent. Call on or write to John B. Davis, Fowler's Mill, Geauga couuty, 0. HELP WANTED--FEMALE.

SEWING second-hand (good as new), almost given away at 66. Eucl'd were taken in exchange for the "Standard." 'au25-tf LADIES and children, 10 days, any style cabinet photos, we show. proofs, 69c per doz. Krumhar new studio, 190: Ontario st. 5 WANTED Girl for folding, book binding and office work.

ENSIGN PRESS, 416 Superior st. 4 LADIES to sell dainty article used in every household. 410 Arcade, 8 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED--Situation good girl' for general housework; East End preferred. 13 Peck av.

6 by a good girl for general housework. 25. Peck av. 6 WANTED AGENTS. A in York, AGENTS all 'and Brooklyn, salesmen, Philadelphia, sell 1 the each for Boston New and large cities, to well known L.

Lieser's Vienna Plaster to druggists, barbers and Shore dealers; sure to make $30 to $50 weekly; $100 cash security. L. LIESER'S general agency, 282 Bowery, New York. 8 'EMPLOYMENT BUREAU." EMPLOYMENT BUREAU -Business men can obtain all kinds of commercial help. Definite information given concerning every man sent out.

No charge. The best of help. Young Men's Christian association, Prospect and Erie sts. Telephone 1024. de FOR RENT OFFICES.

FINE LIGHT OFFICES in the MOHAWK BUILDING. On Public Square, next to Court House. Tenants furnished Electric Light, Janitor Service, Window Shades, WITHOUT EXTRA Rooms Partitioned to Suit Tenants. JOHN H. BLOOD, Agent, Room 601 Mohawk Building.

Telephone 4007. my24 FOR RENT--Offices in the fireproof PerryPayne singly and suite, both front and rear; some have vaults; front suites 0u the second, third and fourth H. P. M'INTOSH, 5 201 Perry- Payne Bldg. FOR ROOM.

FOR RENT-Desk room with phone. Ap: ply 1101 Mohawk bldg. 3 WANTED ROOMS. WANTED room, with privilege of light housekeeping and use of gas, within six blocks of and Willson state price for summer. Address "Careful," Plain Dealer office.

6 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: CLEAR $3,000 yearly profit: teaming contract and outft; established 20 years with same concern; rare opening for person with GEO. T. M'CONNELL. DRUGS- "Hotel, office. interest, manufacturing, millinery, lumber, rond house, feed, market.

printing, stationery, confectionery, wall paper, painting or any business you want. Call. before investing. M'CONNELL'S BUSINESS EXCHANGE, Established 1869. 204 Superior st.

4 $200 INVESTED earns $80 weekly; no stock speculation or gold mine investment; you control capital; fifth successful year; particulars free. CHASE CAMPBELL, 12 Union Square, New York. my21 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. AT "Standard" rooms, needles, supplies and repairs for. sewing machines; also "Standard patterns." 66 Euclid av.

au25-tf NEW and second-hand gas or gasoline stoves sold or exchanged; largest repair shop in Ohio. CITY STOVE REPAIR 104 Prospect ap9-tf FOR SALE-Very cheap, a nice curtain rockaway, but little used. 412 Century. building. 6 FOR SALE-Three-burner gAS stove and oven, cheap.

Address 130 Huron st. 5 NOTICE. NOTICE-There will be a inceting of the Republican voters of the Eighteenth ward Wednesday evening, May 5, 8 p. in the wigwam on Norwood for the purpose of electing one trustee for the wigwam to serve for three years, the term of Trustee William J. Cain having expired.

All Republicans in ward 18 (irrespective of any club) are invited. WV. F. WALWORTH, ALEX BRUCE, WM. J.

CAIN, 4 Trustees.JAS. F. WALSH, attorney-at-law and notary public. No. 306 Mohawk building.

my3 OCEAN STEAMER PASSAGES. PASSAGE TO EUROPE! ON ANY FIRS LINE! Now is the time to engage berths if you intend to sail in June or July. Consult us by all means before making "definite arrangements. l'ersonally conducted tours or individual passage to any point in the world. COOK'S Tourist BARTLETT CATROW'S Tourist Office.

J. C. WAGNER tf. A 178 Superior st. INSURANCE.

J. L. RICE Reliable Fire Insurance Agents. Good companies. fair: dealing and prompt settlement.

Room 4, No. 235 Superior st. Telephone 1933. tf WHISKIES. KENTUCKY WHISKY, four years old, $2 per 5 Fears old, $2.50 per 8 years old, $3 per free city J.

S. J. Firth, 210 and 212 Ontario st. MARINE MATTERS. Grain and Coal Cargoes Are Offered More Freely.

Very Little Doing in Ore. Cost Per Ton Per Mile for Lake Transportation is Still Decreasing 3 -Boats Have A Hard Time onf Lake Michigan Steamer Clarion Badly, Damaged Schooner Petrel Safe. Coal tonnage is in fair demand and a few boats were placed yesterday. The 'Aloha was chartered for Sturgeon bay at 30. The Bessemer steamer, James B.

Watt, will load here for the head of drew Lake Carnegie Superior will and load the at big Ashtabula steamer Sheboygan, on private terms. The ore freight situation shows no. changes. A meeting of the old range mine owners and sales agents was held at the office of M. A.

Hanna Co. yesterday afternoon, buc only routine business was transacted. Very little standard and Bessemer ore has been but the sales agents expect to do coll.siderable business this week. Shippers are not in the market for tonnage, for the season, or for single trips. All the boats of the Minnesota fleet are now in commission, but only about half of the boats of the whaleback fleet have been sent out.

The indications are that unless there a decided improvement in the lake carrying trade during the next few weeks a large number of boats will not fit out until after the 1st of June. The steamer Germanic and schooner, Emma C. Hutchinson are loading for Portage the fast plant in the outer harbor. They were chartered some time ago at 30 cents. The steamer Vance was chartered Milwaukee yesterday for rye to Buffalo at 1 11-8 cents.

At Chicago: The week opened with some demand, and the grain rate held at 11-8 cents on corn to Buffalo. -Charters: To Buffalo- Tampa, oats; Flower, corn; Topeka, rye. To Port Huron -Maxwell, Newaygo, corn; Buffalo, oats. A Buffalo dispatch says: A few more coal charters have been reported. For ChicagoWyoming, coal; Cranage, salt.

For Milwaukee Phenix, soft coal, 25 cents. From Erie -City of London, for Chicago, 25 cents; City of Paris, City of Venice, to Washburn, private. Duluth dispatch says: Wheat charters made to Buffalo this afternoon at 11-4 cents. Cost of Carrying- Freight. annual mile tons report of the com'merce passing through the American and canals at the Soo for the year 1896 still further emphasizes the magnitude that the Lake Superior traffic is attaining.

The freight tonnage passing through aggregated nearly. 16,500,000 tons, an increase over the preceding season--a banner year -of 1,000,000 tons. This freight had a valuation of $195,000,000, exceeding that of the previous year by $36,000,000. The average cost of transportation per mile ton was reduced from one and fourteen hundredths mills to ninety-nine hundredths mills, the total cost of carrying the freight was but 4 per cent, of the total. 1895.

The average distance it was carried of freight for carriage was 82 3-10 cents. was 836 miles and the average cost per ton fo Cereals composed nearly half the freight, second in the list being iron ore. Canadian fright was but 4 per cent. of the total. There were 859 craft, having a registered tonnage of 760,802, a freight tonnage of 227,172 and valued at $45,000,000, engaged in the traffic.

18,615. The American canal this open total passages through locks 232 days and the Canadian 218 days during the season. One hundred and thirty-five of the propellers carried upwards of 2,000 tons, Thirty carried loads exceeding 3,000 tons, fourteen more than 4,000 tons and seven boats 5,000 tons and upwards. The largest single cargo carried, 5,850 tons, is to the credit of the vessel Aurania. The Kearsarge has the distinction of having run 47,709 miles, the greatest number of any.

Had a Rough Experience. "Special to the Plain Dealer. CHICAGO, May -The steamers which started out to breast the north gale continued to come back all last night. The Anchor liner Clarion had, perhaps, the 'hardest experience. She bad got within twenty-five miles of South Manitou island and more than half way to the Straits when the seas became too heavy and broke out part of the bulwarks.

The tow of the tug Ames, being car ferry barges 2 and 3, broke up off Racine. The Ames brought the No. 2 into South Chicago today, and the tug Crosby succeeded in picking up the No. 3 and getting her into port before night. Steamer Masaba Delayed.

Special to the Plain Dealer. SAULT STE. MARIE, May steamer Masaba was delayed twelve hours today repairing a hole in her bow caused by colliding with a pier. Booms Broke. Special to the Plain Dealer.

ALPENA, May booms at Spanish river, Georgian bay, broke today, carrying out a large amount of logs owned by Pack, Gilchrist, Alger, Smith and other Michigan lumbermen. The steamer Volunteer and tug Frank W. leave tonight with boom stocks, and it is believed most of the timber will be recovered. Damaged Her Machinery. Special to the Plain Dealer.

MARQUETTE, May steamer Wilhelm, when a few miles out this afternoon, sustained some damages to machinery, and was repairs compelled were to put back. Temporary made and she cleared again this evening. Peter Nelson, a deck hand on the Burg with a drawn knife today. He was schooner a Galatea, assaulted mate John arrested for assault and battery, but released on the payment of a light fine. Ashore Near Sand Beach.

Special to the Plain Dealer. SAND BEACH, May Orion has gone to Sarnia after pumps for the schconer Muskoka, ashore here. Schooner Petrel Safe. Special to the Plain Dealer. MILWAUKEE, May Franklin of the steamer Alice Gill reports that the schooner Petrel was safe at anchor at South Manitou harbor and the weather since has been such that it would prevent her leaving.

He thinks no fears should be entertained for her safety. Milwaukee Light Station. Special to the Plain Dealer. Notice is hereby given that on or about May 12, 1897, the light at this station, near the extreme north point of Milwaukee bay, will be changed from fixed white varied by a. white flash every forty-five seconds, white varied by a white flash every thirty seconds.

No other change will be made. Sheltered at Sand Beach. Special to the Plain Dealer. SAND BEACH, May King, Rawson, Ogemaw, Kelton, Allegheny, Wenona, Shepherd, Seattle, Aztec, Zapotec, Baldwin, Carpenter, Putman, Marshall, Tilden, Kingfisher, Hall, Noyes, Mt. Clemens, Lillie Smith and consorts, I Jenks, New York, Grandy, Rule, Roberts, Street, Godfrey, Lozen, Canisteo, Stewart.

Pomeroy, Argo, Conley, Ogarita, Wyoming, Scott, Knapp, Brake, Magnet, Inter Ocean, Winslow, Saturn, Waubaushene, Van Straubenzie, Neelon. Weather thick; raining. 1 Rate at' DULUTH, rate cutting from Duluth is no longer regarded as a secret and discussed as: a rumor. Nobody is blamed, for the situation has been and still is such that it was practically regarded as necessary action to protect route. Rate cutting in Minneapolis among the all rail and across the lake routes during the past winter has had the effect of cutting off a very large volume of business that ordinarily comes to Duluth.

Instead of holding flour for shipment to Duluth the Minneapolis millers sent it east by the all rail or across the lake routes, and now there is little to come this way. The Lake Superior lines are determined to have some business, and if there any it is 'expected they will be successful or something will drop. The wheat rate out of Duluth is still an unknown quantity. Shippers yesterday offered wheat at 1 1-4 cents, but so' far as could be learned none was placed at that figure. vesselman said today that when it is' necessary to accept that rate the boats could not lay up any too soon for the good of their owners, and as for the line boats, he said they had better go with partial cargoes of flour than to piece out with cent and a quarter wheat.

However, wheat was carried at as low a figure as one cent last season in one or two instances. Sheltered at East Tawas. EAST TAWAS, May northeaster is prevailing here. The following are sheltered: Reid, Home, Davis, St. Andrew, Aunt Ruth, Parnell.

Marine Notes. Capt. Lewis Stone yesterday qualified as master of the steamer Roumania. Capt. John Mitchell and H.

Coulby were in Buffalo yesterday. The steamer Carnegie had 300 bushels of wet grain in her cargo, caused by. leaking at a rivet. The shipmasters' directory for 1897 is out and it is the best book that has been issued by the skippers. The work was done by the Marine Review.

Capt. McKay of. the City of Detroit, reports the north gas buoy below Ballard's reef lightship out of place and in the middle of the channel, opposite the middle gas buoy. The ocean built McDougall pigs 201 and 202, which had 61 feet 4 inches added to their length each during the winter, were launched at West Superior Saturday afternoon. They are now 251 feet long over all, with 30 feet beam and 20 feet molded depth, Their carrying capacity has been increased from 1,600 to 2,000 gross tons of ore each on a draught of 14 1-2 feet.

Cleveland Port List. Arrived--May 3. Stmr City of Detroit, Detroit, pass, mdse. Prop Stevens, Buffalo, mdse. Prop W.

A. Haskell, Ogdensburg, Prop Melbourne, Hamilton, mdse. Prop John M. Nicol, Buffalo, mdse. Prop John Pridgeon, Buffalo, mdse.

Prop Volunteer, Detroit, light. Prop Peshtigo, Menominee, lumber. Prop Norseman, Alpena, lumber. Schr Monitor, Menominee, lumber. Schr Board Trade, Toledo, light.

Schr Kate Winslow, Islands, stone. Schr Knight Selkirk, Templar, Detroit, light. Alpena, lumber. Schr Russian, Alpena, lumber. Cleared--May 3.

Stmr City of Detroit, Detroit, pass, Stmr State of Ohio, Buffalo, pass, mdse. Prop W. H. Stevens, Duluth, mdse. Prop W.

A. Haskell, Chicago, mdse. Prop John M. Nicol, Duluth, mdse. Prop John Pridgeon, Gladstone, mdse.

Prop' Peshtigo, Duluth, light. Prop Melbourne, Montreal, mdse. Prop Volunteer, Alpena, coal. 3 Prop A. Y.

Gowen, Islands, coal. Schr John Magee, Owen Sound, coal. Schr Smith Post. French River, a Lake Erie. 1..

ERIE, May Rube Richards. Cleared: Wissahickon, Chicago; Carnegie, Milwaukee; Codorus, Superior; Sage, Toledo. TOLEDO, May Mistec, Toltec, May Richards, Cleared: Coal-Vail, Baltic, Sheboygan. BUFFALO, May Yuma, Manola, City of. Paris, Parnell, City of Venice, Hattie Wells.

Cleared: Nicol, China, Aurora, Trevor and whalebacks, M. W. Page, Duluth; City of London, Commodore, Chicago; Curtis, Holland, Fassett, Marinette. FAIRPORT, May C. Tower Chicago, Alex.

Nimick, Duluth, ore. I 144 Cleared: Ira H. Owen, C. Tower Huron, light. HURON, May tO Alcona, Cleveland, light.

Islands, stone. LORAIN, May 3. Dan- Kunz, Cleared: Vega, Washburn, coal; Vulcan, Duluth, coal; Selkirk, Cleveland, light. SANDUSKY, May Arrived: Visitor, Southport, pass and mdse; Louise, ington, mdse; Light Guard, Alpena, light. Cleared: Visitor, Southport, lumber; Light Guard, Alpena, light.

Lake Haron. Special to the Plain Dealer. OSCODA, May Atlantis. Lake Superior. Special to the Plain Dealer.

DULUTH, May Woolson, Brightie, Harlem, C. Lockwood, Zenith City, Nyanza. Departed: Falrbairn, Corliss, Lake Erie, ore; Brightie, Two on Harbors, light; Mohawk, flour; New Orleans, wheat, Buffalo. MARQUETTE, May Pratt, Ash, Buffalo; Wilhelm, Galatea, Nirvana, Tonawanda. Up: Farwell, Montana.

Lake Special to the Plain Dealer. SOUTH CHICAGO, May Minneapolis, St. Paul, Gladstone; Lewiston, Buffalo. MENOMINEE, May Ben3 GLADSTONE, May Orr, Ca-Chicago. CHICAGO, May Mecosta.

Cleared: Thomas Howland, Sarnia. MILWAUKEE, May Vance. Passages. Special to the Plain Dealer. DETROIT, May Maggie Marshall and consorts, 10 last night; Egan, Sequin, midnight; Portage, 2 this morning; Mariposa, Maricopa and consort, Preston and consort, Nicaragua and consort, Ira Owen, Kittie' Forbes and consort, Florida, Syracuse, Lycoming, Tioga, Cadillac, Erin and consort, 5:30.

Down: Norseman and consorts, 10:30 last night; Davidson, 10; Waldo, Tuscarora, Business, 1:10 p. Cambria, Alaska, Neshoto, Rust, Mary Boyce, 5:30. PORT HURON; May Orion, 10:15 last night; Davidson, 5 this morning; Waldo, Tuscarora, Cambria, Alaska (steel), 10; Neshoto, Plankinton, Helena, Pahlow, and consort, Bielman, 7:45. Up: Devereux, 8:40 last night; Bessemer and consort, Roby and consort, '9; Chili, Algonquin, W. Chisholm, Northern Queen, two Wallaces, 1:20 this morning; Martini' and consort, John Hall and 'consort, Sibley and consort, Mariska, Juno, Sequin, Maggie Marshall and consort, Nicaragua, Paisley, Grampian, Florida, Syracuse, Forbes, McLachlan.

9, Departed: Hadley, Locke. Wind west, light: MACKINAW CITY, May Alice 6:30 this morning; Ramapo, Hopkins, Racine, 6:30 p. Saranac, Buell and consorts, 9:30. Up: Armour, Rochester, Corsica, 10:30: Owego, p. Corona, Seneca, George Gould, 3:20: Ketcham, Owen, Matoa, Marcia, Omaha, Nebraska, Chili, 9:30.

Lawrence, SAULT STE. 9:20 last MARIE, night; May Uganda, 4 this St. morning; Republic, Merida, Sawyer, City of Glasgow, Kendall, Troy, Servia, Moravia, Avon, Crescent City, Peck, 1:30 p. City of Rappa- bannock, Algenia, Leuty, Moore, Bottsford, 4:15. Up: Wawatam, Morley Wind, Masaba, Martha, North Star, p.

Northern Light, Viking, Vinland, Fisk, ,8:40. PORT COLBORNE, May Up: Sheriffs, Toledo; Hill, Chicago; Cadillac, Detroit; Ralph and consort, Cleveland; Whitney and consort, Erie; Tec*mseh and consorts, Marquette. Down: Calvin and consort, Rosemont. IN HONOR OF THE DEAD. Old Soldiers Will Observe Memorial Day With the Usual Solemn Ceremonies.

3 TO MRS. CROCKER Were the Overtures Made for Money by Delaware Legislators The Investigation. Preparations for the Memorial day cises have commenced. May 30 this year comes on Sunday, but the ceremonies will be held on the following Monday, May 31. The general committee of arrangements, composed of sub-committees from the several G.

A. R. posts and auxiliary associations, held its first meeting last night in court room No. 1. All seats in the room were filled with ladies and gentlemen, veterans taking advantage of standing room, and the was interesting throughout.

Senator William T. Clark was chairman of the meeting. One of the first considerations was the election of a permanent chairman. This honor, by a unanimous rising vote, was awarded to Gen, James Barnett. Gen.

Barnett is out of the city and will not be able to take an active interest in the work of arrangement. The committee knew this, however, but desired to bestow upon him the mark of esteem. Senator Clark was selected for temporary chairman. He was also reappointed chairman of the finance committee. Messrs.

S. C. Killam and C. E. Preble were re-elected secretaries.

Capt. James Shields is chairman of the speakers' committee, James Hayr chairman of. the committee on hall, and Wherry chairman of a special committee to make arrangements for the school children to participate in the ceremonies. C. B.

Fay, a representative of the J. B. Steadman post, announced the intention of his post to withdraw from the general committee, insofar as the work of decoraconcerned. He said the decoration in the West Side cemeteries could be simplified if arrangements were made whereby the school children would do the work incident to the decoration of the graves. But this proposition did not meet with favor, and after Senator Clark and others finished the discussion Mr.

Fay concluded to report at the next general committee meeting. Chances are favorable that the Steadman post will not withdraw. The next meeting will be held next Monday night, 7:30 o'clock, at the same place. At that time the arrangements for parade will be made. 1 1 3 A special to the Plain Dealer from Wilmington, last night 'said: 4 7 The legislative committee on divorces was so busy today hearing testimony of those who want to be separated by the law that the house committee did not have time to begin the investigation of the charges of alleged attempts at bribery.

The senate, however, took official notice of the rumors and a committee, of Messrs. Meredith, Alrichs and W. T. Moore, was appointed to act with the house committee on the investigation. Lawyer J.

H. Hoff*cker, his brother, Frances H. Hoff*cker; a clerk in their office and S. White, of Philadelphia, brother of Mrs. May White plied for divorce, were at Hoover ready a to Gause, formerly New who apappear before the committee to sustain the charges of attempted bribery in the Gause case.

When Chairman Hazell announced that-the hearing would not begin until tomorrow some of the witnesses said it would be hard for them to attend, and they were thereupon summoned to appear. After the testimony of Mr. Hoff*cker is heard the committee will allow the accused persons to be represented by counsel. No other witnesses have yet been summoned to appear. The house adopted a resolution this afternoon authorizing the investigating committee to employ clerical assistance and subpena witnesses and demand production of books and papers.

Horace Greeley Knowles, counsel for Mrs. Acklan, in an interview today said that Mrs. Acklan objects to testifying before the committee, as she claims no. overtures were to her direct. The overtures, Mr.

Knowles said, were made to" Mrs. Crocker, Mrs. Acklan's mother, and he intimated that if any subpena is issued by the committee in connection with Mrs. Acklan's case it will in all probability be for Mrs. Crocker.

BOY IN TROUBLE. Found in a Store and He is Arrested on the Charge of Burglary. Paul Fredericks, a fourteen-year-old boy living at No. 10 Lee street, was arrested and locked up at the 'eleventh precinct station on Doan street last evening on the charge of burglary. About 9 o'clock last evening Patrolman Bennett found the front door of J.

Randolph's grocery store at No. 2973 Superlor street open and the burglar alarm ringing. On entering the store he found Fredericks and arrested him. The door of H. M.

Cadmes' meat market at. No. 2799 Superior street was also open and the burglar alarm' ringing. It is supposed that the boy entered the market but was frightened away by the ringing. Nothing had been taken from either store.

The police say the boy has been arrested before on similar charges. INTO THE NAVAL RESERVE. The Gatling Gunners Finally Decide to Enlist. The Gatling Gunners finally decided last night to enter the Naval Reserve: A large and enthusiastic meeting was held at their armory on Sibley street. Many of the active.

and honorary members were present, among them Capt. N. S. Bidwell, Luther Allen, M. G.

Vilas, Lieut. F. A. McReynolds and many others. Adjutant General Axline and Col.

Kingsley explained the work of the Naval Reserve. They were enthusiastically received. It wras decided at this meeting to enter the second division, second battalion of the Ohio naval militia. THROWERS SENTENCED. Two of the Condemned Spanish Anarchists Married on the Ere of Their Execution.

3 BARCELONA, May sentence upon the Anarchists convicted of complicity in the bomb outrage of June 7 last at the feast of Corpus Christi, when a dynamite bomb was thrown into a procession on its way to the church of Santa Maria Delmar, killing a dozen outright and wounding nearly fifty others. some of whom have since died from their injuries, have finally been decided. upon by the judicial authorities. Five have been sentenced to death and the remainder will be deported. The executions will take place tomorrow the esplanade of Fort.

Monjuices. Two of the condemned men were married. this afternoon to women who are also prisoners. For Strengthening and Clearing the Voice, use Brown's Bronchial have commended them to friends who were public speakers, and they have proved extremely serviceable." Rev. Heury Ward Beecher.

SEWING MACHINES. DOMESTIC and Wilcox Gibbs Automatic. Sewing machines; all makes of! second-hand machines bought. sold nud1 repaired. DOMESTIC ROOMS; 64 Public square, inb18-tf WELL DRILLERS.

DUFF 236 Superior, for oil, gas 'or. water; also drilling machines. 'Phone 2935. 1 ja5-tf CARPET CLEANING. D.

O. SUMMERS Carpet' Cleaning 118 and 120 East Prospect st. Tel. 3311. tf FOR RENT- HOUSES: FOR RENTWade Park 5 rooms Case Woodland 5 rooms 5 rooms in :10 00 First' 9 rooms 20 East Madison, 8 rooms Cedar 8 rooms Holyoke Princeton, 6 place, rooms 10 rooms 33 00 Glen Second Park place, furnished, 8 rooms 35 furnished, 8 rooms Arlington, 10 rooms 37 Superior, 10 Sibley, 10 rooms Streator, 10 rooms 00 East Prospect, 12 rooms Rosedale, furnished, 11 rooms: Willson, 2 12-room houses, each East Madison, furnished, 9 60.00 Lincoln.

12 rooms 60 00 Bell, 12 rooms 60 Sibley, 10 rooms 60 Prospect, 14 rooms 70 00 Euclid, 16 rooms 90 00 G. W. COWLES, 313 New England bldg. ap25-SuTuThSa HORACE F. PARKS, 702 The Cuyahoga, Offers For Rent: 10-room house, Page East $40.

1440 East Madison 9 $30. 952 Prospect 12 $60. 1492 Dix 12 rooms, $25. 365 Quincy 8 rooms, $17.50. 95 Streator 10 rooms, $45.

20 acres of land, good house and barn, road, East: Cleveland, per year $200. 8-room house, furnished, Page E. Cleveland, July and August. 652 Hough 8 rooms, $25. FOR RENTElegant 8-room house, No.

1213 Lexington cor. Willson bath, furnace, laundry and all conveniences; rent $30 per month. Apply to Mooney 371-373 Bond st. ap8-tf FURNISHED cottage, 43: Arlington near Cedar, $15; good neighborhood; reut and convenient; coal and gas ranges. Inquire 49 Arlington or tel.

641. H. Li. ROBINSON. 7.

FOR RENT- Hough av. house- of 9. rooms; all conveniences; furnished complete; $60; good barn; will rent from May 1 to Jan. 1. J.

G. W. COWLES, 313 New England bldg. SSTT-tf FOR RENT- od repair; water and steam $25 per -month. Inquire of Brush Electric Co.

Mason and Belden. 5 FOR RENT- furnished house at 217 Princeton st. to family without children during June, July and August. Inquire on premises. 8 .58 HOUGH $35; also 26 Calvert st.

$25; every convenience; 8 rooms each. Inquire at houses. mch31-tf FOR RENT-8-room house; all modern convenience, 498 Norwood, just opposite Dorchester av. my17 FOR RENT-147 Alabama gas, water and sewer. Inquire of Clements 23 Vincent st.

5 DWELLING, No. 572 Euclid av. Apply at 984 Euclid 824 Society for Savings at noon. ap14-tf FOR RENT-2 nice houses, and 7 rooms, corner of Hamilton and Lawrence cheap. 5 FOR RENT-26 Glendale, 9 rooms, $12.

6 R. M. PARMELY, 616 Cuyahoga Bldg. FOR RENT ROOMS. A GENTLEMAN having a furnished house in the East End near Euclid av.

cars, would be glad to And 2 or 3 congenial felity of securing board on a club basis. lows, who would a appreciate an opportunAddress box 93, Plain Dealer office. 4 THE KENYON-Cor. Wood and Summit furnished front rooms; beautiful view of the lake; all conveniences; $1.50, $2, $2.50 week; also rooms furnished for housekeeping. 7 7 A PLEASANT room In a private family; convenient to all street car lines; all conveniences and a splendid room for right party.

914 Scovill tf FOR RENT--Fine suite of rooms; bath, private entrance: with board, at Huron Terrace, Huron junction Euclid AV. JOSEPH TUTTLE. 8 two boarders for pleas? PRIVATE family will accommodate. one or ant neighborhood; all conveniences. BAY 83, Glenville.

FOR RENT-3 cozy rooms, 4 for newly papered; 49-51 Woodland av. ply janitor, room 20, or Steinfeld, 242 Superior st. tf FOR RENT--To man and wife, furnished or unfurnisbed rooms for light housekeeping. 20 Alanson near Cedar, East 4 FIRST-CLASS sultes; newly painted; modern improvements. GOLDSMITH BLOCK, 1155 Woodland.

mch24-tf FOR RENT- -Very pleasant furnished rooms, single or en suite; modern conveniences. 326 Pearl st. COZY suite. 2. rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; bath, gas stove; no children.

9 Granger. 4 A BEAUTIFUL front room with alcove, also an adjoining room; all conveniences. 791 Superior st. 4 ELEGANTLY furnished parlor; suitable for two or three gentlemen. Inquire 361 Prospect st.

6 ELEGANT suite rooms and. bath, with board, furnished or unfurnished. 831 Prospect. FOR RENT-Large, desirable rooms, 11D- furnisbed, with best of at 1332 av. 5 FOR RENT-Nicely furnished front room, with gas and bath.

139 Chestnut st. 4 THREE unfurnished rooms for -light housekeeping; water and gas. 55 Granger st. 4 FOR RENT-Furnished rooms, with or without board. 11 Cheshire st.

my3 BAY window room: large grounds: gentleman; rent reasonable. 1395 Euclid av. 4 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, first or floor, 132 Arlington st. FURNISHED front parlor; also rooms for light, housekeeping. Prospect.

8 FOR RENT--Very desirable furnished and unfurnished rooms. 462 Euclid. 5 HOMELIKE room for two persons, with good board. 169 Dodge st. 5 379 DETROIT.

20 minutes' walk from square. Furnished rooms $1.00. 16 NICELY furnished front room with all con-. veniences. 40 Granger st.

FIRST floor apartments; 6 rooms, bath, steam heat. Chestnut. TWO front rooms and one side room; all conveniences. 563 Case. NICELY furnished room, suitable for one or two.

10 Dorchester. FINE front room with alcove. 577 Cedar near Willson av. 8 4 ROOMS, $9 month, between Lincoln and Bolton. 1309 Cedar.

10 FOR RENT--BUSINESS PLACES. FOR RENT- 10 Frankfort store and loft 25x60, suitable for light manufacturing. No. 102 St. Clair large basem*nt, steam heat and elevator.

H. P. M'INTOSH, 5 201 Perry-Payne Bldg. FOR RENT-Desirable store; Hickox building, Erie st. front, near Euclid; also few good offices.

Inquire 710 Hickox building. 12 FOR RENT-Large room, 50x180; suitable for manufacturing purposes. Inquire CLEMENTS 23 Vincent st. mh15-SuTuTb-tt FOR RENT- A small store sultable for an ice cream parlor, near Wade park. Address box 79, Plain Dealer office.

FOR RENT-Store Store in Miller, block, 966 Payne. av. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY. M'ARTHUR'S REAL ESTATE. Specialty, Allotments.

1198 Pearl st. and 803 Clark J. H. McArthur. Cleveland, 0.

Je5-tf SON, General Real Estate and Mortgage Loan 204 Superior st. je10-tf Geo. M. Hicks, Pres. Henry J.

Lewis, Sec'y. Telephone 2218. GEORGE M. HICKS REALTY AND IM. Real Estate, PROVEMENT I CO.

je8-dexSu, 713 Garfield Cleveland, 0. JOHN W. TAYLOR 719-722 Garfield Bldg. je7-tt J. G.

W. COWLES, REAL ESTATE. Loans negotiated at lowest current rates on city property. 312 New England 129 Euclid av. Jeb-tf IF YOU WANT TO BUY, SELL OR RENT at any time, anywhere, call ou WEBB RAINEY, 513 Cuyahoga Bldg.

'Phone 4001. ja11-97 W. M. LOTTRIDGE, Buys, sells, rents or exchanges all descriptions of real estate. Money to loan on city real estate.

Residence property a specialty. 251 Telephone 1843. my28-tf C. H. KIDDER, Dealer in Real Estate.

All kinds of property bought, sold and exchanged. Special attention given to collecting rents aud property left in my hands on commission. Money to loan ou security in Cuyahoga a county. Office 121 Superior room 11, Cleveland, 0. Telephone No.

503. Je5-tf FOR SALE HOUSES AND LOTS. FOR SALE-We are sole agents for 82 new houses in the East End, built -the past autumn and winter, and guaranteed never yet occupied. Call and see list and illvestigate as to our having 82 and make an appointment to be driven to the property in pursuit of a home spot. Rare bargain in a handsome 10-room home and stable, No.

111 Brookfield near Euclid 45 ft. front, $7,500. J. C. L.

A. DAVIS, Phone No. 929. No. 416 Garfield Bldg.

ap26-dexSu-tf FOR SALENo. 564 Bolton new eight-room house with all improvements; price $2,900. Four new eight-room houses on the west side of Vienna with water, sewer and gas; all papered throughout; attic finished: price $2,900. No. 9 Eastdale a new six-room house, papered throughout; price small down payment; balance monthly.

W. H. CLEMINSHAW, Tel. 2047. 603 Society for Savings.

fe14-SuTuF-tt FOR SALE you want 3 well built house in East or West End, handy to cars, reasonable rates and easy terms, see DONALD M'KENZIE, ap25-tf 148 Arcade. FOR SALE-9-room house on Glendale, near Cedar, only easy terms. 6 R. M. PARMELY, 616 Cuyahoga Bldg.

FOR SALE-A 9-room house for $1,650, bringing $16 rent; a bargain. 212 Collister street. 5 MONEY TO LOAN MONEY LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Furniture, Pianos, Horses, Carriages, without removal; also Jewelry, Diamonds, at lowest rates and easier terms than elsewhere. Application by mall promptly attended FOREST CITY CHATTEL I LOAN 8 322 and 323 Society for Savings Bldg. mh23-tf LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, horses, wagons, carriages, without removal, made same.

day. We will give the privllege of paying it back in full or in part at any time and any amount paid reduces the cost of carrying the loan. THE CLEVELAND LOAN GUARANTEE 158 Superior 2d door opp. Bank st. jy24-tf MONEY to loan on pianos, household goods, horses and carriages; rates reasonable and time to suit your own convenience; business confidential.

THE CLEVELAND MORTGAGE LOAN 225 Superior, rooms 2 and 3. jy10-tf LOANS on chattel security at- ner cent. per month; monthly payments. THE ECONOMY BUILDING LOAN 7 Blackstone building. mh31-tt LOANS at 1 2 per cent.

on furniture, pianos, diamonds, without removal. RUTTER, 236 Superior room 32, over Hower Higbee's. oc21-tf TO -MONEY on watches, diamonds, jewelry; unredeemed goods for sale cheap. CHARLES ETTINGER, 112 Ontario. MONEY TO LOAN, PERMANENT' SAVINGS LOAN 176 Euclid av.

Loans' made on Cleveland Real Estate. Easy Payments. mch5-tt TO LOAN--On mortgage security, at current rates, in large or small sums. J. G.

W. COWLES, 313 New England Bldg. del-tf LOANS on real estate at lowest rates; mortgage notes purchased. de3-tf H. WAIN SON, 204 Superior st.

MONEY to loan on real estate at current rates in sume to suit borrower. 6 W. M. LOTTRIDGE, 251 Arcade. HORSES AND CARRIAGES.

THE J. O. GREENE CARRIAGE CO. has just received a new stock of carriages of the latest designs from the best eastern manufacturers; also new styles of our own make. just finished.

We carry 250 vehicles, including all classes known to the trade. It will pay you to look at our elegant display before purchasing. A fue line of hand-made. harness. Special attention given to repairing, repainting and rubber tires.

148 Huron near Euclid. my17 8 HORSES, drivers and draft; 2 ponies (one runner), coach and draft harnesses. carriages and wagons. HARRISON J. EWING, 1045 Crawford.

FOR SALE One, elegant family or road horse, harness, hand made top buggy and surrey. Inquire 322 Society for Savings. mch10-tf FOR SALE--Cheap: coupe and chariotee. Inquire room 3, Wick block. fe5-tf MEDICAL.

CATARRH positively cured: valuable recipe for 10c; leading $1 50 prescription; will cure a cold in one night; testimonials from noted Cleveland people. CLEVELAND REMEDY P. 0. lock box 33. 4 RUPTURE CURE inventor cured himself; free trial; call or send for printed matter.

Dr. Hendricks' Sanitarium, 808 Superior st. Phone 4019. tt DR. LOUTH has no superior in treating ailments of women.

170 Superior opp. Bank st. BICYCLES. SPECIAL, Clearing, Sale. of- '96 pattern second-hand Bicycles; good as new.

Prices will interest you. THE M'INTOSH-HUNTINGTON 8 116-118 Superior st. BICYCLE TIRES, $5 pair; best '97s; full guarantee. MINERALIZED RUBBER New York. Agents wanted.

SuTuF-my16 FOR SALE -The famous Keating bicycles, new, $55 for cash. Room 43, 74 Frankfort street. 5 STORAGE. FINE storage rooms for household goods at New Sheriff Street Market. fe26-tt REAL ESTATE.

FOR SALE-Fine modern home on W. S. Cornell; C. 10 rooms, barn, bargain. V.

TAYLOR SON, 243 Superior. FOR: SALE -Choice lots on Hawthorn av. aud Fourth close to Willson low prices. C. TAYLOR SON, 243 Superior.

FOR on. SALE very fine, modern residence Bolton close to Euclid; 12 rooms; bargain. V. C. TAYLOR SON, 213 Superior.

FOR SALE- Good house, 10 rooms, on Republic lot 54x140: fine shade, great bargain at call and get particulars. V. C. TAYLOR SON, 243 Superior. FOR SALE extra fine house of 8.

rooms w. s. of Beachwood, near Cedar cost every $3,900: convenience and in fine shape; V. C. now goes for bargain.

TAYLOR SON, 243 Superior. 12 NEW HOUSES ON THE PARKWOOD ALLOTMENT, with all the modern conveniences, water, sewer, gAS, furnace, open plumbing, hardwood finish, 6. 7, 8. 9 and 10 rooms, can be bought within the next 30 days at prices and terms that will be great surprise to anyone looking for a home. CLEVELAND REALTY St.

Wirls Wright, Managers. Clair and Doan. 2-4-6-8. BEAUTIFUL WINDEMERE. lots Euclid av.

cars pass every 5 minutes; and modern houses sold on easy terms. Apply at office on allotment or down town offices. ap25-tt 148 314 Cuyahoga Bldg. FOR SALE-Lake front, between Mentos and Painesville: beautiful wide beach; grass slope, good shade; can be bought in to lots have to suit purchaser; rare opportunity your own lake front; I have just completed an elegant house on the site. For price apply the owner, Charles Smith, Grand River P.

0., 0. 4 FOR SALE Nine-room modern house: hardwood. porcelain tub, laundry fixtures, lavatory, decorated; lot 170 deep; west side Genesee; best bargain in city. J. F.

ADAMS. Office Hough, near Bolton. FOR Hough av. and Crawford road, A fine site for A business or apartment block; 161 feet on Hough by 170 on will be sold cheap. T.

A. SELOVER, my13 425-426 Cuyahoga Bldg. 79 LINCOLN, near Euclid, 40-foot lot; 9 rooms; special bargain. See us about it. 10 H.

WAIN SON, 204 Superior st. TO Rockwell. LEASE-77 feet on Eric corner of Inquire of J. 1'. Koehler, 243 Erie: st.

8 ESTATE. WANTED-We want a lot on Spangler, Ingleside. WEBB RAINEY, 'Phone 4001. 513 Cuyahoga Bldg. 4 STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING.

land, In the state of Ohio, on Thursday, the 20th day of May, 1897, at 10 o'clock for the purpose of considering, voting and deciding whether the stockholders of the company shall consent, an I shall authorize said company through it; board of directors and proper execute and to deliver an issue of Its bonds for an aggregate principal sum not exceeding $50,000,000. payable June 1, 1907, bearing interest at the rate of three ant one-half of one per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, both priucipal and interest to be payable in gold coin of the United States of the present standard of weight and fineness: and, as security for such bonds, to make and execute and to deliver to some trust company in the city of New York, or to some other trustee or trustees to be designated by the board of directors, a mortgage of any or all of the railroads, leasehold interests, equ'pment and franchises and income of the Lake Shore Michigan Southern Railway and accordingly to increase the indebtedness of the rallway company to the eXtent that said aggregate principal suin shall exceed the existing indebtedness of said company, and to consent to and approve of any mortgage that may be presented to said meeting for securing the said bonds; and to ratify the proccedings of the board of directors authorizing 'such bonds and mortgage. By order of the board of directors. dSu-my20 E.

D. WORCESTER. Sec'v. OFFICE OF THE LAKE SHORE MICIIIGAN SOUTHERN RAILWAY ERIE, March 17, 1897. Notice 'Is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Luke Shore Michigan, Southern Railway Co.

has been duly calfed and will be held at the chief office of the company in the state of Pennsylvania- -that is, at the passenger station of the company, in the city of Erie, Pennsylvania--on Thursday, the 20th day of May, 1897, at 4 o'clock D. to take action and to vote in anproval or disapproval of the proposal to Increase the Indebtedness of the company by the issue of bonds for an aggregate principal sulu not exceeding $50.000,000, payable June 1, 1997, bearing Interest at the rate of three and one-half of one per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, both principal and interest to be payable in gold coin of the United States of the present standard of weight and fineness; and, as security for such bonds, to make and execute and to deliver to some trust company in the city of New York, or to some other trustee or trustees to be designated by the board ot directors, a mortgage of any or all of the railroads, leasehold interests, cquipment. and franchises and income of the Lake OFFICE OF THE LAKE SHORE MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILWAY CLEVELAND, March 17, 1897. Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Lake Shore Michigan Southern Railway Co.

has been duly called and will be held at the company's principal office at Clere- Shore Michigan Southern Railway and accordingly to increase the indebtedness of the railway company to the extent that said aggregate principal sum shall exreed the existing bonded indebtedness of said company, and to consent to and approve of any mortgage that may be presented said meeting for securing the said bonds; and to ratify the proceedings of the board of directors authorizing such 'bonds and mortgage. By order of the board of directors. dSu- my 20 E. D. WORCESTER, Sec'y.

THE LAKE SHORE AND MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILWAY CLEVELAND, Ohio. April 5th, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the Annuni Meeting of the stockholders of this Company for the election of Directors. and also for the purpose of obtaining the assent of the Stockholders to the nerfectIng and taking by this Company of leases of the railroads of the Swan Creek Railway Company, the Northern Central Michigan Railroad Company, and the Kalamazoo White Pigeon Rallway Company, and the be transaction brought of such before other it, business as may will be held at the principal office of the Company in Cleveland. Ohio, on the the first Wednesday In May, 1897 (being fifth day of the month), at 10 o'clock a.

m. The for election Directors will be. opened at 10 a. m. and closed nt 11 a.

11. By order of the Board of Directors. F. D. WORCESTER, Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Stockholders of the N.

Chicago St. Louis Rallroad Company, for the election of Directors, and other general purposes, will be held at 9 o'clock a. on Wednesday, May 5th, 1897, at the Company's principal office, in Clereland, Oblo. my5 ALLYN COX, Secretary. 1 STENOGRAPHER.

THE AMANUENSES' TRAINING SCHOOL in '96 furnished 59 positions to stenographers. New year opened with increased facilities. LOUISE PATTERSON, 1018 Soc. for Sav. fe17-tt ATTORNEYS.

ERF DAVENPORT, Attorneys-at-Law, 601- New England bldg. Will practice in the state and Quick col- lections. Prompt No fee unless successful..

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.