Corpus Christi Caller-Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2024)

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Corpus Christi Caller-Timesi

Corpus Christi, Texas

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C-A CORPUS CHRISTI CALLER Thursday Oct 23 1947 Humble Oil Co Upheld In Harrison Lease Case Ramadier Shaping Cabinet To Exlude DeGaulle Bloc in i pwww ua i 'v i 'j' A i ft'-' --rA 1 MfC -1 i -A fiv- tv-' if '-v 'J -5 'rjT- had not acted in good faith or negligently The company had paid the full amount of rental but less to Harrison than he was entitled to receive and more to another party the opinion related It added that the original deed which Humble was not a was ambiguous and that Harrison had made no protest of the rental payments GAS FLOOR FURNACE oN sweating walls Na hot and cold pockets! An even Automatic temperature threugheat year heme Guaranteed years against rusting out er burning sal Our salesmen wfll be glad to make a survey at year heme tor size and Installation cast AUSTIN Oct 22 If) -The Supreme Court today upheld the Humble Oil and Refining Co in a dispute with Harrison over rental payments on a mineral lease on 1074 acres of land in Brazoria County reversing lower court holdings for Harrison In district court Humble sought to remove cloud from its title to a mineral leasehold which It said Harrison cast by contending it had failed to pay the correct amount of delay rentals The opinion the first by newly appointed Associate i James Hart noted there was no evidence to show that Humble INk Vi PARIS Oct 22 The members of the French cabinet tonight handed their resignations to Socialist Premier Paul Ramadier and a reliable Informant said he was streamlining his government to exclude any members with leanings toward Gen Dr Gaulle The resignations came on heels of Ramadier's call for a special session of the National Assembly next Tuesday to face France's economic crisis and the political situation caused by the success of De new party In municipal elections Ramadier was apparently seeking a cabinet which would give him the strangest possible support during the torrid debate expected when the assembly convenes to tackle the grave Issues facing the country The Informant said Ramadier would slash his cabinet almost In from 20 to 11 members Ramadier cancelled a Scheduled news conference at which It had been expected he would explain the audden resignations One of 1 officers declared the new government "will be made up entirely of men from the old one" Foreign Minister Georges Blda-ult whose Popular Republican Party (MRP) lost heavily in the municipal balloting seemed certain of remaining in the cabinet Among those slated to be dropped National Economy Minister Andre Philip Socialist education Marcel Naegelen Socialist War Paul Goste-B'loret MRP Minister of state Felix Gouin Socialist Air Andre Maroselll Radical-Socialist navy Louis Jacquinot Independent agriculture Pierre Tanguy Prigent Socialist colonies Marius Moutet Socialist public health Robert Prigent MRP This would leave Ramadier with A vfc rj IUITTS CS IS Bill 2 secoiis sir1 1 f- y-ifcX-' IffiTBIE ASPIRIN Xt 'vt A RADIO fr APPLIANCE COMPANY 1321 Staples rhene till a compact rsbinct of four Socialists In addition to himself three MRP's and three Radical-Socialists Ramadier conferred at length with Bidault who then met with members of his party's central committee One informant said Bi-(lauit told the premier that the MRP entered the coalition when the party was strong and had no right to remain now that it waa weak coalition government had been in office Since May 4 when the Communists were ousted leaving the Socialists Radical Socialists MRP and Independents Diomede Catroux press officer Tor De Gaulle's rally of the French People (FrR) Said the resignations showed the need for "dissolution of the National Assembly and new general elections" He said he considered his party's position to be that It would accept neither the premiership nor part-lcipntion In a coalition governmnt aa long as it Is with a majority in the assembly which no longer represents the political physiognomy of the country" He said it waa a matter for the conscience of Ramadier or President Auriol "what they want to do with a government thst no longer represents more than 30 percent of the people" Sinre Ramadier did not resign Auriol was left out of the picture Ramadier can go ahead with formation of a new cabinet without consulting the president aince Ra madier still remains Vested with authority given him by the assem bly and Is free to shake up his cabinet as he aees fit Had Ramadier and his cabinet resigned It would have been up to Auriol to pick a new premier and De Gaulle might have come more prominently into the picture Communist Deputy Florimond Bonte commented that the cabinet resignation was "a step toward return to the popular front for Ramadier certainly plans to eject the MRP from his 1 '7 ''-Sr sr C' T1 min lltaiw ias i 'Srzrhi! cLxi'MS TEST TUBE BABY HERS ALONE Mrs Julia Strnad hugs her daughter Antoinette 4 in their home in New York City after her estranged husband Antoine claimed a share in the child In court the mother claimed the baby is a product of artificial insemination and therefore she is the sole legal parent The Mtest tube baby claim arose in Mrs legal attempt to keep her husband from visiting the child (AP Wirephoto) More Arrests Announced In Two-State Car Thefts Glohc-Circlcrs Nearing -Toughest Lpg of Journey TOKYO Oct 22 OT-Cllfford Evans and George Truman flying leisurely around the world In Piper Cubs said today they planned to take off from Haneda airport In Tokyo tomorrow tot northern Japan They expect to land near Sapporo on Hokkaido Japan's most northerly Island tomorrow night From there they will attempt the toughest leg of their journey a 1-500-mile hope to the Aleutians They have asked the Russians for permission to land on Soviet territory In event they are forced down by mechanical or unfavorable weather conditions but so far have received no answer MONROE La Oct 22 (B Two more persons have been arrested in connection with what Assistant UJS District Attorney Lea Thompson calls a gigantic Texas-Louisiana stolen car ring Thompson identified the newest defendants as Mrs Audrey Buslf-er and Bernice Busher both of Benson La They were indicted by a federal grand jury along with Sam Bush- cr the accused husband who is a Lake Charles La used car dealer and Albert Hollingsworth an employe of Busher Thompson said the four are charged in seven separste counts with transporting and selling three csrs and a truck stolen in Texas In addition he said they face State prosecution on charges of stealing about 20 other vehicles in Louisiana and disposing of them through sales agency OUT TIIE Sunday Law Question Remains Alive Nor Ene SUITS Made in California Carefully cut beautifully finished and to give that well-proportioned look to the women of overage height Made of Fine Worsted Fabrics HARDIOFJHEARING If jmis teakios ter Death Toll Rises DALLAS OcL 22 Twenty-four consecutive days without a traffic death in Dallas ended today with the death of a 40-year-old woman who died of injuries suffered Saturday In a bus-auto collision The victim was Mrs Mary Erickson of Dallas who was driving the car when it collided with a city bus Ex-Gonvict Withdraws 20-Year Term Appeal HOUSTON Oct 22 Oft Adrian Leon Roark ex-convict convicted of assault to murder his wife and her employer today withdrew his appeal of a 20-year sentence given him for armed robbery lie faces sentences totaling 40 years zens committee north of Buffalo Bayou suggested that if the law is enforced the city should hang crape banners over highways entering the city "to show that the town is fa a kaarmg com i of taa tka a aw jMijlim Imperial Thia AH-ls-OM bear-tea aid ao email! caataias thafamoaa Cvaraady' batteries yattf'a abmit a afeadar at a teontam era aad hardly more ihau half at tons Try Ih saw SeaaaUcM Tea may aac a aai a enjoy a-)wf alram-free baariaa! We ateeh far a Mdi ef ba WAKE UP YOUR LIVER Witkast AaJ Yasll Jmmf Oaf at Bd is tha Monisg Raria la Ca Th livrr ihoulii pnur out ahnut pinta at bila juica bit your Iwaria two day If thia bila ia aut Mowing trmAy yoor fond ma not diftd It may Juat doray ia tha bank Thra gaa Mnata up your atomarh You art cna-atipatad You fact aour wink sad tha world loaka punk It tahra thaoa mild gpatta Carter LKtlo Uvar PiHa to sat thoaa 2 pinta ef bila flow-tug (rcriy to nuka you frl and (i-t a parhaga today Take aa ditaeted Marti fa making bilr flaw fnaty Aik for Littia liver Villa eve Ready feJcrrrattB Forest Fires Take Heavy ToU In Widespread Ten State Area Frank Ramsey 519 Tsncmfaus none 2-1223 MRS McLEAN HOUSTON Oct 22 W-Debate raged before the city council for several hours today but there was no decision as to the ethics of selling groceries and soda pop on Sunday The council took no action on future enforcement of a Sunday closing ordinance originally adopted in IKS but placed Into action last Sunday on demand of the city's super market grocers and ministerial alliance for the first time since IS Following today's meeting Mayor Oscar Holcombe said he probably will summon the council later in the week to take action but for the time being his orders to Police Chief Payne are the same: Enforce the Sunday closing ordinance The Re Eugene Sister pester of the Rearing Memorial Metho- ilifit lhuf(K tend to the council a formal etetement outlining' tle el-lianrea views: believe that man is in danger rf being enslaved by our materialistic age the statement read we favor the dosing of stores on Sunday We favor at aU times the enactment and enforcement of just laws which rafeguard the institution of the Ird Day A May who appeared before the council as president of the citi SHERMAN-PATTON Bit DIAL 9712 STAFLES upper Peninsula is becoming "increasingly dangerous" with 55 fires already reported in that section Fires in Minnesota were reported under control In Wisconsin the acting governor banned all forma of hunting and trapping in tha north ami central parta of tha StEtC Hid Also prohibited op an fir and smoking la tha Th a a a conservation department plana to drop dry icc in clouds over a 4800 acre fire near iron belt tomorrow In an effort to produce rain night after fire wardens reported that 254 fires had broken out in 11 days in the Adirondack forests and other state controlled areas Twenty fires had burned more than 2000 acres in New Jersey where State Conservation Goramis-staner Morgan Larson ordered all campct-s fir permit cancelled after the 20 lire broke QUt YC3 tcrJay tion at the White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire and blazes were reported in Vermont the worst at Greensboro Rhode Island had a 260-acre blaze near the Lincoln Downs racetrack In New Tork state a pall of smoke extended nearly SO miles to the New York metropolitan area aa a raging forest ft re at Harriman was brought under partial control by successful backfiring New York Conservation Department officials said they are confronted with the worst forest Cre hazard in 20 years because of the prolonged drouth Several midwestem states also reported forest and brush fires as a result of drouth The Michigan Conservation Department said the fire threat in the rv the associated tress Forest fires In ten states resulted in millions of dollars worth of damage today as the New England area alone battled several outbreaks and counted property losses above the 23 million mark Dry weather phis unseasonably wim tempera turn accounted tor many the Maaee moat of which were reported under control The mummt Itaatieiwas a Maine arheie oomlitlona war described by Forest Commissioner Raymond Randall as "the most explosive" ever recorded in the state One forest fire along a five mile stretch at Maine coastline near e- hunkport destroyed almost 200 buildings mostly summer cottages before it was brought under control Randall said total loss so far was "roughly $2300000" from more than SO spearate fires A Massachusetts loan of more than $500000 was estimated by fire warden Joseph Peabody and officials throughout the New England area said danger was increasing as the nearly month-long rough continued In New Tork Gov Thomas Dewey ordered all state -owned woodlands closed at midnight to- 'EKMB FOR LIMITED TIME! Scout Fund Drive Termed Successful Written reports of the results of the one-day fund drive conducted by the Gulf Coast Scout Council Tuesday are expected at the local Scout office by the end of the week Gilbert Myers assistant Scout executive said yesterday Myers was confident that the drive had netted the 215500 goal Reports from only 21 of the 33 towns and communities where the campaigns were conducted netted 212047 Myers said and several large towns have not reported FALSE TEETH That Loosen Need Nof Embarrass WE HAVE MANILLA FILE FOLDERS LETTER OR LEGAL SIZE 100 TO THE BOX the big onew-a-year limited-time offer thousands trait for! The famous snow-white greaseleas medicated cream that helps Improve peer complaaiew helps beat externally-caused klamUhea chapped heeds that helps relieve ao many different typed of annoying akin irritation! If you've never tried this medicated cream that's used by scores of nurses doctors and millions of others your chnnre to get thia big-value offer at 49f I Regular users! While thia Special Offer is on get a jar for every member ef the family The big boudoir iar Is oh sale new at all drug and cosmetic counters SEITTER PHOTO SERVICE 1221 KINNEY AVENUE Csrsm Cfcrlati CmM Cast at Beware Coughs Following Flu After the flu Is over sad gone the cough that follows may develop Into chronic bronchitis 12 neglected Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to wothe and heal raw tender Inflamed bronchial mucous membranes No matter how many medicines you have tried tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way It quickly allays the cough or you are to nave your money back CREOMULSION for Coughs Chest Colds Brraehitis jflCKBonnEWco Man wrarera at faia lath hava auf-real airbarraiaramt bccana thflr flair ernpprd alipprd ar wabblrd at jut thr mn tint Do not Me in Irar ef this hawf-nm to you Jl aurtnkl a lilt I FASTEETH tha aliutiar (nan art I pnwdrr on your Plata Baida false trrtb more firmly the faei more comfortable Does not aour Cherfca odor Idenlur hraath) Get VASTEETH at an drua atur lAdtrl "FREE DELIVERY FREE PARKING SPACE 1722 LEOPARD STREET is youPhousP) WINTER? MOISTITI ASBESTOS FIBftl ROOF COATING PER OAL 944 IN FIVES TREMCO STRIP SEAL CAVMINS HAMBY FORM SIMM AQl OMn Itef Aev RoofinglWateynrcfiag 31 bi IT'S MADE AND GUARANTEED BY THE MRS TUCKER'S FOLKS JO wotches repaired here are tested on the Cana la end Let Test Tour Watch Free 1 to 7 Days Service Watches waterproofed free Lowest Prices io Town JOE DICKERSON 22 Tears Ex peri BILL MOOSE SS 55 for magnetic glamor all the way It blends your entire figure into one fluid glamorous fine Per no other foundation combines tfis firm control and supple comfort of Life fire and Life Girdle elf in ene piece No wonder more women wear Formfit creations than eny other underfashionsl Life Foundation $750 up- Be fined today At better itoret everywhere CORPUS CURISTI 1331 Stoples 1024 Mesquite Dial 6995 Dial 6617 2S1 Chaparral Thone 2-2123 MADE ONLY SY 1HE fOSMflT COMTANV CHICAGO NEW VSK -mJA.

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Corpus Christi Caller-Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Views: 6411

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.