Wicked Wednesday - Jaffa and Cashew Fudge Recipe - ThermoFun | Thermomix Recipes & Tips (2024)

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One of my favourite things is the taste of orange and chocolate together to get the yummy jaffa taste. This recipe is a twist on my lime and macadamia fudge.

If you haven’t seen some of myother Wicked Wednesday recipes that are published on the 3rd Wednesday of the month then here you go ?Wicked Wednesday recipes.

Wicked Wednesday – Jaffa and Cashew Fudge Recipe

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Wicked Wednesday - Jaffa and Cashew Fudge Recipe - ThermoFun | Thermomix Recipes & Tips (2)


  • zest of 1 orange, finely grated
  • 500g milk or dark chocolate
  • 20g coconut oil
  • 400g condensed milk
  • 150g cashew nuts


  1. Line a slice tin with baking paper.
  2. Zest orange finely with a microplane or grater (you can zest in the TM if you wish, but I prefer for this recipe, the zest be finer than what the TM can do).
  3. Place chocolate and oil into TM bowl and grate 10 sec / speed 9.
  4. Add condensed milk and melt 5 mins / 50°C / speed 1.
  5. Add nuts and zest (leaving aside a tiny amount of zest for sprinkling on top) and mix 3 min / 50°C / speed 4 (it’s ok if nuts break a little bit – so no need to have TM on reverse).
  6. Pour into prepared tin and sprinkle with a little more zest and refrigerate overnight prior to cutting.

To clean Thermomix bowl:

  1. Pour a glass of milk into TM bowl and mix 5 sec / speed 8.
  2. Heat milk 5 mins / 80°C / speed 4.
  3. Enjoy warm chocolate milk. No wasted chocolate!

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For other ThermoFun Wicked Wednesday recipesClick Here

Click Herefor more great recipes in a number of e-cookbooks – containing recipes to suit everyone.

If you have enjoyed this recipe then please consider leaving a comment. It’s always refreshing to see comments from people that have tried a recipe and found it a success or tweaked it to suit.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Amanda T says

    I love this fudge, as does everyone I've given it too. First Christmas batch done and in the fridge. Thanks Leonie for such a delightful gift idea


    • thermofun says

      Thank you Amanda - I trust it's well hidden in the vege crisper so no one will find it! :)


      • Amanda says

        Hahaha, nope, but I did steal a few slices and gave some to my helpers so had to make a second batch for more presents. This is my absolute favourite fudge :-)


        • thermofun says

          haaaaaa haaaaa always make seconds..lol.. Thanks for the feedback Amanda.


  2. Jo says

    Love this fudge thanks. Very easy and works well with the thermofun condensed milk


    • thermofun says

      Thanks Jo, I'm pleased you enjoy it! :)


  3. Melissa says

    Loved this one.
    Used smashed up jaffas on top to decorate.


    • thermofun says

      Oh that sounds delish Melissa! I will try that next time :)


  4. Bex says

    Hello excuse me just how do you sleep at night?
    You are encouraging indulgence...don't stop!
    I have been watching your site for a while first recipe tried and wow! This fudge is siiiiiinful!
    Used mixed nuts and several brands of chocolate to clear cupboard stash also added some orange extract. Snuck a tiny corner after couple hours in fridge....soooo good! It will def have to leave the house to prevent the hip expansion!
    Thanks for all of your terrific ideas. Much appreciated.


    • thermofun says

      lol thanks Bex :)
      oh you may not have seen my dieting rules - so these may help prevent your hip expansion! ;) https://thermofun.com/thermofun-dieting-rules/


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Wicked Wednesday - Jaffa and Cashew Fudge Recipe - ThermoFun | Thermomix Recipes & Tips (2024)
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