The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)

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SECTION ONE' PAGE EIGHT RRflNPH OirSl Ulin 11 Uli Ul I I LU st Vincent de Taul Societies To Meet WILL BE OPENED Social Security Service To Be Provided At Madison ville and Henderson Two branch offices of the Owens boro social security board will be established this month and operated regularly hereafter it was announced Saturday One office will be in Mad isonville the other in Henderson with both under the direction of Hugh A McNary manager of tire social security office in the Owens boro post office Starting April 17 service will be given each Wednesday in the Madi sonville post office by arrangement with Judge Shain postmaster A room in the basemejit of the post office has been rentivated for tne branch and is being furnished Every other Wednesday there will be representatives of the social se curity board at Madisonville to issue social security account numbers with those who apply for original or du plicate numbers On alternate Wednesdays numbers will not be issued at Madisonville but applica tions will be recehcd and cards is sued later at Owensboro and mailed to applicants Each Wednesday claims applica tions will be received and persons eligible to receive old age or surviv ors insurance will be interviewed When account numbers are being issued the office will be in operation from 10 am until 4 pm On the other Wednesdays the office will be in operation throughout the day There will be similar service in Henderson starting on April 25 On alternate Thursdays account num bers will be issued from 10 am un til 4 pm and on the other Thursdays claims and oilier service will be given Claud Brown postmaster at Hen derson has arranged for office space to be assigned in the lobby of the post office there HELEN DERBY OUND DEAD IN GAS ILLED HOTEL ROOM New York April 13 Helen Derby 34 divorced first wife of Burgess Meredith stage and screen actor was found dead in the gas filled apartment of her on Square apartment early today Police said she had written a will on a calendar pad and closed with these words: fine except for fumes (Signed) Oasis Tavern 210 rederica Street Home Cooked Meals All You Can Eat or Vvt Served the Old ashion Way Have Your Prescriptions illed By KARN CARPENTER Owenshoro Prescription Store rederica At ourth 1 PHONE 505 AJA VV A A ok HeJtsley OPTOMETRIST for GLASSES Specializing In Refraction Smith Bates Bldg Phono 2840 At Cathedral Conferences of the St Vincent de Paul societies of the Owensboro dio cese will meet today at St Stephen's Cathedral Organization of a particu lar council will be discussed The con ferences in this diocese are now un der the direction of the particular conference of Louisville Members from the conferences of St Paul's St Joseph's and St Stephen's churches Owensboro and St rancis de Sales Paducah together with the clergy of the diocese will attend The Very Reverend Bowling will be the speaker ollowing the meeting luncheon will be served to the visitors Presidents of the four conferences in the diocese are as follows: St Paul Dr A Willis St Joseph Paul Lewis St Stephen's Hany Baumgarten and St rancis de Sales Martin Yopp The St Vincent de Paul society is a charity organization that looks after the welfare of the needy smmuB TO BE HEBE Saturday Musicale To Ex tend Invitation At Spring i Meeting At Danville The Saturday Musiealc will ex tend an invitation to the Kentucky ederation of Music clubs to hold its 1941 session in Owensboro at the state convention to be held in Danville May 9 10 and 11 plans for which were made at a meeting of the club at the library Saturday aft ernoon The ederation met in Ow ensboro in 1923 Miss Ovcla O'lynn by virtue of being retiring presi dent will attend this meeting Two accredited delegates will be Mrs Miller Haynes and Mrs Henry Petit Alternates will be Mrs Brian and Mrs Septer Officers were elected for two years to succeed those whose terms ex pire at this time as follows: Presi dent Mrs Miller Haynes: vice president Mrs Ovela O'lynn secre tary Mrs Maurice Stimson: librar ian Mrs Bernard Alvey counselors Morning Musiealc Mrs Cavin: Junior Musicale Mrs Brian and Mrs Donald Mitchell Juvenile Musiealc Mrs red Weir Holdover officers include: Treasurer Miss An na ord McClanahan: vice coun selor Morning Musicale Miss Rose Bailey vice counselor Juvenile Mu sicale Mrs Wallace Thacker Prior to the business session Mrs Hal Compton and Mrs Septer new ly elected members of the club gave a program of voice and piano num bers Announcement was made of a pia no ensemble to be held by the Hen derson Music club the evening of May 17 The Saturday Musical mem bers are invited to attend as guests of the Henderson club A contribu tion of $5 to the American Society for the Control of Cancer was made Miss O'lynn president presided LOOK SPORTSMEN There will be a regular meeting of the Daviess County Game and ish Protective Association Monday night April 15th at seven thirty o'clock at the Citv Hall GAMES Sec'y and Treas Jane of Syca more Stanley Sun day 8:15 RED SPOT vM'DEPENDABLE 1 DvncpnT and DURABLE! KLD drU 1 OUTSIDE WHITE SPECIAL! $050 gpaer I 5 Gal Can Correct color schemes carried out with Reel Spot can make your home as modern as today Use Red Spot Paints exclusively for all decorating purposes they're better go farther and cost far Jess! Weight 1 7 lbs per gallon I mODeRn' 1 ill I PflM I See the New Nationally Advertised UNITIZED WALL PAPERS Style Tested! Sun Tested! Wall Tested! Wash Te I aJ 4 HOUR ENAMEL 55c BRILLITE ENAMEL 7Qc $25 Housecleaning Needs of Every Description Owensboro Paint Glass Co 310 REDERICA Phone 375 WALNUT BHIWL CENSUS WGBKER5 ARE GIVEN PRA1S TO CLOSE TODAY Da OUR BOYS HELD TO GRAND JURY Local Laconics PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS MODERN WELDING COMPANY COMPLETE ABRICATING AND ORMING SHOP NOW is the time A RICHARDSON ROO I can Too Late to Classify We Are Paint MULLEN HAYNES CO Phone 1300 9 The Best Place to Eat RANK PASS Prop war Sat LOL'ISVILLE EVANSVILLE BEAVER DAM ield 320 Booth avenue at Tuesday May 21 day Musicale for the Juvenile Musi cale include Mrs Parker and Mrs Wallace Thacker It is estimated that in one form or another about 300 pieces of rub ber are used in the manufacture of motor cars be held at the Seven Hills Bap church at 7:30 executive committee will meet in at is meets injury refuge at the The New York zoo has a metal cylinder for picking up porcupines The cylinder actually scoops up the animal reading "We Are the Marjorie Donovan accordion Mrs Lottie Morris her mother Mrs Parrish avenue Howard has returned City after spending' sev with her daughter Mrs You buy a better roof than and show you why you save money on this attractive and colorful roof Juvenile Musicale Juvenile Musicale will meet Owensboro Ice Cream and Employment Office To Get Data On Veterans At a speed of 50 miles an hour the margin of safety between vehicles is 167 feet Mrs talk on Parvin for the part on resh River Catfish Country Ham Steaks and Chops REGULAR DINNER Auxiliary To Meet The auxiliary of the National Association of Letter Car riers will meet at the home of Mrs Preston Ambrose 2001 East Sixth street at 7 :30 pm Tuesday April 16 Dixon Layton Mrs Addie Dixon of Buel an nounces the marriage of her daugh ter Mabel to Mr Wayland Lay ton riday at the home of the Rev Alexander pastor of the irst Christian church the Rev Mr Alex ander officiating Mr and Mrs Lay ton will reside at the home of the bride's mother Auxiliary To Meet The auxiliary of the Na tional ederation of Postoffice Clerks will meet at the home of Mrs George Holden 1115 Emerson court at 7:30 pm riday April 19 instead of Wednesday April 17 as scheduled teach a Long Mon being school Reception Postponed The Garden club has postponed a reception announced to be held at Honey Krust cottage at 7:30 pm Tuesday April 16 until a later date The Owensboro office of the Ken tucky Employment Service Is coop erating in a nationwide drive to se cure more complete and up to date information concerning all unem ployed veterans of the World Killian manager said urday All unemployed veterans in viess county have been asked by him to go to the Employment service office 116 East Third street and take' their discharge certificates and any disability papers they may have Representatives of the office will be in other counties in this district soon for the purpose of obtaining the in formation The drive is expected to give a picture of the condition of unem ployed veterans as to skill and quali fications occupational experience recent work history and their physi cal ability to do either hard or light work Owensboro Women Honored Two Owensboro young women at DePauw university Greencastle Ind have been selected to attend the annual dinner in honor of out standing women on the campus to be given by the Journalism society on April 19 Miss Elizabeth Smith daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Smith a Junior in the school of music is in charge of the music at Rector residence hall and is president of the honorary music fraternity Phi Mu Epsilon Sue gave her Junior recital for piano Saturday and will leave shortly with the college choir to sing at a Methodist conference at Atlantic City The group wil give concerts at several cities enroute Miss Jane Dunning a daughter of Mr and Mrs Dunning a Sen ior in the liberal arts college is a member of Tusitala Honorary Liter ary society is president of her soror ity Alpha Omicron Pi and is the author of "Needless a musi cal comedy which will be presented at the university May 3 and 4 She also writes a weekly column for the school newspaper at DePauw Hardinsburg Ky April 13 our Owensboro boys Billy Martin Mil ton Teasley Melvin Blacklock and ulkerson were held to the Breckinridge county grand jury fol lowing their examining trial here today on three charges of store house breaking It Is alleged they broke into two stores here and one at Cloverport Bond for the youths was fixed at $3000 each Owensboroans who came here as witnesses at the trial were Acting Chief of Police Vernie Bid well Police Patrolmen William Set tle and Shirley Embry Identifica tion Officer Vogel of the Ow ensboro police department Joe Goode and Leet Supper Meeting The Triple class of the Breck enridge Street Methodist church will entertain the Rev A Young class with a supper Tuesday evening ollowing the supper a program will be given based on "The Work of a The program will be as follows: Prayer the Rev Mr Bowles Scrip ture reading Martine Bradley talk "How To Build a Better Sunday School Mrs Lula Townsley teacher of the Triple class vio lin solo Billy Morris talk "Cooper ation in the Sunday School the Rev Mr Bowles piano duet Misses Georgia Cox and Ruth Set tles Miss solo Miss Athlene Benton has returned to Temple Tex where she is tech nician at the Scotland White clinic after a visit to Mr and Mrs Brooks of Handyville and relatives In Daviess county She is a daughter of Mr A Benton formerly of Utica Rev A Conley Mrs Conley and son David returned Saturday from Amanda Ohio where they were call ed the first of last week by the ser ious illness in the family of Mrs Conley Miss Helen Tyler Doriot a dra ma student at the Conservatory of Music is spending her spring vaca tion with Doriot in Mrs to Central eral days Clark Jr SAE DEPENDABLE AST REIGHT DID YOU KNOW? That would ha to drive your car a distance equivalent to that from Owensboro to Chicago every day Including Sundays for a year to equal the combined mileage cov ered by ECK MILLER'S trucks in a week in their business of delivering freight safely to Its destination? The unfinished Sixth Avenue subway of New York City when completed will weave over and un der four other subways AINU 1 SAVE MONEY! A complete service in steel with our base price as low as any warehouse Let us have the opportunity to fig ure that next job McAtee Lyddane Ray Incorporated We write a 25 dividend paying non assessable Mutual ire Insur ance Policy for the Central Manufac Mutual Company established in 1876 Losses paid promptly Pro tection complete and certain GREER INSURANCE AGENCY Onis Greer Lawrence Weill Leona Leach CARD THANKS Wc take this opportunity to thank all of our friends who in any way assisted In t'e illness and death of our mother Mrs Elizabeth Evans THE AMILY IRA WOOD SON Plumbing Heating Co 2nd St at New Bridge Rev Hammond To Speak On Essentials Of A Happy At 3 DR RANK PARDON 3rd sc Closed Thurs Afternoon Owensboro District ound In Best Shape By Assist ant Area Supervisor I Bond or Owensboro Youths ixed At $3000 Each In Breckinridge TRUE! One person in every seven with some form of accidental each year Why risk vour all solve the problem economically TRAVELERS DAVID COX 306 Cary Bldg Phone 2860 Herschel McKinley assistant su I pervisor of the Owensboro district I in taking the 1940 census said Sat I urday that ulton armer assistant to rank Stubblefield area super visor in a recent visit to the local 1 'office said the best results and near I est complete returns are available 1 here than he has been found else where in a district office 1 Mr McKinley has been traveling over the district the past week In Webster county Miss Catherine Stull 1 has been named enumerator in the I Sebree magisterial district to sue I John Sutton resigned I Reports Saturday from enumera I tors in the city of Owensboro totalled I 12815 which is 57 per cent of the 9 1930 population total of 22765 This fl indicates to the supervisor Robert! Weikel and Mr McKinley hjgl assistant that a substantial gain viAJ be found here as the taking of thejj population census was begun April 2 1 ROPER GAS RANGES PLUMBING HEATING GAS APPLIANCES Automatic Hot Water Heaters CLYDE MUDD air T20 Second Phone Day 2506 Nite 1559 The at the Dairy Products club rooms 230 Cedar street at 3:15 pm Wednesday unanes Kicn will give a "rom Songs to Gillim will be the leader afternoon Others taking the program will be Ann oust Ann Haynes Carter Walter Bain Donald Johnson Doris Adkins Jane Bartlete and Norma Boster Hostesses will be Pauline Kirk and Virginia aye Lake Counselors from the Satur Will Give Your Home Individuality and Distinctive Appearance! CARD THANKS Wc wish to thank all of our friends and relatives for their kindness and sympathy during the illness and dcutli of our father John Milton THE CHILDREN THE MESSENGER OWENSBORO KY SUNDAY 'APRIL 14 1940 Jane of Sycamore which was successfully presented at Snyder school April 12 will be repeated at St school Stanley at 7 today The cast in a scene above in cludes reading from left to right Teresa Milner Sims Marie ischer Mildred Clark Mary Ann Nicholas Biimm Mary Ruth Clark Trudie Tong rank Krampe and Ann Theresa Clark Buddy Keller also a member of the cast was absent when this picture was taken Tapscott's for flowers Gifts Tiny Tot Shop lowers loral Shop Leona Moneymaker Beautician Personal Beauty Service Rexall one cent sale April 17 18 19 20 Smith Bates Mildred Street Licensed Oper ator Personal Beauty Service No 1 for Zoric cleaning Model Laundry Cleaners Smeathers Beautician Personal Beauty Service Born to Mr and Mrs James eldpausch 2224 West Ninth street on April 14 a daughter Mary Louise i Thelma errell Licensed Oper ator Personal Beauty Service miss barbecue supper and social at St Whitesville Sat April 20th Drapes slip covers Miracleaned There's a difference Call 245 Ken tucky Cleaners Born to Mr and Mrs Brannon 115 Maple street April 7 a son II Dowell Hardinsburg Ky will speak at Trinity Holiness church in Triplett street at 7:30 Wednesday The condition of Joseph Sparks Knotcsville who suffered a stroke a few weeks ago is unimproved American Legion will meet at Memorial hall at 7:30 pm Thurs day Born to Mr and Mrs William Early 1516 Center street on April 12 a son Eldred Lewis condition of Mrs James Morgan who has been seriously ill at her home 701 Breckenridge street is somewhat improved board of directors of the Gospel Mission Eighth and Hall streets will meet at the Mission at 3:30 today to Mr and Mrs Lockhart Clark of Evansville April 13 a son Charles Lockhart Mrs Clark was formerly Miss Cecelia Schimmel of Owensboro Mrs Charles Lenegar is con fined to her home 426 Triplett street due to a sprained ankle received in a fall at her home about a week ago She is getting along well Word has been received that Mrs Allie Rowland Winkler for merly of Owensboro is critically ill at the home of her daughter Mrs Jessie Moore of orreston Ill A play auspices Class of Ruth of the irst Christian Church which was postponed be cause of illness will be given Mon day night April 15th Mis Lovell will class in parent education school at 10:30 a day April 15 The class sponsored by the Longfellow A The monthly meeting of the Owensboro Baptist Training Union will list The at 7 of the head of a dog sent to the state department of health Louisville Wednesday by the health department proved positive for rabies Ross Edge Whitesville Route 1 who was bitten by the dog will take rabies treatment Donald Thompson son of Mr and Mrs Thompson who re cently underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Owensboro city hospital has been removed to his home 519 West ourth street and is getting along well Utica Homemakers club will meet at the home of Mrs Allene Blandford at 1 Wednesday instead of at the home of Mrs Mar vin Stevens as scheduled Mrs Scott Smith and Mrs Stevens will be as sistant hostesses THE REAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Electrical Contracting and Supplies Repair Work a Specialty Pbone 2361 A Cowsell Jr A Lanham (ormerly with Lambert Grisham) Letter Carriers Meet The National Association of Letter Carriers Branch No 234 met at the home of Mr Young 1911 Lewis lane Thursday evening A short business session was presided over by Mr Joseph Martin presi dent Mr Ben ield gave a re port of the Western Kentucky dis trict meeting held at Central City April 6 Refreshments were served at the conclusion of the program by Mrs Young assisted by Mrs Wilhite Members of the association will hold their next meeting at the home oi Mr 7 pm VOWELS NOW LOCATED AT 411 EAST MAIN ST Upholstering and furniture repair ing Awnings made to order Ve netian Blinds Antiques PHONE 1197 NOW Is The Time To Replace Worn Out WINDOW SHADES Phone 26 McAtee Lyddane Ray AUTOMOTIVE Starter Generator and Battery Service Owensboro Armature Works 1st St Ann Phone 443 RANDOLPH Prop CANNON LANAGAN Insurance Agency 208 Third St Telephone 1647 Are You Suffering with Arthritis Rheumatism Sciatica? ree Investigation VAPO PATH BATHS Lewis Hays Mgr 101 Allen St Phone 2146 ECK MILLER TRANSER CO PHONE 25 HOUSE PAINT INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Nu un Enamel for loors and urniture Dries in 4 Hours RIEDMAN XV 220 222 REDERICA LINOLEUMS Inlaid or Printed Cemented to Your loors for Longer Wear Phone 26 MODERN PRINTING By Skilled Craftsmen Broadsides actory orms Stationery Hardin Printing Company OH 'Leases and Drill Books six West 1 nird st Vhune 126 REDERICA ST JOB WELDING SHOPS BOWLING GREEN KY GRIIN IND Hormuz EYES EXAMINED LENSES GROUND Office Closed on Thursday Afternoons See Our Display of the New MOSLER Insulated Record Containers ire Proof ile and Safe Greenwell Chisholm Printing Co DR EULA KETCHUM CHIROPRACTOR and PSYCHOANALYST Tel 1263 107 Sth Revival services which have been in progress for the last two weeks at the Walnut Street Baptist church will close this evening The Rev Hammond of Knoxville Tenn evangelist will speak four times to day His subject at the 11 am ser vice will be "or Jesus' He will talk to the Young de partment on Unto Jesus for Christian at 9:50 am At 3 pm he will preach on "ive Essentials of a Happy The Rev Mr Hammond will close his ministry at the Walnut Street Bap tist church at 7 pm preaching on "The Second Coming of There have been many additions to the church during the revival serv ices The Rev Mr Hammond spoke Saturday evening on "Safe at taking as his text Naham 1:7 He stated in his opening remarks that Judah was in the midst of wars and this verse was like an island in the great calm and peaceful He said: "The psalmist pointed the people to God as a stronghold in time of trouble God is our strong hold in time of trouble He spoke of the goodness of God stat ing: is good in all His acts of grace Then God is also gracious as well as good God is safe and secure as a stronghold He is our stronghold in time of war and trou ble He is a stronghold in the day of sin and Quoting Psalm 46 as being of the greatest psalms a psalm of refuge and the speaker said: is my refuge and strength a very present help hi trouble God is also a stronghold for the poor and needy He helps pull our load and his yoke is lined with love It is a great assuranceto children to know that God is a stronghold in the day of trou The Rev Mr Hammond mentioned several tests as to how to know whether one was a Christian He stated: "We are letting sin destroy every stronghold in America today Our fathers bought these privileges with their blood There is no power anywhere to keep God from loving his In closing the speak er gave several illustrations of being and safe at and said We will go to God as our and The Rev Coakley pastor 'will preside services Your home with the best Sun proof for outside Wallhide for I I walls loorhide for floors Water spar Enamel for enameling like our paints once you try them PITTSBURGH PAINT STORE OPPOSITE POSTOICE KITTINGER LUMBER CO Sixth Street One Half Block East of Triplett Complete new stock cedar post round split or square Also 10 ft arbor and brace post TRY US OR PROMPT SERVICE Oppie Kittinger Oscar Kittinger Albert IV Kittinger IV Chinn Carl Sharp PHONE 136 VENETIAN BLINDS Measured to Your Windows and Installed By Our Experts Phone 26 McAtee Lyddane Ray Incorporated OR RENT URNISHED APART ments one and two rooms Also two room unfurnished apartment ur nace heat lights water and gas lur nlshod Apply 615 Daviess St YOI OPPORTUNITY TO RENT MY new completely modern two bed room home Will to suit Rents for $3750 1633 Parrish Avenue Ual! 2512 ANn Tn Incorporated Main At Bolivar New Modern Streamlined Red Jacket Pump This Spe cial 3" Cylinder $145 Thick Butt Shingles Sky Line Shingles In a wide choice of styles and beautiful new color's and combinations Play To Be Presented At St School Tonight HENDERSON GREENVILLE CENTRAL CITY Local Long Distance MOVING MEMBER Allied Van Lines SS 3 MM AL Z'SZ I BmWwwSWgSpBMHSBMBBagPTm ML.

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The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.