Publicaciones CVar - Departamento de Computación (2024)

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  1. Flavia Bonomo-Braberman, Julliano R. Nascimento, Fabiano S. Oliveira, Uéverton S. Souza, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Linear-time algorithms for eliminating claws in graphs" INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH Volume 31, (2024): 296-315.
  2. Flavia Bonomo-Braberman, Nick Brettell, Andrea Munaro, Daniël Paulusma. "Solving Problems on Generalized Convex Graphs via Mim-Width" JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES Volume 140, no. 1034 (2024).


  1. Gonzalo Lera-Romero, Juan José Miranda Bront, Francisco J. Soulignac. "A branch-cut-and-price algorithm for the time-dependent electric vehicle routing problem with time windows" EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH , (2023).
  2. Verónica Becher, Gabriel Sac Himlefarb. "A construction of a λ-Poisson generic sequence" MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTATION Volume 92, (2023): 1453-1466.
  3. Enzo Ferrante, Laura Alonso Alemany, Diego Fernández Slezak, Luciana Ferrer, Diego Milone, Georgina Stegmayer. "¿aprendizaje automágico? un viaje al corazón de la inteligencia artificial contemporánea" , (2023).
  4. Ezequiel Pecker Marcosig, Sebastián Zudaire, Rodrigo Castro, Sebastián Uchitel. "Correct and efficient UAV missions based on temporal planning and in-flight hybrid simulations" ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS , (2023).
  5. Elias Keis, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Agustín Eloy Martinez Suñé, Alexander Knap. "Automated QoS-Aware Service Selection Based on Soft Constraints" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume TBD, (2023): 1-1.
  6. E. C. Segura. "Matemáticas y Matemátiques: en la medianera entre las Artes y las Ciencias" Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias Volume 2, no. 1 (2023).
  7. Santiago Cifuentes, Francisco J. Soulignac, Pablo Terlisky. "Complexity of solving a system of difference constraints with variables restricted to a finite set" INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS , (2023).
  8. Matias Micheletto, Paula Zabala, Sergio F. Ochoa, Roc Meseguer, Rodrigo Santos. "Determining Real-Time Communication Feasibility in IoT Systems Supported by LoRaWAN" SENSORS Volume 23, no. 9 (2023).
  9. Flavia Bonomo-Braberman, Gastón Abel Brito. "Intersection models and forbidden pattern characterizations for 2-thin and proper 2-thin graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS , (2023).
  10. Flavia Bonomo-Braberman, Gastón Abel Brito. "Intersection models and forbidden pattern characterizations for 2-thin and proper 2-thin graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 339, (2023): 53-77.
  11. Patrick Godau, Piotr Kalinowski, Evangelia Christodoulou, Annika Reinke, Minu Tizabi, Luciana Ferrer, Paul F. Jäger, Lena Maier-Hein. "Deployment of Image Analysis Algorithms Under Prevalence Shifts" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 4222, (2023): 389-399.
  12. Enzo Ferrante, Laura Alonso Alemany, Diego Fernández Slezak, Luciana Ferrer, Diego Milone, Georgina Stegmayer. "Aprendizaje supervisado, o como entrenar a tu computadora", in: Enzo Ferrante None ¿ Aprendizaje automágico?: Un viaje al corazón de la inteligencia artificial contemporánea, (2023): 1-42.
  13. Mauro Lucci, Daniel Severín, Paula Zabala. "A metaheuristic for crew scheduling in a pickup-and-delivery problem with time windows" INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH Volume 30, no. 2 (2023): 970-1001.
  14. Mauricio Moyano, Paula Zabala, Gustavo Gatica, Guillermo Cabrera-Guerrero. "Local search algorithms for the composite retrieval problem" INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH Volume 30, no. 2 (2023): 1065-1091.
  15. Pablo Brusco, Agustín Gravano. "Automatic offline annotation of turn-taking transitions in task-oriented dialogue" COMPUTER SPEECH AND LANGUAGE Volume 78, (2023).
  17. Andrea Arcuri, Man Zhang, Asma Belhad, Bogdan Marculescu, Amid Golmohammadi, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Susruthan Seran. "Building an open-source system test generation tool: lessons learned and empirical analyses with EvoMaster" SOFTWARE QUALITY JOURNAL , (2023).
  18. Juan Manuel Pérez, Franco Luque, Demian Zayat, Martín Kondratzky, Agustín Moro, Pablo Serrati, Joaquín Zajac, Paula Miguel, Natalia Debandi, Agustín Gravano, Viviana Cotik. "Assessing the impact of contextual information in hate speech detection" IEEE Access , (2023): 1-1.
  19. Ezequiel Pecker-Marcosig, Sebastián Zudaire, Sebastián Uchitel, Rodrigo Castro. "Correct and efficient UAV missions based on temporal planning and in-flight hybrid simulations" ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS , (2023).
  20. Lara Gauder, Leonardo Pepino, Pablo Riera, Silvina Brussino, Jazmín Vidal, Agustín Gravano, Luciana Ferrer. "Towards detecting the level of trust in the skills of a virtual assistant from the user's speech" COMPUTER SPEECH AND LANGUAGE Volume 80, (2023).
  21. Juan Manuel Pérez, Franco M. Luque, Demian Zayat, Martin Kondratzky, Agustin Moro, Pablo Santiago Serrati, Joaquin Zajac, Paula Miguel, Natalia Debandi, Agustin Gravano, Viviana Cotik. "Assessing the Impact of Contextual Information in Hate Speech Detection" IEEE-Access Volume 11, (2023): 30575-30590.
  22. Alejandro Díaz-Caro, Gilles Dowek. "A new connective in natural deduction, and its application to quantum computing" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 957, no. 1138 (2023).
  23. Marcos L. Pietto, Federico Giovannetti, M. Soledad Segretin, Sebastian J. Lipina, Juan Kamienkowski. "EEG dynamics of error processing and associated behavioral adjustments in preschool children" Brain Sciences , (2023).
  24. Bruno Bianchi, Rodrigo Loredo, María da Fonseca, Julia Carden, Virginia Jaichenco, Titus von der Malsburg, Diego E. Shalom, Juan Kamienkowski. "Neural Bases of Predictions During Natural Reading of Known Statements: An Electroencephalography and Eye Movements Co-registration Study" NEUROSCIENCE Volume 519, (2023): 131-146.
  25. J. Heinz, L. M, Pardo, E. C. Segura, H. Ocar, A. Rojas Paredes. "An unfeasibility view of neural network learning" JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY Volume 75, (2023).
  26. Martin Meza, Lara Gauder, Lautaro Estienne, German Barchi, Agustin Gravano, Pablo Riera, Luciana Ferrer. "Teamwork Quality Prediction Using Speech-Based Features" Proceedings of the Speech, Music and Mind Workshop , (2023).
  27. Jazmin Vidal, Pablo Riera, Luciana Ferrer. "Mispronunciation detection using self-supervised speech representations" Proceedings of the Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education , (2023).
  28. German Barchi, Leonardo Pepino, Lara Gauder, Lautaro Estienne, Martín Meza, Pablo Riera, Luciana Ferrer. "Apparent personality prediction from speech using expert features and wav2vec 2.0" Proceedings of the Speech, Music and Mind Workshop , (2023).
  29. BRABERMAN VICTOR, delgado tomás, Sanchez Sorrondo Marcos, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN. "Exploration Policies for On-the-fly Controller Synthesis: a Reinforcement Learning Approach" Proccedings of the 33rd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2023) , (2023).
  30. Pablo Riera, Manuela Cerdeiro, Leonardo Pepino, Luciana Ferrer. "Phone and speaker spatial organization in self-supervised speech representations" Proceedings of the SASB ICASSP workshop , (2023).
  31. Mariel Estevez, Luciana Ferrer. "Study on the Fairness of Speaker Verification Systems Across Accent and Gender Groups" Proceedings of ICASSP 2023 , (2023).
  32. Federico Albanese, Esteban Feuerstein, Pablo Balenzuela, Leandro Lombardi. "Characterizing community changing users using text mining and graph machine learning on Twitter" CEUR Workshop Proceedings , (2023).
  33. Tania Sofía Ferreyra, Fernando Pérez Quintian, Nicolás Calarco. "Study of Feasibility of Image Compression with Wavelets over Hexagonal Pixel Arrays using a Custom Photodetector Integrated Circuit" Proceedings of the 2023 Argentine Conference on Electronics , (2023).
  34. Tobias Carreira Munich, Ezequiel Pecker Marcosig, Rodrigo Castro. "Dynamics matter: A simulation framework to study diffusion processes on a Dynamic Product Space" Network Science - Proceedings of the 8th International Winter Conference on Network Science (NetSci-X 2023) , (2023).
  35. Tobias Carreira Munich, Ezequiel Pecker-Marcosig, Rodrigo Castro. "Dynamics matter: A simulation framework to study diffusion processes on a Dynamic Product Space" Network Science - Proceedings of the 8th International Winter Conference, NetSci-X 2023, Buenos Aires, Argentina, February 7-10, 2023 , (2023).
  36. Rodrigo Castro, Mariano Zapatero, Peter Fritzson. "A semi automatic translator from System Dynamics to Modelica with application to socio-bio-physical systems" Proceedings of the 15 Annual OpenModelica Workshop , (2023).


  1. Ivan Arcuschin, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Christian Ciccaroni, Jose Miguel Rojas. "On the feasibility and challenges of synthesizing executable Espresso tests" Proceedings - 3rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automation of Software Test, AST 2022 , (2022): 92-102.
  2. Flavia Bonomo-Braberman, Carolina Lucía Gonzalez. "A new approach on locally checkable problems" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS , (2022).
  3. Alejandro Díaz Caro, Octavio Malherbe. "Quantum Control in the Unitary Sphere: Lambda-S1 and its Categorical Model" LOGICAL METHODS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (LMCS) , (2022).
  4. Flavia Bonomo-Braberman, Carolina Lucía Gonzalez. "A new approach on locally checkable problems" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 314, (2022): 53-80.
  5. Flavia Bonomo-Braberman, Guillermo Durán, Nina Pardal, Martín Darío Safe. "Forbidden induced subgraph characterization of circle graphs within split graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 323, (2022): 43-75.
  6. Flavia Bonomo-Braberman, Fabiano S. Oliveira, Moysés S. Sampaio, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Precedence thinness in graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 323, (2022): 76-95.
  7. Gaston E. Zanitti, Yamil Soto, Valentin Iovene, Vanina Martinez, Ricardo O. Rodriguez, Gerardo Simari, Demian Wasserman. "Scalable Query Answering under Uncertainty to Neuroscientific Ontological Knowledge: The NeuroLang Approach" NEUROINFORMATICS , (2022).
  8. Miguel Nehmad Alche, Daniel Acevedo, Marta Mejail. "Early Computer-Aided Diagnose in Medical Environments: A Deep Learning Based Lightweight Solution", in: Angel D. Sappa (Editor) None ICT Applications for Smart Cities Volume 224, (2022): 149-164.
  9. Carlos Ismael Orozco, Eduardo Xamena, María Elena Buemi, Jacobo Julio. "Human action recognition in videos using a robust CNN-LSTM approach" Ciencia y Tecnología , (2022).
  10. Juan Manuel Pérez, Damián Eliel Aleman, Santiago Kalinowski, Agustín Gravano. "Exploiting user-frequency information for mining regionalisms in Argentinian Spanish from Twitter" Revista de la Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural Volume 69, (2022): 51-62.
  11. Romina Scardamaglia, Axel Lew, Agustín Gravano, Juan Carlos Reboreda. "Automated radio tracking provides evidence for social pair bonds in an obligate brood parasite" International Journal of Avian Science Volume 164, no. 4 (2022): 1180-1191.
  12. Gonzalo Lera-Romero, Juan José Miranda Bront, Francisco J. Soulignac. "Dynamic Programming for the Time-Dependent Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows" INFORMS Volume 34, no. 6 (2022): 3292-3308.
  13. Fernando Schapachnik, Vanina Klinkovich, Natalia Iocca. "La programación y la alfabetización digital: saberes y competencias claves para el siglo XXI", in: Cora Steinberg None Viaje a la transformación de la escuela secundaria, (2022): 105-119.
  14. V. Becher, Manfred Madritsch. "On a question of Mendès France on normal numbers" ACTA ARITHMETICA Volume 203, (2022): 271-288.
  15. Verónica Becher. "Insertion in constructed normal numbers" Uniform Distribution Theory Volume 17, (2022): 55-76.
  16. Nicolás Álvarez, Verónica Becher, Martin Mereb. "Poisson generic sequences" INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES , (2022).
  17. Verónica Becher, Eda Cesaratto. "On the number of words with restrictions on the number of symbols" ADVANCES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 136, (2022).
  18. Nicolás Alvarez, Verónica Becher, Martin Mereb. "Poisson generic sequences" INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES , (2022).
  19. Martin A. Miguel, Pablo Riera, Diego Fernandez Slezak. "A simple and cheap setup for timing tapping responses synchronized to auditory stimuli" Behavior Research Methods Volume 54, no. 2 (2022): 712-728.
  20. Claudio Pose, Leonardo Garberoglio, Ezequiel Pecker Marcosig, Ignacio Mas, Juan Giribet. "Design of a flight controller to achieve improved fault tolerance" Elektron Volume 6, no. 2 (2022): 65-76.
  21. Leandro Nahabedian, BRABERMAN VICTOR, DIPPOLITO R. NICOLAS, jeff kramer, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN. "Assured Automatic Dynamic Reconfiguration of Business Processes" INFORMATION SYSTEMS , (2022).
  22. Facundo Pessacg, Francisco Gómenz-Fernández, Matías Nitsche, Nicolás Chamo, Sebastian Torrella, Ruben Ginzburg, Pablo De Cristóforis. "Simplifying UAV-based photogrammetry in forestry: how to generate accurate Digital Terrain Model and assess flight mission settings" Forests Volume 13, no. 2 (2022): 173-200.
  23. Xavier Devroey, Alessio Gambi, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Rene Just, Fitsum Kifetew, Annibale Panichella, Sebastiano Panichella. "JUGE: An Infrastructure for Benchmarking Java Unit Test Generators" SOFTWARE TESTING, VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY , (2022).
  24. Franco Agustín Bernal, Tomás Alves Salgueiro, Axel Brzostowski, Emilio Recart Zapata, Ayelén Carames, Juan Manuel Pérez, Damián Furman, Martín Graziano, Pablo Nicolás Fernández Larrosa. "Top-down modulation impairs priming susceptibility in complex decision-making with social implications" Scientific Reports Volume 12, no. 1 (2022).
  25. Juan Manuel Pérez, Damian Eliel Aleman, Santiago N. Kalinowski, Agustín Gravano. "Exploiting user-frequency information for mining regionalisms in Argentinian Spanish from Twitter" Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural Volume 69, (2022): 51-62.
  26. Sebastián Pessah, Diego O. Ferraro, Daniela Blanco, Rodrigo Castro. "An Integrated Ecological-Social Simulation Model of Farmer Decisions and Cropping System Performance in the Rolling Pampas (Argentina)" JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL SOCIETIES AND SOCIAL SIMULATION Volume 25, no. 1 (2022).
  27. Sergio Abriola, María Vanina Martinez, Nina Pardal, Santiago Cifuentes, Pin Edwin. "On the complexity of finding set repairs for data-graphs" JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH, THE , (2022).
  28. Alejandro Díaz Caro. "A quick overview on the quantum control approach to the lambda calculus" Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science Volume 357, (2022): 1-17.
  29. Rafael Romero, Alejandro Díaz Caro. "A note on confluence in typed probabilistic lambda calculi" Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science , (2022): 18-24.
  30. Alejandro Díaz-Caro, Gilles Dowek. "Linear lambda-calculus is linear" Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics Volume 228, no. 22 (2022).
  32. Sebastian Nicolsas Gonzalez, Carlos Adrian Romero, Maria Priscila Ramos, Pablo Augusto Negri, Matias Marino. "The App-RegMIP: an open access software for regional input-output tables estimation" International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics Volume 12, no. 3 (2022): 284-302.
  33. Franco Piscitelli, Juan Ruiz, Pablo Negri, Paola Salio. "A multiyear radar-based climatology of supercell thunderstorms in Central-Eastern Argentina" ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH , (2022).
  34. Gonzalo Lera-Romero, Juan José Miranda-Bront, Francisco J. Soulignac. "Dynamic Programming for the Time-Dependent Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows" INFORMS JOURNAL ON COMPUTING (ONLINE) , (2022).
  35. Martin Fraga, Matías Micheletto, Andrés Llinás, Rodrigo Santos, Paula Zabala. "Flow Scheduling in Data Center Networks with Time and Energy Constraints: A Software-Defined Network Approach" Future Internet Volume 14, no. 2 (2022).
  36. Mauricio Moyano, Paula Zabala, Gustavo Gatica, Guillermo Cabrera-Guerrero. "Local search algorithms for the composite retrieval problem" INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH Volume 30, (2022): 1065-1091.
  37. Miguel Nehmad Alche, Daniel Acevedo, Marta Mejail. "Early Computer-Aided Diagnose in Medical Environments: A Deep Learning Based Lightweight Solution", in: Angel Sappa None ICT Applications for Smart Cities Volume 224, (2022): 149-164.
  38. Luciana Ferrer, Diego Castan, Mitchell Mclaren, Aaron Lawson. "A Discriminative Hierarchical PLDA-Based Model for Spoken Language Recognition" IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing Volume 30, (2022): 2396-2410.
  39. Min Chih Lin, Oliveira,Fabiano, Pinto,Paulo, Moysés J. Sampaio, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Restricted Hamming-Huffman Trees" RAIRO - RECHERCHE OPERATIONNELLE (OPERATIONS RESEARCH) Volume 56, no. 3 (2022): 1823-1839.
  40. Flavia Bonomo, María Pia Mazzoleni, Mariano Rean, Bernard Ries. "On some special classes of contact B_0-VPG graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 308, (2022): 111-129.
  41. Diego Kozlowski, Gabriela Lozano, Carla M. Felcher, Fernando Gonzalez, Edgar Altszyler. "Large-scale computational content analysis on magazines targeting men and women: the case of Argentina 2008-2018" Feminist Media Studies , (2022).
  42. Rosa Hernandez-Ramos, Edgar Altszyler, Caroline A. Figueroa, Patricia Avila-Garcia, Adrian Aguilera. "Linguistic analysis of Latinx patients’ responses to a text messaging adjunct during cognitive behavioral therapy for depression" Behaviour Research and Therapy Volume 150, (2022).
  43. Andrea Arcuri, Juan P. Galeotti. "Enhancing Search-based Testing with Testability Transformations for Existing APIs" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY Volume 31, no. 1 (2022): 1-34.
  44. Iván Arcuschin, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Diego Garbervetsky. "An Empirical Study on How Sapienz Achieves Coverage and Crash Detection" Journal of Software: Evolution and Process , (2022).
  45. Flavia Bonomo-Braberman, Carolina L. Gonzalez, Fabiano S. Oliveira, Moysés S. Sampaio Jr., Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Thinness of product graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 312, (2022): 52-71.
  46. Iván Arcuschin, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Diego Garbervetsky. "An Empirical Study on How Sapienz Achieves Coverage and Crash Detection" Journal of Software Evolution and Process , (2022).
  47. Nicolás Nieto, Victoria Peterson, Hugo Leonardo Rufiner, Juan Esteban Kamienkowski, Ruben Spies. "Thinking out loud, an open-access EEG-based BCI dataset for inner speech recognition" Scientific Data Volume 9, no. 1 (2022).
  48. Lucio Santi, Joaquín Fernández, Ernesto Kofman, Rodrigo Castro. "retQSS: A novel methodology for efficient modeling and simulation of particle systems in reticulated geometries" COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS Volume 270, (2022).
  49. Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Agustín Eloy Martinez Suñé. "Integrating deduction and model finding in a language independent setting", in: Nazareno M. Aguirre, Valentín Cassano, Pablo Castro, Ramiro Demasi None Mathematical Foundations of Software Engineering - Essays in Honour of Tom Maibaum on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday and Retirement Volume 45, (2022): 22-59.
  50. Gaston Bujia, Melanie Sclar, Sebastian Vita, Guillermo Solovey, Juan Esteban Kamienkowski. "Modeling Human Visual Search in Natural Scenes: A Combined Bayesian Searcher and Saliency Map Approach" Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience Volume 16, (2022).
  51. Linari I, Juantorena G, Ibanez A, Petroni A, Kamienkowski JE. "Unveiling Trail Making Test: Visual and manual trajectories indexing multiple executive processes" Scientific Reports , (2022).
  52. Fernando Schapachnik, María Belén Bonello, María Cecilia Martínez, Vanina Klinkovich, Natalia Iocca. "Ciencias de la Computación en la escuela. Guía para enseñar mucho más que a programar" , (2022).
  53. Fernando Schapachnik, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastián Uchitel. "La revolución de la computación móvil, desaprovechada", in: Manuel Alberto Solanet None Pandemia: Los múltiples desafíos que el presente le plantea al porvenir Volume 1, no. 1 (2022): 155-158.
  54. Manuela Busaniche, Penélope Cordero, Ricardo Oscar Rodriguez. "Algebraic semantics for the minimum many-valued modal logic over Łn" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS Volume 431, (2022): 94-109.
  55. Ricardo Oscar Rodriguez, Olim Frits Tuyt, Francesc Esteva, Lluís Godo. "Simplified Kripke Semantics for K45-Like Gödel Modal Logics and Its Axiomatic Extensions" STUDIA LOGICA Volume 110, no. 4 (2022): 1081-1114.
  56. Xavier Caicedo, George Metcalfe, Ricardo Rodríguez, Olim Tuyt. "One-variable fragments of intermediate logics over linear frames" Information and Computation Volume 287, (2022).
  57. Manuela Busaniche, Penélope Cordero, Ricardo Oscar Rodriguez. "Corrigendum to “Algebraic semantics for the minimum many-valued modal logic over Łn” [Fuzzy Sets Syst. 431 (2022) 94–109, (Fuzzy Sets and Systems v (2022) 431(94-109) (S0165011421002906), (10.1016/j.fss.2021.08.010)]" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS Volume 447, (2022): 198-200.
  58. Luciana Micha, Pablo Farias, Vanina Martinez, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Capítulo 2: Inteligencia Artificial y Sistemas Autónomos de Aplicación de la Fuerza", in: Luciana Micha None Inteligencia Artificial y Sistemas de Armas Autónomas ., (2022): 52-75.
  59. Ezequiel Pecker Marcosig, Matías Bonaventura, Esteban Lanzarotti, Lucio Santi, Rodrigo Castro. "py2PowerDEVS: Construction and Manipulation of Large Complex Structures for PowerDEVS Models Via Python Scripting" Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2022 , (2022).
  60. Travi F, Ruarte G, Gaston Bujia, Kamienkowski JE. "ViSioNS: Visual Search in Natural Scenes Benchmark" Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems , (2022).
  61. Federico Albanese, Esteban Feuerstein, Juan Manuel Baldonado. "Inferencia causal en series de tiempo de Twitter y encuestas políticas" AGRANDA , (2022).
  62. Martín Juiz, M. E Buemi. "Aprendizaje profundo en la detección y seguimiento de calidad en granjas avicolaścolas de postura" ANALES DE SAIV 2022 SIMPOSIO ARGENTINO DE IMAGENES Y VISION (JAIIO) , (2022).
  63. JAVIER GODOY, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastian Uchitel. "Predicate abstractions for smart contract validation" Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MODELS 2022 , (2022).
  64. Enaide Maine Calzado, Luis Bergues Cabrales, Nahuel Olaiz, Pablo Turjanski. "Spatial distribution of permeabilization, pH fronts and temperature in a 2D tissue model induced by electrolytic electroporation: a numerical study" 4th World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine, and Food & Environmental Technologies. Book of Abstracts. , (2022).
  65. Enaide Maine Calzado, Nahuel Olaiz, Pablo Turjanski. "Distribución espacial de la permeabilización y frentes de pH en un modelo 2D inducido por la electroporación electrolítica: Simulaciones" VI Jornadas de Intercambio y Difusión de los Resultados de Investigaciones de los Doctorandos en Ingeniería , (2022).
  66. Alexander Mulet de los Reyes, Victoria Hyde Lord, M. E. Buemi, Daniel Gandía, Maikel Noriega Alemán, Cecilia Suárez. "Implementación de una red neuronal para la segmentación automática del glioblastoma multiforme" ANALES DE SAIV 2022 SIMPOSIO ARGENTINO DE IMAGENES Y VISION (JAIIO) , (2022).
  67. Joaquín González, Nicolas Nieto, Mauro Veneziano, Pablo Brusco, Agustín Gravano, Juan Esteban Kamienkowski. "Brain representation of natural speech acoustic features" Anales de las 51 JAIIO Jornadas Argentinas de Informática , (2022).
  68. Nicolas Mastropasqua, Daniel Acevedo. "Reconocimiento de expresiones faciales con redes profundas livianas usando Label Distribution Learning y el espacio de Action Units" Anales de las 51 JAIIO , (2022).
  69. DAIANA ARANDA, JULIETA GORIA, FRANCISCO SANDALINAS, MATEO SUFFERN, Pablo Augusto Negri. "Manipulación de Expresiones Faciales vía Espacio Latente de Red Generativa Antagónica (GAN)" Jornadas Argentinas de Informática , (2022).
  70. Felipe Ghersa, Lucas Figarola, Diego O. Ferraro, Rodrigo Castro. "Desempeño biofísico y económico de sistemas de cultivos extensivos: una aproximación basada en modelos de simulación y algoritmos genéticos" Anales de la 51Jornadas Argentinas de Informática e Investigación Operativa (JAIIO) , (2022).
  71. Rodrigo Castro, Joachim Denil, Jerome Feret, Kresimir Matkovic, Niki Popper, Susan Sanchez, Peter Sloot. "Policy by simulation: seeing is believing for interactive model co-creation and effective intervention" Computer Science Methods for Effective and Sustainable Simulation Studies , (2022).
  72. Rodrigo Castro. "Towards a new facility for model-based design and evaluation of sustainable complex systems" Computer Science Methods for Effective and Sustainable Simulation Studies , (2022).
  73. Abi Oppenheim, Federico Albanese, Esteban Feuerstein. "Toxicidad, polarización y diversidad cultural en redes sociales" AGRANDA , (2022).
  74. Paula Menchón, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Twist-structures isomorphic to modal Nelson Lattices" Volume of abstracts LATD 2022 , (2022).
  75. Javier Godoy, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastián Uchitel. "Predicate abstractions for smart contract validation" Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MODELS 2022 , (2022).
  76. Ezequiel Pecker Marcosig, Matias Bonavenura, Esteban Lanzarotti, Lucio Santi, Rodrigo Castro. "py2PowerDEVS: CONSTRUCTION AND MANIPULATION OF LARGE COMPLEX STRUCTURES FOR PowerDEVS MODELS VIA PYTHON SCRIPTING" Proceedings of the 2022 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) , (2022).
  77. Alejandro Ferrante, Matías López y Rosenfeld, Nahuel Palumbo, Alfredo Sanzo. "WOBLOCKS: Wollok Game + Blockly" Jornadas Argentinas de la Didactica de las Ciencias de la Computación , (2022).
  78. María Julia Hermida, Andrea Paula Goldín, Agustín Pérez Santángelo, Sebastián Lipina, Fernando Schapachnik. "Effects of teaching programming on executive functions in children from low socioeconomic status" 3rd Congress of the Federation of Latin American and Caribbean Neuroscience Societies (FALAN) , (2022).
  79. Claudio Pose, Leonardo Garberoglio, Ezequiel Pecker Marcosig, Ignacio Mas, Juan Giribet. "Extended bank of observers for fault detection in hexarotors" Proceedings del Congreso Argentino de Sistemas Embebidos (CASE) 2022 , (2022).
  80. Tommaso Flaminio, Lluis Godo, Paula Menchón, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Rotations of Gödel algebras with modal operators" Proceedings of IPMU 2022 , (2022).
  81. Raúl Carnota, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Historias truncas. Eugenia Fisher y la lingüística computacional en el Río de la Plata (1961-1973)" Resumenes , (2022).
  82. Manuela Busaniche, Penélope Cordero, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Algebraic Semantics for Possibilistic Logic." Resúmenes SLALM2022 , (2022).
  83. Nicolás García Aramouni, Juan José Miranda Bront. "Rescheduling the NBA regular season via Integer Programming" Proceedings of the MathSport International 9 Conference , (2022).
  84. Juan Manuel Pérez, Damian Furman, Franco Luque, Laura Alonso i Alemany. "Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference" Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference , (2022).
  85. Paula Menchón, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Twist-structures isomorphic to modal Nelson Lattices" Book of Abstracts TACL 2022 , (2022).
  86. Flavia Bonomo, Eric Brandwein, Carolina Lucía Gonzalez, Agustín Sansone. "On the thinness of trees" Lecture Notes in Computer Science , (2022).
  87. Leonardo Pepino, Pablo Riera, Luciana Ferrer. "Study of Positional Encoding Approaches for Audio Spectrogram Transformers" Proc. ICASSP 2022 , (2022).
  88. Ivan Arcuschin, Christian Ciccaroni, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Jose Miguel Rojas. "On the feasibility and challenges of synthesizing executable Espresso tests" Proceedings of the 3rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automation of Software Test , (2022).
  89. Marcelo Sancinetti, Jazmin Vidal, Cyntia Bonomi, Luciana Ferrer. "A transfer learning based approach for pronunciation scoring" Proc. ICASSP 2022 , (2022).
  90. Saikat Dutka, Diego Garbervetsky, Shuvendu Lahiri, Max Schäfer. "InspectJS: Leveraging Code Similarity and User-Feedback for Effective Taint Specification Inference for JavaScript" Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2022) , (2022).
  91. Mauro Lucci, Daniel Severín, Paula Zabala. "Integer programs for a simultaneous vehicle routing and crew scheduling problem" Proceedings of the Joint ALIO/EURO International Conference 2021-2022 on Applied Combinatorial Optimization , (2022).
  92. Javier Godoy, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastian Uchitel. "Predicate abstractions for smart contract validation" MODELS '22: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems , (2022).
  93. Emiliano Höss, Pablo De Cristóforis. "Mapeo volumétrio globalmente consistente en tiempo real usando SDFs y GPU" Actas de las Jornadas Argentinas de Robótica , (2022).
  94. Sebastián Sansoni, Francisco Raverta Capua, Marcelo Leandro Moreyra, Edgardo Benitez Piccini. "Alto Valle Dataset: colección de datos experimentales enfocados en el estudio y desarrollo de algoritmos de navegación mediante visión en ambientes frutícolas" Actas de XI Jornadas Argentinas de Robótica - JAR 2022 , (2022).


  1. ANDREA ARCURI, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, Bogdan Marculescu, Man Zhang. "EvoMaster: A Search-Based System Test Generation Tool" Journal Of Open Source Software Volume 6, no. 57 (2021): 2153-2156.
  2. Flavia Bonomo, Gianpaolo Oriolo, Claudia Snels. "Minimum weighted clique cover on claw-free perfect graphs" JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY Volume 96, (2021): 231-268.
  3. Iván Arcuschin, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Diego Garbervetsky. "An Empirical Study on How Sapienz Achieves Coverage and Crash Detection" Journal of Software: Evolution and Process , (2021).
  4. Javier Godoy, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastián Uchitel. "Enabledness-Based Testing of Object Protocols" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY Volume 30, no. 2 (2021).
  5. Nicolás Ambrosis, Pablo Martin Aispuro, Keila Belhart, Daniela Bottero, Renée Leonor Crisp, María Virginia Dansey, Magali Gabrielli, Oscar Filevich, Valeria Genoud, Alejandra Giordano, Min Chih Lin, Anibal Lodeiro, Felipe Marceca, Nicolás Pregi, Federico Remes Lenicov, Luciana Rocha-Viegas, Erika Rudi, Guillermo Solovey, Eugenia Zurita, Adali Pecci, Roberto Etchenique, Daniela Hozbor. "Active Surveillance of Asymptomatic, Presymptomatic, and Oligosymptomatic SARS-CoV-2-Infected Individuals in Communities Inhabiting Closed or Semi-closed Institutions" Frontiers in Medicine Volume 8, (2021).
  6. Guilherme Brockington, Ana Paula Gomes Moreira, Maria Stephani Buso, Sérgio Gomes Da Silva, Edgar Altszyler, Ronald Fischer, Jorge Moll. "Storytelling increases oxytocin and positive emotions and decreases cortisol and pain in hospitalized children" PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Volume 118, no. 22 (2021).
  7. Gastón Mauro Díaz, Pablo Augusto Negri, José Daniel Lencinas. "Toward making canopy hemispherical photography independent of illumination conditions: A deep-learning-based approach" AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY Volume 296, (2021).
  8. Pablo Negri, Sandro Cumani, Andrea Bottino. "Tackling Age-Invariant Face Recognition With Non-Linear PLDA and Pairwise SVM" IEEE Access Volume 9, (2021): 40649-40664.
  9. Luciana Ferrer, 23 autores más. "Mathematical and Computational Initiatives from the University of Buenos Aires to Contribute to Decision-Making in the Context of COVID-19 in Argentina" Science reviews from the end of the world , (2021).
  10. Samuel Planton, Timo van Kerkoerle, Leïla Abbih, Maxime Maheu, Florent Meyniel, Mariano Sigman, Liping Wang, Santiago Figueira, Sergio Romano, Stanislas Dehaene. "A theory of memory for binary sequences: Evidence for a mental compression algorithm in humans" PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Volume 17, no. 1 (2021).
  11. Lucio Santi, Lucas Rossi, Rodrigo Castro. "Efficient discrete-event based particle tracking simulation for high energy physics" COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS Volume 258, (2021).
  12. Mauro Lucci, Daniel Severín, Paula Zabala. "A metaheuristic for crew scheduling in a pickup-and-delivery problem with time windows" INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH , (2021).
  13. Francisco J. Soulignac. "Total 2-domination of proper interval graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 302, (2021): 256-262.
  14. Francisco J. Soulignac. "A certifying and dynamic algorithm for the recognition of proper circular-arc graphs" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2021).
  15. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Enrico Malizia, Maria Vanina Martinez, Cristian Molinaro, Andreas Pieris, Gerardo I. Simari. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Inconsistency-tolerant Query Answering for Existential Rules" ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE , (2021).
  16. Cristian F. Sottile, Alejandro Díaz-Caro, Pablo E. Martínez López. "Polymorphic System I" ACM International Conference Proceeding Series Volume IFL, (2021).
  17. Mernoosh Arrar, Rodrigo Castro, Guillermo Durán, Luciana Ferrer. "Iniciativas matemático computacionales desde la Universidad de Buenos Aires para contribuir a la toma de decisiones en el contexto del COVID-19" Revista Ingeniería de Sistemas Volume XXXI, (2021): 31-77.
  18. Mariana Bergonzi, Ezequiel Pecker-Marcosig, Ernesto Kofman, Rodrigo Castro. "Discrete-Time Modeling of COVID-19 Propagation in Argentina with Explicit Delays" COMPUTING IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Volume 23, no. 1 (2021): 35-45.
  19. Javier Godoy, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastián Uchitel. "Enabledness-based Testing of Object Protocols" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY Volume 30, no. 2 (2021).
  20. Matías Marino, Emmanuel Luján, Esteban Mocskos, Guillermo Marshall. "OpenEP: an open-source simulator for electroporation-based tumor treatments" Scientific Reports Volume 11, no. 1 (2021).
  21. Verónica Becher, Lucas Cortés. "Extending de Bruijn sequences to larger alphabets" INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS Volume 168, (2021).
  22. Flavia Bonomo-Braberman, Carolina L. Gonzalez, Fabiano S. Oliveira, Moysés S. Sampaio Jr., Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Thinness of product graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS , (2021).
  23. Flavia Bonomo-Braberman, Fabiano S. Oliveira, Moysés S. Sampaio, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Precedence thinness in graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS , (2021).
  24. Flavia Bonomo-Braberman, Julliano R. Nascimento, Fabiano S. Oliveira, Uéverton S. Souza, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Linear-time algorithms for eliminating claws in graphs" INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH , (2021).
  25. L. A. Nieto, R. F. Diaz, E. C. Segura. "Una red neuronal para la búsqueda de exoplanetas utilizando el método de velocidad radial" Boletin de la asociacion argentina de astronomia Volume 62, (2021): 59-61.
  26. L. A. Nieto, R. F. Diaz, E. C. Segura. "Una red neuronal para la b´usqueda de exoplanetas utilizando el método de velocidad radial" Boletin de la asociacion argentina de astronomia Volume 62, (2021): 59-61.
  27. Hernán Chaves, Francisco Dorr, Martín Elías Costa, María Mercedes Serra, Diego Fernández Slezak, Mauricio F. Farez, Gustavo Sevlever, Paulina Yañez, Claudia Cejas. "Brain volumes quantification from MRI in healthy controls: Assessing correlation, agreement and robustness of a convolutional neural network-based software against FreeSurfer, CAT12 and FSL" JOURNAL OF NEURORADIOLOGY. JOURNAL DE NEURORADIOLOGIE. Volume 48, no. 3 (2021): 147-156.
  28. Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernández Slezak, Lucas Drucaroff, Sidarta Ribeiro, Facundo Carrillo. "Artificial and Human Intelligence in Mental Health" AI MAGAZINE , (2021).
  29. Luciana Ferrer, Mitchell McLaren, Niko Brummer. "A speaker verification backend with robust performance across conditions" COMPUTER SPEECH AND LANGUAGE Volume 71, (2021).
  30. Franz Mayr, Sergio Yovine, Ramiro Visca. "Property Checking with Interpretable Error Characterization for Recurrent Neural Networks" Machine Learning and Knowledged Exctration , (2021).
  31. Sergio Yovine, Franz Mayr, Sebastián Sosa, Ramiro Visca. "An Assessment of the Application of Private Aggregation of Ensemble Models to Sensible Data" Machine Learning and Knwoledge Extraction , (2021).
  32. Mehrnoosh Arrar, Laouen Belloli, Ana Bianco, Leonardo Boechi, Rodrigo Castro, Guillermo Duran, Roberto Etchenique, Natalia Brenda Fernandez, Luciana Ferrer, Diego Garbervetsky, Rodrigo Goldsmit, Carolina Grillo Vidal, Juan E. Kamienkowski, Pablo Laciana, Esteban Lanzarotti, Mario Lozano, Rodrigo Maidana, Mauricio Mendiluce, Sol Minoldo, Ezequiel Pecker-Marcosig, Leonardo Pepino, Armando Ezequiel Puerta, Rodrigo Quiroga, Guillermo Solovey, Marina Valdora, Mariano Zapatero. "Mathematical and Computational Initiatives from the University of Buenos Aires to Contribute to Decision-Making in the Context of COVID-19 in Argentina" Science Reviews - from the end of the world Volume 2, no. 2 (2021): 6-40.
  33. Verónica Becher, Serge Grigorieff. "Randomness and uniform distribution modulo one" Information and Computation Volume 285, (2021).
  34. Carlos Ismael Orozco, María Elena Buemi, Julio Jacobo. "CNN?LSTM con mecanismo de atención suave para el reconocimiento de acciones humanas en videos" Elektron: ciencia y tecnología en la electrónica de hoy Volume 5, (2021): 33-44.
  35. Julia Hirschberg, Stefan Benus, Agustín Gravano, Rivka Levitan. "Prosody in Discourse and Speaker State", in: Carlos Gussenhoven, Aoju Chen None The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody, (2021): 468-476.
  36. María Belén Bonello, Fernando Schapachnik. "Diez preguntas frecuentes (y urgentes) sobre pensamiento computacional" Virtualidad, Educación y Ciencia Volume 11, no. 20 (2021): 156-167.
  37. Hernán Czemerinski, Fernando Schapachnik, María Belén Bonello. "¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de incluir Pensamiento Computacional en la Escuela?" CARTOGRAFÍAS DEL SUR REVISTA DE CIENCIAS ARTES Y TECNOLOGIA , no. 13 (2021).
  38. Cristian Martínez, María Elena Buemi. "Hybrid ACO algorithm for edge detection" Evolving Systems , (2021).
  39. Sergio Abriola, Pablo Tano, Sergio Romano, Santiago Figueira. "A logical framework to study concept-learning biases in the presence of multiple explanations" Behavior Research Methods , (2021).
  40. Ignacio Perito, Guido Bellomo, Daniel Galicer, Santiago Figueira, Augusto J. Roncaglia, Ariel Bendersky. "Characterization of nonsignaling correlations from mutual information" Physical Review A Volume 103, no. 6 (2021).
  41. John Grant, Cristian Molinaro, Maria Vanina Martinez, Francesco Parisi. "Dimensional Inconsistency Measures and Postulates in Spatio-Temporal Databases" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING Volume 71, (2021): 733-780.
  42. Gerardo I. Simari, Maria Vanina Martinez, Fabio R. Gallo, Marcelo A. Falappa. "The Big-2/ROSe Model of Online Personality: Towards a Lightweight Set of Markers for Characterizing the Behavior of Social Platform Denizens" Cognitive Computation , (2021).
  43. Vanina Martinez, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Deconstruyendo la Inteligencia Artificial", in: Cecilia Danesi None Inteligencia Artificial, Tecnologías Emergentes y Derecho 2, (2021): 36-60.
  44. Nicolás González, Sergio Abriola. "Characterizations for XPath_R(↓)" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2021): 319-336.
  45. Alejandro Díaz-Caro, Gilles Dowek. "A new connective in natural deduction, and its application to quantum computing" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 1281, (2021): 175-193.
  46. . "A quick overview on the quantum control approach to the lambda calculus" Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science , (2021).
  47. . "A note on confluence in typed probabilistic lambda calculi" Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science , (2021).
  48. Laura Ación, Laura Alonso Alemany, Enzo Ferrante, Eric Lützow Holm, Vanina Martinez, Diego H. Milone, Ricardo O. Rodriguez, Guillermo Simari, Sebastián Uchitel. "Desmitificando la Inteligencia Artificial", in: Manuel A. Solanet, Marti Manuel None Inteligencia artificial : una mirada multidisciplinaria, (2021): 63-86.
  49. Sebastian Nicolsas Gonzalez, Carlos Adrian Romero, Maria Priscila Ramos, Pablo Augusto Negri, Matias Marino. "The App-RegMIP: an open access software for regional input-output tables estimation" International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics Volume 1, no. 1 (2021): 1-19.
  50. Ajay Vasudevan, Pablo Negri, Camila Di Ielsi, Bernabe Linares-Barranco, Teresa Serrano-Gotarredona. "SL-Animals-DVS: event-driven sign language animals dataset" PATTERN ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS , (2021).
  51. Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez, Paula Menchón, Tommaso Flaminio. "Godel Modal Logics and Forests.", in: Dmitry Zaitsev , Marcelo Coniglio None Many-valued semantics and modal logic. Essays in Honour of Yu. V. Ivlev., (2021).
  52. Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Marcelo Fabián Frias, Thomas S.E. Maibaum. "On the construction of explosive relation algebras", in: Edward Hermann Haeusler, Luis Carlos Pinheiro Dias Pereira, Jorge Petrucio Viana None A Question is More Illuminating than an Answer - A Festschrift for Paolo A. S. Veloso Volume 44, (2021): 202-236.
  53. Flavia Bonomo-Braberman, Maria Chudnovsky, Jan Goedgebeur, Peter Maceli, Oliver Schaudt, Maya Stein, Mingxian Zhong. "Better 3-coloring algorithms: excluding a triangle and a seven vertex path" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 850, (2021): 98-115.
  54. Daniel Foguelman, Philipp Henning, Adelinde Uhrmacher, Rodrigo Castro. "EB-DEVS: A formal framework for modeling and simulation of emergent behavior in dynamic complex systems[Formula presented]" Journal of Computational Science Volume 53, (2021).
  55. Facundo Pessacg, Francisco Gómenz-Fernández, Matías Nitsche, Nicolás Chamo, Sebastian Torrella, Ruben Ginzburg, Pablo De Cristóforis. "Simplifying UAV-based photogrammetry in forestry: how to generate accurate Digital Terrain Model and assess flight mission settings" Forests Volume 13, no. 2 (2021): 173-200.
  56. Pietto ML, Giovannetti F, Segretin MS, Rueda R, Kamienkowski JE, Lipina SJ. "Conflict-Related Brain Activity after Individualized Cognitive Training in Preschoolers from Poor Homes" Journal of Cognitive Enhancement , (2021).
  57. Manuela Cerdeiro, José Crespo, Oscar Filevich, Rafael Grimson, Matías Lopez-Rosenfeld. "Escalando la enseñanza de programación en tiempos de pandemia: desafíos y oportunidades" Cartografías del Sur Volume 13, (2021): 82-100.
  58. Matías Lopez-Rosenfeld, Esteban Mocskos, Mariano Gonzalez Lebrero, José Crespo, Mehrnoosh Arrar, Ines Caridi, Mariela Sued. "Exactas Programa: llevando la programación a cada rincón de la ciencia" SADIO Electronic Journal of Informatic and Operation Research , (2021): 56-76.
  59. Mehrnoosh Arrar, Laouen Belloli, Ana María Bianco, Leonardo Boechi, Rodrigo Castro, Guillermo Duran, Roberto Etcheñique, Natalia Fernandez, Luciana Ferrer, Diego Garbervetsky, Rodrigo Goldsmit, Carolina Grillo, Juan Kamienkowski, Pablo Laciana, Esteban Lanzarotti, Mario Lozano, Rodrigo Maidana, Mauricio Mendiluce, Sol Minoldo, Leonardo Pepino, E. Pecker-Marcosig, Ezequiel Puerta, Rodrigo Quiroga, Guillermo Solovey, Marina Valdora, Mariano Zapatero. "Mathematical and Computational Initiatives from the University of Buenos Aires to Contribute to Decision-Making in the Context of COVID-19 in Argentina" Science Reviews Volume 2, no. 2 (2021): 6-40.
  60. Darío Ocles, Pablo Turjanski, G. N.; Marshall E.; Olaiz P.; Mocskos C.; Turjanski L.; Suárez Colombo. "A ordenar, cada cosa en su lugar: una experiencia de migración a la virtualidad de contenidos sobre algoritmos de ordenamiento en la universidad" ANALES DE SAEI 2021 - SIMPOSIO ARGENTINO DE EDUCACIÓN EN INFORMÁTICA (JAIIO) , (2021).
  61. Travi F, Ruarte G, Bujía G, Kamienkowski JE. "Benchmarking human visual search computational models in natural scenes: models comparison and reference datasets" NeurIPS 2021 Workshop SVRHM , (2021).
  62. Esteban Lanzarotti, Francisco Roslan, Leandro Groisman, Lucio Santi, Rodrigo Castro. "A Multi-Aspect Agent-Based Model Of Covid19: Disease Dynamics, Contact Tracing Interventions and Shared Space-Driven Contagions." Proceedings of the WInter Simulation Conference 2021 , (2021).
  63. Paula Menchón, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Twist-structures isomorphic to modal nilpotent minimum algebras." Book of abstracts of First Meeting Brazil-Colombia in Logic , (2021).
  64. Carlos Ismael Orozco, María E. Buemi, Jacobo Julio. "BiLSTM with CNN Features For HAR in Videos" ANALES DE SAIV 2021 SIMPOSIO ARGENTINO DE IMAGENES Y VISION (JAIIO) , (2021).
  65. Manuela Cerdeiro, Rafael Grimson, Oscar Filevich, Matías López y Rosenfeld. "With a little help of my friends: Análisis de la comunicación por redes más allá de un curso" Memorias de las Jornadas Argentinas de Didáctica de la Computación (JADiCC) , (2021).
  66. Mariana Bergonzi, Esteban Lanzarotti, Ernesto Kofman, Rodrigo Castro. "Modelado Eficiente de Sistemas Epidemiológicos Multiescala" Anales de la XIX Reunión de Procesamiento de la Información y Control (RPIC 2021) , (2021).
  67. Tommaso Flaminio, Lluis Godo, Paula Menchón, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "On the role of Dunn and Fisher Servi axioms in relational frames for Gödel modal logics" Book of abstracts of Non-Classical Modal and Predicate Logics 2021 , (2021).
  68. Lucía Parral, Herman Schinca, Fernando Schapachnik, Hernán Czemerinski. "Misconceptions de Ciencias de la Computación en niños/as escolarizados/as" Actas de las Primeras Jornadas de Didáctica de Ciencias de la Computación , (2021).
  69. Straminsky Axel , Jacobo Julio, M. Elena Buemi. "An efficient Action Detection from First Person Vision with Attention Model" ANALES DE SAIV 2021 SIMPOSIO ARGENTINO DE IMAGENES Y VISION (JAIIO) , (2021).
  70. Cristian Luciano Salto, Daniel Acevedo. "Variantes de Vectores de Fisher para la clasificación de imágenes de lesiones de piel mediante redes neuronales profundas residuales" Anales de las 50 JAIIO , (2021).
  71. María Soledad Fernández, Edgar Altsyler, Agustín Dramis, Gerardo Rubén Cueto, Adriana Pérez, Pablo Nuñez, Pablo Turjanski. "Método de Remoción de Medidas Anómalas en Datos de Crecimiento Infanto-Juvenil: una Aplicación para Grandes Bases de Datos en Salud" ANALES DE AGRANDA 2021 - SIMPOSIO ARGENTINO DE CIENCIA DE DATOS Y GRANDES DATOS (JAIIO) , (2021).
  72. Pablo Negri, Martin Breitkopf, Maria Laura Ojeda, Maria Priscila Ramos. "From International to Regional Commodity Price Pass-through Using Self-Driven Recurrent Networks" LVI Reunión Anual Asociación Argentina de Economía Política , (2021).
  73. Miguel Nehmad Alche, Daniel Acevedo, Marta Mejail. "EfficientARL: Improving Skin Cancer Diagnoses by Combining Lightweight Attention on EfficientNet" Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops , (2021).
  74. Shaun Azzopardi, Gordon Pace, Fernando Schapachnik, Gerardo Schneider. "On the Interpretation and Monitoring of Timed Deontic Logics" Runtime Verification - 21st International Conference , (2021).
  75. Tomás González Garello, María Soledad Fernández, Pablo Turjanski, Agustín Dramis, Adriana Pérez, Gerardo Cueto. "Comparación de Modelos Mixtos Para Describir el Crecimiento Físico en la Población Infantil Vulnerable en Argentina" XIV Congreso Latinoamericano de Sociedades de Estadística ?Laura Nalbarte? : libro de resúmenes , (2021).
  76. María Agustina Melconian, María Soledad Fernández, Pablo Turjanski, Edgar Altsyler, Malena Libman, Adriana Pérez, Pablo Nuñez, Gerardo Cueto. "Patrones espaciales en indicadores de malnutrición infantil de la República Argentina" XIV Congreso Latinoamericano de Sociedades de Estadística ?Laura Nalbarte? : libro de resúmenes , (2021).
  77. Darío Ocles, Pablo Turjanski, Matías López y Rosenfeld. "A ordenar, cada cosa en su lugar: una experiencia de migraci´on a la virtualidad de contenidos sobre algoritmos de ordenamiento en la universidad" Actas de las 50 JAIIO , (2021).
  78. Miguel Nehmad Alche, Daniel Acevedo, Marta Mejail. "EfficientARL: improving skin cancer diagnoses by combining lightweight attention on EfficientNet" Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops , (2021).
  79. Cristian Luciano Salto, Daniel Acevedo. "Variantes de Vectores de Fisher para la clasificacio ́n de im ́agenes de lesiones de piel mediante redes neuronales profundas residuales" Anales de las 50 JAIIO , (2021).
  80. Edgar Altszyler, Pablo Brusco, Nikoletta Basiou, John Byrnes, Dimitra Vergyri. "Zero-shot Multi-Domain Dialog State Tracking Using Prescriptive Rules" Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning , (2021).
  81. Jazmin Vidal, Cyntia Bonomi, Marcelo Sancinetti, Luciana Ferrer. "Phone-Level Pronunciation Scoring for Spanish Speakers Learning English Using a GOP-DNN System" Proceedings of Interspeech 2021 , (2021).
  82. Lara Gauder, Leonardo Pepino, Luciana Ferrer, Pablo Riera. "Alzheimer Disease Recognition Using Speech-Based Embeddings \\From Pre-Trained Models" Proceedings of Interspeech 2021 , (2021).
  83. Leonardo Pepino, Pablo Riera, Luciana Ferrer. "Emotion Recognition from Speech Using Wav2vec 2.0 Embeddings" Proceedings of Interspeech 2021 , (2021).
  84. Niko Brummer, Luciana Ferrer, Albert Swart. "Out of a Hundred Trials, How Many Errors Does Your Speaker Verifier Make?" Proceedings of Interspeech 2021 , (2021).
  85. Gaston Castro, Facundo Pessacg, Pablo De Cristóforis. "Consistent SLAM using Local Optimization with Virtual Prior Topologies" IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS21) , (2021).
  86. Flavia Bonomo, Nick Brettell, Andrea Munaro, Daniël Paulusma. "Solving problems on generalized convex graphs via mim-width" Lecture Notes in Computer Science , (2021).
  87. Camila Di Ielsi, Pablo Negri. "Base de Imágenes Latinoamericana para Reconocimiento Facial" JAIIO , (2021).
  88. Daniel Grimaldi, M. Vanina Martinez, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Updating the Belief Promotion Operator" Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence , (2021).
  89. Daniel Grimaldi, Maria Vanina Martinez, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Updating the Belief Promotion Operator" Proc. IJCAI 2021 , (2021).
  90. Nicolás García Aramouni, Juan José Miranda Bront. "Sports scheduling and managerial aspects: insights for Argentina’s National Basketball League" Proceedings of the MathSport International 8 Conference , (2021).
  91. PABLO BARENBAUM, Teodoro Freund. "A Constructive Logic with Classical Proofs and Refutations" 36th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, LICS. 2021, Rome, Italy, June 29 - July 2, 2021 , (2021).
  92. Alrahman Yehia, BRABERMAN VICTOR, DIPPOLITO R. NICOLAS, NIR PITERMAN, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN. "Synthesis of Run-To-Completion Controllers for Discrete Event Systems" AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE , (2021).
  93. Flavia Bonomo, Gastón Abel Brito. "Intersection models for 2-thin and proper 2-thin graphs" Procedia Computer Science , (2021).
  94. Pablo Negri, Maria Priscila Ramos, Martin Breitkopf. "Regional Commodities Price Volatility Assessment Using Self-driven Recurrent Networks" Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications , (2021).
  95. Ignacio Manuel Lebrero Rial, Juan Pablo Galeotti. "EvoSuiteDSE at the SBST 2021 Tool Competition" Proceedings of the 14th Intl. Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing , (2021).
  96. Flavia Bonomo, Gastón Abel Brito. "Intersection models for 2-thin and proper 2-thin graphs" Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science , (2021).
  97. browarnik martín, J.M Ortiz de Zarate, Esteban Feuerstein. "Identificación de comunidades en intervalos de tiempo a través del lenguaje" AGRANDA , (2021).
  98. Gonzalo Fernández Florio, María Elena Buemi, Daniel Acevedo, Pablo Negri. "Attribute classification for the analysis of genuineness of facial expressions" in press , (2021).
  99. Gonzalez Fernandez Florio, Maria Elena Buemi, Daniel Acevedo, Pablo Negri. "Attribute classification for the analysis of genuineness of facial expressions" International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems , (2021).
  100. Gonzalo Fernandez Florio, María Elena Buemi, Daniel Acevedo, Pablo Negri. "Attribute classification for the analysis of genuineness of facial expressions" 11th International Conference of Pattern Recognition Systems (ICPRS 2021) , (2021).
  101. G. Fernández Florio, M. E. Buemi, D. Acevedo, P. Negri. "Attribute classification for the analysis of genuineness of facial expressions" 11th International Conference of Pattern Recognition Systems (ICPRS 2021) , (2021).
  102. Gonzalez J, Nieto N, Veneziano M, Brusco P, Gravano A, Kamienkowski JE. "Brain representation of acoustic features during goal-oriented dialogues" Proceedings of ASAI 2021 - Argentinian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence , (2021).
  103. Carlos Ismael Orozco, Maria Elena Buemi, Julio César Alberto Jacobo Berlles. "Video to Text Study using an Encoder-Decoder Networks Approach" Proceedings of the 2018 37th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society , (2021).
  104. Alejandro Díaz Caro. "Teoría de la Demostración en Computación Cuántica" Libro de la Resúmenes de las IV Jornadas de Investigadores en Formación en CyT , (2021).


  1. Emilio Almansi, Verónica Becher. "Completely uniformly distributed sequences based on de Bruijn sequence" MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTATION Volume 89, (2020): 2357-2551.
  2. Flavia Bonomo, Mitre Costa Dourado, Mario Valencia-Pabon, Juan Carlos Vera. "A note on hom*omorphisms of Kneser hypergraphs" APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Volume 366, (2020): 124764-124764.
  3. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Martín Darío Safe, Annegret Katrin Wagler. "On graph classes related to perfect graphs: A survey" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 281, (2020): 42-60.
  4. Flavia Bonomo-Braberman, Esther Galby, Carolina Lucía Gonzalez. "Characterising circular-arc contact B0-VPG graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 283, (2020): 435-443.
  5. Flavia Bonomo-Braberman, Guillermo Durán, Nina Pardal, Martín Darío Safe. "Forbidden induced subgraph characterization of circle graphs within split graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS , (2020).
  6. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala, Fabrizio Borghini. "An exact algorithm for the edge coloring by total labeling problem," ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 286, (2020): 11-31.
  7. Pablo Factorovich, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "Pickup and delivery problem with incompatibility constraints" COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH , (2020).
  8. C. Massri, G. Bellomo, F. Holik, G.M. Bosyk. "Extremal elements of a sublattice of the majorization lattice and approximate majorization" JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL Volume 53, no. 21 (2020).
  9. Cristhian Ariel David Deagustini, Juan Carlos L. Teze, Maria Vanina Martinez, Marcelo A. Falappa, Guillermo R. Simari. "Merging Existential Rules Programs in Multi-Agent Contexts through Credibility Accrual" INFORMATION SCIENCES , (2020).
  10. Fabio R. Gallo, Gerardo I. Simari, Maria Vanina Martinez, Marcelo A. Falappa. "Predicting user reactions to Twitter feed content based on personality type and social cues" FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS Volume 110, (2020): 918-930.
  11. Jose N. Paredes, Gerardo I. Simari, Maria Vanina Martinez, Marcelo A. Falappa. "NetDER: An Architecture for Reasoning About Malicious Behavior" INFORMATION SYSTEMS FRONTIERS , (2020).
  12. Alejandro Díaz-Caro, Octavio Malherbe. "A categorical construction for the computational definition of vector spaces" APPLIED CATEGORICAL STRUCTURES Volume 2020, no. 5 (2020): 807-844.
  13. Beniamino Accattoli, Alejandro Díaz-Caro. "Functional Pearl: The Distributive λ-Calculus" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 1207, (2020): 33-49.
  14. Lucio Santi, Lucas Rossi, Rodrigo Castro. "Efficient discrete-event based particle tracking simulation for high energy physics" COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS Volume 258, (2020).
  15. Peter Fritzson, Rodrigo Castro, Alachew Bernt Lie Andreas Heuermann Mahder Gebremedhin Dag Fritzson Rüdiger Franke Francesco Casella Lena Buffoni Robert Braun Daniel Bouskela Willi Braun Bernhard Bachmann Adeel Ashgar Karim Abdelhak Adrian Pop, John Tinnerholm and Per Östlund Bernhard Thiele Martin Sjölund Wladimir Schamai Vitalij Ruge Arunkumar Palanisamy Lennart Ochel Kannan Moudgalya Lars Mikelsons Mengist. "The OpenModelica Integrated Environment for Modeling, Simulation, and Model-Based Development" Modeling, Identification and Control Volume 41, no. 4 (2020): 241-285.
  16. María Cecilia De Rossi, Nicolás González Bardeci, Yanina Álvarez, Esteban Mocskos, Juan José Romero, Luciana Bruno, Diana Elena Wetzler, Valeria Levi. "Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy reveals the dynamics of kinesins interacting with organelles during microtubule-dependent transport in cells" BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR CELL RESEARCH Volume 1867, no. 1 (2020).
  17. E. Luján, J. Zuloaga Mellino, A. Otero, L. Rey Vega, C. Galarza, E. Mocskos. "Extreme Coverage in 5G Narrowband IoT: A LUT-Based Strategy to Optimize Shared Channels" IEEE Internet of Things Journal Volume 7, no. 3 (2020): 2129-2136.
  18. E. Luján, A. Otero, S. Valenzuela, E. Mocskos, L. Steffenel, S. Nesmachnow. "An integrated platform for smart energy management: the CC-SEM project" REVISTA FACULTAD DE INGENIERíA UNIVERSIDAD DE ANTIOQUIA , (2020).
  19. Pablo Brusco, Jazmín Vidal, Stefan Be?u, Agustín Gravano. "A cross-linguistic analysis of the temporal dynamics of turn-taking cues using machine learning as a descriptive tool" SPEECH COMMUNICATION Volume 125, (2020): 24-40.
  20. Ramiro H. Gálvez, Agustín Gravano, Stefan Be?u, Rivka Levitan, Marian Trnka, Julia Hirschberg. "An empirical study of the effect of acoustic-prosodic entrainment on the perceived trustworthiness of conversational avatars" SPEECH COMMUNICATION Volume 124, (2020): 46-67.
  21. Rodrigo Castro, Ezequiel Pecker Marcosig, Esteban Lanzarotti, Mariano Zapatero, Ezequiel Puerta. "Iniciativas matemático computacionales desde la Universidad de Buenos Aires para contribuir a la toma de decisiones en el contexto del COVID-19" Revista Ingenireía de Sistemas Volume XXXI, (2020).
  22. Cristian F. Sottile, Alejandro Díaz-Caro, Pablo E. Martínez López. "Polymorphic System I" ACM International Conference Proceeding Series Volume IFL, (2020): 127-137.
  23. Pablo De Cristóforis, Thomas Fischer, Matías Nitsche. "Estimación de la covarianza de ICP para la localización de un robot diferencial mediante odometrı́ a y escaneo láser" Tecnología y Ciencia , no. 37 (2020): 134-145.
  24. Arrar M, Belloili L, Bianco AM, Boechi L, Castro R, Duran G, Etchenique R, Fernández N, Ferrer L, Garbervetsky D, Goldsmit R, Grillo C, Kamienkowski JE, Laciana P, Lanzarotti E, Lozano M, Maidana R, Mendiluce M, Minoldo S, Pepino L, Pecker-Marcosig E, Puerta E, Quiroga R, Solovey G, Valdora M, Zapatero M. "Iniciativas matemático computacionales desde la Universidad de Buenos Aires para contribuir a la toma de decisiones en el contexto del COVID-19" Revista Ingenieria de Sistemas Volume 34, (2020).
  25. Pablo Brusco, Jazmín Vidal, Stefan Be?u?, Agustín Gravano. "A cross-linguistic analysis of the temporal dynamics of turn-taking cues using machine learning as a descriptive tool" SPEECH COMMUNICATION Volume 125, (2020): 24-40.
  26. Gonzalo Lera-Romero, Juan J. Miranda Bront, Francisco J. Soulignac. "Linear edge costs and labeling algorithms: The case of the time-dependent vehicle routing problem with time windows" NETWORKS Volume 76, no. 1 (2020): 24-53.
  27. Emilio Almansi, Verónica Becher. "Completely uniformly distributed sequences based on de Bruijn sequence" MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTATION Volume 89, (2020): 2537-2551.
  28. DANIEL CIOLEK, BRABERMAN VICTOR, DIPPOLITO R. NICOLAS, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN, SARDIÑA SEBASTIAN. "Compositional Supervisory Control via Reactive Synthesis and Automated Planning" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL Volume 65, (2020): 3502-3516.
  29. Leandro Nahabedian, Victor Braberman, Nicolas DIppolito, Shinichi Honiden, Kenji Tei, jeff kramer, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN. "Dynamic Update of Discrete Event Controllers" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Volume 46, no. 11 (2020): 1220-1240.
  31. Peter Fritzson, Adrian Pop, Karim Abdelhak, Adeel Asghar, Bernhard Bachmann, Willi Braun, Daniel Bouskela, Robert Braun, Lena Buffoni, Francesco Casella, Rodrigo Castro, Rüdiger Franke, Dag Fritzson, Mahder Gebremedhin, Andreas Heuermann, Bernt Lie, Alachew Mengist, Lars Mikelsons, Kannan Moudgalya, Lennart Ochel, Arunkumar Palanisamy, Vitalij Ruge, Wladimir Schamai, Martin Sjolund, Bernhard Thiele, John Tinnerholm, Per Ostlund. "The OpenModelica integrated environment for modeling, simulation, and model-based development" MODELING, IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL Volume 41, no. 4 (2020): 241-285.
  32. P. Verghelet, E. Mocskos. "Towards a Platform to evaluate the impact of Resource Information Distribution in IoT Environments", in: Juan Luis Crespo-Mariño, Esteban Meneses Rojas None High Performance Computing Volume 1087, (2020): 215-229.
  33. G. A. Lado, E. C. Segura. "Coding with Logistic Softmax Sparse Units", in: D. C. Wyld, D. Nagamalai None Computer Science & Information Technology Volume 126, (2020): 245-252.
  34. Pablo Factorovich, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "Pickup and delivery problem with incompatibility constraints" COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 113, (2020).
  35. Fabrizio Borghini, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "An exact algorithm for the edge coloring by total labeling problem" ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 286, no. 1-2 (2020): 11-31.
  36. Iván Arcuschin Moreno, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Diego Garbervetsky. "Algorithm or representation? an empirical study on how SAPIENZ achieves coverage" Proceedings - 2020 IEEE/ACM 1st International Conference on Automation of Software Test, AST 2020 , (2020): 61-70.
  37. Ivan Arcuschin Moreno. "Search-Based Test Generation for Android Apps" Proceedings - 2020 ACM/IEEE 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion, ICSE-Companion 2020 , (2020): 230-233.
  38. Bruno Bianchi, Gastón Bengolea Monzón, Luciana Ferrer, Diego Fernández Slezak, Diego E. Shalom, Juan E. Kamienkowski. "Human and computer estimations of Predictability of words in written language" Scientific Reports Volume 10, no. 1 (2020).
  39. Shennan A. Weiss, Inkyung Song, Mei Leng, Tomás Pastore, Diego Slezak, Zachary Waldman, Iren Orosz, Richard Gorniak, Mustafa Donmez, Ashwini Sharan, Chengyuan Wu, Itzhak Fried, Michael R. Sperling, Anatol Bragin, Jerome Engel, Yuval Nir, Richard Staba. "Ripples Have Distinct Spectral Properties and Phase-Amplitude Coupling With Slow Waves, but Indistinct Unit Firing, in Human Epileptogenic Hippocampus" Frontiers in Neurology Volume 11, (2020).
  40. Francisco Dorr, Hernán Chaves, María Mercedes Serra, Andrés Ramirez, Martín Elías Costa, Joaquín Seia, Claudia Cejas, Marcelo Castro, Eduardo Eyheremendy, Diego Fernández Slezak, Mauricio F. Farez. "COVID-19 pneumonia accurately detected on chest radiographs with artificial intelligence" Intelligence-Based Medicine Volume 3-4, (2020).
  41. Martin Alejandro Miguel, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernandez Slezak. "From beat tracking to beat expectation: Cognitive-based beat tracking for capturing pulse clarity through time" PLOS ONE Volume 15, no. 11 (2020).
  42. Sylvia Pinheiro, Natália Bezerra Mota, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernández-Slezak, Antonio Guerreiro, Luís Fernando Tófoli, Guillermo Cecchi, Mauro Copelli, Sidarta Ribeiro. "The History of Writing Reflects the Effects of Education on Discourse Structure: Implications for Literacy, Orality, Psychosis and the Axial Age" Trends in Neuroscience and Education Volume 21, (2020).
  43. Vinicius L. do Forte, Min Chih Lin, Abilio Lucena, Nelson Maculan, Veronica A. Moyano, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Modelling and solving the perfect edge domination problem" OPTIMIZATION LETTERS Volume 14, (2020): 369-394.
  44. Gonzalo Lera-Romero, Juan J. Miranda Bront, Francisco J. Soulignac. "Linear edge costs and labeling algorithms: The case of the time-dependent vehicle routing problem with time windows" NETWORKS , (2020).
  45. Daniel Ciolek, Victor Braberman, Nicolas DIppolito, Sebastian Sardiña, S. Uchitel. "Compositional Supervisory Control via Reactive Synthesis and Automated Planning" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL , (2020).
  46. Florencia Leonardi, Matías Lopez-Rosenfeld, Daniela Rodriguez, Magno T. F. Severino, Mariela Sued. "Independent block identification in multivariate time series" JOURNAL OF TIME SERIES ANALYSIS , (2020).
  47. E. Altszyler, P. Brusco, N. Basiou, J. Byrnes, D. Vergyri. "Zero-shot Multi-Domain Dialog State Tracking Using Descriptive Rules" ArXiv , (2020).
  48. Diego Kozlowski, Gabriela Lozano, Carla M. Felcher, Fernando Gonzalez, Edgar Altszyler. "Gender bias in magazines oriented to men and women: a computational approach" ArXiv , (2020).
  49. Gastón Mauro Díaz, Pablo Augusto Negri, José Daniel Lencinas. "Toward making canopy hemispherical photography independent of illumination conditions: A deep-learning-based approach" AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY Volume 296, (2020).
  50. Pablo A. Nuñez, María Soledad Fernández, Pablo Turjanski, Adriana Pérez, María Romina Rivero, Carlos De Angelo, Oscar D. Salomón, Gerardo Cueto. "Substantial reduction in child stunting is differentially associated to geographical and socioeconomic disparities in Misiones Province, Argentina" TROPICAL MEDICINE AND INTERNATIONAL HEALTH , (2020).
  51. Ignacio Perito, Guido Bellomo, Daniel Galicer, Santiago Figueira, Augusto J. Roncaglia, Ariel Bendersky. "Impossibility of memory in hidden-signaling models for quantum correlations" Physical Review A Volume 102, no. 5 (2020).
  52. Pablo Tano, Sergio Romano, Mariano Sigman, Alejo Salles, Santiago Figueira. "Towards a more flexible language of thought: Bayesian grammar updates after each concept exposure" PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume 101, no. 4 (2020).
  53. Diego Figueira, Santiago Figueira, Edwin Pin. "Finite Controllability for Ontology-Mediated Query Answering of CRPQ", in: Diego Calvanese, Esra Erdem None Proceedings of KR 2020, (2020).
  54. Agustín Eloy Martinez Suñé, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo. "Quality of Service Ranking by Quantifying Partial Compliance of Requirements" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 2134, (2020): 181-189.
  55. Roberto Bruni, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari. "Bayesian network semantics for Petri nets" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 807, (2020): 95-113.
  56. Leonardo Frittelli, Facundo Maldonado, Hernán Melgratti, Emilio Tuosto. "A Choreography-Driven Approach to APIs: The OpenDXL Case Study" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 1213, (2020): 107-124.
  57. Hernán Melgratti, Claudio Antares Mezzina, Iain Phillips, G. Michele Pinna, Irek Ulidowski. "Reversible Occurrence Nets and Causal Reversible Prime Event Structures" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 1222, (2020): 35-53.
  58. Hernán Melgratti, Claudio Antares Mezzina, And Irek Ulidowski. "Reversing place transition nets" LOGICAL METHODS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (LMCS) Volume 16, no. 4 (2020): 1-28.
  59. Laura Bocchi, Hernán Melgratti, Emilio Tuosto. "On Resolving Non-determinism in Choreographies" LOGICAL METHODS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (LMCS) Volume 16, no. 3 (2020): 1-69.
  60. Fabio Gadducci, Hernán Melgratti, Christian Roldán, Matteo Sammartino. "Implementation Correctness for Replicated Data Types, Categorically" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 1254, (2020): 283-303.
  61. Omar Inverso, Hernán Melgratti, Luca Padovani, Catia Trubiani, Emilio Tuosto. "Probabilistic analysis of binary sessions" Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs Volume 171, (2020): 141-1421.
  62. Ugo De'Liguoro, Hernan Melgratti, Emilio Tuosto. "Towards refinable choreographies" Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, EPTCS Volume 324, (2020): 61-77.
  63. Antonio Bucciarelli, Delia Kesner, Ríos. Alejandro, Andres Viso. "The Bang Calculus revisited" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2020).
  64. ANDREA ARCURI, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI. "Handling SQL Databases in Automated System Test Generation" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY Volume 29, no. 4 (2020): 1-31.
  66. RICARDO OSCAR RODRIGUEZ, Amanda Vidal. "Axiomatization of crisp Gödel modal logic" JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC, THE , (2020).
  67. Sebastián Taboh, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "Power Scheduling with Interruptions for Residential Demand in Smart Grid" International Conference of Production Research-Americas , (2020).
  68. Ezequiel Pecker Marcosig, Sebastián Zudaire, Martin Garret, Sebastián Uchitel, Rodrigo Castro. "Unified DEVS-based platform for Modeling and Simulation of Hybrid Control Systems" Proceedings of the 2020 Winter SImulation Conference (WSC) , (2020).
  69. Ezequiel Pecker Marcosig, Sebastián Zudaire, Sebastián Uchitel, Rodrigo Castro. "Unified DEVS-based platform for Modeling and Simulation of Hybrid Control Systems" Proceedings of the 2020 Winter Simulation Conference , (2020).
  70. Melanie Sclar, Gastón Bujía, Sebastian Vita, Gullermo Solovey, Juan E Kamienkowski. "Modeling human visual search: A combined Bayesian searcher and saliency map approach for eye movement guidance in natural scenes" SVRHM 2020 - NeuroIPS workshop , (2020).
  71. Juan Manuel Pérez, Aymé Arango, Franco Luque. "ANDES at SemEval-2020 Task 12: A Jointly-trained BERT Multilingual Model for Offensive Language Detection" Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation , (2020).
  72. Luciana Ferrer, Mitchell McLaren. "A Speaker Verification Backend for Improved Calibration Performanceacross Varying Conditions" Proc. Odyssey 2020 , (2020).
  73. PABLO BARENBAUM, Federico Lochbaum, Mariana Milicich. "Semantics of a Relational Lambda-Calculus" Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2020 - 17th International Colloquium , (2020).
  74. Liliana Alcón, Flavia Bonomo, María Pia Mazzoleni, Fabiano S. Oliveira. "On PVPG graphs: a subclass of vertex intersection graphs of paths on a grid" Matemática Contemporânea , (2020).
  75. María Agustina Melconian, María Soledad Fernández, Pablo Turjanski, Edgar Altsyler, Malena Libman, Adriana Pérez, Pablo Núñez, Gerardo Cueto. "Patrones espaciales en indicadores de malnutrición infantil de la República Argentina" Libro de Resúmenes XXV Reunión Científica del Grupo Argentino de Biometría , (2020).
  76. Tomás González Garello, Pablo Turjanski, María Soledad Fernández, Pablo Núñez, Adriana Pérez, Gerardo Cueto. "Modelando Registros Longitudinales de Crecimiento Físico en la Población Infantil de Argentina: Comparación de Modelos" Libro de Resúmenes XXV Reunión Científica del Grupo Argentino de Biometría , (2020).
  77. Agustín Dramis, Edgar Altsyler, Pablo Turjanski, Gerardo Cueto, María Soledad Fernández, Pablo Núñez, Adriana Pérez. "Impacto del uso de distintos estándares de referencia para el cálculo de la prevalencia de retraso en crecimiento" Libro de Resúmenes XXV Reunión Científica del Grupo Argentino de Biometría , (2020).
  78. Mahesh Kumar Nandwana, MIchael Lomnitz, Colleen Richey, Mitchell McLaren, Diego Castán, Luciana Ferrer, Aaron Lawson. "The VOiCES from a Distance Challenge 2019:Analysis of Speaker Verification Results and Remaining Challenges" Proc. Odyssey 2020 , (2020).
  79. Matías López y Rosenfeld, Esteban Mocskos, Mariano González Lebrero, José Crespo, Mehrnoosh Arrar, Ines Caridi, Mariela Sued. "Exactas Programa: llevando la programación a cada rincón de la ciencia" Actas de las 49 JAIIO , (2020).
  80. J.M Ortiz de Zarate, Di Giovanni Marco, E. Feuerstein, marco brambilla. "Measuring controversy in Social Networks through NLP" String Processing and Information Retrieval - LNCS 12303 , (2020).
  81. J.M Ortiz de Zarate, E. Feuerstein. "Vocabulary-based Method for Quantifying Controversy in Social Media" Proceedings of ICCS 2020 (Ontologies and Concepts in Mind and Machine) LNCS/LNAI 12277 , (2020).
  82. Ivan Arscuschin Moreno, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Diego Garbervetsky. "Algorithm or Representation?: An empirical study on how SAPIENZ achieves coverage" IEEE/ACM 1st International Conference on Automation of Software Test, , (2020).
  83. ANDREA ARCURI, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI. "Testability Transformations For Existing APIs" Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST) 2020 , (2020).
  84. Iván Arcuschin Moreno, Juan P. Galeotti, Diego Garbervetsky. "Algorithm or Representation? An empirical study on how SAPIENZ achieves coverage" Proceedings of 1st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automation of Software Test , (2020).
  85. Hernán Czemerinski, Fernando Schapachnik, Martín Guillermo Scasso, Daniela Cura, Verónica Alelí Marino. "A teacher training program in Argentina analysed by profiles" WiPSCE '20: Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Primary and Secondary Computing Education , (2020).
  86. Mariana Bergonzi, Rodrigo Castro, Ernesto Kofman. "Modelado con Retardos Explícitos de la Propagación de COVID-19 en Argentina" Anales del 27º Congreso Argentino de Control Automático (AADECA 2020) , (2020).
  87. Guillermina Yansen, Christian Cossio Mercado, Agostina Dolcemascolo, Pablo Turjanski, Lucila Dughera. "La Programación y su Didáctica: resultados preliminares del seguimiento del curso en el Departamento de Computación de la FCEN-UBA" ANALES DE SAEI 2020 SIMPOSIO ARGENTINO DE EDUCACIÓN EN INFORMÁTICA (JAIIO) , (2020).
  88. Lucas Figarola, Felipe Ghersa, Rodrigo Castro, Diego Ferraro. "Automatización del modelo de simulación de cultivos DSSAT para evaluar el desempeño productivo bajo distintas estrategias de manejo y escenarios ambientales" Anales de la XLIX Jornadas Argentinas de Informática e Investigación Operativa (49 JAIIO) , (2020).
  89. Pablo Barenbaum, EDUARDO BONELLI. "Rewrites as Terms through Justification Logic" PPDP '20: 22nd International Symposium on Principles and Practiceof Declarative Programming , (2020).
  90. Flavia Bonomo, Julliano Nascimento, Fabiano Oliveira, Uéverton Souza, Jayme Szwarcfiter. "Linear-time Algorithms for Eliminating Claws in Graphs" Lecture Notes in Computer Science , (2020).
  91. Franz Mayr, Ramiro Visca, Sergio Yovine. "On-the-fly Black-Box Probably Approximately Correct Checking of Recurrent Neural Networks" Lecture Notes in Computer Science , (2020).
  92. Ramiro H. Gálvez, Lara Gauder, Jordi Luque, Agustín Gravano. "A unifying framework for modeling acoustic/prosodic entrainment: definition and evaluation on two large corpora" Proceedings of SIGDIAL 2020 , (2020).
  93. Sebastian Zudaire, Martin Garret, Sebastian Uchitel. "Iterator-Based Temporal Logic Task Planning" International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2020) , (2020).
  94. Francesc Esteva, Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez, Thomas Vetterlein. "On Ruspini's models of similarity-based approximate reasoning" Procceding of IPMU , (2020).
  95. Ajay Vasudevan, Pablo Negri, Bernabe Linares-Barranco, Teresa Serrano-Gotarredona. "Introduction and Analysis of an Event-Based Sign Language Dataset" 15th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition , (2020).
  96. Leonardo Pepino, Pablo Riera, Luciana Ferrer, Agustín Gravano. "Fusion approaches for emotion recognition from speech using acoustic and text-based features" IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , (2020).
  97. Leonardo Pepino, Pablo Riera, Luciana Ferrer, Agustín Gravano. "Fusion Approaches for Emotion Recognition from Speech Using Acoustic and Text-Based Features" Proc. ICASSP 2020 , (2020).
  98. Luciana Ferrer, Mitchell McLaren. "A Discriminative Condition-Aware Backend for Speaker Verification" Proc. ICASSP 2020 , (2020).


  1. Rodrigo Castro, Ezequiel Pecker Marcosig, Juan Giribet. "Simulation model continuity for efficient development of embedded controllers in cyber-physical systems", in: Andreas Tolk, Saurabh Mittal None Complexity Challenges in Cyber Physical Systems: Using Modeling and Simulation (M&S) to Support Intelligence, Adaptation and Autonomy, (2019): 120-135.
  2. Verónica Becher, Sergio A. Yuhjtman. "On absolutely normal and continued fraction normal numbers" INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES Volume 19, (2019): 6136-61616.
  3. Verónica Becher, Olivier Cartón, Ignacio Mollo Cunningham. "Low discrepancy sequences failing Poissonian pair correlations" ARCHIV DER MATHEMATIK Volume 113, no. 2 (2019): 169-178.
  4. Nicolás Álvarez, Verónica Becher, Olivier Carton. "Finite-state independence and normal sequences" JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES Volume 103, (2019): 1-17.
  5. Verónica Becher, Olivier Carton. "Normal numbers and nested perfect necklaces" JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY Volume 54, (2019): 1403-1403.
  6. Flavia Bonomo, Diego De Estrada. "On the thinness and proper thinness of a graph" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 261, (2019): 78-92.
  7. Flavia Bonomo, María Pia Mazzoleni, Mariano Rean, Bernard Ries. "On some special classes of contact B_0-VPG graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS , (2019).
  9. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Gustavo Vulcano, Paula Zabala. "Analysis of a generalized Linear Ordering Problem via integer programming" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS , (2019).
  10. Pablo Factorovich, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "Pickup and delivery problem with incompatibility constraints" COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 113, (2019).
  11. Martín Rinemberg, Francisco J. Soulignac. "The eternal dominating set problem for interval graphs" INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS Volume 146, (2019): 27-29.
  12. Leandro Nahabedian, Victor Braberman, Nicolas DIppolito, Shinichi Honiden, Jeff Kramer, Kenji Tei, Sebastian Uchitel. "Dynamic Update of Discrete Event Controllers" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING , (2019).
  13. Lucila Gallino, Facundo Carrillo, Guillermo A. Cecchi. "Differential 28-days cyclic modulation of affective intensity in female and male participants via social media" Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience Volume 13, (2019).
  14. Natalia A. Mancini, María Soledad Segretin, Sebastian Javier Lipina, Matías López y Rosenfeld, Eliana Ruetti. "Diferencias en el desempeño en una tarea de planificación según la motivación de niñas y niños preescolares" Cuadrenos de Neuropsicología , (2019).
  15. María Julia Hermida, María Soledad Segretin, Diego E. Shalom, Matías Lopez-Rosenfeld, marcelo claudio abril, Sebastian Javier Lipina, Mariano Sigman. "Temperament predicts processing speed in low socioeconomic status rural preschoolers" Mind, Brain and Education , (2019).
  16. Matías López y Rosenfeld, María Soledad Segretin, Sebastian Javier Lipina. "Exploraciones interdisciplinarias para el escalamiento de intervenciones experimentales", in: Sebastian Javier Lipina, María Soledad Segretin None Exploraciones neurocientíficas de la pobreza, (2019): 326-347.
  17. Ramiro H. Galvez, Valeria Tiffenberg, Edgar Altszyler. "Half a Century of Stereotyping Associations Between Gender and Intellectual Ability in Films" SEX ROLES , (2019).
  18. E.M. Calzado, H. Schinca, L.E.B. Cabrales, F.M. García, P. Turjanski, N. Olaiz. "Impact of permeabilization and pH effects in the electrochemical treatment of tumors: Experiments and simulations" APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING Volume 74, (2019): 62-72.
  19. Liping Wang, Marie Amalric, Wen Fang, Xinjian Jiang, Christophe Pallier, Santiago Figueira, Mariano Sigman, Stanislas Dehaene. "Representation of spatial sequences using nested rules in human prefrontal cortex" JOURNAL NEUROIMAG Volume 186, (2019): 245-255.
  20. María Emilia Descotte, Diego Figueira, Santiago Figueira. "Closure properties of synchronized relations", in: Rolf Niedermeier, Christophe Paul None Proceedings of STACS 2019 Volume 126, (2019): 1-17.
  21. Bruno Bianchi, Diego E. Shalom, Juan E. Kamienkowski. "Predicting Known Sentences: Neural Basis of Proverb Reading Using Non-parametric Statistical Testing and Mixed-Effects Models" FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE Volume 13, (2019).
  22. Rodrigo Loredo, Juan E. Kamienkowski, Virginia Jaichenco. "Rapid Access to Scalar Implicatures in Adjacency Pair Contexts: Experimental Evidence in Spanish" Languages Volume 4, (2019).
  23. Agustín Eloy Martinez Suñé, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo. "Automatic Quality-of-Service Evaluation in Service-Oriented Computing" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 1153, (2019): 221-236.
  24. Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Pablo Castro, Nazareno M. Aguirre, Thomas S.E. Maibaum. "Satisfiability Calculus: An Abstract Formulation of Semantic Proof Systems" FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE Volume 166, no. 4 (2019): 297-347.
  25. Roberto Bruni, Andrea Corradini, Fabio Gadducci, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari, Emilio Tuosto. "Data-driven choreographies à la klaim" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 1166, (2019): 170-190.
  26. Hernán Melgratti, Claudio Antares Mezzina, Irek Ulidowski. "Reversing P/T nets" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 1153, (2019): 19-36.
  27. Fabio Gadducci, Hernán Melgratti, Christian Roldán, Matteo Sammartino. "A Categorical Account of Replicated Data Types" Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics , (2019).
  28. Roberto Bruni, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari. "Concurrency and Probability: Removing Confusion, Compositionally" LOGICAL METHODS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (LMCS) , (2019).
  29. Penélope Cordero, Manuela Busaniche, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Epistemic BL-algebras" SOFT COMPUTING - (Print) , (2019).
  30. Xavier Caicedo, George Metcalfe, Ricardo O. Rodriguez, Olim Tuyt. "The One-Variable Fragment of Corsi Logic", in: Rosalie Iemhoff, Michael Moortgat, Ruy de Queiroz None International Workshop on Logic, Language, Information, and Computation Volume 1154, (2019): 70-83.
  31. Tommaso Flaminio, Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "A representation theorem for finite Gödel algebras with operators", in: Rosalie Iemhoff, Michael Moortgat, Ruy de Queiroz None International Workshop on Logic, Language, Information, and Computation Volume 1154, (2019): 223-235.
  32. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Gustavo Vulcano, Juan José Miranda-Bront. "Analysis of a generalized Linear Ordering Problem via integer programming" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 271, (2019): 93-107.
  33. ALEJANDRO DÍAZ CARO, Gilles Dowek, Juan Pablo Rinaldi. "Two linearities for quantum computing in the lambda calculus" BIOSYSTEMS Volume 186, (2019).
  34. G. A. Lado, E. C. Segura. "Gradient omissive descent is a minimization algorithm" Int. J. on Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Applications Volume 8, no. 1 (2019): 37-45.
  35. G M Bosyk, G Bellomo, F Holik, H Freytes, G Sergioli. "Optimal common resource in majorization-based resource theories" NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS Volume 21, no. 8 (2019).
  36. Guido Bellomo, Gustavo M. Bosyk. "Majorization, across the (Quantum) Universe", in: Olimpia Lombardi, Sebastian Fortin, Cristian López, Federico Holik None Quantum Worlds - Perspectives on the Ontology of Quantum Mechanics, (2019): 323-342.
  37. Cristhian A.D. Deagustini, M. Vanina Martinez, Marcelo A. Falappa, Guillermo R. Simari. "Belief base contraction by belief accrual" ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Volume 275, (2019): 78-103.
  38. Paola Daniela Budán, Melisa Gisselle Escañuela Gonzalez, Maximiliano Celmo David Budán, Maria Vanina Martinez, Guillermo Ricardo Simari. "Similarity notions in bipolar abstract argumentation" Argument & Computation , (2019): 1-47.
  39. Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari. "Explanation-Friendly Query Answering Under Uncertainty", in: Markus Krötzsch, M .Stepanova None Reasoning Web. Explainable Artificial Intelligence Volume 1181, (2019): 65-103.
  40. Alejandro Díaz-Caro, Marcos Villagra. "Classically time-controlled quantum automata" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 1132, (2019): 266-278.
  41. ALEJANDRO DÍAZ CARO, Gilles Dowek. "Proof Normalisation in a Logic Identifying Isomorphic Propositions" Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) Volume 131, no. 14 (2019): 1-23.
  42. Alejandro Diaz-Caro, Mauricio Guillermo, Alexandre Miquel, Benoit Valiron. "Realizability in the unitary sphere" Proceedings - Symposium on Logic in Computer Science Volume 2019, (2019).
  43. Rodrigo Castro. "Open Research Problems: System Dynamics, Complex Systems", in: Bernard Zeigler, Alexandre Muzy, Ernesto Kofman None Theory of Modeling and Simulation 3rd. Edition, (2019): 641-658.
  44. Christoph Aistleitne, Verónica Becher, Olivier Carton. "Normal numbers with digit dependencies" TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 113, no. 2 (2019): 169-178.
  45. Gastón Castro, Matías Nitsche, Taihú Pire, Thomas Fischer, Pablo DeCristóforis. "Efficient on-board Stereo SLAM through constrained-covisibility strategies" ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS Volume 116, (2019): 192-205.
  46. Cristian Martínez, M. Elena Buemi. "Hybrid ACO algorithm for edge detection" Evolving Systems , (2019).
  47. Maximiliano Geier, David González Márquez, Esteban Mocskos. "SherlockFog: a new tool to support application analysis in Fog and Edge computing" CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS , (2019).
  48. Verónica Becher, Sergio A. Yuhjtman. "On absolutely normal and continued fraction normal numbers" INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES Volume 19, (2019): 6136-6161.
  49. rodrigo daniel castro, Ezequiel Pecker Marcosig, juan ignacio giribet. "Simulation model continuity for efficient development of embedded controllers in cyber-physical systems", in: Saurabh Mittal, Andreas Tolk None Complexity Challenges in Cyber Physical Systems: Using Modeling and Simulation (M&S) to Support Intelligence, Adaptation and Autonomy, (2019).
  50. Gastón Castro, Matías Nitsche, Taihú Pire, Thomas Fischer, Thomas Fischer, Pablo De Cristóforis. "Efficient on-board Stereo SLAM through constrained-covisibility strategies" ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS Volume 116, (2019): 192-205.
  51. Gonzalo Lera-Romero, Juan José Miranda-Bront. "A branch and cut algorithm for the time-dependent profitable tour problem with resource constraints" EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH , (2019).
  52. Xavier Caicedo, George Metcalfe, Ricardo O. Rodriguez, Olim Tuyt. "The one- variable fragment of corsi logic" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 1154, (2019).
  53. Nicolás Álvarez, Olivier Carton. "On Normality in Shifts of Finite Type" THEORY OF COMPUTING SYSTEMS , (2019).
  54. Gervasio Pérez, Sergio Yovine. "Formal specification and implementation of an automated pattern-based parallel-code generation framework" International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer , (2019).
  55. E. Luján, A. Otero, S. Valenzuela, E. Mocskos, L. Steffenel, S. Nesmachnow. "Cloud Computing for Smart Energy Management (CC-SEM Project)", in: S. Nesmachnow, L. Hernández Callejo None Smart Cities, (2019): 116-131.
  56. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Gustavo Vulcano, Paula Zabala. "Analysis of a generalized Linear Ordering Problem via integer programming" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 271, (2019): 93-107.
  57. E. M. Calzado, Herman Schinca, L. E. B. Cabrales, F. M. García, Pablo Turjanski, Nahuel Olaiz. "Impact of permeabilization and pH effects in the electrochemical treatment of tumors: Experiments and simulations" APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING Volume 74, (2019): 62-72.
  58. Pablo E. Fidel Martínez López, Federico Aloi, Daniel A. Ciolek, Federico Martínez, Denise Pari, Pablo Tobia. "Ciencias de la computación para el aula : 1er. ciclo de secundaria" , (2019). [link]
  59. Shennan A Weiss, Zachary Waldman, Federico Raimondo, Diego Slezak, Mustafa Donmez, Gregory Worrell, Anatol Bragin, Jerome Engel, Richard Staba, Michael Sperling. "Localizing epileptogenic regions using high-frequency oscillations and machine learning" BIOMARKERS IN MEDICINE Volume 13, no. 5 (2019): 409-418.
  60. Gustavo Landfried, Diego Fernández Slezak, Esteban Mocskos. "Faithfulness-boost effect: Loyal teammate selection correlates with skill acquisition improvement in online games" PLOS ONE Volume 14, no. 3 (2019).
  61. Luciana Ferrer, M. K. Nandwana, Mitchell McLaren, Diego Castan, Aaron Lawson. "Toward Fail-Safe Speaker Recognition: Trial-based Calibration with a Reject Option" IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio Speech and Language Processing , (2019).
  62. Luciana Ferrer, Mitchell McLaren. "Joint PLDA for Simultaneous Modeling of Two Factors" JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH , (2019).
  63. Guido Chari, Diego Garbervetsky, Stefan Marr, Stéphane Ducasse. "Fully Reflective Execution Environments: Virtual Machines for More Flexible Software" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Volume 45, (2019): 858-876.
  64. P. Verghelet, E. Mocskos. "First Steps in creating a Methodology to develop and test Scheduling Policies for Internet of Things" Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2019 (WCS2019) , (2019).
  65. Ezequiel Castellano, BRABERMAN VICTOR, DIPPOLITO R. NICOLAS, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN, Kenji Tei. "Minimising Makespan of Discrete Controllers: A Qualitative Approach" Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) , (2019).
  66. Penélope Cordero, Manuela Busaniche, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Subdirectly irreducible complex c-PBL-algebras" Proccedings SLALMXVIII , (2019).
  67. Facundo Pessacg, Francisco Gómez Fernández, Matías Nitsche, Pablo De Cristóforis. "Mapeo y estimacio ́n de para ́metros estructurales de bosques utilizando fotogrametr ́ıa ae ́rea" X JORNADAS ARGENTINAS DE ROBÓTICA 2019 , (2019).
  68. Facundo Pessacg, Francisco Gómenz-Fernández, Matías Nitsche, Pablo De Cristóforis. "Mapeo y estimacion de parámetros estructurales de bosques utilizando fotogrametría aérea" Actas de las Jornadas Argentinas de Robótica , (2019).
  69. Tommaso Flaminio, Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Godel algebras with operators and their logics" Proceedings of ManyVal2019 , (2019).
  70. Dolores del Brio, Julián Illescas, Francisco Raverta Capua, Darío Fernández, Pablo Reeb. "Detección de manzanas en imágenes digitales a partir de rasgos de color utilizando Python" Reunión Científica del Grupo Argentino de Biometría 2019 , (2019).
  71. Ivan Postolski, Víctor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastián Uchitel. "Simulator-based diff-time performance testing" Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Results , (2019).
  72. Dolores del Brio, Julián Illescas, Francisco Raverta Capua, Dario Fernández, Pablo Reeb. "Detección de manzanas en imágenes digitales a partir de rasgos de color utilizando Python" Actas de XXIV Reunión Científica del grupo argentino de Biometría , (2019).
  73. Federico Albanese, Esteban Feuerstein. "Regularización a partir de grafos en modelospotenciados por el gradiente" Jornadas Argentinas de Informática e Investigación Operativa , (2019).
  74. Mattias Heldner, Marcin Wlodarczak, Stefan Benus, Agustín Gravano. "Voice quality as a turn-taking cue" Proceedings of Interspeech 2019 , (2019).
  75. Rose Sloan, Syed Sarfaraz Akhtar, Bryan Li, Ritvik Shrivastava, Agustín Gravano, Julia Hirschberg. "Prosody Prediction from Syntactic, Lexical, and Word Embedding Features" Proceedings of 10th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop , (2019).
  76. Pablo Riera, Luciana Ferrer, Agustin Gravano, Lara Gauder. "No Sample Left Behind: Towards a Comprehensive Evaluation of Speech Emotion Recognition Systems" Proceedings of Speech, Music and Mind 2019 , (2019).
  77. L. Nahabedian, BRABERMAN VICTOR, DIPPOLITO R. NICOLAS, jeff kramer, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN. "Dynamic Reconfiguration of Business Processes" Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Process Management , (2019).
  78. Viviana Cotik, Franco Luque, Juan Manuel Pérez. "Window Classifiers and Conditional Random Fields for Medical Report De-Identification." Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2019) , (2019).
  79. Pedro Rodriguez, Rodrigo Castro. "Traductor de formalismos para modelado y simulación de sistemas híbridos" Anales de la XLVIII Jornadas Argentinas de Informática e Investigación Operativa (48 JAIIO) , (2019).
  80. Jazmin Vidal, Luciana Ferrer, Leonardo Brambilla. "EpaDB: A Database for Development of Pronunciation Assessment Systems" Proc. Interspeech 2019 , (2019).
  81. Mahesh Kumar Nandwana, Luciana Ferrer, Mitchell McLaren, Diego Castán, Aaron Lawson. "Analysis of Critical Metadata Factors for the Calibration of Speaker Recognition Systems" Proc. Interspeech 2019 , (2019).
  82. Luciana Ferrer, Mitchell McLaren. "Optimizing a Speaker Embedding Extractor Through Backend-Driven Regularization" Proc. Interspeech 2019 , (2019).
  83. Lara Gauder, Agustín Gravano, Luciana Ferrer, Pablo Riera, Silvina Brussino. "A protocol for collecting speech data with varying degrees of trust" Proceedings of Speech, Music and Mind 2019 , (2019).
  84. Tommaso Flaminio, Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "A representation theorem for finite Gödel algebras with operators" Proceedings of EUSFLAT 2019 , (2019).
  85. Lara Gauder, Agustín Gravano, Luciana Ferrer, Pablo Riera, Silvina Brussino. "A protocol for collecting speech data with varying degrees of trust" Proc. of the Speech, Music and Mind Workshop 2019 , (2019).
  86. Pablo Riera, Luciana Ferrer, Agustín Gravano, Lara Gauder. "No Sample Left Behind: Towards a Comprehensive Evaluation of Speech Emotion Recognition Systems" Proc. of the Speech, Music and Mind Workshop 2019 , (2019).
  87. Juan Manuel Ortíz de Zárata, Esteban Feuerstein. "Midiendo la controversia en redes sociales a traves de la jerga" Jornadas Argentinas de Informática e Investigación Operativa , (2019).
  88. Franco M. Luque. "Atalaya at TASS 2019: Data Augmentation and Robust Embeddings for Sentiment Analysis" Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2019) , (2019).
  89. Viviana Cotik, Franco Luque, Juan Manuel Pérez. "Window Classifiers and Conditional Random Fields for Medical Report De-Identification" Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2019) , (2019).
  90. Marie Ossenkopf, Gastón Castro, Facundo Pessacg, Kurt Geihs, Pablo De Cristóforis. "Long-Horizon Active SLAM system for multi-agent coordinated exploration" Proceedings of the European Conference on Mobile Robotics , (2019).
  91. Julián Bayardo, Francisco Gómez Fernández, Gabriel Taubin. "Fast Non-Convex Hull Computation" Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV) , (2019).
  92. J. Zuloaga Mellino, E. Luján, A. Otero, E. Mocskos, L. Rey Vega, C. Galarza. "Lite NB-IoT Simulator for Uplink Layer" Proceedings of 2019 XVIII Workshop on Information Processing and Control (RPIC) , (2019).
  93. Andrea Arcuri, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI. "SQL Data Generation to Enhance Search-Based System Testing" Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2019 , (2019).
  94. Nicolas Roulet, Diego Fernández Slezak, Enzo Ferrante. "Joint Learning of Brain Lesion and Anatomy Segmentation from Heterogeneous Datasets" Proceedings of Machine Learning Research , (2019).
  95. Ivan Postolski, Victor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastian Uchitel. "Simulator-based diff-time performance testing" ICSE Nier Track 2019 , (2019).
  96. Juan Manuel Perez, Franco M. Luque. "Atalaya at SemEval 2019 Task 5: Robust Embeddings for Tweet Classification" Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2019) , (2019).
  97. Xavier Caicedo, George Metcalfe, Ricardo O. Rodriguez, Olim Tuyt. "The One-Variable Fragment of Corsi Logic" Proceedings of WoLLIC 2019 , (2019).
  98. Tommaso Flaminio, Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "A representation theorem for finite Gödel algebras with operators" Proceedings of WoLLIC 2019 , (2019).
  99. Carlos Ismael Orozco, Maria Elena Buemi, Julio Jacobo. "Video to Text Study using an Encoder-Decoder Network Approach" 37th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC) , (2019).
  100. Marie Ossenkopf, Gaston Castro, Facundo Pessacg, Kurt Geihs, Pablo De Cristóforis. "Long-Horizon Active SLAM system for multi-agent coordinated exploration" Proceedings of the European Conference on Mobile Robotics , (2019).
  101. Lucila Berniell, Laura Acion, Leandro Lombardi, Edgar Altszyler, Carlos Sarraute, Andres Vazquez, Agustin Gravano, Walter Sosa Escudero. "Hands-on-Data: Artificial intelligence for the design of public policy in Latin America" zenodo , (2019).
  102. Leandro Nahabedian, Victor Braberman, Nicolas DIppolito, J. Kramer, S. Uchitel. "Dynamic Reconfiguration of Business Processes." Business Process Management BPM 2019 , (2019).
  103. Juan Manuel Pérez, Franco Luque. "Atalaya at SemEval 2019 Task 5: Robust Embeddings for Tweet Classification" Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation , (2019).
  104. Amanda Vidal, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Axiomatizing the crisp Gödel modal logic" Proceedinds of TACL2019 , (2019).
  105. I. Orozco, M. E Buemi, Jacobo Julio. "Video to Text Study using an Encoder-DecoderNetworks Approach" 37th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC), Santiago, Chile, 2018, pp. 1-5. , (2019).
  106. Manuela Busaniche, Penélope Cordero, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Algebraic study of possibilistic BL-logic" Proceeding of WiL2019 , (2019).
  107. POSTOLSKI IVAN, BRABERMAN VICTOR, Diego Garbervetsky, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN. "Simulator-based diff-time performance testing" Proceedings of ACM/IEEE International Conference of Software Engineering , (2019).
  108. Jose N. Paredes, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari, Marcelo Falappa. "Leveraging Probabilistic Existential Rules for Adversarial Deduplication" Proceedings of Workshop on Logics for Reasoning about Preferences, Uncertainty, and Vagueness (PRUV 2018) , (2019).
  109. Mahesh Kumar Nandwana, Mitchell McLaren, Luciana Ferrer, Diego Castán, Aaron Lawson. "Analysis and Mitigation of Vocal Effort Variations in Speaker Recognition" Proc. ICASSP 2019 , (2019).
  110. Victor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Javier Godoy, Sebastian Uchitel, Guido de Caso, Ignacio Perez, Santiago Perez. "Testing and validating end user programmed calculated fields" Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), Industrial Track , (2019).
  111. Maximiliano Geier, Claudio Tessone, Marco Vanotti, Silvio Vileriño, David Gónzalez Márquez, Esteban Mocskos. "Using Network Emulation to study Blockchain Distributed Systems: The Ethereum Case" Proceedings of 27th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing , (2019).
  112. Francesc Esteva, Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez, Olim Tuyt. "Simplified Kripke semantics for a generalized possibilistic Gödel logic" Booklet of Sysmics 2019 , (2019).
  113. Xavier Caicedo, George Metcalfe, Ricardo O. Rodriguez, Olim Tuyt. "The One-Variable Fragment of Corsi Logic" Booklet of SYSMICS2019 , (2019).


  1. Min Chih Lin, Vadim Lozin, Veronica A. Moyano, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Perfect edge domination: hard and solvable cases" ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 264, (2018): 287-305.
  2. Verónica Becher, Olivier Carton. "Normal numbers and Computer Science", in: Valérie Berthé, Michel Rigó None Sequences, Groups, and Number Theory, (2018).
  3. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Ivo Koch, Mario Valencia-Pabon. "On the (k,i)-coloring of cacti and complete graphs" ARS COMBINATORIA Volume 137, (2018): 317-333.
  4. Flavia Bonomo, Ivo Koch, Pablo Torres, Mario Valencia-Pabon. "k-tuple colorings of the Cartesian product of graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 245, (2018): 177-182.
  5. Flavia Bonomo, Maria Chudnovsky, Peter Maceli, Oliver Schaudt, Maya Stein, Mingxian Zhong. "Three-coloring and list three-coloring of graphs without induced paths on seven vertices" COMBINATORICA Volume 38, (2018): 779-801.
  6. Flavia Bonomo, Bostjan Bresar, Luciano Norberto Grippo, Martin Milanic, Martín Darío Safe. "Domination parameters with number 2: interrelations and algorithmic consequences" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 235, (2018): 23-50.
  7. Liliana Alcón, Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Marisa Gutierrez, María Pia Mazzoleni, Bernard Ries, Mario Valencia-Pabon. "On the bend number of circular-arc graphs as edge intersection graphs of paths on a grid" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 234, (2018): 12-21.
  8. Verónica Becher, Jan Reimann, Theodore A. Slaman. "Irrationality Exponent, Hausdorff Dimension and Effectivization" MONATSHEFETE FUR MATHEMATIK Volume 185, (2018): 167-188.
  9. Min Chih Lin, Julián Mestre, Saveliy Vasiliev. "Approximating weighted neighborhood independent sets" INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS Volume 130, (2018): 11-15.
  10. Gonzalo Lera-Romero, Juan José Miranda-Bront. "Integer programming formulations for the time-dependent elementary shortest path problem with resource constraints" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 69, (2018): 53-60.
  11. Herman Schinca, Daniela Villani. "Propuesta de planificación anual para Tecnologías de la Información, 4º año de la NES (TI4), CABA" , (2018). [link]
  12. Gustavo Del Dago, Fernando Schapachnik. "¿Somos todos iguales en Internet?" , (2018).
  13. Gustavo Del Dago, Fernando Schapachnik. "¿Existe la mejor computadora?" , (2018).
  14. Ricardo Corrêa, Diego Delle Donne, Javier Marenco, Ivo Koch. "General cut-generating procedures for the stable set polytope" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 245, (2018): 28-41.
  15. Cheryl Corcoran, Facundo Carrillo, Diego Fernández Slezak, Casimir Klim, Gillinder Bedi, Daniel Javitt, Carrie Bearden, Guillermo Cecchi. "26.4 LANGUAGE DISTURBANCE AS A PREDICTOR OF PSYCHOSIS ONSET IN YOUTH AT ENHANCED CLINICAL RISK" SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN Volume 44, no. 1 (2018): 43-44.
  16. Jorge Sanchez, Franco Luque, Leandro Lichtensztein. "A Structured Listwise Approach to Learning to Rank for Image Tagging", in: Laura Leal-Taixé, Stefan Roth None Computer Vision - ECCV 2018 Workshops Volume 1113, (2018): 545-559.
  17. Sergio Romano, Alejo Salles, Marie Amalric, Stanislas Dehaene, Mariano Sigman, Santiago Figueira. "Bayesian validation of grammar productions for the language of thought" PLOS ONE Volume 13, no. 7 (2018).
  18. Pablo Negri. "A MATLAB SMO Implementation to Train a SVM Classifier: Application to Multi-Style License Plate Numbers Recognition" Image Processing On Line Volume 8, (2018): 51-70.
  19. Sergio Abriola, Pablo Barceló, Diego Figueira, Santiago Figueira. "Bisimulations on Data Graphs" JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH, THE Volume 61, (2018): 171-213.
  20. Pablo Turjanski, Diego U. Ferreiro. "On the Natural Structure of Amino Acid Patterns in Families of Protein Sequences" JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B - (Print) Volume 122, no. 49 (2018): 11295-11301.
  21. C. Abellán, A. Acín, A. Alarcón, O. Alibart, C. K. Andersen, F. Andreoli, A. Beckert, F. A. Beduini, ARIEL BENDERSKY, M. Bentivegna, P. Bierhost, D. Burchardt, A. Cabello, J. Cariñe, S. Carrasco, G. Carvacho, D. Cavalcanti, R. Chaves, J. Cortés Vega, A. Cuevas, A. Delgado, H. de Riedmatten, C. Eichler, P. Farrera, J. Fuenzalida, M. García-Matos, R. Garthoff, S. Gasparinetti, T. Gerrits, F. Ghafari Jouneghani, S. Glancy, E. S. Gómez, P. González, J.-Y. Guan, J. Handsteiner, J. Heinsoo, G. Heinze, A. Hirschmann, O. Jiménez, F. Kaiser, E. Knill, L. T. Knoll, S. Krinner, P. Kurpiers, M. A. Larotonda, J.-A. Larsson, A. Lenhard, H. Li, M.-H. Li, G. Lima, B. Liu, Y. Liu, I. H. López Grande, T. Lunghi, X. Ma, O. S. Magaña-Loaiza, P. Magnard, A. Magnoni, M. Martí-Prieto, D. Martinez, P. Mataloni, A. Mattar, M. Mazzera, R. P. Mirin, M. W. Mitchell, S. Nam, M. Oppliger, J.-W. Pan, R. B. Patel, G. J. Pryde, D. Rauch, K. Redeker, D. Rieländer, M. Ringbauer, T. Roberson, W. Rosenfeld, Y. Salathé, L. Santodonato, G. Sauder, T. Schiedl, C. T. Schmiegelow, F. Sciarrino, A. Seri, L. K. Shalm, S.-C. Shi, S. Slussarenko, M. J. Stevens, S. Tanzilli, F. Toledo, J. Tura, R. Ursin, P. Vergyris, V. B. Verma, T. Walter, A. Wallraff, z. Wang, H. Weinfurter, M. M. Weston, A. G. White, C. Wu, G. B. Xavier, L. You, X. Yuan, A. Zeilinger, Q. Zhang, W. Zhang, J. Zhong. "Challenging local realism with human choices" NATURE , (2018).
  22. Ignacio H. López Grande, Gabriel Senno, Gonzalo de la Torre, Miguel A. Larotonda, Ariel Bendersky, Santiago Figueira, Antonio Acín. "Distinguishing computable mixtures of quantum states" PHYSICAL REVIEW A - ATOMIC, MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS Volume 97, no. 5 (2018).
  23. Ignacio Perito, Augusto J. Roncaglia, Ariel Bendersky. "Selective and efficient quantum process tomography in arbitrary finite dimension" PHYSICAL REVIEW A - ATOMIC, MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS Volume 98, no. 6 (2018).
  24. Ignacio H. López Grande, Gabriel Senno, Gonzalo de la Torre, Miguel A. Larotonda, Ariel Bendersky, Santiago Figueira, Antonio Acín. "Distinguishing computable mixtures of quantum states" Physical Review A Volume 97, no. 5 (2018).
  25. Sergio Abriola, Pablo Barceló, Diego Figueira, Santiago Figueira. "Bisimulations on data graphs" JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH, THE Volume 61, (2018): 171-213.
  26. Laurent Bienvenu, Santiago Figueira, Benoit Monin, Alexander Shen. "Algorithmic identification of probabilities is hard" JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES , (2018).
  27. JE Kamienkowski, A Varatharajah, M Sigman, MJ Ison. "Parsing a mental program: Fixation-related brain signatures of unitary operations and routines in natural visual search" JOURNAL NEUROIMAG , (2018).
  28. Pietto ML, Gatti M, F Raimondo, Lipina SJ, Kamienkowski JE. "Electrophysiological approaches in the study of cognitive development outside the lab" PLOS ONE , (2018).
  29. Mariano Miguel Moscato, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Cesar Muñoz, Marco Antonio Feliú. "Boosting the Reuse of Formal Specifications" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2018).
  30. Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Marcelo Fabián Frias. "(Heterogeneous) Structured Specifications in Logics Without Interpolation", in: Joanna Goliska-Pilarek, Michal Zawidzki None Ewa Orlowska on Relational Methods in Logic and Computer Science, (2018).
  31. Paolo Baldan, Roberto Bruni, Andrea Corradini, Fabio Gadducci, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari. "Event Structures for Petri nets with Persistence" LOGICAL METHODS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (LMCS) , (2018).
  32. Fabio Gadducci, Hernán Melgratti, Christian Roldán. "On the semantics and implementation of replicated data types" SCIENCE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING , (2018).
  33. Delia Kesner, Ríos. Alejandro, Andrés Viso. "Call-by-need, Neededness and All That" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 0803, (2018): 241-265.
  34. Lucio Santi, Federico Bergero, Soon Yung Jun, Krzysztof Genser, Daniel Elvira, Rodrigo Castro. "GQLink: an implementation of Quantized State System (QSS) methods in Geant4" Journal of Physics: Conference Series , (2018).
  35. Juan Pablo Galeotti, Alessandra Gorla. "Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing" , (2018). [link]
  36. G. M. Bosyk, G. Bellomo, A. Luis. "Polarization monotones of two-dimensional and three-dimensional random electromagnetic fields" Physical Review A Volume 97, no. 2 (2018).
  37. Gustavo M. Bosyk, Hector Freytes, Guido Bellomo, Giuseppe Sergioli. "The lattice of trumping majorization for 4D probability vectors and 2D catalysts" Scientific Reports Volume 8, no. 1 (2018).
  38. G. M. Bosyk, G. Bellomo, A. Luis. "Resource-theoretic approach to vectorial coherence" OPTICS LETTERS Volume 43, no. 7 (2018).
  39. M. Portesi, F. Holik, P.W. Lamberti, G.M. Bosyk, G. Bellomo, S. Zozor. "Generalized entropies in quantum and classical statistical theories" EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICS Volume 227, no. 3-4 (2018): 335-344.
  40. Cristhian Ariel David Deagustini, Maria Vanina Martinez, Marcelo Falappa, Guillermo R. Simari. "How does Incoherence affect Inconsistency-tolerant Semantics for Datalog+/-?" ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE , (2018): 1-26.
  41. Betinna Fazzinga, Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari, Oana Tifrea-Marciuska. "Ontological query answering under many-valued group preferences in Datalog+/?" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING Volume 93, (2018): 354-371.
  42. ZHENGHUA XU, Oana Tifrea-Marciuska, Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari, CHENG CHEN. "Lightweight Tag-Aware Personalized Recommendation on the Social Web Using Ontological Similarity" IEEE Access Volume 6, (2018): 35590-35610.
  43. Jose N. Paredes, Gerardo I. Simari, Maria Vanina Martinez, Marcelo A. Falappa. "First steps towards data-driven adversarial deduplication" Information (Switzerland) Volume 9, no. 8 (2018).
  44. John Grant, Maria Vanina Martinez. "Measuring Inconsistency in Information" , (2018). [link]
  45. John Grant, Maria Vanina Martinez, Cristian Molinaro, Francesco Parisi. "On Measuring Inconsistency in Spatio-Temporal Databases", in: John Grant, Maria Vanina Martinez None Measuring Inconsistency in Information Volume 1, no. 1 (2018): 313-342.
  46. Maria Vanina Martinez, Lluis Godo, Gerardo I. Simari. "Inferring Quantitative Preferences: Beyond Logical Deduction", in: D Ciucci , G Pasi, V Vantaggi None Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM 2018 - LNCS) Volume 1114, (2018): 387-395.
  47. Alejandro Díaz-Caro, Guido Martínez. "Confluence in probabilistic rewriting" Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science Volume 338, (2018): 115-131.
  48. Alejandro Díaz-Caro, Octavio Malherbe. "A concrete categorical semantics for Lambda-S" Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science Volume 344, (2018): 83-100.
  49. Lucio Santi, Federico Bergero, Soon Yung Jun, Krzysztof Genser, Daniel Elvira, Rodrigo Castro. "GQLink: An implementation of Quantized State Systems (QSS) methods in Geant4" Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1085, no. 5 (2018).
  50. Esteban Uriza, Francisco Gómez Fernández, Martin Rais. "Efficient Large-scale Image Search With a Vocabulary Tree" Image Processing On Line Volume 8, (2018): 1-28.
  51. Esteban Mocskos, Carlos J. Barrios H., Harold Castro, Dennis Cazar Ramirez, Sergio Nesmachnow, Rafael Mayo-Garcia. "Boosting Advanced Computational Applications and Resources in Latin America through Collaboration and Sharing" COMPUTING IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Volume 20, no. 3 (2018): 39-48.
  52. D. Grillo, J. Albano, E. Mocskos, J. Facelli, M. Pickholz, M. Ferraro. "Mechanical Properties of Drug Loaded Diblock Copolymer Bilayers: A Molecular Dynamics Study" JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS , (2018).
  53. Martin Stortz, Juan Angiolini, Esteban Mocskos, Alejandro Wolosiuk, Adali Pecci, Valeria Levi. "Mapping the dynamical organization of the cell nucleus through fluorescence correlation spectroscopy" METHODS Volume 140, (2018): 10-22.
  54. E. Luján, A. Otero, S. Valenzuela, E. Mocskos, L. Steffenel, S. Nesmachnow. "An integrated platform for smart energy management: the CC-SEM project" REVISTA FACULTAD DE INGENIERíA UNIVERSIDAD DE ANTIOQUIA , (2018).
  55. Esteban E. Mocskos, Sergio Nesmachnow. "High Performance Computing" , (2018). [link]
  56. D. Vinazza, A. Otero, A. Soba, E. Mocskos. "Initial Experiences from TUPAC Supercomputer", in: E. Mocskos, S. Nesmachnow None High Performance Computing Volume 796, (2018): 38-52.
  57. M. Geier, E. Mocskos. "SherlockFog: Finding Opportunities for MPI Applications in Fog and Edge Computing", in: E. Mocskos, S. Nesmachnow None High Performance Computing Volume 796, (2018): 185-199.
  58. Verónica Becher, Pablo Ariel Heiber, Olivier Carton . "Finite state independence" THEORY OF COMPUTING SYSTEMS Volume 62, (2018): 1555-1572.
  59. Esteban Mocskos, Carlos J.H. Barrios, Harold Castro, Dennis Cazar Ramirez, Sergio Nesmachnow, Rafael Mayo-Garcia. "Boosting Advanced Computational Applications and Resources in Latin America through Collaboration and Sharing" COMPUTING IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Volume 20, no. 3 (2018): 39-48.
  60. Fabrizio Borghini, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "An exact algorithm for the edge coloring by total labeling problem" ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH , no. 286 (2018): 11-31.
  61. Herman Schinca, Daniela Villani. "Propuesta de planificación anual para Tecnologías de la Información, 4º año de la NES (TI4), CABA" , (2018). [link]
  62. Leandro Nahabedian, Victor Braberman, Nicolas DIppolito, Shinichi Honiden, Kenji Tei, jeff kramer, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN. "Dynamic Update of Discrete Event Controllers" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING , (2018): 1-1.
  63. Diego Fernández Slezak, Mariano Sigman, Guillermo Cecchi. "An entropic barriers diffusion theory of decision-making in multiple alternative tasks" PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY , (2018).
  64. Denis A. Engemann, Federico Raimondo, Jean-Rémi King, Benjamin Rohaut, Gilles Louppe, Frédéric Faugeras, Jitka Annen, Helena Cassol, Olivia Gosseries, Diego Fernandez-Slezak, Steven Laureys, Lionel Naccache, Stanislas Dehaene, Jacobo D. Sitt. "Robust EEG-based cross-site and cross-protocol classification of states of consciousness" BRAIN Volume 141, no. 11 (2018): 3179-3192.
  65. Cheryl Corcoran, Facundo Carrillo, Diego Fernández Slezak, Casimir Klim, Gillinder Bedi, Daniel Javitt, Carrie Bearden, Guillermo Cecchi. "26.4 LANGUAGE DISTURBANCE AS A PREDICTOR OF PSYCHOSIS ONSET IN YOUTH AT ENHANCED CLINICAL RISK" SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN Volume 44, no. s1 (2018): 43-44.
  66. Natalia Mota, Mauro Copelli, Sidarta Ribeiro, Visar Berisha, Diego Fernández Slezak, Kristen Daniels, Michael Sand. "Poster Abstracts" EARLY INTERVENTION IN PSYCHIATRY Volume 12, (2018): 104-232.
  67. Facundo Carrillo, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernández Slezak, Philip Ashton, Lily Fitzgerald, Jack Stroud, David J. Nutt, Robin L. Carhart-Harris. "Natural speech algorithm applied to baseline interview data can predict which patients will respond to psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression" JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS Volume 230, (2018): 84-86.
  68. Cheryl M. Corcoran, Facundo Carrillo, Diego Fernández-Slezak, Gillinder Bedi, Casimir Klim, Daniel C. Javitt, Carrie E. Bearden, Guillermo A. Cecchi. "Prediction of psychosis across protocols and risk cohorts using automated language analysis" WORLD PSYCHIATRY Volume 17, no. 1 (2018): 67-75.
  69. Marcos Luis Pietto, Federico Giovannetti, Maria Soledad Segretin, Laouen Mayal Louan Belloli, Matías Lopez-Rosenfeld, Andrea Paula Goldin, Diego Fernández-Slezak, Juan Esteban Kamienkowski, Sebastian Javier Lipina. "Enhancement of inhibitory control in a sample of preschoolers from poor homes after cognitive training in a kindergarten setting: Cognitive and ERP evidence" Trends in Neuroscience and Education Volume 13, (2018): 34-42.
  70. Guido Chari, Diego Garbervetsky, Stefan Marr, Stéphane Ducasse. "Fully Reflective Execution Environments: Virtual Machines for More Flexible Software" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING , (2018).
  71. Fabrizio Borghini, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "An exact algorithm for the edge coloring by total labeling problem" ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH , (2018).
  72. Ricardo C. Corrêa, Diego Delle Donne, Javier Marenco. "On the combinatorics of the 2-class classification problem" DISCRETE OPTIMIZATION , (2018).
  73. Min Chih Lin, Julián Mestre, Saveliy Vasiliev. "Approximating weighted induced matchings" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 243, (2018): 304-310.
  74. PABLO BARENBAUM, GONZALO CIRUELOS. "Factoring Derivation Spaces via Intersection Types" Proceedings of the Programming Languages and Systems - 16th Asian Symposium , (2018).
  75. Shaun Azzopardi, Gordon Pace, Fernando Schapachnik. "On Observing Contracts: Deontic Contracts Meet Smart Contracts." Volume 313: Legal Knowledge and Information Systems , (2018).
  76. Matías Bonaventura, Rodrigo Castro. "Fluid-flow and packet-level models of data networks unified under a modular/hierarchical framework: speedups and simplicity, combined" Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference , (2018).
  77. Gabriel Wainer, Cristina Ruíz-Martín, Rodrigo Castro. "Building partial differential equations models using cell-devs" Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference , (2018).
  78. Matias Bonaventura, Matthieu Jonckheere, Rodrigo Castro. "Simulation study of dynamic load balancing for processor sharing servers with finite capacity under generalized halfin-whitt regimes" Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference , (2018).
  79. Ezequiel Pecker Marcosig, Juan Giribet, Rodrigo Castro. "DEVS-over-ROS (DoveR): a framework for simulation-driven embedded control of robotic systems based on model continuity" Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference , (2018).
  80. Daniel Foguelman, Rodrigo Castro. "Capturing emergent behavior within the DEVS framework" Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference , (2018).
  81. Lucio Santi, Rodrigo Castro. "A co-simulation technique for efficient particle tracking using hybrid numerical methods with application in high energy physics" Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference , (2018).
  82. Ezequiel Pecker Marcosig, Juan Ignacio Giribet, Rodrigo Daniel Castro. "DEVS-over-ROS (DoveR): A framework for Simulation-Driven Embedded Control of Robotic Systems based on Model Continuity" Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) , (2018).
  83. Víctor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Javier Godoy, Sebastián Uchitel, Guido de Caso, Ignacio Perez, Santiago Perez. "Testing and Validating End User Programmed Calculated Fields" Proceedings of the 26th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE) , (2018).
  84. Pablo Negri, Mikel Soto, Bernabe Linares-Barranco, Teresa Serrano-Gotarredona. "Scene Context Classification with Event-Driven Spiking Deep Neural Networks" 2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS) , (2018).
  85. Pecker Marcosig. "Simulation-driven embedded control of robotic systems based on model continuity" Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) , (2018).
  86. Alexander Mulet de los Reyes, M. E. Buemi, Maikel Noriega Alemán, Cecilia Suárez. "Development of a graphic interface for the three-dimensional semiautomatic glioblastoma segmentation based on magnetic resonance images" Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Informática y Desarrollos de Investigación (CACIDI) , (2018).
  87. G. Liberman, D. Acevedo, M. Mejail. "Classification of melanoma images with Fisher vectors and deep learning" Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications , (2018).
  88. Adrian Sedoski Croce, Rodrigo Castro, Esteban Mocskos, Alejandro Almela, Diego Melo, Matías Hampel, Alan Fuster. "Distributed acquisition logic for extended detector systems" Annals of the 12th Latin American Symposium of High Energy Physics (SILAFAE 2018) , (2018).
  89. godoy javier, BRABERMAN VICTOR, Diego Garbervestky, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN. "Testing and Validating End User Programmed Calculated Fields" ACM Proceedings ESEC/FSE 2018 , (2018).
  90. Dario Fernando Mendieta, Francisco Raverta Capua, Juan José Tarrio, Marcelo Leandro Moreyra. "Detección de Cierre de Lazo en Visual SLAM empleando bordes" Actas de 26° CONGRESO ARGENTINO DE CONTROL AUTOMÁTICO (AADECA) , (2018).
  91. Francisco Raverta Capua, Sebastián Sansoni, Marcelo Leandro Moreyra. "Análisis comparativo de algoritmos de Visual-SLAM aplicados a ambientes frutícolas" Asociación Argentina de Control Automático 2018 , (2018).
  92. Francisco Raverta Capua, Sebastián Sansoni, Marcelo Leandro Moreyra. "Análisis comparativo de algoritmos de Visual-SLAM aplicados a ambientes frutícolas" Actas de 26° CONGRESO ARGENTINO DE CONTROL AUTOMÁTICO (AADECA) , (2018).
  93. Adrián Pablo José Sedoski Croce, Esteban E. Mocskos, Rodrigo Castro, Alejandro Almela. "Distributed acquisition logic for extended detector systems" Boof of abstracts - XII Latin American Symposium on High Energy Physics , (2018).
  94. Víctor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Javier Godoy, Sebastian Uchitel, Guido de Caso, Ignacio Perez, Santiago Perez. "Testing and validating end user programmed calculated fields" 2018 26th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering , (2018).
  95. Gaston Liberman, Daniel Acevedo, Marta Mejail. "Classification of Melanoma Images with Fisher Vectors and Deep Learning" Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications. , (2018).
  96. Sebastian Torrella, Francisco Gómenz-Fernández, Javier Palladino, Daniel Acevedo, Ruben Ginzburg, Arriaga Velazco, Pablo De Cristóforis. "Toward automated estimation of vegetation cover in different strata using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles" Proceedings of International Conference on Adaptive Management for Forested Landscapes in transformation. , (2018).
  97. Peter Fritzson, Adrian Pop, Francesco Casella, Rodrigo Castro. "The OpenModelica Integrated Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization Environment" Proceedings of The American Modelica Conference 2018, October 9-10, Somberg Conference Center, Cambridge MA, USA , (2018).
  98. Julian Acosta, Francisco Grimaldi, Francisco Dorr, Francisco Varela, Lucas Alessandro, Teresa Goicochea, Diego Fernández Slezak, Mauricio Farez. "Accuracy and safety of an artificial intelligent system for nonacute headache diagnosis" Neurology , (2018).
  99. Daniel Foguelman, Rodrigo Castro. "Modeling emergence by integrating DEVS and machine learning" Proceedings of the 32nd Annual European Simulation and Modelling Conference , (2018).
  100. Juan Manuel Ortíz de Zárata, Esteban Feuerstein. "Identificación de comunidades a través del lenguaje" Jornadas Argentinas de Informática e Investigación Operativa , (2018).
  101. Edgar Altszyler, Ariel Berenstein, David Milne, Rafael Calvo, Diego Fernandez Slezak. "Detección Automática de Casos Urgentes en Foro de Salud Mental" Anales de ASAI 2018, Simposio Argentino de Inteligencia Artificial , (2018).
  102. Edgar Altszyler, Ariel J Berenstein, David Milne, Rafael Calvo, Diego Fernández Slezak. "Detección automática de casos urgentes en foro de salud mental" XIX Simposio Argentino de Inteligencia Artificial (ASAI 2018) , (2018).
  103. Luciana Ferrer, Mitchell McLaren. "A Generalization of PLDA for Joint Modeling of Speaker Identity and Multiple Nuisance Conditions" Proc. Interspeech 2018 , (2018).
  104. PABLO BARENBAUM, EDUARDO BONELLI, KAREEM MOHAMED. "Pattern Matching and Fixed Points: Resource Types and Strong Call-By-Need: Extended Abstract" Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming , (2018).
  105. Francisco J. Soulignac, Pablo Terlisky. "Powers of Circular-Arc Models" Anales del XIX Congreso Latino-Iberoamericano de Investigación Operativa (XIX CLAIO) , (2018).
  106. Mónica Braga, Diego Delle Donne, Marian Escalante, Javier Marenco, María Elisa Ugarte, María del Carmen Varaldo. "The minimum chromatic violation problem: a polyhedral study" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics , (2018).
  107. Franco M. Luque, Juan Manuel Perez. "Atalaya at TASS 2018: Sentiment Analysis with Tweet Embeddings and Data Augmentation" Proceedings of TASS 2018: Workshop on Semantic Analysis at SEPLN (TASS 2018) , (2018).
  108. Carolina Soledad Fracchia, Matías López y Rosenfeld. "De Excel a R: ¿cambio de una herramienta o apertura a nuevas posibilidades?" Anales del LatinR 2018 , (2018).
  109. Franco Luque, Juan Manuel Pérez. "Atalaya at TASS 2018: Sentiment Analysis with Tweet Embeddings and Data Augmentation" Proceedings of TASS 2018: Workshop on Semantic Analysis at SEPLN (TASS 2018) co-located with 34nd SEPLN Conference , (2018).
  110. Penélope Cordero, Manuela Busaniche, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Epistemic BL-algebras: An algebraic characterization for the fuzzy logic of belief KD45" Proceeding , (2018).
  111. Franz Mayr, Sergio Yovine. "Regular inference on artificial neural networks" Lecture Notes in Computer Science , (2018).
  112. Penélope Cordero, Manuela Busaniche, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Epistemic MV-algebras" Proceedings LADT2018 , (2018).
  113. Jose N. Paredes, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari, Marcelo Falappa. "Leveraging Probabilistic Existential Rules for Adversarial Deduplication" Proceedings of Workshop on Logics for Reasoning about Preferences, Uncertainty, and Vagueness (PRUV 2018) , (2018).
  114. Stefania Boffa, Brunella Gerla, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Epistemic logic of sequences of partitions" Proceedings Logic Colloquium 2018 , (2018).
  115. Roberto Bruni, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari. "Concurrency and Probability: Removing Confusion, Compositionally." Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science , (2018).
  116. Mitchell McLaren, Diego Castán, M. K. Nandwana, Luciana Ferrer, E. Yilmaz. "How to train your speaker embeddings extractor" Proceedings Odyssey 2018 , (2018).
  117. Mitchell McLaren, M. K. Nandwana, Diego Castán, Luciana Ferrer. "Approaches to multi-domain language recognition" Proceedings Odyssey 2018 , (2018).
  118. Edgar Altszyler, Ariel J Berenstein, David Milne, Rafael Calvo, Diego Fernández Slezak. "Using contextual information for automatic triage of posts in a peer-support forum" Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: From Keyboard to Clinic , (2018).
  119. Lara Gauder, Marisol Reartes, Ramiro H. Gálvez, Stefan Benus, Agustín Gravano. "Testing the Effects of Acoustic/Prosodic Entrainment on User Behavior at the Dialog-Act Level" Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Speech Prosody , (2018).
  120. E. Altszyler, Ariel Berenstein, David Milne, Rafael Calvo, Diego Fernandez Slezak. "Using contextual information for automatic triage of posts in a peer-support forum" Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology , (2018).
  121. Edgar Altszyler, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernandez Slezak. "Corpus specificity in LSA and Word2vec: the role of out-of-domain documents" Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP , (2018).
  122. Gonzalo Lera Romero, Juan José Miranda Bront. "Integer programming formulations for the time-dependent elementary shortest path problem with resource constraints" Electronic Notes on Discrete Mathematics , (2018).
  123. Stefan Benus, Marian Trnka, Eduard Kurik, Lukas Martak, Agustín Gravano, Julia Hirschberg, Rivka Levitan. "Prosodic entrainment and trust in human-computer interaction" Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Speech Prosody , (2018).
  124. S Torrella, Francisco Goméz Fernández, P. P; De Cristóforis D; Ginzburg R; Arriaga-Velazco J; Acevedo Palladino. "Toward automated estimation of vegetation cover in different strata using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)" Conference on Adaptive Management for Forested Landscapes in transformation. International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) , (2018).
  125. Flavia Bonomo, María Pia Mazzoleni, Mariano Rean, Bernard Ries. "Characterising chordal contact B0-VPG graphs" Lecture Notes in Computer Science , (2018).
  126. Sina Shamshiri, Jose Miguel Rojas, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Neil Walkinshaw, Gordon Fraser. "How Do Automatically Generated Unit Tests Influence Software Maintenance?" Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Validation and Verification , (2018).
  127. Delia Kesner, Ríos. Alejandro, Andrés Viso. "Call-by-need, Neededness and All That" Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 10803 , (2018).


  1. Alejandro Díaz-Caro. "A lambda calculus for density matrices with classical and probabilistic controls" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 1069, (2017): 448-467.
  2. Christoph C. Aistleitner, Verónica Becher, Adrian-Maria Scheerer, Theodore Slaman. "On the construction of absolutely normal numbers" ACTA ARITHMETICA Volume 180, (2017): 333-346.
  3. Flavia Bonomo, María Pía Mazzoleni, Maya Stein. "Clique coloring of B1-EPG graphs" DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume 340, (2017): 1008-1011.
  4. Liliana Alcón, Flavia Bonomo, María Pia Mazzoleni. "Vertex intersection graphs of paths on a grid: characterization within block graphs" GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS Volume 33, (2017): 653-664.
  5. Flavia Bonomo, Jaime Catalán, Guillermo Durán, Rafael Epstein, Mario Guajardo, Alexis Jawtuschenko, Javier Marenco. "An Asymmetric Multi-Item Auction with Quantity Discounts Applied to Internet Service Procurement in Buenos Aires Public Schools" ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 258, (2017): 569-585.
  6. Fernando Asteasuain, BRABERMAN VICTOR. "Declaratively building behavior by means of scenario clauses" REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING , (2017).
  7. DANIEL CIOLEK, BRABERMAN VICTOR, DIPPOLITO R. NICOLAS, PITERMAN NIR, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN. "Interaction Models and Automated Control under Partial Observable Environments" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Volume 43, no. 1 (2017): 19-33.
  8. Francisco J. Soulignac. "Bounded, minimal, and short representations of unit interval and unit circular-arc graphs. Chapter I: theory" Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications Volume 21, no. 4 (2017): 455-489.
  9. Daniel Ciolek, Victor Braberman, Nicolas DIppolito, Nir Piterman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Interaction Models and Automated Control under Partial Observable Environments" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Volume 43, no. 1 (2017): 19-33.
  10. Mónica Braga, Diego Delle Donne, Rodrigo Linfati, Javier Marenco. "The maximum-impact coloring polytope" INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH Volume 24, (2017): 303-324.
  11. Tolosa Gabriel, E. Feuerstein, Becchetti Luca, Marchetti-Spaccamela Alberto. "Performance improvements for search systems using an integrated cache of lists + intersections" INFORMATION RETRIEVAL , (2017): 1-27.
  12. N.B. Mota, F. Carrillo, D.F. Slezak, M. Copelli, S. Ribeiro. "Characterization of the relationship between semantic and structural language features in psychiatric diagnosis" Conference Record - Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers , (2017): 836-838.
  13. Daniel Ciolek, Victor Braberman, Nicolas Dippolito, Nir Piterman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Interaction Models and Automated Control under Partial Observable Environments" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Volume 43, no. 1 (2017): 19-33.
  14. Fabio Gadducci, Hernán Melgratti, Christian Roldán. "A denotational view of replicated data types" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2017).
  15. Gervasio Pérez, Sergio Yovine. "Formal specification and implementation of an automated pattern-based parallel-code generation framework" International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer , (2017): 1-20.
  16. Giselle Watanabe, Guilherme Brockington, Fernanda Carvalho, Edgar Altszyler, Natalia Mota, Sidarta Ribeiro. "COMPLEXIDADE E ENSINO DE FÍSICA: O USO DA TEORIA DE GRAFOS NA ANÁLISE DO PROCESSO DE ENSINO-APRENDIZAGEM" ENSENANZA DE LAS CIENCIAS , (2017): 4467-4472.
  17. Federico Barone, Francisco Dorr, Luciano E Marasco, Sebastián Mildiner, Inés L Patop, Santiago Sosa, Lucas G Vattino, Federico A Vignale, Edgar Altszyler, Benjamin Basanta, Nicolás Carlotto, Javier Gasulla, Manuel Giménez, Alicia Grande, Nicolás Nieto Moreno, Hernán R Bonomi, Alejandro D Nadra. "Design and evaluation of an incoherent feed-forward loop for an arsenic biosensor based on standard iGEM parts" Synthetic Biology Volume 2, no. 1 (2017).
  18. Edgar Altszyler, Alejandra C. Ventura, Alejandro Colman-Lerner, Ariel Chernomoretz. "Ultrasensitivity in signaling cascades revisited: Linking local and global ultrasensitivity estimations" PLOS ONE Volume 12, no. 6 (2017).
  19. Edgar Altszyler, Franco Berbeglia, Gerardo Berbeglia, Pascal Van Hentenryck. "Transient dynamics in trial-offer markets with social influence: Trade-offs between appeal and quality" PLOS ONE Volume 12, no. 7 (2017).
  20. Pablo Negri, Damián Garayalde. "Pedestrian Tracking Using Probability Fields and a Movement Feature Space" DYNA Volume 84, no. 200 (2017): 217-227.
  21. AMIRHOSEIN TOOSI, ANDREA BOTTINO, SANDRO CUMANI, PABLO NEGRI, PIETRO SOTTILE. "Feature Fusion for Fingerprint Liveness Detection: A Comparative Study" IEEE Access Volume 5, no. 1 (2017): 23695-23709.
  22. Pablo Negri, Teresa Serrano-Gotarredona, Bernabe Linares-Barranco. "Spiking Hough for Shape Recognition", in: Marcelo Mendoza, Sergio Velastín None Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications Volume 1065, (2017): 425-432.
  23. Daniel Acebedo, Pablo Negri, Maria Elena Buemi, Francisco Gómez Fernández, Marta Mejail. "A Citation k-NN Approach for Facial Expression Recognition", in: Marcelo Mendoza, Sergio Velastín None Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications Volume 1065, (2017): 1-9.
  24. Sergio Abriola, María Emilia Descotte, Santiago Figueira. "Model Theory of XPath on Data Trees. Part II: Binary Bisimulation and Definability" Information and Computation , (2017).
  25. Sergio Abriola, Diego Figueira, Santiago Figueira. "Logics of repeating values on data trees and branching counter systems" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2017).
  26. Sergio Abriola, María Emilia Descotte, Raul Fervari, Santiago Figueira. "Axiomatizations for downward XPath on Data Trees" JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES , (2017).
  27. Ariel Bendersky, Gabriel Senno, Gonzalo De La Torre, Santiago Figueira, Antonio Acín. "Nonsignaling Deterministic Models for Nonlocal Correlations have to be Uncomputable" PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume 118, no. 13 (2017).
  28. Sergio Abriola, María Emilia Descotte, Raul Fervari, Santiago Figueira. "Axiomatizations for downward XPath on Data Trees" JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES Volume 89, (2017): 209-245.
  29. Sergio Abriola, Diego Figueira, Santiago Figueira. "Logics of repeating values on data trees and branching counter systems" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 1020, (2017): 196-212.
  30. Sergio Abriola, María Emilia Descotte, Santiago Figueira. "Model Theory of XPath on Data Trees. Part II: Binary Bisimulation and Definability" Information and Computation , no. 255 (2017): 195-233.
  31. Marie Amalric, Liping Wang, Pierre Pica, Santiago Figueira, Mariano Sigman, Stanislas Dehaene. "The language of geometry: Fast comprehension of geometrical primitives and rules in human adults and preschoolers" PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Volume 13, (2017).
  32. Ariel Bendersky, Gabriel Senno, Gonzalo de la Torre, Santiago Figueira, Antonio Acin. "Non-signaling deterministic models for non-local correlations have to be uncomputable" PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume 118, (2017).
  33. L Bavassi, Kamienkowski JE, Sigman M, R Laje. "Sensorimotor synchronization: neurophysiological markers of the asynchrony and the error correction in a finger-tapping task" Psychological Research Volume 81, (2017): 143-156.
  34. Prats L, Segretin MS, Fracchia CS, Pietto ML, Kamienkowski JE, Giovannetti F, Mancini N, Gravano A, Sheese B, Lipina SJ. "Asociaciones entre factores individuales y contextuales con el desempeño cognitivo en preescolares con necesidades básicas insatisfechas (NBI)" Cuadernos de Neuropsicología , (2017).
  35. Pietto ML, Kamienkowski JE, Lipina SJ. "Electrophysiological approaches in the study of the influence of childhood poverty on cognition", in: Ibanez A, Sedeño L, Garcia AM None Neuroscience and Social Science: The Missing Link, (2017).
  36. Hernán Melgratti, Luca Padovani. "Chaperone contracts for higher-order sessions" Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages Volume 1, no. ICFP (2017): 1-29.
  37. Stefania Gnesi, Nico Plat, Hernán Melgratti. "Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Engineering (FormaliSE 2017)." , (2017).
  38. Massimo Bartoletti, Maurice ter Beek, Hernán Melgratti, Luis Cruz-Filipe. "Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2017, track SOAP" , (2017).
  39. Hernán Melgratti, Luca Padovani. "An OCaml Implementation of Binary Sessions", in: Simon Gay, Antonio Ravara None Behavioural Types: from Theory to Tools, (2017): 243-263.
  40. Carlos Lombardi, Ríos. Alejandro, Roel de Vrijer. "Projections for Infinitary Rewriting" Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science , (2017).
  41. Eduardo Bonelli, Delia Kesner, Carlos Lombardi, Ríos. Alejandro. "On abstract normalisation beyond neededness" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 672, (2017): 36-63.
  42. Lucio Santi, Nicolás Ponieman, Soon Yung Jun, Krzysztof Genser, Daniel Elvira, Rodrigo Castro. "Application of State Quantization-Based Methods in HEP Particle Transport Simulation" Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 898, (2017).
  43. Juan Pablo Galeotti, Justyna Petke. "Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing" , (2017). [link]
  44. Xavier Caicedo, Jonas Rogger, George Metcalfe, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Decidability of Order-Based Modal Logics" JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES , (2017).
  45. Luiz Carlos Pereira, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Normalization, Soundness and Completeness for the Propositional Fragment of Prawitz? Ecumenical System" REVISTA PORTUGUESA DE FILOSOFIA Volume 73, no. 3 (2017): 1153-1168.
  46. Taihu Pire, Thomas Fischer, Gastón Castro, Pablo de Cristóforis, Javier Civera, Julio C. Jacobo. "S-PTAM: Stereo Parallel Tracking and Mapping" ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS Volume 93, (2017): 27-42.
  47. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Orozco,Javier, Santos,Rodrigo, Paula Zabala. "Energy Aware Scheduling Mandatory/Optional tasks in Multicore Real-Time Systems" INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH Volume 24, (2017): 173-198.
  48. Agustin Montero, Juan José Miranda-Bront, Isabel Méndez-Díaz. "An ILP-based local search procedure for the VRP with pickups and deliveries." ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH , (2017).
  49. Juan José Miranda-Bront, Isabel Méndez Díaz, Brian Curcio, Agustin Montero, Federico Pousa, Paula Zabala. "A cluster-first route-second approach for the Swap Body Vehicle Routing Problem" ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 253, no. 2 (2017): 935-965.
  50. Agustin Montero, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan José Miranda-Bront. "An Integer Programming approach for the Time-Dependent Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows" COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 88, (2017): 280-289.
  51. Enrique carlos segura. "Information, Stability and Learning Complexity in Associative Memories" International Journal of Management Science and Operations Research (IJMSOR) Volume 1, no. 1 (2017): 49-53.
  52. G. M. Bosyk, G. Sergioli, H. Freytes, F. Holik, G. Bellomo. "Approximate transformations of bipartite pure-state entanglement from the majorization lattice" PHYSICA A - STATISTICAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume 473, (2017): 403-411.
  53. Guido Bellomo, Gustavo M. Bosyk, Federico Holik, Steeve Zozor. "Lossless quantum data compression with exponential penalization: An operational interpretation of the quantum Rényi entropy" Scientific Reports Volume 7, no. 1 (2017).
  54. A. Plastino, G. Bellomo, A. R. Plastino. "On the relative character of quantum correlations", in: Olimpia Lombardi, Sebastian Fortin, Federico Holik, Cristian López None What is Quantum Information?, (2017): 231-258.
  55. Fabio R. Gallo, Gerardo I. Simari, Maria Vanina Martinez, Marcelo Falappa, Natalia Abad Santos. "Reasoning about Sentiment and Knowledge Diffusion in Social Networks" IEEE INTERNET COMPUTING Volume 21, no. 6 (2017): 8-17.
  56. Gerardo I. Simari, Cristian Molinaro, Maria Vanina Martinez, Livia Predoiu, Thomas Lukasiewicz. "Ontology-Based Data Access Leveraging Subjective Reports" , (2017).
  57. Pablo Arrighi, Alejandro Díaz Caro, Benoît Valiron. "The vectorial lambda-calculus" Information and Computation Volume 254, (2017): 105-139.
  58. Alejandro Díaz-Caro, Gilles Dowek. "Typing Quantum Superpositions and Measurement" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 1068, (2017): 281-293.
  59. Nicolás Alvarez, Verónica Becher. "M. Levin's construction of absolutely normal numbers with very low discrepancy" MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTATION Volume 86, no. 308 (2017): 2927-2946.
  60. Lucio Santi, Nicolás Ponieman, Soon Yung Jun, Krzysztof Genser, Daniel Elvira, Rodrigo Castro. "Application of State Quantization-Based Methods in HEP Particle Transport Simulation" Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 898, no. 4 (2017): 42-49.
  61. Taihú Pire, Thomas Fischer, Gastón Castro, Pablo DeCristóforis, Javier Civera, Julio JacoboBerlles. "S-PTAM: Stereo Parallel Tracking and Mapping" ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS Volume 93, (2017): 27-42.
  63. PABLO BARENBAUM, EDUARDO BONELLI. "Optimality and the Linear Substitution Calculus" Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) Volume 84, no. 9 (2017): 1-16.
  64. THIBAUT BALABONSKI, PABLO BARENBAUM, EDUARDO BONELLI, DELIA KESNER. "Foundations of Strong Call by Need" Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages Volume 1, no. 20 (2017): 1-29.
  65. D. González Márquez, A. Cristal, E. Mocskos. "Codesigned Hardware/Software Support for Fine Grain Threads" Computer Architecture Letters Volume 16, no. 1 (2017): 64-67.
  66. I. Gleria, E. Mocskos, M. Tagliazucchi. "Minimum Free-Energy Paths for the Self-Organization of Polymer" SOFT MATTER Volume 13, no. 12 (2017): 2362-2370.
  67. Juan F. Angiolini, Martín Stortz, Paula Y. Steinberg, Esteban Mocskos, Luciana Bruno, Galo Soler-Illia, Paula C. Angelomé, Alejandro Wolosiuk, Valeria Levi. "Diffusion of single dye molecules in hydrated TiO 2 mesoporous films" PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume 19, no. 39 (2017): 26540-26544.
  68. D. Grillo, J. Albano, E. Mocskos, J. Facelli, M. Pickholz, M. Ferraro. "Diblock copolymer bilayers as model for polymersomes: A coarse grain approach" JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume 146, no. 24 (2017): 2449041-2449048.
  69. P. Verghelet, E. Mocskos. "Efficient P2P Inspired Policy to Distribute Resource Information in Large Distributed Systems", in: Carlos Jaime Barrios Hernandez, Isidoro Gitler, Jaime Klapp None High Performance Computing Volume 697, (2017): 3-17.
  70. S. Rodriguez Leopold, F. Parodi, S. Nesmachnow, E. Mocskos. "Evaluation of a Master-Slave Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm Applied to Artificial Intelligence for Games in the Xeon-Phi Many-Core Platform", in: Carlos Jaime Barrios Hernandez, Isidoro Gitler, Jaime Klapp None High Performance Computing Volume 697, (2017): 161-176.
  71. Nicolás Álvarez, Verónica Becher. "M. Levin’s construction of absolutely normal numbers with very low discrepancy" MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTATION , (2017).
  72. Sebastian Lipina, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernández Slezak. "PENSAR LAS TIC DESDE LAS CIENCIAS COGNITIVAS Y LA NEUROCIENCIA" , (2017).
  73. Sergio Yovine, Gonzalo Winniczuk. "Static Taint Analysis Applied to Detecting Bad Programming Practices in Android" SADIO Electronic Journal of Informatic and Operation Research , (2017).
  74. G. A. Lado, E. C. segura. "EFFECTIVE VECTOR REPRESENTATIONS FOR VARIABLE LENGTH SYMBOL SEQUENCES" Proc. Fourth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIAP-2017) , (2017): 27-34.
  75. Herman Schinca, Daniela Villani, Fernando Schapachnik, Teresa Alberto. "Propuesta de planificación anual para Tecnologías de la Información, 3º año de la NES (TI3), CABA" , (2017). [link]
  76. Juliana Leone, Diego Fernández Slezak, Diego Golombek, Mariano Sigman. "Time to decide: Diurnal variations on the speed and quality of human decisions" Cognition Volume 158, (2017): 44-55.
  77. Edgar Altszyler, Sidarta Ribeiro, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernández Slezak. "The interpretation of dream meaning: Resolving ambiguity using Latent Semantic Analysis in a small corpus of text" CONSCIOUSNESS AND COGNITION , (2017).
  78. Federico Raimondo, Benjamin Rohaut, Athena Demertzi, Melanie Valente, Denis Engemann, Moti Salti, Diego Fernandez Slezak, Lionel Naccache, Jacobo D. Sitt. "Brain-heart interactions reveal consciousness in non-communicating patients" ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY , (2017).
  79. Vikramjit Mitra, Horacio Franco, Richard Stern, Julien Van Hout, Luciana Ferrer, Martin Graciarena, Wen Wang, Dimitra Vergyri, Abeer Alwan, John Hansen. "Robust Features in Deep-Learning-Based Speech Recognition", in: S. Watanabe, M. Delcroix, Florian Metze None New Era for Robust Speech Recognition, (2017): 187-217.
  80. Ramiro H. Gálvez, Agustín Gravano. "Assessing the usefulness of online message board mining in automatic stock prediction systems" Journal of Computational Science Volume 19, (2017): 43-56.
  81. Lucía Prats, Agustín Gravano, Sebastián Lipina. "Asociaciones entre factores individuales y contextuales con el desempeño cognitivo en preescolares de hogares con Necesidades Básicas Insatisfechas (NBI)" Panamerican Journal of Neuropsychology , (2017).
  82. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Javier Orozco, Rodrigo Santos, Paula Zabala. "Energy Aware Scheduling Mandatory/Optional tasks in Multicore Real-Time Systems" INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH Volume 24, no. 1-2 (2017): 173-198.
  83. Juan Miranda-Bront, Brian Curcio, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Agustín Montero, Federico Pousa, Paula Zabala. "A cluster-first route-second approach for the Swap Body Vehicle Routing Problem" ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 253, (2017): 935-956.
  84. Marina Groshaus, Min Chih Lin, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "On neighborhood-Helly graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 216, (2017): 191-202.
  85. Min Chih Lin, Michel Mizrahi, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Exacts algorithms for the minimum weighted dominating induced matching" ALGORITHMICA Volume 77, (2017): 642-660.
  86. Agustín Montero, Juan José Miranda-Bront, Isabel Méndez-Díaz. "An ILP-based local search procedure for the VRP with pickups and deliveries" ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 259, no. 1-2 (2017): 327-350.
  87. Agustín Montero, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan José Miranda-Bront. "An integer programming approach for the time-dependent traveling salesman problem with time windows" COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 88, (2017): 280-289.
  88. Luciana Benotti, María Cecilia Martínez, Fernando Schapachnik. "A Tool for Introducing Computer Science with Automatic Formative Assessment" IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies Volume PP, no. 1 (2017).
  89. Alberto; Teresa, Fernando Schapachnik, Herman Schinca, Daniela Villani. "Propuesta de planificación anual para Tecnologías de la Información, 3º año de la NES (TI3), CABA" , (2017). [link]
  90. Francisco J. Soulignac. "Bounded, minimal, and short representations of unit interval and unit circular-arc graphs. Chapter II: algorithms" Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications Volume 21, no. 4 (2017): 491-525.
  91. Ezequiel Pecker Marcosig, Juan Ignacio Giribet, Rodrigo Daniel Castro. "Hybrid Adaptive Control for UAV Data Collection: A Simulation-Based Design to Trade-Off Resources between Stability and Communication" Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) , (2017).
  92. Andrés Laurito, Matias Bonaventura, Mikel Eukeni Pozo Astigarraga, Rodrigo Castro. "TopoGen: A Network Topology Generation Architecture with application to automating simulations of Software Defined Networks" Proceedings of the 50th Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) , (2017).
  93. Pablo De Cristóforis, Thomas Fischer, Matías Nitsche. "Cálculo de la covarianza de ICP para la localización de un robot diferencial mediante odometría y láser" Acta de congreso , (2017).
  94. Daniel Acevedo, Pablo Negri, María Elena Buemi, Francisco Gómez Fernandez, Marta Mejail. "A Citation k-NN Approach for Facial Expression Recognition" Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications , (2017).
  95. Sebastián Sansoni, Francisco Raverta Capua, Marcelo Leandro Moreyra. "Estimación de la posición de una plataforma móvil en un ambiente frutícola basado en la detección de troncos con visión estéreo" Actas de IX Jornadas Argentinas de Robótica - JAR 2017 , (2017).
  96. I. Orozco, M. E. Buemi, J. Jacobo Berlles. "Real-Time Gender Recognition From Face Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network" LACNEM 2017 : 7th Latin American Conference on Networked and Electronic Media , (2017).
  97. Stefania Boffa , Brunella Gerla, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Modal logic and Sequences of orthopairs" Proceedings ManyVal2017 , (2017).
  98. Acevedo D., Negri Pablo, M. E. Buemi, Francisco Gomez Fernandez, Marta Mejail. "A Citation k-NN Approach for Facial Expression Recognition" Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications , (2017).
  99. Sebastián Sansoni, Francisco Raverta Capua, Marcelo Leandro Moreyra. "Estimación de la posición de una plataforma móvil en un ambiente frutícola basado en la detección de troncos con visión estéreo" Revista Tecnología y Ciencia , (2017).
  100. Daniel Acevedo, Pablo Negri, María Elena Buemi, Francisco Gómez Fernández, Marta Mejail. "A Citation k-NN approach for facial expression recognition" Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications. CIARP 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10657. Springer, Cham , (2017).
  101. Francisco Gómez Fernández and Marta Mejail Maria Elena Buemi Pablo Negri Daniel Acevedo. "A Citation k-NN approach for facial expression recognition" Proceedings of the 22nd Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition , (2017).
  102. D. Acevedo, P. Negri, M. E. Buemi, F. Gómez Fernández, M Mejail. "A Citation k-NN approach for facial expression recognition" Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications , (2017).
  103. Penélope Cordero, Manuela Busaniche, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Possibilistic logic over fuzzy events" Proceedings ManyVal2017 , (2017).
  104. Castaño Rodrigo, BRABERMAN VICTOR, Diego Garbervestky, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN. "Model checker execution reports" Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE 2017 , (2017).
  105. Alfredo Hector Sanzo, Fernando Schapachnik, Pablo Factorovich, Federico Sawady O'Connor. "Pilas Bloques: a Scenario-Based Children Learning Platform" Proceedings of LACLO 2017 , (2017).
  106. Matías Nitsche, Gastón Castro, Taihú Pire, Thomas Fischer, Pablo De Cristóforis. "Constrained-covisibility marginalization for efficient on-board stereo SLAM" Proceedings of the European Conference on Mobile Robotics , (2017).
  107. Alejandro Díaz Caro, Guido Martínez. "Confluence in probabilistic rewriting" Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science , (2017).
  108. Federico Landini, Luciana Ferrer, Horacio Franco. "Adaptation Approaches for Pronunciation Scoring with Sparse Training Data" Proc. International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM) , (2017).
  109. Diego Garbervetsky, Edgardo Zoppi, Benjamin Livsh*ts. "Toward full elasticity in distributed static analysis: the case of callgraph analysis" Proceeding ESEC/FSE 2017 Proceedings of the 2017 11th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering , (2017).
  110. Diego Garbervetsky, Zvonimir Pavlinovic, Michael Barnett, Madanlal Musuvathi, Todd Mytkowicz, Edgardo Zoppi. "Static analysis for optimizing big data queries" Proceeding ESEC/FSE 2017 Proceedings of the 2017 11th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering , (2017).
  111. GERMAN REGIS, CESAR CORNEJO, SIMON GUTIERREZ BRIDA, MARIANO POLITANO, FERNADO RAVERTA, PABLO PONZIO, NAZARENO AGUIRRE, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, MARCELO FRIAS. "DynAlloy analyzer: a tool for the specification and analysis of alloy models with dynamic behaviour" Proceedings of the 2017 11th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering , (2017).
  112. Diego Garbervetsky, Zvonimir Pavlinovic, Michael Barnett, Madanlal Musuvathi, Todd Mytkowicz, Edgardo Zoppi. "Static analysis for optimizing big data queries" ESEC/FSE 2017 Proceedings of the 2017 11th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering , (2017).
  113. Diego Garbervetsky, Edgardo Zoppi, Benjamin Livsh*ts. "Toward full elasticity in distributed static analysis: the case of callgraph analysis" ESEC/FSE 2017 Proceedings of the 2017 11th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering , (2017).
  114. Sanzo; Alfredo, Fernando Schapachnik, Pablo Factorovich, Federico Sawady O'Connor. "Pilas Bloques: a Scenario-Based Children Learning Platform" Proceedings de 12th Latin-American Conference on Learning Technologies , (2017).
  115. Rodrigo Castaño, Diego Garbervetsky, Victor Braberman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Model checker execution reports" International Conference on Automated Software Engineering , (2017).
  116. Edgar Altszyler, Sidarta Ribeiro, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernández Slezak. "Comparative study of LSA vs Word2vec embeddings in small corpora: a case study in dreams database" ASAI, Simposio Argentino de Inteligencia Artificial , (2017).
  117. N Olaiz, P Turjanski, M. Marino, E Lujan, A Márquez, F Minotti, E Zucco, M Tellado, MA Garabalino, S Michinski, F Maglietti, G Santa Cruz, G Marshall. "The concept of electroporation energy in electorporation-based models" Proceedings , (2017).
  118. PABLO BARENBAUM, EDUARDO BONELLI. "Optimality and the Linear Substitution Calculus" 2nd International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction, FSCD 2017, September 3-9, 2017, Oxford, UK , (2017).
  119. Mitchell McLaren, Luciana Ferrer, Diego Castán, Aaron Lawson. "Calibration Approaches for Language Detection" Proceedings de Interspeech 2017 , (2017).
  120. Diego Castán, Mitchell McLaren, Luciana Ferrer, Aaron Lawson, Alicia Lozano Diez. "Improving Robustness of Speaker Recognition to New Conditions Using Unlabeled Data" Interspeech 2017 , (2017).
  121. Maria Vanina Martinez. "Knowledge Engineering for Intelligent Decision Support" Proceedings of the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2017) , (2017).
  122. Janine Kleinhans, Mireia Farrús, Agustín Gravano, Juan Manuel Pérez, Catherine Lai, Leo Wanner. "Using prosody to classify discourse relations" Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2017) , (2017).
  123. Pablo Brusco, Juan Manuel Pérez, Agustín Gravano. "Cross-Linguistic Study of the Production of Turn-Taking Cues in American English and Argentine Spanish." Interspeech , (2017).
  124. Facundo Pessacg, Matías Nitsche, Adrian Teijeiro, Diego Martín, Pablo De Cristóforis. "Open-source embedded framework for Unmanned Ground Vehicle control using CIAA" 2017 Eight Argentine Conference on Embedded Systems (CASE) , (2017).
  125. Pablo Brusco, Juan Manuel Pérez, Agustín Gravano. "Cross-linguistic study of the production of turn-taking cues in American English and Argentine Spanish" Proceedings of Interspeech 2017 , (2017).
  126. Ramiro H. Gálvez, Stefan Benus, Agustín Gravano, Marian Trnka. "Prosodic Facilitation and Interference while Judging on the Veracity of Synthesized Statements" Proceedings of Interspeech 2017 , (2017).
  127. Luiz Carlos Pereira, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Ecumenism: a new perspective on the relation between logics" Proceedings Logic Colloquium 2017 , (2017).
  128. Ezequiel Pecker Marcosig, Juan Giribet, Rodrigo Castro. "Hybrid Adaptive Control for UAV Data Collection: A Simulation-based Design to Trade-off Resources Between Stability and Communication" Proceedings of the 50th Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) , (2017).
  129. Pablo Brusco, Juan Manuel Pérez, Agustín Gravano. "Cross-Linguistic Study of the Production of Turn-Taking Cues in American English and Argentine Spanish" Procedings of Interspeech 2017 , (2017).
  130. Lucio Santi, Federico Bergero, Soon Jun, Krzysztof Genser, Daniel Elvira, Rodrigo Castro. "GQLink: an implementation of Quantized State System (QSS) methods in Geant4" Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research , (2017).
  131. Janine Kleinhans, Mireia Farrús, Agustín Gravano, Juan Manuel Pérez, Catherine Lai, Leo Wanner. "Using Prosody to Classify Discourse Relations" Proceedings of Interspeech 2017 , (2017).
  132. Francesc Esteva, Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "On the relation between modal and multi-modal logics over Łukasiewicz logic" Proceedings of FUZIEEE2017 , (2017).
  133. Carlos Ismael Orozco, María Elena Buemi, Julio C. Jacobo. "New Deep Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Pedestrian Detection" 8th International Conference of Pattern Recognition Systems (ICPRS 2017) , (2017).
  134. Agustín Ismael Montero, Juan José Miranda Bront, Isabel Méndez-Díaz. "An Integer Programming approach for the Time-Dependent Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows" Proceedings of the First Triennial Conference of the Informs Transportation Science and Logistics Society , (2017).
  135. Edgar Altszyler, Ariel Berenstein, David Milne, Rafael Calvo, Diego Fernandez Slezak. "Clasificacion automática de posts en foros de salud mental" LIBRO DE RESÚMENES ECI 2017 , (2017).
  136. I. Orozco, M. E. Buemi, J. Jacobo Berlles. "New Deep Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Pedestrian Detection" 8th ​​International Conference of Pattern Recognition Systems (ICPRS 2017) , (2017).
  137. Sergio Yovine, Gonzalo Winniczuk. "CheckDroid: A Tool for Automated Detection of Bad Practices in Android Applications Using Taint Analysis" Proceedings IEEE , (2017).
  138. Carlos Faciano, Sergio Mera, Fernando Schapachnik, Ana Haydée Di Iorio, Luz Clara Bibiana, Verónica Uriarte, María Fernanda Giaccaglia, María Belén Ruffa, Cristian Marcos. "Performance Improvement on Legal Model Checking" 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law , (2017).
  139. Luiz Carlos Pereira, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "The ecumenical viewpoint: classical and intuitionistic logic coexisting peacefully" Meeting Reports of SLALM2017 , (2017).
  140. Manuela Busaniche, Penélope Cordero, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Algebraic Semantics for BL-Possilistic Logic" Meeting Reports of SLALM2017 , (2017).
  141. Bendersky Diego, E. Feuerstein. "Palenque: a Big Data platform for data-driven agriculture" Proceedings de 2017 EFITA WCCA Congress (EFITA'2017) , (2017).
  142. Guido Chari, Diego Garbervetsky, Stefan Marr. "A Metaobject Protocol for Optimizing Application-Specific Run-Time Variability" Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of Object-Oriented Languages, Programs and Systems , (2017).
  143. Daniel Acevedo, Pablo Negri, Maria Elena Buemi, Francisco Gómez Fernández, Marta Mejail. "A Simple Geometric-Based Descriptor for Facial Expression Recognition" IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition , (2017).
  144. Acevedo Daniel German, Negri Pablo, M. E Buemi, Francisco Gomez Fernandez, M. Mejail. "A Simple Geometric-Based Descriptor for Facial Expression Recognition" First International Workshop on Adaptive Shot Learning for Gesture Understanding and Production: ASL4GUP 2017 , (2017).
  145. Daniel Acevedo, Pablo Negri, María Elena Buemi, Francisco Gómez Fernandez, Marta Mejail. "A Simple Geometric-Based Descriptor for Facial Expression Recognition" Proc. of 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2017) , (2017).
  146. G. A. Lado, E. C. Segura. "Effective vector representations for variable length symbol sequences" Proc. Fourth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIAP-2017) , (2017).
  147. Daniel Acevedo, Pablo Negri, Marı́a Elena Buemi, Francisco Gómez Fernández. "A simple geometric-based descriptor for facial expression recognition" Proceedings of the ASL4GUP Workshop. IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition , (2017).
  148. Leandro Nahabedian. "Dynamic Update of Business Process Management" Software Engineering Companion (ICSE-C), 2017 IEEE/ACM 39th International Conference on , (2017).
  149. Guido Chari, Diego Garbervetsky, Stefan Marr. "Fully-reflective VMs for Ruling Software Adaptation" Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion , (2017).
  150. Guido Chari, Diego Garbervetsky, Stefan Marr. "Fully-reflective VMs for ruling software adaptation" ICSE-C '17 Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion , (2017).
  151. Nikolas Havrikov, Alessio Gambi, ANDREAS ZELLER, Andrea Arcuri, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI. "Generating unit tests with structured system interactions" Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Automation of Software Testing , (2017).
  152. Fabio R. Gallo , Gerardo I. Simari, Maria Vanina Martinez, Natalia Abad Santos, Marcelo Falappa. "A First Approach to Belief Dynamics in Complex Social Networks" Proc. of Alberto Mendelzon Workshop (AMW 2017) , (2017).
  153. Matías López y Rosenfeld. ""Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn": changing the approach of teaching Computer Organization" ICSE Companion Proceedings , (2017).
  154. Luiz Carlos Pereira, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Ecumenism : a new perspective on the relation between logics" Proceedings , (2017).
  155. Fernando Paulovsky, Diego Garbervetsky, Esteban Pavese. "High-coverage testing of navigation models in Android applications" Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Automation of Software Testing , (2017).
  156. Ivan Cabezas-Troyano, Walter Magaña, Pablo Negri. "An innovative practice in a graduate course combining startups evaluation and image processing" IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference , (2017).
  157. Carlos Ismael Orozco, Florencia Iglesias, María Elena Buemi, Julio César Alberto Jacobo Berlles. "Real-time gender recognition from face images using deep convolutional neural network" Proceedings of the 7th Latin American Conference on Networked and Electronic Media (LACNEM 2017), Valparaiso, Chile. , (2017).
  158. D. Acevedo, P. Negri, M. E. Buemi, F. Gómez Fernandez, M. Mejail. "A simple geometric-based descriptor for facial expression recognition" ASL4GUP 2017 , (2017).


  1. Maurice ter Beek, Hernán Melgratti, Hugo Viera. "Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2016, Special track on service-oriented architectures and programming (SOAP)" , (2016).
  2. Pablo De Cristoforis, Matias Nitsche, Tomas Krajnik, Marta Mejail. "Real-time monocular image-based path detection - A GPU-based embedded solution for on-board execution on mobile robots." jOURNAL REAL TIME IMAGE PROCESSING Volume 11, (2016): 335-348.
  3. Hernán Melgratti, Christian Roldán. "A Formal Analysis of the Global Sequence Protocol." LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2016).
  4. Sergio Abriola, Pablo Barceló, Diego Figueira, Santiago Figueira. "Bisimulations on Data Graphs", in: Chitta Baral, James P. Delgrande, Frank Wolter None Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference, (2016): 309-318.
  5. P Turjanski, R. Gonzalo Parra, Rocío Espada, Verónica Becher, Diego Ferreiro. "Protein Repeats form First Principles" Scientific Reports Volume 6, (2016): 1-9.
  6. Ariel Bendersky, Gonzalo de la Torre, Gabriel Senno, Santiago Figueira, Antonio Acín. "Algorithmic Pseudorandomness in Quantum Setups" PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS , no. 116 (2016): 230402-230402.
  7. Gabriel Senno, Ariel Bendersky, Santiago Figueira. "Randomness and non-locality" FLUCTUATION AND NOISE LETTERS Volume 15, no. 3 (2016).
  8. Ariel Bendersky, Gonzalo de la Torre, Gabriel Senno, Santiago Figueira, Antonio Acin. "Algorithmic pseudorandomness in quantum setups" PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume 116, no. 23 (2016): 230402-230407.
  9. Gabriel Senno, Ariel Bendersky, Santiago Figueira. "Randomness and non-locality" FLUCTUATION AND NOISE LETTERS Volume 15, (2016).
  10. Bernd Bank, Joos Heintz, Guillermo Matera, Jose Luis Montaña, Luis Miguel Pardo, Andres Rojas Paredes. "Quiz games as a model for information hiding" JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY Volume 34, (2016): 1-29.
  11. Kamienkowski JE, Carbajal MJ, Bianchi B, Sigman M, Shalom DE. "Cumulative Repetition Effects Across Multiple Readings of a Word: Evidence From Eye Movements" Discourse Processes Volume 0, no. 0 (2016): 1-16.
  12. Leonardo Cabrer, Umberto Rivieccio, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Lukasiewicz Public Announcement Logic" Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume 611, (2016): 108-122.
  13. Felix Bou, Francesc Esteva, Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Possibilistic Semantics for a Modal KD45 Extension of Gödel Fuzzy Logic" Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume 611, no. (2016): 123-135.
  14. Verónica Becher, Yann Bugeaud, Theodore A. Slaman. "On Simply Normal Numbers" MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN Volume 364, no. 1 (2016): 125-150.
  15. Ariel Bendersky, Gonzalo de La Torre, Gabriel Senno, Santiago Figueira, Antonio Acín. "Algorithmic pseudorandomness in quantum setups" PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume 116, no. 23 (2016).
  16. Gabriel Senno, Ariel Bendersky, Santiago Figueira. "Randomness and nonlocality" FLUCTUATION AND NOISE LETTERS , (2016).
  17. Daniel Ciolek, Victor Braberman, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Nir Piterman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Interaction Models and Automated Control under Partial Observable Environments" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING , (2016).
  18. antonio fillieri, martina maggio , Konstantinos Angelopoulos, Nicolas D'Ippolito. "Control Strategies for Self-Adaptive Software Systems" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON AUTONOMOUS AND ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS , (2016).
  19. Herman Schinca. "Reseña de "Las políticas TIC en los sistemas educativos de América Latina: caso Argentina"" Virtualidad, Educación y Ciencia Volume 7, no. 12 (2016): 170-172.
  20. Flavia Bonomo, Luciano Norberto Grippo, Martin Milanic, Martín Darío Safe. "Graph classes with and without powers of bounded clique-width" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 199, (2016): 3-15.
  22. Esteban Pavese, BRABERMAN VICTOR, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN. "Less is More: Estimating Probabilistic Rewards over Partial System Explorations" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY , (2016).
  23. Hernan Czemerinski, BRABERMAN VICTOR, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN. "Behaviour Abstraction Adequacy Criteria for API Call Protocol Testing" SOFTWARE TESTING, VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY Volume 26, no. 3 (2016): 211-244.
  24. Enrique Carlos Segura. "Information, Stability and Learning Complexity in Associative Memories" International Journal of Management Science and Operations Research (IJMSOR) Volume 1, no. 1 (2016): 49-53.
  25. PA Nuñez, Diego Fernández Slezak, A Farall, ME Szretter, Salomón OD, Valeggia CR. "Impact of Universal Health Coverage on Child Growth and Nutrition in Argentina" AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH Volume 106, no. 4 (2016): 720-726.
  26. Adolfo Garcia, Facundo Carrillo, Juan Orozco-Arroyave, Natalia Trujillo, Jesus Vargas Bonilla, Sol Fittipaldi, Elmar Noth, Federico Adolfi, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernández Slezak, Agustin ibañez, Guillermo Cecchi. "How language flows when movements don?t: An automated analysis of spontaneous discourse in Parkinson?s disease" BRAIN AND LANGUAGE Volume 162, (2016): 19-28.
  27. Ron Caspi, Richard Billington, Luciana Ferrer, et al.. "The MetaCyc database of metabolic pathways and enzymes and the BioCyc collection of pathway/genome databases" NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH Volume 44, (2016): 471-489.
  28. Nicolás Alvarez, Verónica Becher, Pablo A. Ferrari, Sergio A. Yuhjtman. "Perfect necklaces" ADVANCES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 80, (2016): 48-61.
  29. Melamie D. White, Juan Francisco Angiolini, Yanina Alvarez, Gurpreet Kaur, Ziqing W. Zhao, Esteban E. Mocskos, Luciana Bruno, Stephanie Bissiere, Valeria Levi, Nicolas Plachta. "Long-Lived Binding of Sox2 to DNA Predicts Cell Fate in the Four-Cell Mouse Embryo" CELL Volume 165, no. 1 (2016): 75-87.
  30. L Gómez Déniz, M. E Buemi, J. Jacobo Berlles, Marta Mejail. "A New Image Quality Index for Objectively Evaluating Despeckling Filtering in SAR Images" IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING Volume 9, (2016): 1297-1307.
  31. Tomás Krajník, Pablo De Cristóforis, Keerthy Kusumam, Peer Neubert, Tom Duckett. "Image features for visual teach-and-repeat navigation in changing environments" ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS Volume 88, (2016): 127-141.
  32. Matias Bonaventura, Daniel Foguelman, Rodrigo Castro. "Modeling and simulation-driven engineering based on discrete-event systems specifications" COMPUTING IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Volume 18, (2016): 70-83.
  33. Alejandro Díaz Caro, Abuzer Yakaryilmaz. "Affine computation and affine automaton" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 9691, (2016): 146-160.
  34. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Cristian Molinaro, Livia Predoiu, Gerardo I. Simari. "Ranking Answers to Datalog+/- Ontologies based on Trust and Reliability of Subjective Reports", in: Christoph Beierle, Gerard Brewka, Matthias Thimm None Computational Models of Rationality: Essays Dedicated to Gabriele Kern-Isberner on the Occasion of Her 60th Birthday Volume 29, (2016): 175-192.
  35. Guido Chari, Diego Garbervetsky, Stefan Marr. "Building efficient and highly run-time adaptable virtual machines" ACM SIGPLAN NOTICES Volume 52, no. 2 (2016): 60-71.
  36. Cristhian Ariel David Deagustini, Maria Vanina Martinez, Marcelo Falappa, Guillermo R. Simari. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Datalog+/- Ontology Consolidation" JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH, THE Volume 57, (2016): 613-656.
  37. G. Bellomo, A. Plastino, A. R. Plastino. "Quantumness and the role of locality on quantum correlations" PHYSICAL REVIEW A - ATOMIC, MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS Volume 93, (2016).
  38. Gustavo M. Bosyk, Guido Bellomo, Steeve Zozor, Mariela Portesi, Pedro W. Lamberti. "Unified entropic measures of quantum correlations induced by local measurements" PHYSICA A - STATISTICAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume 462, (2016): 930-939.
  39. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan Miranda-Bront, Paula Zabala. "An ILPbased heuristic for a generalization of the post-enrollment course timetabling problem" COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 76, (2016): 195-207.
  40. Verónica Becher, Yann Bugeaud, Theodore A. Slaman. "The irrationality exponents of computable numbers" PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 144, (2016): 1509-1521.
  41. Pablo Turjanski, Gonzalo Parra, Rocio Espada, Verónica Becher, Diego Ferreiro. "Protein Repeats form First Principles" Scientific Rports , (2016).
  42. Verónica Becher, Yann Bugeaud, Theodore A. Slaman. "On Simply Normal Numbers to different bases" MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN Volume 364, no. 1 (2016): 125-150.
  43. Miroslav Kulich, Juan José Miranda Bront, Libor Preucil. "A meta-heuristic based goal-selection strategy for mobile robot search in an unknown environment" COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH , (2016).
  44. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala, Juan José Miranda Bront. "An ILP based heuristic for a generalization of the post-enrollment course timetabling problem" COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH , (2016).
  45. Juan José Miranda Bront, Brian Curcio, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Agustín Ismael Montero, Federico Pousa, Paula Zabala. "A cluster-first route-second approach for the swap body vehicle routing problem" ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH , (2016).
  46. Shaun Azzopardi, Gordon Pace, Gerardo Schneider, Fernando Schapachnik. "Contract Automata: An Operational View of Contracts Between Interactive Parties" Artificial Intelligence and Law , (2016).
  47. Fernando Schapachnik, María Belén Bonello. "Programar o ser programados, Argentina ya eligió", in: Fabricio Ballarini None Educando al Cerebro - libro 1, (2016): 47-51.
  48. Fernando Schapachnik. "Destripando Google", in: Facundo Álvarez Heduan, Juan Manuel Garrido, Pablo González None Anuario El Gato y La Caja 2016, (2016): 62-64.
  49. Esteban Pavese, Victor Braberman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Less is more: Estimating probabilistic rewards over partial system explorations" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY , (2016).
  50. Esteban Pavese, Victor Braberman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Probabilistic Interface Automata" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING , (2016).
  51. Daniel Ciolek, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Nir Piterman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Interaction Models and Automated Control under Partial Observable Environments" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING , (2016).
  52. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala, Juan José Miranda-Bront. "An ILPbased heuristic for a generaliza- tion of the post-enrollment coursetimetabling problem," COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 76, (2016): 195-207.
  53. Francisco Gómez Fernández, María Elena Buemi, Juan Manuel Rodríguez, Julio Cesar Jacobo-Berlles. "Performance of dynamic texture segmentation using GPU" Journal of Real Time Image Processing Volume 112, no. 2 (2016): 375-383.
  54. Luis Gómez, M. E. Buemi, J. Jacobo Berlles, Marta Mejail. "A new image quality index for objectively evaluating despeckling filtering in SAR images" IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING Volume 9, no. 3 (2016): 1297-1307.
  55. Taihu Pire, Thomas Fischer, Gastón Castro, Pablo de Cristóforis, Julio César Alberto Jacobo Berlles. "S-PTAM: Stereo Parallel Tracking and Mapping" ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS , (2016).
  56. Manoel Campêlo, Victor Campos, Ricardo Corrêa, Diego Delle Donne, Javier Marenco, Marcelo Mydlarz. "A polyhedral study of the maximum stable set problem with weights on vertex-subsets" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 210, (2016): 223-234.
  57. Diego Delle Donne, Javier Marenco. "Polyhedral studies on vertex coloring polytope: The standard formulation" DISCRETE OPTIMIZATION Volume 21, (2016): 1-13.
  58. Diego Delle Donne, Guillermo Durán, Guido Fuentes, Javier Marenco, Juan Ignacio Villasante, Andrés Weintraub. "Logística marítima y terrestre de una empresa salmonera en Chile mediante programación matemática" Revista Ingeniería de Sistemas Volume 30, (2016): 63-90.
  59. Feuerstein Esteban, Marchetti-Spaccamela Alberto, Schalekamp Frans, Sitters Rene, van der Ster Suzanne, Stougie Leen, van Zuylen Anke. "Minimizing worst-case and average-case makespan over scenarios" JOURNAL OF SCHEDULING , (2016): 1-11.
  60. Luis Gómez, María Elena Buemi, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail. "A New Image Quality Index for Objectively Evaluating Despeckling Filtering in SAR Images." IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING Volume 9, no. 3 (2016): 1297-1307.
  61. Adolfo M. García, Facundo Carrillo, Juan Rafael Orozco-Arroyave, Natalia Trujillo, Jesús F. Vargas Bonilla, Sol Fittipaldi, Federico Adolfi, Elmar Nöth, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernández Slezak, Agustín Ibáñez, Guillermo A. Cecchi. "How language flows when movements don't: An automated analysis of spontaneous discourse in Parkinson's disease" BRAIN AND LANGUAGE Volume 162, (2016): 19-28.
  62. Facundo Carrillo, Natalia Mota, Mauro Copelli, Sidarta Ribeiro, Mariano Sigman, Guillermo A Cecchi, Diego F Slezak. "Automated Speech Analysis for Psychosis Evaluation", in: Irina Rish, Guillermo Cecchi None Machine Learning and Interpretation in Neuroimaging, (2016): 31-39.
  63. Nicolás Alvarez, Verónica Becher, Pablo A. Ferrari, Sergio A. Yuhjtman. "Perfect Necklaces" ADVANCES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 80, (2016): 48-61.
  64. Carolina Soledad Fracchia, Federico Giovannetti, Juan Gili, Matías López y Rosenfeld, María Julia Hermida, Lucía María Prats, María Soledad Segretin, Sebastián Javier Lipina. "Individuality and Self-regulation in Preschoolers" Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung , (2016).
  65. Andrea Paula Goldin, Matías López y Rosenfeld. "Estimulación de procesos cognitivos en poblaciones infantiles. Incorporando conocimiento neurocientífico para el desarrollo de contenido en plataformas digitales.", in: Sebastián J. Lipina, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernández Slezak None Pensar las TIC desde la ciencia cognitiva y la neurociencia, (2016): 121-145.
  66. Rocco de Nicola, Hernán Melgratti. "Multiparty Testing Preorders" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2016).
  67. Daniel Parisi, Pablo Negri, Luciana Bruno. "Experimental characterization of collision avoidance in pedestrian dynamics" PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume 94, no. 2 (2016): 22318-22326.
  68. Pablo Negri. "Extended LBP Operator to Characterize Event-Address Representation Connectivity", in: César Beltrán-Castañon, Ingela Nystrom, Fazel Family None Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications Volume 1012, (2016): 241-248.
  69. Daniel Acevedo, Pablo Negri, María Elena Buemi, Marta Mejail. "Facial expression recognition based on static and dynamic approaches" Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition , (2016).
  70. Daniel Ciolek, Victor Braberman, Nicolas Dippolito, Sebastian Uchitel. "Directed Controller Synthesis of discrete event systems: Taming composition with heuristic" Proceedings of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , (2016).
  71. Natalia Rodriguez, Victor Braberman, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Sebastian Uchitel. "Stochastic Generalized Reactivity (1) Games" Proceedings of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , (2016).
  72. D. Acevedo, P. Negri, M. E. Buemi, M. Mejail. "Facial Expression Recognition based on Static and Dynamic Approaches" Internacional Conference on Pattern Recognition , (2016).
  73. D. Acevedo, P. Negri, M. E. Buemi, M Mejail. "Facial Expression Recognition based on Static and Dynamic Approaches" Proceedings ICPR , (2016).
  74. DANIEL CIOLEK, BRABERMAN VICTOR, DIPPOLITO R. NICOLAS, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN. "Directed Controller Synthesis of discrete event systems: Taming composition with heuristics." Decision and Control (CDC), 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on , (2016).
  75. NATALIA RODRIGUEZ, BRABERMAN VICTOR, DIPPOLITO R. NICOLAS, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN. "2½-player generalized reactivity (1) games" Proceedings of CDC 2016 , (2016).
  76. Daniel Acevedo, Pablo Negri, Maria Elena Buemi, Marta Mejail. "Facial Expression Recognition based on Static and Dynamic Approaches" International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) , (2016).
  77. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Daniel Ciolek, Sebastian Uchitel. "Directed Controller Synthesis of Discrete Event Systems: Taming Composition with Heuristics" Proceedings of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , (2016).
  78. Acevedo Daniel German, Negri Pablo, M. E Buemi, M. Mejail. "Facial Expression Recognition based on Static and Dynamic Approaches" 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Cancun, 2016 , (2016).
  79. S. Ubalde, F. Gómez Fernández, M. Mejail. "Skeleton-Based Action Recognition using Citation-KNN on Bags of Time-Stamped Pose Descriptors" International Conference Image Processing , (2016).
  80. Pablo Negri. "Extended LBP Operator to Characterize Event-Address Representation Connectivity" Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition , (2016).
  81. Lucio Santi, Nicolás Ponieman, Soon Yung Jun, Krzysztof Genser, Victor Daniel Elvira, Rodrigo Castro. "Application of state quantization-based methods in HEP particle transport" Journal of Physics: Conference Series , (2016).
  82. Esteban Feuerstein, Andrés Knebel, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Amit Stein, Paula Zabala. "New algorithms for composite retrieval" Proceedings of the 2016 42nd Latin American Computing Conference, CLEI 2016 , (2016).
  83. Fabrizio Borghini, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "El problema de coloreo de aristas por etiquetado total bajo un enfoque de programaci´on lineal entera" Proceedings of the XVIII Latin-Iberoamerican Conference on Operations Research, CLAIO 2016 , (2016).
  84. Brian Curcio, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "A polyhedral approach to the adjacent vertex distinguishable proper edge coloring problem" Proceedings of the XVIII Latin-Iberoamerican Conference on Operations Research, CLAIO 2016 , (2016).
  85. Borja Balle, Rémi Eyraud, Franco M. Luque, Ariadna Quattoni, Sicco Verwer. "Results of the Sequence PredIction ChallengE (SPiCe): a Competition on Learning the Next Symbol in a Sequence" Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Grammatical Inference , (2016).
  86. Esteban Feuerstein, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "New algorithms for composite retrieval," IEEE Proceedings CLEI2016 , (2016).
  87. Brian Curcio, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "A polyhedral approach to the adjacent vertex distinguishable proper edge coloring problem" Proceedings of CLAIO 2016 , (2016).
  88. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "El problema de coloreo de aristas por etiquetado total bajo un enfoque de programacion lineal entera," Proceedings of CLAIO 2016 , (2016).
  89. Thomas Fischer, Taihú Pire, Petr Cizek, Pablo De Cristóforis, Jan Faigl. "Stereo Vision-based Localization for Hexapod Walking Robots Operating in Rough Terrains" IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS16) , (2016).
  90. Javier Godoy, Hern´an Czemerinski. "JGenTest: Generador de Test automático para Java a través de ejecución concólica" EST 2016, 19º Concurso de Trabajos Estudiantiles , (2016).
  91. Mitchell McLaren, Luciana Ferrer, Diego Castán, Aaron Lawson. "The 2016 Speakers in the Wild Speaker Recognition Evaluation" Proc. Interspeech 2016 , (2016).
  92. Shoham Ben David, Marsha Chechik, Sebastian Uchitel. "Observational re- finement and merge for disjunctive mtss." 14th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis , (2016).
  93. Juan Kamienkowsky, Gastón Bengolea, Luciana Ferrer. "Estimadores computacionales de la predicción humana durante la lectura" Proc. JAIIO 45 , (2016).
  94. Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Fuzzy Neighborhood Semantics" Booklet of Abstract. Sysmics2016 , (2016).
  95. Juan Manuel Pérez, Ramiro H. Gálvez, Agustín Gravano. "Disentrainment may be a Positive Thing: A Novel Measure of Unsigned Acoustic-Prosodic Synchrony, and its Relation to Speaker Engagement" Proc. Interspeech 2016 , (2016).
  96. Agustín Gravano, Pablo Brusco, Stefan Benus. "Who do you think will speak next? Perception of turn-taking cues in Slovak and Argentine Spanish" Proceedings of Interspeech 2016 , (2016).
  97. Juan Manuel Pérez, Ramiro H. Gálvez, Agustín Gravano. "Disentrainment may be a positive thing: A novel measure of unsigned acoustic-prosodic synchrony, and its relation to speaker engagement" Proceedings of Interspeech 2016 , (2016).
  98. Agustín Gravano, Pablo Brusco, Stefan Benus. "Who do you think will speak next? Perception of turn-taking cues in Slovak and Argentine Spanish" Procedings of Interspeech 2016 , (2016).
  99. Rivka Levitan, Stefan Benus, Ramiro H. Gálvez, Agustín Gravano, Florencia Savoretti, Marian Trnka, Andreas Weise, Julia Hirschberg. "Implementing acoustic-prosodic entrainment in a conversational avatar" Proceedings of Interspeech 2016 , (2016).
  100. Martin Graciarena, Luciana Ferrer, Vikramjit Mitra. "The SRI System for the NIST OpenSAD 2015 Speech Activity Detection Evaluation" Proc. Interspeech 2016 , (2016).
  101. Juan Manuel Pérez, Ramiro H. Gálvez, Agustín Gravano. "Disentrainment may be a Positive Thing: A novel measure of unsigned acoustic-prosodic synchrony, and its relation to speaker engagement" Proc. Interspeech 2016 , (2016).
  102. Luciana Ferrer, Martin Graciarena. "Minimizing Annotation Effort for Adaptation of Speech-Activity Detection Systems" Proc. Interspeech 2016 , (2016).
  103. Mitchell McLaren, Diego Castán, Luciana Ferrer, Aaron Lawson. "On the Issue of Calibration in DNN-Based Speaker Recognition Systems" Proc. Interspeech 2016 , (2016).
  104. Mitchell McLaren, Luciana Ferrer, Diego Castán, Aaron Lawson. "The Speakers in the Wild (SITW) Speaker Recognition Database" Proc. Interspeech 2016 , (2016).
  105. Sebastian Ubalde, Francisco Gómez Fernández, Marta Mejail. "Skeleton-based Action Recognition Using Citation-knn on Bags of Time-stamped Pose Descriptors" Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2016. , (2016).
  106. Kamienkowski JE, Bengolea Monzon G, Bianchi B, Ferrer L. "Estimadores computacionales de la predicci ́ on humana durante la lectura" Proceedings of ASAI 2016 - Argentinian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence , (2016).
  107. Daniel Foguelman, Matias Bonaventura, Rodrigo Castro. "MASADA: A Modeling and Simulation Automated Data Analysis framework for continuous data-intensive validation of simulation models" Proceedings of ESM 2016, the 30th European Simulation and Modelling Conference , (2016).
  108. Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Fuzzy neighbourhood semantics" Resúmenes del XXXI CLA , (2016).
  109. Carlos Lombardi, Ríos. Alejandro, Roel de Vrijer. "Projections for Infinitary Rewriting" Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science , (2016).
  110. Mario Coppo, Mariangiola Dezani, Alejandro Díaz Caro, Ines Margaria, Maddalena Zacchi. "Retractions in Intersection Types" Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science , (2016).
  111. Natalia Rodriguez, Victor Braberman, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Sebastian Uchitel. "2.5 Player Generalized Reactivity (1) Games" International Conference on Decision and Control , (2016).
  112. Mitchell McLaren, Diego Castán, Luciana Ferrer. "Analyzing the Effect of Channel Mismatch on the SRI Language Recognition Evaluation 2015 System" Proc. Odyssey 2016 , (2016).
  113. Tolosa Gabriel, Esteban Feuerstein. "Optimized Admission Policies for Intersection Caches using a Data Mining Approach" Proc. of the Second International Symposium on Web AlGorithms iSWAG2016 , (2016).
  114. Daniel Ciolek, Victor Braberman, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Sebastian Uchitel. "Directed Controller Synthesis of Discrete Event Systems: Taming Composition with Heuristics" International Conference on Decision and Control , (2016).
  115. Leandro Nahabedian, Victor Braberman, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Shinichi Honiden, Jeff Kramer, Kenji Tei, Sebastian Uchitel. "Assured and Correct Dynamic Update of Controllers - BEST PAPER AWARD" Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems , (2016).
  116. Dalal Alrajeh, Axel van Lamsweerde, Jeff Kramer, Sebastian Uchitel. "Risk-driven revision of requirements models" Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering, , (2016).
  117. L. Nahabedian, BRABERMAN VICTOR, DIPPOLITO R. NICOLAS, S. Honiden, jeff kramer, k.Tei, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN. "Assured and Correct Dynamic Update of Controllers" ICSE Proceedings , (2016).
  118. Robin Dupuis, Kevin Colson, Lionel Montrieux, Zhejiang Hu, Sebastian Uchitel, Pierre Yves-Schobbens. "Reusable self-adaptation through bidirectional pro- gramming." 11th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems , (2016).
  119. Urko Rueda, Rene Just, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Tanja Vos. "Unit testing tool competition: round four" Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing , (2016).
  120. Leandro Nahabedian, Victor Braberman, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Jeff Kramer, Kenji Tei, Shinichi Honiden, Sebastian Uchitel. "Assured and correct dynamic update of controllers" 11th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems , (2016).
  121. Diego Ferraro, Daniela Blanco, Rodrigo Castro. "Land Use Change in Agricultural Systems: Integrating Human Decisions and Cropping System Performance using a DEVS-based Cellular Automata Model" Proceedings of The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference , (2016).
  122. Leandro Nahabedian, Victor Braberman, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Shinichi Honiden. "Assured and correct dynamic update of controllers" Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems , (2016).
  123. Florencia Iglesias, Pablo Negri, María Elena Buemi, Daniel Acevedo, Marta Mejail. "Facial Expression Recognition: a Comparison Between Static and Dynamic Approaches" International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems , (2016).
  124. Florencia Fuentes, Pablo Negri, Maria Elena Buemi, Daniel Acebedo, Marta Mejail. "Facial Expression Recognition: A Comparison Between Static and Dynamic Approaches" International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems (ICPRS) , (2016).
  125. Florencia Iglesias, Pablo Negri, M. E. Buemi, Daniel Acevedo, M. Mejail. "Facial Expression Recognition: a Comparison Between Static and Dynamic Approaches" International Conference of Pattern Recognition Systems , (2016).
  126. Ismael Orozco, Maria Elena Buemi, Julio C. Jacobo. "A study on pedestrian detection using a deep convolutional neural network" Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems (ICPRS-16) , (2016).
  127. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, David Poole, Gerardo I. Simari. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Probabilistic Models over Weighted Orderings: Fixed-parameter Tractable Variable Elimination (10 páginas)" Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2016) , (2016).
  128. Alexis Tcach, Rodrigo Castro, Esteban Mocskos. "Infrastructure Centric AQM approach for QoS in MANETs" Proceedings of the WTS 2016 , (2016).
  129. Fl. Iglesias, P. Negri, M.E. Buemi, D. Acevedo, M. Mejail. "Facial Expression Recognition: a Comparison Between Static and Dynamic Approaches" Proceddings International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems (ICPRS-16) , (2016).
  130. Ismael Orozco, Maria Elena Buemi, J. Jacobo Berlles. "A Study on Pedestrian Detection using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network" Proceddings International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems (ICPRS-16) , (2016).
  131. I. Orozco, M. E. Buemi, J. Jacobo. "A Study on Pedestrian Detection using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network" IET Conference Proceedings, 2016 , (2016).
  132. Iglesias Florencia Soledad, Negri Pablo, Maria Elena Buemi, Acevedo Daniel German, Marta Mejail. "Facial expression recognition: A comparison between static and dynamic approaches" IET Conference Proceedings , (2016).
  133. Alexis Tcach, Rodrigo Castro, Esteban Mocskos. "Infrastructure Centric AQM approach for QoS in MANETs" Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS), 2016 , (2016).
  134. Mitch McLaren, Luciana Ferrer, Aaron Lawson. "Exploring the Role of Phonetic Bottleneck Features for Speaker and Language Recognition" Proc. ICASSP 2016 , (2016).
  135. Luciana Ferrer, Martin Graciarena, Vikramjit Mitra. "A Phonetically Aware System for Speech Activity Detection" Proc. ICASSP 2016 , (2016).
  136. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Livia Predoiu, Gerardo I. Simari. "(AUTORES EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Basic Probabilistic Ontological Data Exchange with Existential Rules" Proceedings of the 30th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-16) , (2016).


  1. A. Plastino, G. Bellomo, A. R. Plastino. "Quantum state space dimension as a quantum resource" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM INFORMATION Volume 13, no. 06 (2015).
  2. Verónica Becher, Pablo Ariel Heiber, Theodore A. Slaman. "A computable absolutely normal Liouville number" MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTATION Volume 84, (2015): 2939-2952.
  3. Verónica Becher, Serge Grigoreff. "Borel and Hausdorff hierarchies in topological spaces of Choquet games and their effectivization" MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 25, no. 2 (2015): 1490-1515.
  4. Verónica Becher, Serge Grigoreff. "Wadge hardness in Scott spaces and its effectivization" MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 25, (2015): 1520-1545.
  5. Lucio Mauro Duarte, Jeff Kramer, Sebastian Uchitel. "Using contexts to extract behaviour models from code" SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS MODELING , (2015).
  6. Hernan Czemerinski, Victor Braberman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Behaviour abstrac- tion adequacy criteria for api call protocol testing" SOFTWARE TESTING, VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY , (2015).
  7. Gillinder Bedi, Facundo Carrillo, Guillermo A Cecchi, Diego F Slezak, Mariano Sigman, Natalia Mota, Sidarta Ribeiro, Daniel C Javitt, Cheryl M Corcoran. "Automated analysis of free speech predicts psychosis onset in high-risk youths" npj Schizophrenia , (2015).
  8. Facundo Carrillo, Guillermo A. Cecchi, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernández Slezak. "Fast distributed dynamics of semantic networks via social media" Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience Volume 2015, (2015).
  9. Matías Lopez-Rosenfeld, Facundo Carrillo, Gerry Garbulsky, Diego Fernandez Slezak, Mariano Sigman. "Quantitative pedagogy: A digital two player game to examine communicative competence" PLOS ONE Volume 10, no. 11 (2015).
  10. Matías López y Rosenfeld, Facundo Carrillo, Gerry Garbulsky, Diego Fernández Slezak, Mariano Sigman. "Quantitative Pedagogy: A Digital Two Player Game to Examine Communicative Competence" PLOS ONE , (2015).
  11. Matías López y Rosenfeld, Cecilia Ines Calero, Diego Fernández Slezak, Gerry Garbulsky, Mariano Bergman, Marcos Trevisan, Mariano Sigman. "Neglect in Human Communication: Quantifying the Cost of Cell-Phone Interruptions in Face to Face Dialogs" PLOS ONE , (2015).
  12. Edgar Altszyler, Pablo Brusco. "Análisis de la dinámica del contenido semántico de textos" Anales Jaiio Subserie Simposio Argentino de Tecnología , (2015): 256-263.
  13. Silvina Guidi, Mariana Nanni, Claudio Budde, Pablo Negri, Gustavo Polenta, Claudia Gonzalez. "Efecto de los tratamientos poscosecha en la expresión de proteínas de estrés térmico en tomate Beatriz" HORTICULTURA ARGENTINA Volume 34, no. 84 (2015): 25-30.
  14. Pablo Negri. "Pedestrian Detection Using Multi-Objective Optimization", in: Alvaro Pardo, Josef Kittler None Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications Volume 9423, (2015): 776-784.
  15. Sergio Abriola, Gabriel Senno, Santiago Figueira. "Linearizing well-quasi orders and bounding the length of bad sequences" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 603, (2015): 3-22.
  16. E. Lujan, H. Shinca, N. Olaiz, S. Urquiza, F. Molina, P. Turjanski, G. Marshall. "Optimal dose-response relationship in electrolytic ablation of tumors with a one-probe-two-electrode device" ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA Volume 186, (2015): 494-503.
  17. Roberto Bruni, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari. "A Normal Form for Stateful Connectors." LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2015).
  18. Santiago Figueira, Denis Hirschfeldt, Joseph S. Miller, Keng Meng Ng, André Nies. "Counting the changes of random $\Delta^0_2$ sets" JOURNAL OF LOGIC AND COMPUTATION Volume 25, no. 4 (2015): 1073-1089.
  19. Javier Almarza, Santiago Figueira. "Normality in non-integer bases and polynomial time randomness" JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES Volume 81, (2015): 1059-1087.
  20. Santiago Figueira, André Nies. "Feasible analysis, randomness, and base invariance" THEORY OF COMPUTING SYSTEMS Volume 56, no. 3 (2015): 439-464.
  21. Sergio Abriola, Santiago Figueira, Gabriel Senno. "Linearizing well-quasi orders and bounding the length of bad sequences" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 603, (2015): 3-22.
  22. Diego Figueira, Santiago Figueira, Carlos Areces. "Model Theory of XPath on Data Trees. Part I: Bisimulation and Characterization" JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH, THE Volume 53, (2015): 271-314.
  23. Bernd Bank, Marc Giusti, Joos Heintz, Gregoire Lecerf, Guillermo Matera, Pablo Solerno. "Degeneracy loci and polynomial equation solving" FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS , no. 15 (2015): 159-184.
  24. L Bavassi, Kamienkowski JE, Sigman M, R Laje. "Sensorimotor synchronization: neurophysiological markers of the asynchrony and the error correction in a finger-tapping task" Psychological Research , (2015): 1-14.
  25. Laura Bocchi, Hernán Melgratti. "On the behaviour of general-purpose applications on cloud storages" Service Oriented Computing and Applications Volume 9, no. 3 (2015): 213-227.
  26. Pablo Castro, Nazareno M. Aguirre, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Thomas S.E. Maibaum. "Categorical Foundations for Structured Specifications in Z" FORMAL ASPECTS OF COMPUTING Volume 25, no. 5 (2015): 831-865.
  27. Ignacio Vissani, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Ionut Tutu, José Luiz Fiadeiro. "A Full Operational Semantics for Asynchronous Relational Networks" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 9463, (2015): 131-150.
  28. Valentín Cassano, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Thomas S. E. Maibaum. "Propositional Tableaux Based Proof Calculus for Reasoning with Default Rules" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 9323, (2015): 6-21.
  29. Roberto Bruni, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari. "cJoin: Join with communicating transactions" MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 25, no. 3 (2015).
  30. JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, CARLO FURIA, EVA MAY, GORDON FRASER, ANDREAS ZELLER. "Inferring Loop Invariants by Mutation, Dynamic Analysis, and Static Checking" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Volume 41, no. 10 (2015): 1019-1037.
  31. ANDREA ARCURI, GORDON FRASER, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI. "Automatische Erzeugung von Unit Tests für Klassen mit Umgebungs-Abhängigkeiten" LECTURE NOTES IN INFORMATICS Volume 239, (2015): 132-132.
  32. Bruno Cuervo Parrino, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Diego Garbervetsky, Marcelo Fabian Frias. "TacoFlow: optimizing SAT program verification using dataflow analysis" SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS MODELING Volume 14, no. 1 (2015): 45-63.
  33. Xavier Caicedo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Bi-modal Gödel logic over [0,1]-valued" JOURNAL OF LOGIC AND COMPUTATION Volume 25, (2015): 37-55.
  34. Raúl Carnota, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Fulgor y Ocaso de CEUNS. Una apuesta a la tecnología nacional en el Sur de Argentina", in: Raúl Carnota, Luis Germán Rodríguez Leal None Historias de las TIC en América Latina y el Caribe: inicios, desarrollos y ruptures, (2015): 127-145.
  35. Pablo De Cristóforis, Matías Nistche, Tomá Krajník, Taihú Pire, Marta Mejail. "Hybrid vision-based navigation for mobile robots in mixed indoor/outdoor environments" PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS Volume 53, (2015): 118-128.
  36. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Graciela Nasini, Daniel Severín. "A DSATUR-based algorithm for the Equitable Coloring Problem." COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 57, (2015): 41-50.
  37. Malaguti Enrico, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan José Miranda-Bront, Paula Zabala. "A branch-and-price algorithm for the (k, c)-coloring problem." NETWORKS Volume 65, no. 4 (2015): 353-366.
  38. Angelo Plastino, Guido Bellomo, A. R. Plastino. "On a Conjecture regarding Fisher Information" Advances in Mathematical Physics Volume 2015, (2015).
  39. G. Bellomo, A. Plastino, A. R. Plastino. "Classical extension of quantum-correlated separable states" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM INFORMATION Volume 13, (2015).
  40. Verónica Becher, Olivier Cartón, Pablo Ariel Heiber. "Normality and Automata" JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES Volume 81, (2015): 1592-1613.
  41. Angelo Plastino, Guido Bellomo, Angel Plastino Ricardo. "On a conjecture regarding Fisher information" Advances in Mathematical Physics Volume 2015, (2015).
  42. Federico Holik, Gustavo M. Bosyk, Guido Bellomo. "Quantum Information as a Non-Kolmogorovian Generalization of Shannon's Theory" ENTROPY Volume 17, no. 11 (2015): 7349-7373.
  43. G. Bellomo. "El carácter relativo de las correlaciones cuánticas", in: J. V. Ahumada, A. N. Venturelli, S. S. Chibeni None Filosofía e Historia de la Ciencia en el Cono Sur - Selección de trabajos del IX Encuentro y las XXV Jornadas de Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia, (2015): 109-120.
  44. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari, Oana Tifrea-Marciuska:. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Preference-based Query Answering in Probabilistic Datalog+/- Ontologies" Journal on Data Semantics Volume 4, no. 2 (2015): 81-101.
  45. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Livia Predoiu, Gerardo I. Simari. "(AUTORES EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Existential Rules and Bayesian Networks for Probabilistic Ontological Data Exchange", in: Nick Bassiliades, Georg Gottlob, Fariba Sadri, Adrian Paschke, Dumitru Roman None Web Rule Symposium (RuleML) - 9th International Symposium (LNCS) Volume 9202, (2015): 294-310.
  46. Alejandro Díaz-Caro, Pablo E. Martínez López. "Isomorphisms considered as equalities: Projecting functions and enhancing partial application through an implementation of λ+" ACM International Conference Proceeding Series Volume IFL, no. 2015 (2015): 1-15.
  48. Rodrigo Castro, Ernesto Kofman. "Activity of Order n in Continuous Systems" SIMULATION-TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY FOR MODELING AND SIMULATION INTERNATIONAL Volume 91, (2015): 337-348.
  49. Rodrigo Castro, Laurent Capocci, Alexandre Muzy. "ACTIMS 2014 Activity-Based Modeling & Simulation 2014" , (2015). [link]
  50. Rodrigo Castro, Ernesto Kofman. "An Integrative Approach for Hybrid Modeling, Simulation and Control of Data Networks based on the DEVS formalism", in: Mohammad S. Obaidat, Faouzi Zarai, Petros Nicopolitidis None MODELING AND SIMULATION OF COMPUTER NETWORKS AND SYSTEMS: METHODOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS, (2015).
  51. Pablo De Cristóforis, Matías Nitsche, Tomás Krajník, Taihú Pire, Marta Mejail. "Hybrid vision-based navigation for mobile robots in mixed indoor/outdoor environments" PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS Volume 53, (2015): 118-128.
  53. L. Gomez, M. E. Buemi, J. Jacobo Berlles, M. Mejail. "A New Image Quality Index for Objectively Evaluating Despeckling Filtering in SAR Images" IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING , (2015).
  54. J. Angiolini, N. Plachta, E. Mocskos, V. Levi. "Exploring the dynamics of cell processes through Monte Carlo simulations of advanced fluorescence microscopy experiments" BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL Volume 108, no. 11 (2015): 2613-2618.
  55. Paula Verghelet, Esteban Mocskos. "Improvements to Super-Peer Policy Communication Mechanisms", in: Carla Osthoff, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Carlos Jaime Barrios Hernandez, Pedro L. Silva Dias None High Performance Computing Volume 565, (2015): 73-86.
  56. L. Marroig, C. Riverón, S. Nesmachnow, E. Mocskos. "Cloud Computing for Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Simulations", in: Carla Osthoff, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Carlos Jaime Barrios Hernandez, Pedro L. Silva Dias None High Performance Computing Volume 565, (2015): 34-49.
  57. Emmanuel Luján, Herman Schinca, Nahuel Olaiz, Santiago Urquiza, Fernando Molina, Pablo Turjanski, Guillermo Marshall. "Optimal dose-response relationship in electrolytic ablation of tumors with a one-probe-two-electrode device" ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA Volume 186, (2015): 494-503.
  58. Flavia Bonomo, Oliver Schaudt, Maya Stein, Mario Valencia-Pabon. "b-coloring is NP-hard on co-bipartite graphs and polytime solvable on tree-cographs" ALGORITHMICA Volume 73, (2015): 289-305.
  59. Flavia Bonomo, Celina de Figueiredo, Guillermo Durán, Luciano Norberto Grippo, Martín Darío Safe, Jayme Szwarcfiter. "On probe 2-clique graphs and probe diamond-free graphs" DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE (DMTCS) Volume 17, no. 1 (2015): 187-200.
  60. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Amedeo Napoli, Mario Valencia-Pabon. "A one-to-one correspondence between potential solutions of the cluster deletion problem and the minimum sum coloring problem, and its application to P4-sparse graphs" INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS Volume 115, (2015): 600-603.
  61. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Mario Valencia-Pabon. "Complexity of the cluster deletion problem on subclasses of chordal graphs" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 600, (2015): 59-69.
  62. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Martín Darío Safe, Annegret Katrin Wagler. "Clique-perfectness of complements of line graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 186, (2015): 19-44.
  63. Fernando Asteasuain, Victor A. Braberman. "Specification patterns: formal and easy" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING Volume 25, (2015): 669-700.
  64. Facundo Carrillo, Mariano Sigman, Guillermo Cecchi, Diego Fernández Slezak. "Fast Distributed Dynamics of Semantic Networks via Social Media" Computational Intellgence and Neuroscience Volume 2015, (2015).
  65. Cheryl Corcoran, Gillinder Bedi, Facundo Carrillo, Guillermo Cecchi, Diego Fernández Slezak, Mariano Sigman, Natalia Mota, Sidarta Ribeiro, Daniel Javitt, Mauro Copelli. "Automated Analysis of Free Speech Predicts Psychosis Onset in High-Risk Youths" npj Schizophrenia Volume 1, (2015).
  66. Matias Lopez y Rosenfeld, Cecilia Calero, Diego Fernández Slezak, Gerry Garbulsky, Mariano Bergman, Marcos Trevisan, Mariano Sigman. "Neglect in human communication: quantifying the cost of cell-phone interruptions in face to face dialogs" PLOS ONE Volume 10, no. 6 (2015).
  67. Matias Lopez y Rosenfeld, Facundo Carrillo, Gerry Garbulsky, Diego Fernández Slezak, Mariano Sigman. "Quantitative Pedagogy: A Digital Two Player Game to Examine Communicative Competence" PLOS ONE , (2015).
  68. Sebastian Lipina, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernández Slezak. "PENSAR LAS TIC DESDE LAS CIENCIAS COGNITIVAS Y LA NEUROCIENCIA" , (2015).
  69. Luciana Ferrer, Harry Bratt, Colleen Richey, Horacio Franco, Victor Abrash, Kristin Precoda. "Classification of lexical stress using spectral and prosodic features for computer-assisted language learning systems" SPEECH COMMUNICATION Volume 69, (2015): 31-45.
  70. Luciana Ferrer, Yun Lei, Mitch McLaren, Nicolas Scheffer. "Study of Senone-Based Deep Neural Network Approaches for Spoken Language Recognition" IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing Volume 24, (2015): 105-116.
  71. Bruno Cuervo Parrino, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Diego Garbervetsky, Marcelo Frias. "TacoFlow: optimizing SAT program verification using dataflow analysis" SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS MODELING , (2015): 1-19.
  72. Guido Chari, Diego Garbervetsky, Stefan Marr, Stéphane Ducasse. "Towards fully reflective environments" Onward! 2015 - Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming and Software, Part of SPLASH 2015 , (2015): 240-253.
  73. Enrico Malaguti, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan Miranda-Bront, Paula Zabala. "A Branch-and-Price algorithm for the (k; c)-coloring problem" NETWORKS Volume 65, (2015): 353-366.
  74. Min Chih Lin, Michel Mizrahi, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Exacts algorithms for the minimum weighted dominating induced matching" ALGORITHMICA , (2015).
  75. Min Chih Lin, Francisco J. Soulignac, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "A faster algorithm for the cluster editing problem on proper interval graphs" INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS Volume 115, (2015): 913-916.
  76. Min Chih Lin, Michel Mizrahi. "On the Complexity of the Minimum Domination Problem restricted by forbidden induced subgraphs of small size" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 197, (2015): 53-58.
  77. Min Chih Lin, Michel Mizrahi, Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter. "Efficient and Perfect domination on circular-arc graphs" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 50, (2015): 307-312.
  78. Min Chih Lin, Verónica Andrea Moyano, Dieter Rautenbach, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "The Maximum Number of Dominating Induced Matchings" JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY Volume 78, no. 4 (2015): 258-268.
  79. Min Chih Lin, Saveli Vasiliev. "Approximation algorithms for clique transversals on some graph classes" INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS Volume 115, (2015): 667-670.
  80. Enrico Malaguti, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan José Miranda Bront, Paula Zabala. "A branch-and-price algorithm for the (k,c)-coloring problem" NETWORKS Volume 65, no. 4 (2015): 353-366.
  81. Francisco J. Soulignac. "Fully dynamic recognition of proper circular-arc graphs" ALGORITHMICA Volume 71, no. 4 (2015): 904-968.
  82. Martiniano Eguía, Francisco J. Soulignac. "Disimplicial arcs, transitive vertices, and disimplicial eliminations" DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE (DMTCS) Volume 17, no. 2 (2015): 101-118.
  83. Min Chih Lin, Francisco J. Soulignac, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "A faster algorithm for the cluster editing problem on proper interval graphs" INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS Volume 115, no. 12 (2015): 913-916.
  84. Dalal Alrajeh, Jeff Kramer, Alessandra Russo, Sebastian Uchitel. "Automated support for diagnosis and repair" COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM Volume 58, (2015): 65-72.
  85. Gordon Pace, Gerardo Schneider, Fernando Schapachnik. "Conditional Permissions in Contracts" Anales de JURIX 2015 , (2015).
  86. Facundo Carrillo, Natalia Mota, Mauro Copelli, Sidarta Ribeiro, Mariano Sigman, Guillermo Cecchi, Diego Fernández Slezak. "Emotional Intensity analysis in Bipolar subjects" arxiv , (2015).
  87. Martiano Bianchi, Nadia Heredia, Francisco Gómez Fernández, ALvaro Pardo, Marta Mejail. "Two Applications of RGB-D Descriptors in Computer Vision" Lecture Notes on Computer Science , (2015).
  88. BENIAMINO ACCATTOLI, PABLO BARENBAUM, DAMIANO MAZZA. "A Strong Distillery" Programming Languages and Systems - 13th Asian Symposium, APLAS 2015, Pohang, South Korea, November 30 - December 2, 2015, Proceedings , (2015).
  89. Taihú Pire, Thomas Fischer, Pablo De Cristóforis, Javier Civera, Julio Jacobo Berlles. "Stereo Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Robot Localization" IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS15) , (2015).
  90. Guido Chari, Diego Garbervetsky, Stefan Marr, Stephane Ducasse. "Towards fully reflective environments" Proceeding Onward! 2015 , (2015).
  91. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Livia Predoiu, Gerardo I. Simari. "(AUTORES EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Probabilistic Ontological Data Exchange with Bayesian Networks" Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2015) , (2015).
  92. Tomas Krajnik, Pablo De Cristóforis, Matías Nitsche, Keerthy Kusumam, Tom Duckett. "Image Features and Seasons Revisted" Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE European Conference on Mobile Robotics , (2015).
  93. Edgar Altszyler, Pablo Brusco. "Análisis de la dinámica del contenido semántico de textos Capturando dinámicas culturales" ASAI, Simposio Argentino de Inteligencia Artificial , (2015).
  94. E. Lujan, H. Shinca, N. Olaiz, S. Urquiza, F. Molina, P. Turjanski, G. Marshall. "Electrolytic Ablation Dose Planning Methodology" 1st World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine and Food & Environmental Technologies , (2015).
  95. Taihu Pire, Thomas Fischer, J. Civera, P. de Cristóforis, J. Jacobo Berlles. "Stereo Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Robot localization (IROS)" Proceedings of IROS 2015 , (2015).
  96. Dimitra Vergyri, Bruce Knoth, Elizabeth Shriberg, Vikramjit Mitra, Mitch McLaren, Luciana Ferrer, Pablo E García, Charles Marmar. "Speech-based assessment of PTSD in a military population using diverse feature classes" Proc. Interspeech 2015 , (2015).
  97. Luciana Ferrer, Mitch McLaren, Aaron Lawson, Martin Graciarena. "Mitigating the effects of non-stationary unseen noises on language recognition performance" Proc. Interspeech 2015 , (2015).
  98. Taihu Pire, Thomas Fischer, J. Civera, P. de Cristóforis, Julio Jacobo . "Stereo Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Robot localization (IROS)" Proceedings of IROS 2015 , (2015).
  99. Alejandro Hernandez, Juan Echague, Daniel Yankelevich, Guillermo Filia, Maximiliano Gomez, Crhistian Guede, Víctor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Camilo Diaz, Julian Jamardo, Sebastián Uchitel. "Sobre la dinámica de un equipo de vinculación tecnológica" Anales de la Jornadas Argentinas de Informática , (2015).
  100. Agustín Gravano, Stefan Benus, Rivka Levitan, Julia Hirschberg. "Backward Mimicry and Forward Influence in Prosodic Contour Choice in Standard American English" Proceedings of Interspeech 2015 , (2015).
  101. Rivka Levitan, Stefan Benus, Agustín Gravano, Julia Hirschberg. "Acoustic-prosodic entrainment in Slovak, Spanish, English and Chinese: A cross-linguistic comparison" Proceedings of SIGDIAL 2015 , (2015).
  102. Andrés J. Demski, Andrés Di Donato, Santiago Maudet, Alejandro Furfaro. "Algoritmo de visión estereo en tiempo real implementado en GPGPU" Proceedings of ASAI 2015 Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence , (2015).
  103. Javier Godoy. "Big data en la cosecha del sector agropecuario de Buenos Aires" EST 2015, 18º Concurso de Trabajos Estudiantiles , (2015).
  104. Matias Bonaventura, Rodrigo Castro. "Ingeniería guiada por Modelado y Simulación de Eventos Discretos: Metodología y Caso de Estudio en la Red de Datos del Experimento ATLAS" Anales de las 44 JAIIO , (2015).
  105. Emmanuel Luján, Herman Schinca, Nahuel Olaiz, Santiago Urquiza, Fernando Molina, Pablo Turjanski, Guillermo Marshall. "Electrolytic Ablation Dose Planning Methodology" 1st World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine and Food & Environmental Technologies , (2015).
  106. Edgar Altszyler , Pablo Brusco. "Análisis de la dinámica del contenido semántico de textos" Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (ASAI 2015) , (2015).
  107. Tomás Krajník, Pablo De Cristóforis, Keerthy Kusumam, Tom Duckett. "Image Features and Seasons Revisited" European Conference on Mobile Robotics , (2015).
  108. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Daniel Sykes, Sebastian Uchitel. "Robust degradation and enhancement of robot mission behaviour in unpredictable environments" Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Control Theory for Software Engineering , (2015).
  109. Victor Braberman, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Jeff Kramer, Daniel Sykes, Sebastian Uchitel. "MORPH: A Reference Architecture for Configuration and Behaviour Self-Adaptation" Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Control Theory for Software Engineering , (2015).
  110. BRABERMAN VICTOR, DIPPOLITO R. NICOLAS, Daniel Sykes, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN. "Robust Degradation and Enhancement of Robot Mission Behaviour in Unpredictable Environments" Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Control Theory for Software Engineering, , (2015).
  111. BRABERMAN VICTOR, DIPPOLITO R. NICOLAS, jeff kramer, Daniel Sykes, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN. "MORPH: A Reference Architecture for Configuration and Behaviour Self-Adaptation" Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Control Theory for Software Engineering , (2015).
  112. hernandez alejandro, ECHAGUE JUAN, Daniel Yankelevich, FILIA GUILLERMO, GOMEZ MAXIMILIANO, Guede Christian, BRABERMAN VICTOR, D. Garbervetsky, Jamardo Julian, Camilo Repka, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN. "Sobre la dinámica de un equipo de vinculación tecnológica" Anales JAIIO , (2015).
  113. Mariano Bianchi, Francisco Gómez Fernández, Marta Mejail. "Two Applications of RGB-D Descriptors in Computer Vision" Proceedings of the 20th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition , (2015).
  114. Pablo Negri. "Detección de Peatones Utilizando Optimización Multi-Objetivo" Anales de las 44JAIIO , (2015).
  115. Madalina Croitoru, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Using Kernel Consolidation for Query Answering in Inconsistent OBDA" Proccedings of Workshop 26 , (2015).
  116. Paola D. Budán, Maria Vanina Martinez, MAximiliano C. D. Budán, Guillermo R. Simari. "A Framework to formalize reasoning based on analogies" Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Weighted Logics for Artificial Intelligence (WL4AI 2015) , (2015).
  117. Tommaso Di Noia, Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari, Oana Tifrea-Marciuska. "(AUTORES EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Combining Existential Rules with the Power of CP-Theories (7 páginas)" Proceedings of the 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence , (2015).
  118. Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "On the fuzzy modal logics of belief $KD45(\mathcal{A})$ and $Prob(\L_n)$: axiomatization and neighbourhood semantics" Proccedings of Workshop WL4AI'15 , (2015).
  119. ANDREA ARCURI, GORDON FRASER, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI. "Generating TCP/UDP Network Data for Automated Unit Test Generation" Proceedings of the 10th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering , (2015).
  120. Ricardo O. Rodriguez, Leonardo Cabrer, Umberto Rivieccio. "Lukasiewicz Public Announcement Logic" Proccedings of International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation , (2015).
  121. Cristhian Ariel David Deagustini, Maria Vanina Martinez, Marcelo Falappa, Guillermo R. Simari. "On the Influence of Incoherence in Inconsistency-tolerant Semantics for Datalog+/-" Workshop Ontologies and Logic Programming for Query Answering , (2015).
  122. Sebastián Sardiña, Nicolas D'Ippolito. "Towards Fully Observable Non-deterministic Planning as Assumption-based Automatic Synthesis" Proceeding of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence , (2015).
  123. Germán Regis, Renzo Degiovanni, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Nazareno Aguirre. "Specifying Event-Based Systems with a Counting Fluent Temporal Logic" Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering , (2015).
  124. S. Calderón, A. Sáenz, R. Mora, F. Siles, I. Orozco, M. E. Buemi. "DeWAFF: A Novel Image Abstraction Approach to Improve the Performance of a Cell Tracking System" Bioinspired Intelligence (IWOBI), 2015 4th International Work Conference on , (2015).
  125. Antonio Filieri, Martina Maggio , Konstantinos Angelopoulos, Nicolas D'Ippolito. "Software Engineering meets Control Theory" Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems , (2015).
  126. Ricardo Corrêa, Diego Delle Donne, Ivo Koch, Javier Marenco. "A strengthened general cut-generating procedure for the stable set polytope" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics , (2015).
  127. Sergio Abriola, María Emilia Descotte, Santiago Figueira. "Saturation, Definability, and Separation for XPath on Data Trees" Proceedings of the 9th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management , (2015).
  128. Kevin Salvesen, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, FLORIAN GROSS, GORDON FRASER, ANDREAS ZELLER. "Using Dynamic Symbolic Execution to Generate Inputs in Search-Based GUI Testing" Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing , (2015).
  129. Flavia Bonomo, Ivo Koch, Pablo Torres, Mario Valencia-Pabon. "k-tuple chromatic number of the cartesian product of graphs" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 50 , (2015).
  130. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Andreas Pieris, Gerardo I. Simari. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) From Classical to Consistent Query Answering under Existential Rules (5 páginas)" Proc. of Alberto Mendelzon Workshop (AMW 2015) , (2015).
  131. Liliana Alcón, Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Marisa Gutierrez, María Pia Mazzoleni, Bernard Ries, Mario Valencia-Pabon. "On the bend number of circular-arc graphs as edge intersection graphs of paths on a grid" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 50 , (2015).
  132. Mitch McLaren, Yun Lei, Luciana Ferrer. "Advances in Deep Neural Networks Approaches to Speaker Recognition" Proc. ICASSP 2015 , (2015).
  133. Ignacio Vissani, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Emilio Tuosto. "Communicating machines as a dynamic binding mechanism of services." Proceedings Eighth International Workshop on Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency- and Communication-cEntric Software, London, UK, 18th April 2015 , (2015).
  134. Michael S. Vendetti, Elizabeth L. Johnson, Matías López y Rosenfeld, Silvia A. Bunge. "Gaze Patterns Reveal Strategies During Analogical Reasoning" Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference , (2015).
  135. Rivka Levitan, Stefan Benus, Agustín Gravano, Julia Hirschberg. "Entrainment and Turn-Taking in Human-Human Dialogue" AAAI Spring Symposium on Turn-Taking and Coordination in Human-Machine Interaction , (2015).
  136. Ricardo O. Rodriguez, Felix Bou, Lluis Godo, Francesc Esteva. "Simplified Kripke Semantics for a Stantadard Godel Modal Logic of Belief." Proccedings of Final MaToMUVI Meeting , (2015).
  137. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Andreas Pieris, Gerardo I. Simari. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) From Classical to Consistent Query Answering under Existential Rules (7 páginas)" Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-15) , (2015).


  1. V. Braberman, D. Garbervetsky, S. Hym, S. YOVINE. "Summary-based inference of quantitative bounds of live heap objects" SCIENCE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Volume 92, (2014): 56-84.
  2. Verónica Becher, Theodore A. Slaman. "On the Normality of Numbers to Different Bases" PROCEEDINGS OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 90, no. 2 (2014): 472-494.
  3. Flavia Bonomo, Jayme Szwarcfiter. "Characterization of classical graph classes by weighted clique graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 165, (2014): 83-95.
  4. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Javier Marenco. "Mathematical Programming as a Tool for Virtual Soccer Coaches: A Case Study of a Fantasy Sport Game" INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH Volume 21, (2014): 399-414.
  5. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Martín Darío Safe, Annegret Katrin Wagler. "Clique-perfectness and balancedness of some graph classes" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER MATHEMATICS Volume 91, (2014): 2118-2141.
  6. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Martín Darío Safe, Annegret Katrin Wagler. "Balancedness of subclasses of circular-arc graphs" DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE (DMTCS) Volume 16, (2014): 1-22.
  7. Fernando Asteasuain, Victor A. Braberman. "Specication patterns: formal and easy" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING , (2014).
  8. Victor A. Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Samuel Hym, Sergio Yovine. "Summary-based inference of quantitative bounds of live heap objects" SCIENCE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING , (2014).
  9. Andrea Paula Goldin, Maria Julia Hermida, Diego Shalom, Martín Elias Costa, Matias Lopez y Rosenfeld, Maria Soledad Segretin, Diego Fernández Slezak, Sebastian Lipina, Mariano Sigman. "Far transfer to Language and Math of a short software-based gaming interventions" PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , (2014).
  10. Gillinder Bedi, Guillermo Cecchi, Diego Fernández Slezak, Facundo Carrillo, Mariano Sigman, Harriet de Wit. "A Window into the Intoxicated Mind: Speech as an Index of Psychoactive Drug Effects" NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY , (2014).
  11. Juliana Leone, Diego Fernández Slezak, Guillermo Cecchi, Mariano Sigman. "The geometry of Expertise" Frontiers in Psychology Volume 5, no. 47 (2014).
  12. Aaron Lawson, Luciana Ferrer, Wen Wang, J. Murray. "Detection of Demographics and Identity in Spontaneous Speech and Writing", in: Aaron Baughman, J. Gao, J-Y. Pan, V. Petrushin None Multimedia Data Mining and Analytics, (2014): 1-29.
  13. Víctor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Samuel Hym, Sergio Yovine. "Summary-based inference of quantitative bounds of live heap objects" SCIENCE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING , (2014).
  14. Stefan Benus, Agustín Gravano, Rivka Levitan, Sarah Ita Levitan, Laura Willson, Julia Hirschberg. "Entrainment, dominance and alliance in Supreme Court Hearings" KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS Volume 71, (2014): 3-14.
  15. Juan Miranda-Bront, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "Facets and valid inequalities for the time-dependent travelling salesman problem" EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH Volume 236, no. 3 (2014): 891-902.
  16. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan Miranda-Bront, Gustavo Vulcano, Paula Zabala. "A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Latent-Class Logit Assortment Problem" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 164, no. 1 (2014): 246-263.
  17. Sihem Amer-Yahia, Francesco Bonchi, Carlos Castillo, Esteban Feuerstein, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "Composite Retrieval of Diverse and Complementary Bundles" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING Volume 26, no. 11 (2014): 2662-2675.
  18. Min Chih Lin, Michel Mizrahi. "Domination problems on $P_5$-free graphs" RAIRO - INFORMATIQUE THEORIQUE ET APPLICATIONS Volume 48, no. 5 (2014): 541-549.
  19. Min Chih Lin, Michel Mizrahi, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Fast Algorithms for Some Dominating Induced Matching Problems" INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS Volume 114, (2014): 524-528.
  20. Juan José Miranda Bront, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "Facets and valid inequalities for the time-dependent travelling salesman problem" EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH Volume 236, no. 3 (2014): 891-902.
  21. Marina Groshaus, Francisco J. Soulignac, Pablo Terlisky. "The Star and Biclique Coloring and Choosability Problems" Journal of graph algorithms and applications Volume 18, no. 3 (2014): 347-383.
  22. Celina M. H. de Figueiredo, Marina Groshaus, Fábio Protti, Francisco J. Soulignac. "5th Latin-American Workshop on Cliques in Graphs" MATEMáTICA CONTEMPORâNEA Volume 42, (2014): 1-142.
  23. Dalal Alrajeh, Jeff Kramer, Alessandra Russo, Sebastian Uchitel. "Automated support for diagnosis and repair" COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM Volume 58, (2014): 65-72.
  24. Fernando Aliaga, Diego Delle Donne, Guillermo Durán, Javier Marenco. "Optimización del área de drenaje en yacimientos no convencionales por medio de programación lineal entera" Revista de Ingeniería en Sistemas Volume 28, (2014): 27-40.
  25. Ahmer-Yahia Sihem, Bonchi Francesco, Castillo Carlos, E. Feuerstein, Méndez-Díaz Isabel, Zabala Paula. "Composite Retrieval of Diverse and Complementary Bundles" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING , (2014).
  26. Gillinder Bedi, Guillermo A Cecchi, Diego F Slezak, Facundo Carrillo, Mariano Sigman, Harriet de Wit. "A Window into the Intoxicated Mind? Speech as an Index of Psychoactive Drug Effects" NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY Volume 39, no. 10 (2014).
  27. Rodrigo Castaño, Diego Garbervetsky, Jonathan Tapicer, Edgardo Zoppi, Juan Pablo Galeotti. "On verifying resource contracts using code contracts" Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, EPTCS Volume 139, (2014): 1-15.
  28. Marcos Chicote, Daniel Ciolek, Juan Pablo Galeotti. "Practical JFSL verification using TACO" Software Practice and Experience Volume 44, no. 3 (2014): 317-334.
  29. Borja Balle, Xavier Carreras, Franco M. Luque, Ariadna Quattoni. "Spectral learning of Weighted Automata" MACHINE LEARNING Volume 96, no. 1-2 (2014): 33-63.
  30. Andrea Paula Goldin, María Julia Hermida, Diego E. Shalom, Martín Elias Costa, Matías López y Rosenfeld, María Soledad Segretin, Diego Fernández Slezak, Sebastián J. Lipina, Mariano Sigman. "Far transfer to language and math of a short software-based gaming intervention" PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Volume 111, no. 17 (2014): 6443-6448.
  31. Edgar Altszyler, Alejandra Ventura, Alejandro Colman-Lerner, Ariel Chernomoretz. "Impact of upstream and downstream constraints on a signaling module's ultrasensitivity" PHYSICAL BIOLOGY , (2014).
  32. Pablo Negri. "Estimating the queue length at street intersections using a movement feature space approach" IET IMAGE PROCESSING Volume 8, no. 7 (2014): 406-416.
  33. Daniel Parisi, pablo Negri. "Sequential evacuation strategy for multiple rooms toward the same means of egress" Papers In Physics Volume 6, (2014): 1-8.
  34. Daniel Parisi, pablo Negri. "Sequential evacuation strategy for multiple rooms toward the same means of egress" PAPERS IN PHYSICS Volume 6, (2014): 1-8.
  35. Jonathan Vainstein, José F. Manera, Pablo Negri, Claudio Delrieux, Ana Maguitman. "Modeling Video Activity with Dynamic Phrases and Its Application to Action Recognition in Tennis Videos", in: Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano, Edwin Hanco*ck None Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications Volume 8827, (2014): 909-916.
  36. Sergio Abriola, Santiago Figueira, Maria Emilia Descotte. "Definability for Downward and Vertical XPath on Data Trees" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2014).
  37. N. Olaiz, E. Signori, F. Maglietti, A. Soba, C. Suarez, P. Turjanski, S. Michinski, G. Marshall. "Tissue damage modeling in gene electrotransfer: The role of pH" BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY Volume 100, (2014): 105-111.
  38. Martiniano M Ricardi, Rodrigo M González, Silin Zhong, Pía G Domínguez, Tomas Duffy, Pablo G Turjanski, Juan D Salgado Salter, Karina Alleva, Fernando Carrari, James J Giovannoni, José M Estévez, Norberto D Iusem. "Genome-wide data (ChIP-seq) enabled identification of cell wall-related and aquaporin genes as targets of tomato ASR1, a drought stress-responsive transcription factor" BMC PLANT BIOLOGY Volume 14, no. 29 (2014): 1-14.
  39. Carlos Areces, Facundo Carreiro, Santiago Figueira. "Characterization, Definability and Separation via Saturated Models" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 537, (2014): 72-86.
  40. Santiago Figueira, Daniel Gorín, Rafael Grimson. "Independence friendly logic with classical negation via flattening is a second-order logic with weak dependencies" JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES Volume 80, no. 6 (2014): 1102-1118.
  41. Sergio Abriola, María Emilia Descotte, Santiago Figueira. "Definability for Downward and Vertical XPath on Data Trees" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2014).
  42. Diego Figueira, Santiago Figueira, Carlos Areces. "Basic Model Theory of XPath on Data Trees", in: Nicole Schweikardt, Vassilis Christophides, Vincent Leroy None Database Theory - ICDT, (2014): 50-60.
  43. Bernd Bank, Marc Giusti, Joos Heintz, Mohab Safey El Din. "Intrinsic complexitry estimates in polynomial optimization" JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY , no. 30 (2014): 430-443.
  44. Bernd Bank, Marc Giusti, Joos Heintz. "Point searching in real singular complete intersection varieties" MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTATION Volume 83, no. 286 (2014): 873-897.
  45. Lisandro N Kaunitz, Juan E Kamienkowski, Alexander Varatharajah , Mariano Sigman, Rodrigo Quian Quiroga, Matias J Ison. "Looking for a face in the crowd: fixation-related potentials in an eye-movement visual search task" NEUROIMAGE. Volume 89, (2014): 297-305.
  46. Joaquin Navajas, Mariano Sigman, Juan E Kamienkowski. "Dynamics of visibility, confidence, and choice during eye movements" JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-HUMAN PERCEPTION AND PERFORMANCE , (2014).
  47. Amoruso L, Sedeño L, Huepe D, Tomio A, Kamienkowski JE, Hurtado E, Cardona JF, Alvarez-Gonzalez MA, Rieznik A, Sigman M, Manes F, Ibanez A. "Time to Tango: Expertise and contextual anticipation during 2 action observation" NEUROIMAGE. , (2014).
  48. Mariano Miguel Moscato, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Marcelo Fabián Frias. "Dynamite: A Tool for the Verification of Alloy Models Based on PVS" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY Volume 23, (2014): 1-37.
  49. Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Pablo Castro, Nazareno M. Aguirre, Thomas S. E. Maibaum. "A Heterogeneous Characterisation of Component-Based System Design in a Categorical Setting" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 8687, (2014): 314-332.
  50. Laura Bocchi, Hernán Melgratti. "On the behaviour of general-purpose applications on cloud storages" Service Oriented Computing and Applications , (2014).
  51. Roberto Bruni, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari. "From Hierarchical BIP to Petri Calculus" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2014).
  52. Roberto Bruni, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari. "Behaviour, Interaction and Dynamics" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2014).
  53. Laura Bocchi, Hernán Melgratti, Emilio Tuosto. "Resolving Non-determinism in Choreographies" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2014).
  54. Carlos Lombardi, Ríos. Alejandro, Roel de Vrijer. "Proof terms for infinitary rewriting" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 8560, (2014): 303-318.
  55. Sergio Abriola, Santiago Figueira, Gabriel Senno. "Linearizing well-quasi orders and bounding the length of bad sequences" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2014).
  56. Alexander Kampmann, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, ANDREAS ZELLER. "JTACO: Test Execution for Faster Bounded Verification" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 8570, (2014): 134-141.
  57. JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, CARLO FURIA, EVA MAY, GORDON FRASER, ANDREAS ZELLER. "DynaMate: Dynamically Inferring Loop Invariants for Automatic Full Functional Verification" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 8855, (2014): 48-53.
  58. MARCOS CHICOTE, DANIEL CIOLEK, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI. "Practical JFSL verification using TACO" SOFTWARE: PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE Volume 44, no. 3 (2014): 317-334.
  59. Esther de Ves, Daniel Acevedo, Ana Ruedin, Xaro Benavent. "A statistical model for magnitudes and angles of wavelet frame coefficients and its application to texture retrieval" PATTERN RECOGNITION , (2014).
  60. Gaston Bengolea, Daniel Acevedo, Martin Rais, Marta Mejail. "Feature Analysis for Audio Classification", in: Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano, Edwin Hanco*ck None Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications (19th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition) Volume 8827, (2014): 239-246.
  61. Florencia Soledad Iglesias, María Elena Buemi, Daniel Acevedo, Julio Jacobo-Berlles. "Evaluation of Keypoint Descriptors for Gender Recognition`", in: Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano, Edwin Hanco*ck None Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications (19th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition) Volume 8827, (2014): 564-571.
  62. Juan Wachs, Marta Mejail, Barak Fishbain , Luis Alvarez. "Special issue on Real-Time Image and Video Processing for Pattern Recognition Systems and Applications" jOURNAL REAL TIME IMAGE PROCESSING , (2014).
  63. Julio Jacobo and Marta Mejail Cristian Munteanu Luis Gómez, Luis Alvarez, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail. "PATTERN RECOGNITION SPECIAL ISSUE Computer Vision applying Pattern Recognition Techniques" PATTERN RECOGNITION , (2014).
  64. N. Goussies, S. Ubalde, M. Mejail. "Transfer Learning Decision Forests for Gesture Recognition" Journal of Machine Learning Research 1 , (2014).
  65. Juan Wachs, Marta Mejail, Barak Fishbain , Luis Alvarez. "JOURNAL OF REAL TIME IMAGE PROCESSING Special issue on Real-Time Image and Video Processing for Pattern Recognition Systems and Applications" jOURNAL REAL TIME IMAGE PROCESSING , (2014).
  66. Tomá Krajník, Matías Nitsche, Jan Faigl, Petr Vanek, Martin Saska, Libor Peuil, Tom Duckett, Marta Mejail. "A Practical Multirobot Localization System" JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS , (2014): 1-24.
  67. Luis Gómez, Luis Alvarez , Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail. "PATTERN RECOGNITION SPECIAL ISSUE Computer Vision applying Pattern Recognition Techniques" PATTERN RECOGNITION , (2014).
  68. Pablo De Cristoforis , Matias Nitsche, Tomas Krajnik, Taihu Pire, Marta Mejail. "Hybrid vision-based navigation for mobile robots in mixed indoor/outdoor environments" PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS , (2014).
  69. Matías Nitsche, Taihu Pire, Tomas Krajnk, Miroslav Kulich, Marta Mejail, . "Monte Carlo Localization for teach-and-repeat feature-based navigation", in: springer None Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2014): 1-12.
  70. Luis Gomez, J.P.Wachs, Julio Jacobo. "Special Section: Robust Recognition Methods for Multimodal Interaction" PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS Volume 36, (2014): 187-287.
  71. Luis Gomez, Luis Alvarez, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail. "Special issue on computer vision applying pattern recognition techniques" PATTERN RECOGNITION , (2014): 9-177.
  72. Ariel Morelli Andres, Sebastian Padovani, Mariano Tepper, Marta Mejail, Julio Jacobo. "Face Recognition on Partially Occluded Images using Compressed Sensing" PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS , (2014): 235-242.
  73. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Daniel Severín, Graciela Nasini. "A tabu search heuristic for the Equitable Coloring Problem" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 8596, (2014): 347-358.
  74. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan José Miranda-Bront, Paula Zabala. "Facets and valid inequalities for the time-dependent travelling salesman problem" EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH Volume 236, no. 3 (2014): 891-902.
  75. Sihem Amer-Yahia, Franceso Bonchi, Carlos Castillo, Esteban Feuerstein, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "Composite retrieval of diverse and complementary bundles" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING Volume 26, no. 11 (2014): 2662-2675.
  76. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Graciela Nasini, Daniel Severín. "A tabu search heuristic for the Equitable Coloring Problem" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2014).
  77. Isabel Méndez Díaz, Juan José Miranda-Bront, Gustavo Vulcano, Paula Zabala. "A branch-and-cut algorithm for the latent-class logit assortment problem." DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 164, (2014): 246-263.
  78. Isabel Méndez Díaz, Graciela Nasini, Daniel Severín. "A polyhedral approach for the equitable coloring problem" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 164, (2014): 413-426.
  79. Enrique Carlos Segura. "On the Approximation of the Inverse Dynamics of a Robotic Manipulator by a Neural Network Trained with a Stochastic Learning Algorithm" Revista INGE CUC Volume 9, no. 2 (2014): 39-43.
  80. G. Bellomo, A. P. Majtey, A. R. Plastino, A. Plastino. "Quantum correlations from classically correlated states" PHYSICA A - STATISTICAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume 405, (2014): 260-266.
  81. Guido Bellomo, Angelo Plastino, A. P. Majtey, A. R. Plastino. "Comment on "Quantum discord through the generalized entropy in bipartite quantum states"" EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D , (2014).
  82. Maria Vanina Martinez. "Personalizable Knowledge Integration" AI COMMUNICATIONS Volume 2, no. 27 (2014): 296-297.
  83. Maria Vanina Martinez, Francesco Parisi, Andrea Pugliese, Gerardo I. Simari, V.S. Subrahmanian. "Policy-based inconsistency management in relational databases" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING Volume 55, no. 2 (2014): 501-528.
  84. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari, Oana Tifrea-Marciuska:. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Ontology-Based Query Answering with Group Preferences" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET TECHNOLOGY Volume 14, (2014).
  85. Cristhian Ariel David Deagustini, Maria Vanina Martinez, Marcelo Falappa, Guillermo Simari. "Improving Inconsistency Resolution by Considering Global Conflicts", in: Andrea Cali, Umberto Straccia None Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM) - 8th International Conference (LNCS) Volume 8720, (2014): 120-133.
  86. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Livia Predoiu, Gerardo I. Simari. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Information Integration with Provenance on the Semantic Web via Probabilistic Datalog+/-", in: Fernando Bobillo, Rommel Novaes Carvalho, Paulo Cesar G. da Costa, Claudia D'Amato, Nicola Fanizzi, Kathryn Laskey, Thomas Lukasiewicz, Matthias Nickles, Michael Pool None Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web III Volume 8816, (2014): 41-62.
  87. Tommaso Di Noia, Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari, Oana Tifrea-Marciuska. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Ontological CP-Nets", in: Fernando Bobillo, Rommel Novaes Carvalho, Paulo Cesar G. da Costa, Claudia D'Amato, Nicola Fanizzi, Kathryn Laskey, Thomas Lukasiewicz, Matthias Nickles, Michael Pool None Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web III Volume 8816, (2014): 289-308.
  88. Maria Vanina Martinez, Cristhian Ariel David Deagustini, Marcelo Falappa, Guillermo R. Simari. "Inconsistency-Tolerant Reasoning in Datalog+/-- via an Argumentative Semantics", in: Anna Bazzan, Karim Pichara None Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IBERAMIA) - 14th IBERAMIA (LNCS-LNAI) Volume 8864, (2014): 15-27.
  89. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Cristian Molinaro, Livia Predoiu, Gerardo I. Simari. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Answering Ontological Ranking Queries based on Subjective Reports", in: Andrea Cali, Umberto Straccia None Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM) - 8th International Conference (LNCS) Volume 8720, (2014): 223-236.
  90. Maria Vanina Martinez, Sebastián Gottifredi. "Query Answering in the Semantic Social Web: An Argumentation-based Approach", in: Reda Alhajj, Jon Rokne None Springer Reference Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, (2014): 1441-1455.
  91. Ali Assaf, Alejandro Díaz Caro, Simon Perdrix, Christine Tasson, Benoît Valiron. "Call-by-value, call-by-name and the vectorial behaviour of the algebraic lambda-calculus" LOGICAL METHODS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (LMCS) Volume 10, no. 8 (2014): 1-40.
  92. Rodrigo Castro, François Cellier, Andreas Fischlin. "Sustainability analysis of complex dynamic systems using embodied energy flows: The eco-bond graphs modeling and simulation framework" Journal of Computational Science , (2014).
  93. Peter Fritzson, Rodrigo Castro. "Population Dynamics in World Models with Human-Nature Interaction", in: Peter Fritzson None Principles of Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation with Modelica 3.3: A Cyber-Physical Approach, (2014).
  94. BENIAMINO ACCATTOLI, PABLO BARENBAUM, DAMIANO MAZZA. "Distilling Abstract Machines" ACM SIGPLAN NOTICES Volume 49, (2014): 363-376.
  95. Maria E. Buemi, Alejandro Frery, Heitor S. Ramos. "Speckle reduction with adaptive stack filters" PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS Volume 36, no. 15 (2014): 281-287.
  96. Matias Alejandro Nitsche, Manuel Ferreria, Esteban E. Mocskos, Mariano Camilo Gonzalez Lebrero. "A GPU accelerated implementation of DFT for hybrid QM/MM simulations." JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION Volume 10, no. 3 (2014): 959-967.
  97. M. da Silva, S. Nesmachnow, M. Geier, E. Mocskos, J. Angiolini, V. Levi, A. Cristobal. "Efficient Fluorescence Microscopy Analysis over a Volunteer Grid/Cloud Infrastructure", in: G. Hernández Oliva, Carlos Jaime Barrios Hernandez, C. García Garino, S. Nesmachnow, T. Perez Acle, M. Storti, M. Vazquez None High Performance Computing, (2014): 113-127.
  98. Ezequiel Pecker Marcosig, flavia felicioni, anibal zanini. "Self-Triggering Based on Lyapunov with Adaptive Control Law for WNCS" IEEE LATIN AMERICA TRANSACTIONS Volume 12, no. 7 (2014): 1242-1249.
  99. Verónica Becher, Pablo Ariel Heiber, Theodore A. Slaman. "Normal numbers and the Borel hierarchy" FUNDAMENTA MATHEMATICAE Volume 226, (2014): 63-77.
  100. Flavia Bonomo, Mario Valencia-Pabon. "On the Minimum Sum Coloring of P_4-sparse graphs" GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS Volume 30, (2014): 303-314.
  101. Facundo Carrillo, Natalia Mota, Mauro Copelli, Sidarta Ribeiro, Mariano Sigman, Guillermo Cecchi, Diego Fernández Slezak. "Automated speech analysis for psychosis evaluation" Lecture Notes in Computer Science , (2014).
  102. Agustín Gravano, Stefan Benus, Rivka Levitan, Julia Hirschberg. "Three ToBI-based measures of prosodic entrainment and their correlations with speaker engagement" Proceedings of IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT) , (2014).
  103. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan Miranda-Bront, Paula Zabala. "An ILP based heuristic for a generalization of the post-enrolment course timetabling problem" Proceedings of VIII ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization , (2014).
  104. Shaun Azzopardi, Gordon Pace, Fernando Schapachnik. "Contract Automata with Reparations" Anales de JURIX 2014 , (2014).
  105. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala, Juan José Miranda Bront. "An ILP based heuristic for a generalization of the post-enrolment course timetabling problem" Proceeding of the VIII ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization , (2014).
  106. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan José Miranda-Bront, Paula Zabala. "An ILP based heuristic for a generali-zation of the post-enrolment course timetabling problem," Proceedings of VIII ALIO-EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization, , (2014).
  107. Cristian Martínez, Irene Loiseau, Mauricio Resende, Silvia Rodríguez. "A HBMO Algorithm for the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem" Anales VIII ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization , (2014).
  108. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan Miranda-Bront, Paolo Toth, Paula Zabala. "A Branch and Cut algorithm for the Time-Dependent Travelling Salesman Problem with Time Windows" Proceedings of VIII ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization , (2014).
  109. Remberto Emanuel Delgadillo, Irene Loiseau. "A Genetic Algorithm Based Heuristic for the Design of p-Cycle Networks" ... , (2014).
  110. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala, Santos,Rodrigo, Orozco,Javier. "Energy Aware Scheduling Manda- tory/Optional tasks in Multicore Real-Time Systems" Proceedings of VIII ALIO-EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization , (2014).
  111. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala, Rodrigo Santos, Javier Orozco. "Energy Aware Scheduling Mandatory/Optional tasks in Multicore Real-Time Systems" Proceedings of VIII ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization , (2014).
  112. Daniel Negrotto, Irene Loiseau. "Collaborative Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for the Prize-Collecting Capacitated Location Routing Problem" Anales del VIII ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization , (2014).
  113. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan José Miranda Bront, Paolo Toth, Paula Zabala. "A Branch and Cut algorithm for the Time-Dependent Travelling Salesman Problem with Time Windows" Proceeding of the VIII ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization , (2014).
  114. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan José Miranda-Bront, Toth,Paolo, Paula Zabala. "A Branch-and-Cut algorithm for the Time-Dependent Travelling Salesman Problem with Time Windows" Proceedings of VIII ALIO-EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization , (2014).
  115. Nikolas Havrikov, Matthias Hoeschele, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, ANDREAS ZELLER. "XMLMate: evolutionary XML test generation" Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering , (2014).
  116. Francisco Gómez Fernández, Zicheng Liu, Alvaro Pardo, Marta Mejail. "Automatic camera-screen localization" Lecture Notes in Computer Science , (2014).
  117. Facundo Pessacg, Pablo De Cristóforis, Victor Perri, Damién Oliva. "Implementación y validación de un modelo cinemático para el manipulador robótico SCORBOT ER-V Plus" Jornadas Argentinas de Robótica , (2014).
  118. Iglesias Florencia Soledad, M. E Buemi, Acevedo Daniel German, Jacobo Julio. "Evaluation of Keypoint Descriptors for Gender Recognition" Proceedings Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications , (2014).
  119. Cristian Martínez, María Elena Buemi. "New ACO Algorithm for Image Edge Detection" IET Conference Proceedings, 2014 , (2014).
  120. Alfredo Sanzo, Lucas Spigariol. "La educación popular en la universidad obrera" CoNaIISI 2014 Actas del 2° Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Informática/Sistemas de Información , (2014).
  121. N. Goussies, S. Ubalde, F. Gómez Fernández, M. Mejail. "Optical Character Recognition using Transfer Learning Decision Forests" International Conference Image Processing , (2014).
  122. Norberto Adrián Goussies, Sebastián Ubalde, Francisco Gómez Fernández, Marta E. Mejail. "Optical Character Recognition using Transfer Learning Decision Forests" International Conference Image Processing , (2014).
  123. Jonathan Vainstein, José F. Manera, Pablo Negri, Claudio Delrieux, Ana Maguitman. "Modeling Video Activity with Dynamic Phrases and Its Application to Action Recognition in Tennis Videos" Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications , (2014).
  124. Florencia Iglesias, Maria Elena Buemi, Daniel Acevedo, Julio Jacobo. "Evaluation of Keypoint Descriptors for Gender Recognition." Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications , (2014).
  125. Sergio Gonzalez, Emiliano Gonzalez, Matías Nitsche, Pablo De Cristóforis. "Odometría Visual para Robots Móviles Utilizando Smartphones como Unidad de Sensado y Procesamiento" Actas de Congreso , (2014).
  126. Tolosa Gabriel, E. Feuerstein, Becchetti Luca, Marchetti-Spaccamela Alberto. "Performance Improvements for Search Systems using an Integrated Cache of Lists+Intersections" String Processing and Information Retrieval , (2014).
  127. Tolosa Gabriel, Becchetti Lucca, Feuerstein Esteban, Marchetti-Spaccamela Alberto. "Performance Improvements for Search Systems using an Integrated Cache of Lists+Intersections" String Processing and Information Retrieval , (2014).
  128. Facundo Pessacg, Pablo De Cristóforis, Victor Perri, Damián Oliva. "Modelado cinemático para el manipulador robótico Scorbot V-ER Plus" Actas de Congreso , (2014).
  129. Pablo Brusco, Luciana Ferrer, Agustín Gravano. "Detección de palabras claves en lenguajes sin datos de entrenamiento" XX Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación , (2014).
  130. Pablo Brusco, Luciana Ferrer, Agustín Gravano. "Detección de palabras claves en lenguajes sin datos de entrenamiento" XI Workshop Bases de Datos y Minería de Datos , (2014).
  131. Pablo Brusco, Luciana Ferrer, Agustín Gravano. "Detección on de palabras claves usando pocos datos de entrenamiento" Proceedings del XX Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación (CACIC) , (2014).
  132. Ezequiel Pecker Marcosig, flavia felicioni, Anibal Zanini. "AUTO-MUESTREO BASADO EN LYAPUNOV CON ADAPTACIÓN DEL CONTROLADOR PARA WNCS" 24º Congreso Argentino de Control Automático , (2014).
  133. M. da Silva, S. Nesmachnow, M. Geier, E. Mocskos, J. Angiolini, V. Levi, A. Cristobal. "Efficient Fluorescence Microscopy Analysis over a Volunteer Grid/Cloud Infrastructure" High Performance Computing , (2014).
  134. Hernan Czemerinski, Victor A. Braberman, Sebastián Uchitel. "Behaviour Abstraction Coverage as Black-Box Adequacy Criteria" 43 Jaiio Jornadas Argentinas de Informática , (2014).
  135. Bruno Bianchi, Facundo Carrillo, Diego Fernández Slezak, Juan Kamienkowsi, Diego Shalom. "Human and computer estimations of Predictability of words on written language" JAIIO 2014 , (2014).
  136. Diego Fernández Slezak, Andrea Paula Goldin, Matias Lopez y Rosenfeld, Mariano Sigman, Patricia Forradelias, Adrian Anacleto, Esteban Fernandez Rojo, Martin Coronado. "Up-scaling Mate Marote: a university-industry interaction experience" JAIIO 2014 , (2014).
  137. Yun Lei, Luciana Ferrer, Mitch McLaren, Nicolas Scheffer. "A deep neural network speaker verification system targeting microphone speech" Proc. Interspeech 2014 , (2014).
  138. Mitch McLaren, Yun Lei, Nicolas Scheffer, Luciana Ferrer. "Application of Convolutional Neural Networks to Speaker Recognition in Noisy Conditions" Proc. Interspeech 2014 , (2014).
  139. Luciana Ferrer, Yun Lei, Mitch McLaren, Nicolas Scheffer. "Spoken Language Recognition Based on Senone Posteriors" Proc. Interspeech 2014 , (2014).
  140. Adrian Anacleto, Victor Braberman, Juan Echague, Guillermo Filia, Diego Garbervetsky, Maximiliano Gomez, Esteban Fernandez Rojo, Sebastián Uchitel. "Experiencias de I+D+I en productos avanzados para el analisis de software" 8va Jornadas de Vinculación Universidad - Industria, Jornadas Argentinas de Informática (JAIIO) , (2014).
  141. Agustín Gravano, Claudia Jul Vidal. "A study of turn-yielding cues in human-computer dialogue" Proceedings of JAIIO/ASAI 2014 , (2014).
  142. Sol Pedre, Matías Nitsche, Facundo Pessacg, Pablo De Cristóforis. "Design of a multi-purpose low-cost mobile robot for research and education" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2014).
  143. ANDREA ARCURI, GORDON FRASER, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI. "Automated unit test generation for classes with environment dependencies" Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Automated Software Engineering , (2014).
  144. Miguel Angel García, Patricia Borensztejn. "Image Processing Systems in FPGA. Components-Connectors Methodology" Southern Conference on Programmable Logic SPL , (2014).
  145. Madalina Croitoru, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Update Operators for Inconsistent Query Answering: A New Point of View" Proccedings of 8th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management. , (2014).
  146. Raúl Carnota, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "De la Investigación Operativa a la Informática." Trabajos del CLEI2014 , (2014).
  147. Diego Fernández Slezak, Andrea Paula Goldin, Matías López y Rosenfeld, Mariano Sigman, Patricia Forradellas, Adrián Anacleto, Esteban Fernández Rojo, Martín Coronado. "Up-scaling Mate Marote: a university-industry interaction experience" 43rd Jornadas Argentinas de Informática , (2014).
  148. Matías López y Rosenfeld, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernández Slezak. "Inference of human-computation algorithms from massive-scale educational interventions" Doctoral Consortium - 2nd IJCAI School , (2014).
  149. Damián Garayalde, Pablo Negri. "Visión artificial y filtro de Kalman aplicados al control de un péndulo invertido" IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina , (2014).
  150. Sergio Abriola, Santiago Figueira. "A note on the order type of minoring orderings and some algebraic properties of $\omega^2$-well quasi-orderings" CLEI 2014 (Conferencia Latinoamericana en Informática) , (2014).
  151. Matías López y Rosenfeld, Ignacio Vissani, Patricia Borensztejn. "Using FPGAs as a resource to teach hardware architectures" Simposio Argentino de Sistemas Embebidos , (2014).
  152. Cristhian Ariel David Deagustini, Maria Vanina Martinez, Marcelo Falappa, Guillermo Simari. "Inconsistency resolution and global conflicts" Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2014) , (2014).
  153. ANACLETO ADRIAN, BRABERMAN VICTOR, ECHAGUE JUAN, FILIA GUILLERMO, Diego Garbervestky, GOMEZ MAXIMILIANO, ROJO ESTEBAN, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN. "Experiencias de I+D+i en productos avanzados para el análisis de software" Anales JAIIO , (2014).
  154. Bianchi B, Carrillo F, Fernandez Slezak D, Kamienkowski JE, Shalom DE. "Human and computer estimations of Predictability of words on written language" Proceedings of ASAI 2014 - Argentinian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence , (2014).
  155. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari. "(AUTORES EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Probabilistic Preference Logic Networks (6 páginas)" Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2014) , (2014).
  156. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Cristian Molinaro, Livia Predoiu, Gerardo I. Simari. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Answering Ontological Ranking Queries based on Subjective Reports (14 páginas)" Proceedings of the First Workshop on Logics for Reasoning about Preferences, Uncertainty, and Vagueness (PRUV 2014) , (2014).
  157. Norberto Goussies, Sebastián Ubalde, Francisco Gómez Fernández, Marta Mejail. "Optical character recognition using transfer learning decision forests" Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2014 , (2014).
  158. Tommaso Di Noia, Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Computing k-rank Answers with Ontological CP-Nets (14 páginas)" Proceedings of the First Workshop on Logics for Reasoning about Preferences, Uncertainty, and Vagueness (PRUV 2014) , (2014).
  159. Carlos Lombardi, Ríos. Alejandro, Roel de Vrijer. "Proof terms for infinitary rewriting" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8560 , (2014).
  160. JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, CARLO FURIA, EVA MAY, GORDON FRASER, ANDREAS ZELLER. "Loop Invariants by Mutation, Dynamic Validation, and Static Checking" Contributions of the 5th International Workshop on Invariant Generation (WING 2012) , (2014).
  161. E. Feuerstein, Marchetti-Spaccamela Alberto, Schalekamp Frans, Sitters Rene, van der Ster Suzanne, Stougie Leen, van Zuylen Anke. "Scheduling over Scenarios on Two Machines" LNCS 8591Proceedings of 20th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON'14) , (2014).
  162. Ricardo O. Rodriguez, Xavier Caicedo, Jonas Rogger, George Metcalfe. "Decidability of Gödel Modal Logic KD45, KT45 and their extensions" Proccedings of XVI Latin American Symposium of Mathematical Logic , (2014).
  163. Renzo Degiovanni, Dalal Alrajeh, Nazareno Aguirre, Sebastian Uchitel. "Automated Goal Operationalisation Based on Interpolation and SAT Solving" Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Software Engineering , (2014).
  164. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Daniel Sykes, Sebastian Uchitel. "Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst: Multi-tier Control for Adaptive Systems" Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Software Engineering , (2014).
  165. Luis Gómez, Maria Elena Buemi, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail. "Introducing a New Image Quality Index for Evaluating Despeckling Filtering Operation in SAR Images" Proceedings of EUSAR 2014 , (2014).
  166. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Nir Piterman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Controllability in Partial and Uncertain Environments" 2014 14th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design , (2014).
  167. Luciana Benotti, María Cecilia Martínez, Fernando Schapachnik. "Engaging High School Students Using Chatbots" Proceedings de la 19th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education , (2014).
  168. NICOLAS D´IPPOLITO, Victor A. Braberman, jeff kramer, jeff magee, Daniel Sykes, Sebastián Uchitel. "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst: Multi-tier control for adaptive systems" Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering , (2014).
  169. Luis Gómez, María Elena Buemi, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail. "Introducing a New Image Quality Index for Evaluating Despeck- ling Filtering Operation in SAR Images" EUSAR 2014 , (2014).
  170. Miroslav Kulich, Libor Preucil, Juan José Miranda Bront. "Single Robot Search for a Stationary Object in an Unknown Environment" 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Proceedings) , (2014).
  171. Mitch McLaren, Aaron Lawson, Luciana Ferrer, Nicolas Scheffer, Yun Lei. "Trial-based Calibration for Speaker Recognition in Unseen Conditions" Speaker Odyssey 2014 , (2014).
  172. Luis Gomez, Maria Elena Buemi, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail. "Introducing a New Image Quality Index for Evaluating Despeck- ling Filtering Operation in SAR Images" EUSAR 2014 , (2014).
  173. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Nir Piterman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Controllability in Partial and Uncertain Environments" 14th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, {ACSD} 2014 , (2014).
  174. Luis Gomez , Maria Elena Buemi, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail. "Introducing a New Image Quality Index for Evaluating Despeck- ling Filtering Operation in SAR Images" Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar EUSAR 2014 , (2014).
  175. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Daniel Sykes, Sebastian Uchitel. "Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst: Multi-tier Control for Adaptive Systems" ICSE 2014 Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering , (2014).
  176. Tommaso Di Noia, Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari, Oana Tifrea-Marciuska. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Computing k-rank Answers with Ontological CP-Nets (8 páginas)" Proceedings of the 22nd Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD 2014) , (2014).
  177. L Gómez Déniz, M. E. Buemi, Julio Jacobo, M. E. Mejail. "Introducing a New Image Quality Index for Evaluating Despeckling Filtering Operation in SAR Images" Proceedings of EUSAR 2014 , (2014).
  178. Yun Lei, Luciana Ferrer, Aaron Lawson, Mitch McLaren, Nicolas Scheffer. "Application of Convolutional Neural Networks to Language Identification in Noisy Conditions" Speaker Odyssey 2014 , (2014).
  179. Luis Gómez, Maria Elena Buemi, Julio C. Jacobo, Marta Mejail. "Introducing a New Image Quality Index for Evaluating Despeck- ling Filtering Operation in SAR Images" Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar EUSAR 2014 , (2014).
  180. Mitch McLaren, Nicolas Scheffer, Luciana Ferrer, Yun Lei. "Effective Use of DCTs for Contextualizing Features for Speaker Recognition" Proc. ICASSP 2014 , (2014).
  181. Julien Van Hout, Luciana Ferrer, Dimitra Vergyri, Nicolas Scheffer, Yun Lei, Vikramjit Mitra, S. Wegmann. "Calibration and multiple system fusion for spoken term detection using linear logistic regression" Proc. ICASSP 2014 , (2014).
  182. JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, GORDON FRASER, ANDREA ARCURI. "Extending a search-based test generator with adaptive dynamic symbolic execution" Proceedings of the 2014 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis , (2014).
  183. Yun Lei, Mitch McLaren, Luciana Ferrer, Nicolas Scheffer. "Simplified VTS-based i-vector Extraction in Noise-robust Speaker Recognition" Proc. ICASSP 2014 , (2014).
  184. Sebastián Sznur, Juan Martín Brun, María Belén Ruffa, Máximo Martínez, Fernando Schapachnik. "Análisis de consistencia de la legislación de defensa al consumidor mediante métodos formales" Anales del III Congreso Iberoamericano de Investigadores y Docentes de Derecho e Informática , (2014).
  185. Ivo Krka, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Nenad Medvidovic, Sebastian Uchitel. "Revisiting Compatibility of Input-Output Modal Transition Systems" Lecture Notes in Computer Science , (2014).
  186. DIPPOLITO R. NICOLAS, BRABERMAN VICTOR, PITERMAN NIR, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN. "Controllability in Partial and Uncertain Environments" 14th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design , (2014).
  187. Ivo Krka, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Nenad Medvidović, Sebastian Uchitel. "Revisiting Compatibility of Input-Output Modal Transition Systems" FM 2014: Formal Methods , (2014).
  188. Horacio Franco, Luciana Ferrer, Harry Bratt. "Adaptive and Discriminative Modeling for Improved Mispronunciation Detection" Proc. ICASSP 2014 , (2014).
  189. Yun Lei, Nicolas Scheffer, Luciana Ferrer, Mitch McLaren. "A novel scheme for speaker recognition using a phonetically-aware deep neural network" Proc. ICASSP 2014 , (2014).
  190. Matthias Hoeschele, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, ANDREAS ZELLER. "Test generation across multiple layers" Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing , (2014).
  191. Luciana Ferrer, Harry Bratt, Colleen Richey, Horacio Franco, Victor Abrash, Kristin Precoda. "Lexical Stress Classification for Language Learning Using Spectral and Segmental Features" Proc. ICASSP 2014 , (2014).
  192. Pablo Negri, Damián Garayalde. "Concatenating multiple trajectories using Kalman filter for pedestrian tracking" IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina , (2014).
  193. Rodrigo Castro, Peter Fritzson, François Cellier, Safa Motesharrei. "Human-Nature Interaction in World Modeling with Modelica" Proceedings of the 10th International Modelica Conference , (2014).
  194. Min Chih Lin, Michel Mizrahi, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "O(n) Time Algorithms for Dominating Induced Matching Problems" LATIN 2014: Theoretical Informatics , (2014).
  195. Flavia Bonomo, Oliver Schaudt, Maya Stein, Mario Valencia-Pabon. "b-coloring is NP-hard on co-bipartite graphs and polytime solvable on tree-cographs" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8596 , (2014).
  196. S. Nesmachnow, E. Mocskos, M. Ortega, J. Angiolini, V. Levi. "HPC applied to fluorescence fluctuation analysis: contributing to unravel hidden dynamical processes" Proceedings of 5th International Supercomputing Conference , (2014).
  197. Rodrigo Castro, Ernesto Kofman. "nth-Order Activity of Continuous Systems" Proceedings of ACTIMS 2014 ETH Zurich Activity-based Modeling & Simulation Workshop , (2014).


  1. Pablo Barenbaum, Verónica Becher, Alejandro Deymonnaz, Melisa Halsband, Pablo Ariel Heiber. "Efficient repeat finding in sets of strings via suffix arrays" DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE (DMTCS) Volume 15, (2013): 1-1.
  2. Verónica Becher, Serge Grigoreff. "Borel and Hausdorff hierarchies in topological spaces of Choquet games and their effectivization" MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 25, no. 2 (2013).
  3. Verónica Becher, Serge Grigoreff. "Wadge hardness in Scott spaces and its effectivization" MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 25, no. 2 (2013).
  4. Francois Serra, Verónica Becher, Hernán Dopazo. "Neutral theory predicts the relative abundance and diversity of genetic elements in a broad array of eukaryotic genomes" PLOS ONE Volume 8, (2013): 63915-63915.
  5. Verónica Becher, Pablo Heiber. "Normal numbers and finite automata" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 477, (2013): 109-116.
  6. Verónica Becher, Pablo Ariel Heiber, Theodore A.Slaman. "A polynomial-time algorithm for computing absolutely normal numbers" Information and Computation Volume 232, (2013): 1-9.
  7. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Nir Piterman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Synthesising Non-Anomalous Event-Based Controllers for Liveness Goals" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY , (2013).
  8. Sebastian Uchitel, Dalal Alrajeh, Shoham Ben-David, Victor Braberman, Marsha Chechik, Guido De Caso, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Dario Fischbein, Diego Garbervetsky, Jeff Kramer, Alessandra Russo, German Sibay. "Supporting incremental behaviour model elaboration" Computer Science - Research and Development Volume 28, (2013): 279-293.
  9. Min Chih Lin, Francisco J. Soulignac, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Normal Helly circular-arc graphs and its subclasses" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 161, no. 7-8 (2013): 1037-1059.
  10. P. Coll, Factorovich P., Loiseau I,, R. Gómez. "A linear programming approach for adaptive synchronization of traffic signals" INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH Volume 20, no. 5 (2013): 667-679.
  11. Enrico Malaguti, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan José Miranda Bront, Paula Zabala. "(k,c) - coloring via column generation" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 41, (2013): 447-454.
  12. Natasha Alechina, Nick Bassiliades, Mehdi Dastani, Marina De Vos, Brian Logan, Sergio Mera, Andreasa Morris-Martin, Fernando Schapachnik.. "Computational Models for Normative Multi-Agent Systems", in: Giulia Andrighetto, Guido Governatori, Pablo Noriega, Leendert W. N. van der Torre None Normative Multi-Agent Systems, (2013): 71-92.
  13. Min Chih Lin, Francisco J. Soulignac, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Normal Helly circular-arc graphs and its subclasses" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 161, no. 7 (2013): 1037-1059.
  14. Martiniano Eguía, Francisco J. Soulignac. "Hereditary biclique-Helly graphs: recognition and maximal biclique enumeration" DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE (DMTCS) Volume 15, no. 1 (2013): 55-74.
  15. Dalal Alrajeh, Jeff Kramer, Alessandra Russo, Sebastian Uchitel. "Elaborating requirements using model checking and inductive learning" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Volume 39, no. 3 (2013): 361-383.
  16. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Nir Piterman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Synthesising Non-Anomalous Event-Based Controllers for Liveness Goals" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY Volume 22, no. 9 (2013): 1-36.
  17. Guido de Caso, Victor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastian Uchitel. "Enabledness-based Program Abstractions for Behaviour Validation" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY Volume 22, no. 25 (2013): 1-46.
  18. German Sibay, Victor Braberman, Sebastian Uchitel, Jeff Kramer. "Synthesising Modal Transition Systems from Triggered Scenarios" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Volume 39, no. 7 (2013): 975-1001.
  19. Sebastian Uchitel, Dalal Alrajeh, Shoham Ben David, Victor Braberman, Marsha Chechik, Guido de Caso, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Dario Fischbein, Diego Garbervetsky, Jeff Kramer, Alessandra Russo, German Sibay. "Supporting incremental behaviour model elaboration" Computer Science - Research and Development Volume 28, (2013): 279-293.
  20. Flavia Bonomo, Diego Delle Donne, Guillermo Durán, Javier Marenco. "Automatic Dwelling Segmentation of the Buenos Aires Province for the 2010 Argentinian Census" INTERFACES Volume 43, (2013): 373-384.
  21. Matías López y Rosenfeld, Andrea Paula Goldin, Sebastián Lipina, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernández Slezak. "Mate Marote: a flexible automated framework for large-scale educational interventions" COMPUTERS AND EDUCATION Volume 68, (2013): 307-313.
  22. Sergio Romano, Mariano Sigman, Santiago Figueira. "LT2C2: A language of thought with Turing-computable Kolmogorov" Papers in Physics Volume 5, no. 5001 (2013): 1-14.
  23. Pablo Negri, Norberto Goussies, Pablo Lotito. "Detecting Pedestrians on a Movement Feature Space" PATTERN RECOGNITION , (2013): 1-16.
  24. Ariel Bendersky, Juan Pablo Paz. "Selective and efficient quantum state tomography and its application to quantum process tomography" PHYSICAL REVIEW A - ATOMIC, MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS Volume 87, no. 1 (2013): 12122-12122.
  25. Sergio Romano, Mariano Sigman, Santiago Figueira. "$LT^2C^2$: A language of thought with Turing-computable Kolmogorov complexity" PAPERS IN PHYSICS Volume 4, (2013): 1-14.
  26. Joos Heintz, Bart Kuijpers, Andrés Rojas Paredes. "Software engineering and complexity in effective algebraic geometry" JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY Volume 29, (2013): 92-138.
  27. Joos Heintz, Bart Kuijpers, Andres Rojas Paredes. "On the intrinsic complexity of elimination problems in effective algebraic geometry" CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS Volume 604, (2013): 129-150.
  28. Bernd Bank, Marc Giusti, Joos Heintz. "Polar, bipolar and copolar varieties: real solving of algebraic varieties with intrinsic complexity" CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS Volume 604, (2013): 55-70.
  29. Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Pablo Castro, Nazareno M. Aguirre, Thomas S.E. Maibaum. "Satisfiability Calculi: the semantic counterpart of a proof calculus in general logics" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 7841, (2013): 195-211.
  30. Manuel Gimenez, Mariano Miguel Moscato, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Marcelo Fabián Frias. "HeteroGenius: a framework for hybrid analysis of heterogeneous software specifications" Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science Volume 139, (2013): 65-70.
  31. Juan Pablo Galeotti, Nicolas Rosner, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Marcelo Fabián Frias. "TACO: Efficient SAT-Based Bounded Verification Using Symmetry Breaking and Tight Bounds" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Volume 39, (2013): 1283-1307.
  32. Nicolas Rosner, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Nazareno M. Aguirre, Ali Jaoua, Ali Mili, Marcelo Fabián Frias. "Parallel Bounded Verification of Alloy Models by TranScoping" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2013).
  33. Roberto Bruni, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari, Pawel Soboscinski. "Connector algebras for C/E and P/T nets' interactions" LOGICAL METHODS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (LMCS) Volume 9, (2013): 1-65.
  34. Laura Bocchi, Hernán Melgratti. "On the Behaviour of General-Purpose Applications on Cloud Storages" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2013).
  35. Roberto Bruni, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari. "Behaviour, Interaction and Dynamicity" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2013).
  36. Pedro D'Argenio, Hernán Melgratti. "CONCUR 2013 - Concurrency Theory - 24th International Conference, CONCUR 2013" , (2013). [link]
  37. V. Braberman, D. Garbervetsky, S. Hym, S. YOVINE. "Summary-based inference of quantitative bounds of live heap objects" SCIENCE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING , (2013).
  38. JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, NICOLAS ROSNER, CARLOS LOPEZ POMBO, MARCELO FRIAS. "TACO: Efficient SAT-Based Bounded Verification Using Symmetry Breaking and Tight Bounds" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Volume 39, no. 9 (2013): 1283-1307.
  39. Sol Pedre, Tomas Krajnik, Elias Todorovich, Patricia Borensztejn. "Accelerating embedded image processing for real time: a case study" Journal of Real Time Image Processing , (2013): 1-23.
  40. Xavier Caicedo, George Metcalfe, Ricardo O. Rodriguez, Jonas Rogger. "A Finite Model Property for Gödel Modal Logics" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 8071, (2013): 226-237.
  41. M. Tepper, P. Musé, A. Almansa, M. Mejail. "Finding contrasted and regular edges by a contrario detection of periodic subsequences" PATTERN RECOGNITION , (2013).
  42. Luis Gómez, Cristian Munteanu, María Elena Buemi, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail. "Supervised Constrained Optimization of Bayesian Non-local Means Filter with Sigma" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING , (2013).
  43. S. Ubalde, N. Goussies, M. Mejail. "Efficient descriptor tree growing for fast action recognition" PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS , (2013).
  44. P. De Cristóforis, Matías A. Nitsche, Tomá Krajník, Marta Mejail. "Real-time monocular image-based path detection" Journal of Real-Time Image Processing , (2013).
  45. L. Gómez, C. Munteanu, M. E. Buemi, J. Jacobo Berlles, M. Mejail. "Supervised Constrained Optimization of Bayesian Non-local Means Filter with Sigma" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING , (2013).
  46. K. Allekotte, P. Cristóforis, M. Melita, M. Mejail, , . "Astronomical Image Data Reduction for Moving Object Detection", in: SPRINGER None LNCS - Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications Volume 8259, (2013): 116-123.
  47. Kevin Allekotte, Pablo De Cristóforis, Mario Melita, Marta Mejail. "Astronomical Image Data Reduction for Moving Object Detection", in: J. Ruiz-Shulcloper , G. Sanniti di Baja None LNCS- Lecture Notes on Computer Science Volume 8259, (2013): 116-123.
  48. M. Tepper, P. Musé, A. Almansa, M. Mejail. "Boruvka Meets Nearest Neighbors", in: J. Ruiz-Shulcloper, G. Sanniti di Baja None LNCS Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications Volume 8259, (2013): 560-567.
  49. L. Gomez, Cristian Munteanu, M. E. Buemi, J. Jacobo Berlles, M.Mejail. "Supervised Constrained Optimization of Bayesian Non-local Means Filter with Sigma" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING , (2013).
  50. Malaguti Enrico, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan José Miranda-Bront, Paula Zabala. "(k,c) coloring via column generation" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 41, (2013): 447-454.
  51. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Graciela Nasini, Daniel Severín. "An exact DSatur-based algorithm for the Eq- uitable Coloring Problem" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics , (2013).
  52. G. Bellomo, S. Fortin. "Una descripción del mundo clásico sin apelar a límites reductivos", in: H. Severgnini, G. Morales, D. Rabinovich None Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia - Selección de trabajos de las XXIII Jornadas, (2013): 53-62.
  53. Maria Vanina Martinez, Cristian Molinaro, John Grant, V.S. Subrahmanian. "Customized Policies for Handling Partial Information in Relational Databases" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING Volume 25, no. 6 (2013): 1254-1271.
  54. Georg Gottlob, Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Query Answering Under Uncertainty in Datalog+/- Ontologies" ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Volume 69, no. 1 (2013): 37-72.
  55. Maria Vanina Martinez, Cristian Molinaro, V.S. Subrahmanian, Leila Amgoud. "A General Framework for Reasoning On Inconsistency" , (2013). [link]
  56. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari, Oana Tifrea-Marciuska. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Query Answering in Datalog+/- Ontologies under Group Preferences and Probabilistic Uncertainty", in: Quan Sheng, Jesper Kjeldskov None Data Management in the Social Semantic Web (DMSSW) - 2nd International Workshop (LNCS) Volume 8295, (2013): 192-206.
  57. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Preference-based Query Answering in Probabilistic Datalog+/- Ontologies", in: Robert Meersman, Herve Panetto None Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications of Semantics (ODBASE) - 12th International Conference (LNCS) Volume 8185, (2013): 501-518.
  58. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Complexity of Inconsistency-Tolerant Query Answering in Datalog+/-", in: Robert Meersman, Herve Panetto None Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications of Semantics (ODBASE) - 12th International Conference (LNCS) Volume 8185, (2013): 488-500.
  59. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari, Oana Tifrea-Marciuska. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Group Preferences for Query Answering in Datalog+/- Ontologies", in: Weiru Liu, V.S. Subrahmanian, Jeff Wijsen None Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM) - 7th International Conference (LNCS) Volume 8078, (2013): 360-373.
  60. Alejandro Díaz Caro, Giulio Manzonetto, Michele Pagani. "Call-by-Value Non-determinism in a Linear Logic Type Discipline" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 7734, (2013): 164-178.
  61. Matias Bonaventura, Gabriel Wainer, Rodrigo Castro. "Graphical modeling and simulation of discrete-event systems with CD++ Builder" SIMULATION-TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY FOR MODELING AND SIMULATION INTERNATIONAL Volume 89, no. 1 (2013): 4-27.
  62. Pablo De Cristóforis, Sol Pedre, Matías Nitsche, Thomas Fischer, Facundo Pessacg, Carlos Di Pietro. "A behavior-based approach for Educational Robotics activities" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION Volume 56, (2013): 61-66.
  63. Pablo De Cristóforis, Matías Nitsches, Tomás Krajník, Marta Mejail. "Real-time monocular image-based path detection" Journal of Real-Time Image Processing , (2013): 1-14.
  64. Kevin Allekotte, Pablo De Cristóforis, Mario Melita, Marta Mejail. "Astronomical image data reduction for moving object detection" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 8259, (2013): 116-123.
  65. H. Scolnik, N. Echebest, M. T. Guardarucci. "On the incomplete oblique projections method for solving box constrained least squares problems" NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS Volume 66, no. 1 (2013): 17-32.
  66. JulioC. JuanManuel and Jacobo-Berlles MaríaElena and Rodríguez Francisco and Buemi Gómez Fernández. "Performance of Dynamic Textures Segmentation using GPU" Journal of Real-Time Image Processing , (2013): 1-9.
  67. R. L. Armentano, F. M. Pessana, L. J. Cymberknop, S. Graf, A. Furfaro. "Abordaje Integral Para la Caracterización in Vitro de la Dinámica Endotelial" IFMBE PROCEEDINGS Volume 33, (2013): 1126-1129.
  69. M. E. Buemi, Heitor Ramos, Alejandro Frery. "Speckle reduction with adaptive stack filters" PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS , no. 0 (2013): 2-9.
  70. Francisco Gómez Fernández, María E. Buemi, Juan Manuel Rodriguez, Julio C. Jacobo. "Performance of Dynamic Textures Segmentation using GPU" Journal of Real-Time Image Processing , (2013): 2-10.
  71. Gómez L., C.G. ; Munteanu, M. E. Buemi, J. Jacobo Berlles, M. E. Mejail. "Supervised Constrained Optimization of Bayesian Nonlocal Means Filter With Sigma Preselection for Despeckling SAR Images" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING Volume 51, no. 8 (2013): 4563-4575.
  72. F. Gómez Fernández, M. E. Buemi, Juan Manuel Rodriguez, J. Jacobo. "Performance of dynamic texture segmentation using GPU" Journal of Real time Imaging , (2013): 1-9.
  73. Flavia Bonomo, Monia Giandomenico, Fabrizio Rossi. "A note on the Cornaz-Jost transformation to solve the graph coloring problem" INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS Volume 113, (2013): 649-652.
  74. Flavia Bonomo, Denis Cornaz, Tinaz Ekim, Bernard Ries. "Perfectness of clustered graphs" DISCRETE OPTIMIZATION Volume 10, (2013): 296-303.
  75. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Javier Marenco. "Programación Matemática para asesorar a un entrenador de fútbol: un juego de fantasía como caso de estudio" Revista Ingeniería de Sistemas Volume 27, (2013): 109-130.
  76. Flavia Bonomo, Jaime Catalán, Guillermo Durán, Rafael Epstein, Alexis Jawtuschenko, Javier Marenco. "Una licitación combinatorial aplicada a la provisión de Internet a las escuelas de Buenos Aires" Revista Ingeniería de Sistemas Volume 27, (2013): 9-30.
  77. Flavia Bonomo, Diego Delle Donne, Guillermo Durán, Javier Marenco. "Automatic Dwelling Segmentation of Buenos Aires Province for the 2010 Argentinian Census" INTERFACES Volume 43, (2013): 373-384.
  78. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Luciano Norberto Grippo, Martín Darío Safe. "Probe interval graphs and probe unit interval graphs on superclasses of cographs" DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE (DMTCS) Volume 15, (2013): 177-194.
  79. Flavia Bonomo, Mitre Costa Dourado, Guillermo Durán, Luerbio Faria, Luciano Norberto Grippo, Martín Darío Safe. "Forbidden subgraphs and the König-Egerváry property" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 161, (2013): 2380-2388.
  80. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Martín Darío Safe, Annegret Katrin Wagler. "On minimal forbidden subgraph characterizations of balanced graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 161, (2013): 1925-1942.
  81. Victor A. Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Samuel Hym, Sergio Yovine. "Summary-based inference of quantitative bounds of live heap objects" SCIENCE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING , (2013).
  82. DIPPOLITO R. NICOLAS, BRABERMAN VICTOR, PITERMAN NIR, UCHITEL SEBASTIAN. "Synthesising Non-Anomalous Event-Based Controllers for Liveness Goals" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY Volume 22, no. 9 (2013): 1-36.
  83. Guido de Caso, Victor Braberman, D. Garbervetsky, Sebastián Uchitel. "Enabledness-based Program Abstractions for Behaviour Validation" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY Volume 22, no. 25 (2013): 1-46.
  84. G. Sibay, Victor A. Braberman, Sebastián Uchitel, jeff kramer. "Synthesising Modal Transition Systems from Triggered Scenarios" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Volume 39, no. 7 (2013): 975-1001.
  85. Sebastian Uchitel, Dalal Alrajeh, Shoham Ben-David, Victor Braberman, Marsha Chechik, Guido De Caso, Nicolas D?Ippolito, Dario Fischbein, Diego Garbervetsky, Jeff Kramer, Alessandra Russo, German Sibay. "Supporting incremental behaviour model elaboration" Computer Science - Research and Development Volume 28, (2013): 279-293.
  86. Victor A. Braberman, Laurent Fribourg. "Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems" , (2013). [link]
  87. Diego Fernández Slezak. "Development of solar arrays for Argentine satellite missions" AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume 26, (2013): 38-52.
  88. Matias Lopez y Rosenfeld, Andrea Paula Goldin, Sebastian Lipina, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernández Slezak. "Mate Marote: a flexible automated framework for large-scale educational interventions" COMPUTERS AND EDUCATION , (2013): 307-313.
  89. Guido de Caso, Diego Garbervetsky, Daniel Gorín. "Integrated Program Verification Tools in Education" SOFTWARE: PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE Volume 43, no. 1 (2013): 403-418.
  90. Sebastián Uchitel, Dalal Alrajeh, Shoham Ben-David, Victor Braberman, Marsha Chechik, Guido de Caso, Nicolas DIppolito, Dario Fischbein, Diego Garbervetsky, Jeff Kramer, Alessandra Russo, German Sybay. "Supporting incremental behaviour model elaboration" Computer Science - Research and Development Volume 28, no. 4 (2013): 279-293.
  91. Guido de Caso, Víctor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastián Uchitel. "Enabledness-based Program Abstractions for Behaviour Validation" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY Volume 22, no. 25 (2013): 1-46.
  92. Víctor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Samuel Hym, Sergio Yovine. "Summary-based inference of quantitative bounds of live heap objects" SCIENCE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING , (2013).
  93. Enrico Malaguti, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan Miranda-Bront, Paula Zabala. "(k, c)-coloring via Column Generation" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 41, (2013): 447-454.
  94. Andrew R. Curtis, Min Chih Lin, Ross M. McConnell, Yahav Nussbaum, Francisco J. Soulignac, Jeremy P. Spinrad, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Isomorphism of graph classes related to the circular-ones property" DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE (DMTCS) Volume 15, no. 1 (2013): 157-182.
  95. Min Chih Lin, Michel Mizrahi, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "An $O^*(1.1939^n)$ time algorithm for minimum weighted dominating induced matching" Algorithms and Computation , (2013).
  96. Tomás Krajník, Matías A. Nitsche, Jan Faigl, Tom Duckett , Marta Mejail, Libor Preucil. "External Localization System for Mobile Robotics" IEEE-International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR) , (2013).
  97. Nicolas Scheffer, Luciana Ferrer, Aaron Lawson, Yun Lei, Mitch McLaren. "Recent Developments in Voice Biometrics: Robustness and High Accuracy" roc. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security , (2013).
  98. E. Feuerstein, Tolosa Gabriel. "Analysis of Cost-Aware Policies for Intersection Caching in Search Nodes" Anales de la XXIII Conferencia Internacional de la Sociedad Chilena de Ciencias de la Computación SCCC2013 , (2013).
  99. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari, Oana Tifrea-Marciuska. "Group Preferences for Query Answering in Probabilistic Datalog+/- Ontologies (8 páginas)" Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence , (2013).
  100. Gillinder Bedi, Facundo Carrillo, Guillermo Cecchi, Diego Fernández Slezak, Mariano Sigman, Cheryl Corcoran. "Prognosis in a box: Automated analysis of speech predicts transition to psychosis in high-risk patients" Computational Psychiatry , (2013).
  101. Raphael Bailly, Xavier Carreras, Franco M. Luque, Ariadna Quattoni. "Unsupervised Learning of WCFG as Low-rank Matrix Completion" Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing , (2013).
  102. JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, Gordon Fraser, Andrea Arcuri. "Improving search-based test suite generation with dynamic symbolic execution" Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering , (2013).
  103. Matías López y Rosenfeld, Andrea Paula Goldin, Sebastián Lipina, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernández Slezak, , . "MemoMarote: a working memory training game" Resumen de JAIIO , (2013).
  104. Rodrigo Castro, Andreas Fischlin, François Cellier. "Eco-Bond Graphs: An Energy-Based Modeling Framework for Complex Synamic Systems With a Focus on Sustainability and Embodied Energy Flows" Proceedings of the International Workshop on Simulation for Energy, Sustainable Development & Environment , (2013).
  105. Facundo Carrillo, Guillermo Cecchi, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernández Slezak. "Evaluation of LSA performance in Spanish using multiple corpus of text," Actas de Congreso JAIIO , (2013).
  106. Matías López y Rosenfeld, Andrea Paula Goldin, Sebastián J. Lipina, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernández Slezak. "MemoMarote: a working memory training game" 11vo Simposio sobre la Sociedad de la Informacion, SSI 2013 , (2013).
  107. Matias Lopez y Rosenfeld, Andrea Paula Goldin, Sebastian Lipina, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernández Slezak. "MemoMarote: a working memory training game" Actas JAIIO , (2013).
  108. Remberto Emanuel Delgadillo Cárdenas, Irene Loiseau. "Models for communication network design with survivability requirements" Anais XVL Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional , (2013).
  109. Jorge Bauer, Pablo Negri, Damián Garayalde. "Visión artificial para control posicional y medición dinámica de la geometría del péndulo invertido" Reunión de Trabajo en Procesamiento de la Información y Control , (2013).
  110. Edgardo Zoppi, Rodrigo Castaño, Diego Garbervetsky, Jonathan Tapicer, Juan Pablo Galeotti. "On verifying resource contracts using Code Contracts" Proceedings First Latin American Workshop on Formal Methods LAFM 2013 , (2013).
  111. Facundo Carrillo, Guillermo Cecchi, Mariano Sigman, Diego F Slezak. "Evaluation of lsa performance in spanish using multiple corpus of text" Proceedings of 14th Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence. JAIIO , (2013).
  112. Pablo Abad, Nazareno Aguirre, Valeria Bengolea, Daniel Ciolek, Marcelo Frias, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Tom Maibaum, Mariano Moscato, Nicolás Rosner, Ignacio Vissani. "Improving Test Generation under Rich Contracts by Tight Bounds and Incremental SAT Solving" 2013 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation , (2013).
  113. Alejandro Díaz Caro, Gilles Dowek. "The probability of non-confluent systems" Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science , (2013).
  114. Edgar Altszyler, Alejandra Ventura, Alejandro Colman-Lerner, Ariel Chernomoretz. "Constraints on a module's effective sensitivity by the input and readout dynamic range" Abstracts Book , (2013).
  115. E. Mocskos, S. Nesmachnow, G. Hernández Oliva. "HPCLatAm: Towards the integration of the reasearch communities on High Performance Computing in the Latinamerican Southern Cone" Proceedings de la 6ta Conferencia Latinoamericana de Computación de Alto Rendimiento. CLCAR 2013 , (2013).
  116. Xavier Caicedo, George Metcalfe, Ricardo O. Rodriguez, Jonas Rogger. "A Finite Model Property for Godel Modal Logics" Procceding Workshops , (2013).
  117. Ricardo O. Rodriguez, Lluis Godo. "Modal uncertainty logics with fuzzy neighborhood semantics" Procceddings IJCAI2013 , (2013).
  118. Arindam Mandal, Julien Van Hout, Y-C Tam, Vikramjit Mitra, Yun Lei, Jing Zhen, Dimitra Vergyri, Luciana Ferrer, Martin Graciarena, Andreas Kathol, others. "Strategies for High Accuracy Keyword Detection in Noisy Channels" Proc. Interspeech 2013 , (2013).
  119. Luciana Ferrer, Mitch McLaren, Nicolas Scheffer, Yun Lei, Martin Graciarena, Vikramjit Mitra. "A Noise-Robust System for NIST 2012 Speaker Recognition Evaluation" Proc. of the Interspeech Conference , (2013).
  120. Martin Graciarena, Abeer Alwan, Dan Ellis, Horacio Franco, Luciana Ferrer, et al.. "All for One: Feature Combination for Highly Channel-Degraded Speech Activity Detection" Proc. Interspeech 2013 , (2013).
  121. Pablo Ridolfi, Santiago Maudet, Andrés Di Donato, Ariel Lutenberg, Alejandro Furfaro, Anthonio Gutiérrez. "Implementación de un Kernel de Tiempo Real para Arquitectura ARMv7-M" CASE 2013 Libro de Trabajos Foro Tecnológico y Posters , (2013).
  122. Andrés Di Donato, Alejandro Furfaro, Santiago Maudet. "Descomposici ́ on Wavelet Discreta sobre FPGA" CASE 2013 Libro de Trabajos Foro Tecnológico y Posters , (2013).
  123. D. González Márquez, A. Cristal, E. Mocskos. "Exploring the use of light threads to improve the instruction level paralelism" Proceedings del 6to Simposio Latinoamericano de Computación de Alto Desempeño. HPCLatAm 2013 , (2013).
  124. Pablo Bendersky, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Diego Garbervetsky. "The DynAlloy Visualizer" Proceedings First Latin American Workshop on Formal Methods, LAFM 2014 , (2013).
  125. Rodrigo Castaño, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Diego Garbervetsky, Jonathan Tapicer, Edgardo Zoppi. "On Verifying Resource Contracts using Code Contracts" Proceedings First Latin American Workshop on Formal Methods, LAFM 2014 , (2013).
  126. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Preference-based Query Answering in Datalog+/- Ontologies (7 páginas)" Proceedings of the 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2013) , (2013).
  127. RODRIGO CASTAÑO, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, Diego Garbervetsky, JONATHAN TAPICER, EDGARDO ZOPPI. "On Verifying Resource Contracts using Code Contracts" Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science , (2013).
  128. PABLO BENDERSKY, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, Diego Garbervetsky. "The DynAlloy Visualizer" Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science , (2013).
  129. Shoham Ben David, Marsha Chechik, Sebastian Uchitel. "Merging Partial Behaviour Models with Different Vocabularies" CONCUR 2013 – Concurrency Theory (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) , (2013).
  130. NICOLAS ROSNER, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, SANTIAGO BERMUDEZ, GUIDO MARUCCI BLAS, SANTIAGO PEREZ DE ROSSO, LUCAS PIZZAGALLI, LUCIANO ZEMIN, MARCELO FRIAS. "Parallel Bounded Analysis in Code with Rich Invariants by Refinement of Field Bounds" Proceedings of the 2012 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis , (2013).
  131. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Preference-based Query Answering in Datalog+/- Ontologies (12 páginas)" Informal Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2013) , (2013).
  132. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Complexity of Inconsistency-Tolerant Query Answering in Datalog+/-" Informal Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2013) , (2013).
  133. Matias Dell'Amerlina Rios, Agustín Gravano. "Spanish DAL: A Spanish Dictionary of Affect in Language" WASSA 2013 , (2013).
  134. Luisina Violante, Pablo Rodriguez Zivic, Agustin Gravano. "Improving speech synthesis quality by reducing pitch peaks in the source recordings" Proceedings of HLT/NAACL 2013 , (2013).
  135. Gordon Pace, Fernando Schapachnik. "Synthesising Implicit Contracts" Proceedings de la 14th International Conference on AI and Law , (2013).
  136. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Javier Marenco. "A Virtual Coach for Fantasy Soccer using Mathematical Programming" Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Mathematics in Sport , (2013).
  137. Luis Falciola, Ana Ruedin, Daniel Acevedo, Luis Coll. "Conteo de colores en Lesiones de la piel para la detección de melanoma" Matemática Aplicada, Computacional e Industrial , (2013).
  138. Gillinder Bedi, Guillermo A Cecchi, Diego F Slezak, Facundo Carrillo, Harriet de Wit. "Automated Quantitative Semantic Analysis of Speech Discriminates Acute Effects of ±3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and Methamphetamine" BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY , (2013).
  139. Tomá Krajník, Pablo De Cristóforis, Jan Faigl, Matías Nitsche, Libor Preuncil, Marta Mejail. "Image Features for Long-Term Mobile Robot Autonomy" IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2013 , (2013).
  140. Victor Braberman, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Nir Piterman, Daniel Sykes, Sebastian Uchitel. "Controller synthesis: from modelling to enactment" ICSE '13 Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Software Engineering , (2013).
  141. Michael Barnett, Martin Nordio, Judith Bishop, Karin K. Breitman, Diego Garbervetsky. "3rd International Workshop on Developing Tools as Plug-Ins (TOPI 2013)" ICSE '13 Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Software Engineering , (2013).
  142. Fl. Iglesias, M. E Buemi. "Selección de un reconocedor de género basado en imágenes de caras para un sistema en tiempo real" Revista MACI 2014(2013) , (2013).
  143. Damián Bakarcic, Gabriela Di Piazza, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "An IP based heuristic algorithm for the Vehicle and Crew Scheduling Pick-up and Delivery Problem with Time Windows" Proceedings of the 12th Cologne-TwenteWorkshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization , (2013).
  144. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Federico Pousa, Paula Zabala. "A Branch-and-Cut algorithm for the Angular TSP" Proceedings of the 12th Cologne-TwenteWorkshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization , (2013).
  145. Victor Braberman, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Nir Piterman, Daniel Sykes, Sebastian Uchitel. "Controller synthesis: from modelling to enactment" Proceeding ICSE '13 Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Software Engineering , (2013).
  146. Florencia Iglesias, M. E. Buemi. "SELECCIÓN DE UN RECONOCEDOR DE GÉNERO BASADO EN IMÁGENES DE CARAS PARA UN SISTEMA EN TIEMPO REAL" Matemática Aplicada, Computacional e Industrial , (2013).
  147. Victor Braberman, NICOLAS D´IPPOLITO, NIR PITERMAN, Daniel Sykes, Sebastián Uchitel. "Controller synthesis: from modelling to enactment" ICSE '13 Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Software Engineering , (2013).
  148. Isabel Méndez Díaz, Federico Pousa, Paula Zabala. "A Branch-and-Cut algorithm for the Angular TSP" Proceedings of the 12th Cologne-TwenteWorkshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization , (2013).
  149. Mitch McLaren, Nicolas Scheffer, Martin Graciarena, Luciana Ferrer, Yun Lei. "Improving Speaker Identification Robustness to Highly Channel-Degraded Speech Through Multiple System Fusion" Proc. ICASSP 2013 , (2013).
  150. Esteban Pavese, Victor Braberman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Automated Reliability Estimation over Partial Systematic Explorations" ICSE 2013 Proceedings , (2013).
  151. Gillinder Bedi, Guillermo Cecchi, Diego Fernández Slezak, Facundo Carrillo, Harriet de Wit. "Automated Quantitative Semantic Analysis of Speech Discriminates Acute Effects of ±3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and Methamphetamine" Society of Biological Psychiatry , (2013).
  152. Esteban Pavese, Victor A. Braberman, Sebastián Uchitel. "Automated Reliability Estimation over Partial Systematic Explorations" ICSE 2013 Proceedings , (2013).
  153. Aaron Lawson, Mitch McLaren, Yun Lei, Vikramjit Mitra, Nicolas Scheffer, Luciana Ferrer, Martin Graciarena. "Improving Language Identification Robustness to Highly Channel-Degraded Speech through Multiple System Fusion" Proc. ICASSP 2013 , (2013).
  154. Flavia Bonomo, Gianpaolo Oriolo, Claudia Snels, Gautier Stauffer. "Minimum clique cover in claw-free perfect graphs and the weak Edmonds-Johnson property" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7801 , (2013).
  155. PABLO ABAD, NAZARENO AGUIRRE, VALERIA BENGOLEA, DANIEL CIOLEK, MARCELO FRIAS, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, TOM MAIBAUM, MARIANO MOSCATO, NICOLAS ROSNER, IGNACIO VISSANI. "Improving Test Generation under Rich Contracts by Tight Bounds and Incremental SAT Solving" ICST'13: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation , (2013).
  156. Hernan Czemerinski, Victor Braberman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Behaviour Abstraction Coverage as Black-Box Adequacy Criteria" 2013 IEEE 6th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation (ICST 2013) , (2013).
  157. Hernan Czemerinski, Victor A. Braberman, Sebastián Uchitel. "Behaviour Abstraction Coverage as Black-Box Adequacy Criteria" 2013 IEEE 6th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation (ICST 2013) , (2013).
  158. Gil Costa Verónica, Inostrosa Psijas Alonso, Marin Mauricio, E. Feuerstein. "Service Deployment Algorithms for Vertical Search Engines" 21st Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2013) , (2013).


  1. Guido de Caso, Víctor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastián Uchitel. "Abstractions for Validation in Action" None Formal Methods for Model-Driven Engineering Volume 7320, (2012): 192-218.
  2. Verónica Becher. "Turing's normal numbers: towards randomness" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 7318, (2012): 35-45.
  3. Verónica Becher, Pablo Ariel Heiber. "A linearly computable measure of string complexity" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 438, (2012): 62-73.
  4. Verónica Becher. "Turing's note on normal numbers", in: Barry Cooper, Jan van Leeuwen None Alan Turing: His Work and impact. S Barry Cooper and Jan van Leeuwen editors, (2012): 110-115.
  5. Agustín Gravano, Julia Hirschberg, Stefan Benus. "Affirmative cue words in task-oriented dialogue" COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS Volume 38, (2012): 1-39.
  6. Min Chih Lin, Francisco Juan Soulignac, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Arboricity, h-Index, and Dynamic Algorithms" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 426, (2012): 75-90.
  7. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan José Miranda Bront, Gustavo Vulcano, Paula Zabala. "A branch-and-cut algorithm for the latent-class logit assortment problem" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS , (2012).
  8. Daniel Negrotto. "La Investigación Operativa en el Instituto de Cálculo durante el período 1960-1966" Saber y Tiempo , no. 23 (2012): 84-93.
  9. Min Chih Lin, Francisco J. Soulignac, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Arboricity, h-Index, and Dynamic Algorithms" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 426, (2012): 75-90.
  10. Dario Fischbein, Greg Brunet, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Marsha Chechik, Sebastian Uchitel. "Weak Alphabet Merging of Partial Behaviour" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY Volume 21, no. 2 (2012): 1-49.
  11. Guido de Caso, Diego Garbervetsky, Victor Braberman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Automated Abstractions for Contract Validation" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Volume 38, no. 1 (2012): 141-162.
  12. Guido de Caso, Victor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastian Uchitel. "Abstractions for Validation in Action" None FORMAL METHODS FOR MODEL-DRIVEN ENGINEERING - LNCS Volume 7320, (2012): 192-218.
  13. Diego Delle Donne, Javier Marenco. "Studying playoff qualification in motorsports via mixed-integer programming techniques" Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology Volume 226, (2012): 32-41.
  14. Mónica Braga, Diego Delle Donne, Javier Marenco. "A polyhedral study of the acyclic coloring problem" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 160, (2012): 2606-2617.
  15. Francisco Cisternas, Diego Delle Donne, Guillermo Durán, Cristian Polgatiz, Andrés Weintraub. "Optimizing salmon farm cage net management using integer programming" JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONS RESEARCH SOCIETY OF JAPAN Volume 64, (2012): 735-747.
  16. Allen Downey. "Pensando la computación como un científico (con Java)" , (2012). [link]
  17. José M. Castaño, Rodrigo Castaño. "A finite state intersection approach to propositional satisfiability" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2012).
  18. Edgar Altszyler, R. O. Barrachina, J-Y Chesnel, F Fremont. "Multiple-Scattering Phase Distortion in the Ionization of Molecules" Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 388, (2012): 102026-102026.
  19. Pablo Negri, Pablo Lotito. "Pedestrian Detection Using a Feature Space Based on Colored Level Lines", in: Marta Mejail, Julio Jacobo, Luis Alvarez, Luis Gomez None Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications Volume 7441, (2012): 885-892.
  20. Sergio Abriola, Santiago Figueira, Gabriel Senno. "Linearizing bad sequences: upper bounds for the product and majoring well quasi-orders" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 7456, (2012): 110-126.
  21. E. Mocskos, P. Yabo, P. Turjanski, D. Fernández Slezak. "Grid Matrix: a Grid Simulation Tool to Focus on the Propagation of Resource and Monitoring Information" SIMULATION-TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY FOR MODELING AND SIMULATION INTERNATIONAL Volume 88, no. 10 (2012): 1233-1246.
  22. P. Verghelet, D. Fernadez Slezak, P. Turjanski, E. Mocskos. "Using distributed local information to improve global performance in Grids" CLEI Electronic Journal Volume 15, no. 3 (2012): 1-8.
  23. Carlos Areces, Santiago Figueira, Sergio Mera. "Completeness results for Memory Logics" ANNALS OF PURE AND APPLIED LOGIC Volume 7, no. 163 (2012): 961-972.
  24. Bernd Bank, Marc Giusti, Joos Heintz, Lutz Lehmann, Luis Miguel Pardo. "Algorithms of intrinsic complexity for point searching in compact real singular hypersurfaces" FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS Volume 12, (2012): 75-122.
  25. Rafael Grimson, Joos Heintz, Bart Kuijpers. "Evaluating geometric queries using few arithmetic operations" APPLICABLE ALGEBRA IN ENGINEERING COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTING Volume 23, (2012): 179-193.
  26. Kamienkowski JE, J Navajas, Sigman M. "Eye movements blink the Attentional Blink" JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-HUMAN PERCEPTION AND PERFORMANCE Volume 38, (2012): 555-560.
  27. Federico Raimondo, Juan E Kamienkowski, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernandez Slezak. "CUDAICA: GPU optimization of Infomax-ICA EEG analysis" computational Intelligence and Neuroscience Volume 2012, (2012): 1-8.
  28. A Zylberberg, Kamienkowski JE, A Farall, Sigman M. "When order matters: last-come first-served effect in sequential arithmetic operations" JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE NEUROSCIENCE , (2012).
  29. Ibanez A, Cetkovich M, Petroni A, Urquina H, Baez S, Gonzalez-Gaeda L, Kamienkowski JE, Torralva T, Torrente F, Strejilevich S, Teitelbaum J, Hurtado E, Guex R, Melloni M, Lischinsky A, Sigman M, Manes F. "The Neural Basis of Decision-Making and Reward Processing in Adults with Euthymic Bipolar Disorder or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)" PLOS ONE , (2012): 1-11.
  30. Juan E Kamienkowski, Maias J Ison, Rodrigo Quian Quiroga, Mariano Sigman. "Fixation-related potentials in visual search: a combined EEG and eye tracking study" JOURNAL OF VISION Volume 12, no. 7 (2012): 1-20.
  31. Pablo Castro, Nazareno M. Aguirre, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Thomas S.E. Maibaum. "A Categorical Approach to Structuring and Promoting Z Specifications" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 7684, (2012).
  32. Roberto Bruni, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari. "A Survey on Basic Connectors and Buffers" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 7542, (2012): 49-68.
  33. Roberto Bruni, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari. "Connector Algebras, Petri Nets, and BIP" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 7162, (2012): 19-38.
  34. Hernán Melgratti, Christian Roldán. "On correlation sets and correlation exceptions in ActiveBPEL" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 7173, (2012): 212-226.
  35. Eduardo Bonelli, Delia Kesner, Carlos Lombardi, Ríos. Alejandro. "Normalisation for Dynamic Pattern Calculi" Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics Volume 15, (2012): 117-132.
  36. M. T. Higuera Toledano, S. YOVINE, D. Garbervetsky. "Region-based Memory Management: An Evaluation of its Support in the RTSJ", in: M. T. Higuera Toledano, A. Wellings None Distributed, Embedded and Real-time Java Systems, (2012): 101-127.
  37. Daniel Acevedo, Ana Ruedin. "Correlation-based inter and intra-band predictions for lossless compression of multispectral images" LATIN AMERICAN APPLIED RESEARCH , (2012).
  38. Daniel Acevedo, Ana Ruedin. "The wavelet transform as a classification criterion applied to improve compression of hyperspectral images", in: Dumitru Baleanu None Advances in Wavelet Theory and Their Applications in Engineering, Physics and Technology, (2012): 527-536.
  39. Julian Oyola, Virginia Arroyo, Ana Ruedin, Daniel Acevedo. "Detection of Chickenpox Vesicles in Digital Images of Skin Lesions", in: Luis Alvarez, Marta Mejail, Luis Gomez, Julio Jacobo None Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications (15th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition) Volume 7441, (2012): 583-590.
  40. Luis Alvarez, M. Mejail, L. Gómez, J. Jacobo. "Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, ComputerVision, and Applications" , (2012).
  41. Ariel Morelli Andres, Sebastian Padovani, Mariano Tepper, Marta Mejail, Julio Jacobo. "Randomized Face Recognition on Partially Occluded Images", in: Luis Alvarez Marta Mejail Luis Gomez Julio Jacobo None LNCS Progress in Pattern Recognition, ImageAnalysis, Computer Vision, and Applications Volume 7441, (2012): 112-119.
  42. A. Amdres Morellli, S. Padovani, M. Tepper, M. Mejail, J. Jacobo. "Randomized Face Recognition on Partially Occluded Images", in: Luis Alvarez Marta Mejail Luis Gomez Julio Jacobo None LNCS Progress in Pattern Recognition, ImageAnalysis, Computer Vision, and Applications Volume 7441, (2012): 112-119.
  43. Mariano Tepper, Pablo Musé, Andrés Almansa, Marta Mejail. "Finding Edges by a Contrario Detection of Periodic Subsequences", in: Luis Alvarez Marta Mejail Luis Gomez Julio Jacobo None LNCS Progress in Pattern Recognition, ImageAnalysis, Computer Vision, and Applications Volume 7441, (2012): 795-802.
  44. Wafa Chaabane , Regis Fournier, Amine Naıt-ali, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail, Marcelo Mottalli, Heitor Ramos, Alejandro C. Frery, Leonardo Viana. "Supervised Biometric System Using Multimodal Compression Scheme", in: Luis Alvarez Marta Mejail Luis Gomez Julio Jacobo None LNCS Progress in Pattern Recognition, ImageAnalysis, Computer Vision, and Applications Volume 4771, (2012): 404-411.
  45. M. Barber, F. Grings, Pablo Perna, M. Piscitelli, M. Maas, C. Bruscantinni, Julio Jacobo, H. Karszenbaum. "Speckle noise and soil heterogeneities as error sources in a Bayesian soil moisture retrieval scheme for SAR data" IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING Volume 5, no. 3 (2012): 942-951.
  46. Julio Jacobo, Marta E Mejail, Luis Alvarez, Luis Gómez. "Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications" , (2012).
  47. Ariel Morelli Andres, Sebastian Padovani, Mariano Tepper, Marta Mejail, Julio C. Jacobo. "Randomized Face Recognition on Partially Occluded Images", in: Luis Gómez, Luis Alvarez, Marta Mejail, Julio Jacobo None LNCS Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision Volume 7441, (2012): 90-97.
  48. Julio C. Jacobo, Marcelo Mottalli, Heitor S. Ramos, Marta Mejail, Alejandro César Frery, Leonardo Viana, Wafa Chaabane, Régis Fournier, Amine Naït-Ali. "Supervised Biometric System Using Multimodal Compression Scheme", in: Julio C. Jacobo, Marta E Mejail, Luis Alvarez, Luis Gómez None LNCS Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications Volume 7441, (2012): 382-389.
  49. Francisco Gómez Fernández, Juan Manuel Rodriguez, M. E. Buemi, Julio Jacobo. "Dynamic Textures Segmentation with GPU", in: Julio Jacobo, Marta E Mejail, Luis Alvarez, Luis Gómez None LNCS Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications Volume 7441, (2012): 607-614.
  50. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan José Miranda-Bront, Gustavo Vulcano, Paula Zabala. "A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Latent Class Logit Assortment Problem." DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS , (2012).
  51. Gerardo I. Simari, Maria Vanina Martinez, Amy Sliva, V.S. Subrahmanian. "Focused most probable world computations in probabilistic logic programs" ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Volume 64, no. 2-3 (2012): 113-143.
  52. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Inconsistency-Tolerant Query Rewriting for Linear Datalog+/-", in: Georg Gottlob None Datalog in Academia and Industry (Datalog 2.0) - 2nd International Workshop (LNCS) Volume 7494, (2012): 123-134.
  53. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Consistent Answers in Probabilistic Datalog+/- Ontologies", in: Markus Krötzsch, Umberto Straccia None Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR) - 6th International Conference (LNCS) Volume 7497, (2012): 156-171.
  54. Amy Sliva, Gerardo I. Simari, Maria Vanina Martinez, V.S. Subrahmanian. "SOMA: Stochastic Opponent Modeling Agents for Forecasting Violent Behavior", in: V.S. Subrahmanian None Handbook of Computational Approaches to Counterterrorism, (2012): 99-127.
  55. Maria Vanina Martinez, Amy Sliva, Gerardo I. Simari, V.S. Subrahmanian. "Forecasting Changes in Terror Group Behavior", in: V.S. Subrahmanian None Handbook of Computational Approaches to Counterterrorism, (2012): 225-243.
  56. Alejandro Díaz Caro, Barbara Petit. "Linearity in the non-deterministic call-by-value setting" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 7456, (2012): 216-231.
  57. Pablo Arrighi, Alejandro Díaz Caro. "A System F accounting for scalars" LOGICAL METHODS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (LMCS) Volume 8, no. 11 (2012): 1-32.
  58. Rodrigo Castro. "Arguments on the Imminence of Global Collapse Are Premature when Based on Simulation Models" GAIA (HEIDELBERG) Volume 21, no. 4 (2012): 271-273.
  59. Rosana Matuk Herrera. "Early Visual Processing for Pattern Recognition in Natural Environments", in: Julio Jacobo Luis Gomez Marta Mejail Luis Alvarez None Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications, 17th Iberoamerican Congress, CIARP 2012, (2012): 1-8.
  60. Matías Nitsche, Pablo De Cristóforis. "Real-time on-board image processing using an embedded GPU for monocular vision-based navigation" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 7441, (2012): 591-598.
  61. Natalia Gabriela Elisei, Diego Alexis Evin, Francisco Goméz Fernández, Jorge Alberto Gurlekian. "Aplicación de Métodos Acústicos Lineales y no Lineales en Parálisis Cordales Unilaterales" Revista Areté Volume 1, no. 12 (2012): 24-32.
  62. M E Buemi, Juan Manuel Rodriguez, Francisco Gómez Fernández, Julio Jacobo. "Dynamic Textures Segmentation with GPU", in: Luis Gómez , Luis Álvarez, Marta Mejail, Julio Jacobo None Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications, (2012): 607-614.
  63. Paula Verghelet, Diego Fernández Slezak, Pablo G. Turjanski, Esteban E. Mocskos. "Using distributed local information to improve global performance in Grids" CLEI Electronic Journal Volume 3, (2012): 1-8.
  64. E. Mocskos, P. Yabo, Pablo G. Turjanski, Diego Fernández Slezak. "Grid Matrix: a Grid Simulation Tool to Focus on the Propagation of Resource and Monitoring Information" TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY FOR COMPUTER SIMULATION Volume 88, no. 10 (2012): 1233-1246.
  65. Dario Fischbein, Greg Brunet, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Marsha Chechik, Sebastian Uchitel. "Weak Alphabet Merging of Partial Behaviour Models" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY Volume 21, (2012): 9-58.
  66. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Nir Piterman, Sebastian Uchitel. "The Modal Transition System Control Problem" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 7436, (2012): 155-170.
  67. Flavia Bonomo, Yuri Faenza, Gianpaolo Oriolo. "On coloring problems with local constraints" DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume 312, (2012): 2027-2039.
  68. Flavia Bonomo, Javier Marenco, Daniela Sabán, Nicolás Stier-Moses. "A polyhedral study of the maximum edge subgraph problem" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 160, (2012): 2573-2590.
  69. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Federico Larumbe, Javier Marenco. "A Method for Optimizing Waste Collection Using Mathematical Programming: A Buenos Aires Case Study" WASTE MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH Volume 30, (2012): 311-324.
  70. Flavia Bonomo, Andrés Cardemil, Guillermo Durán, Javier Marenco, Daniela Sabán. "An application of the traveling tournament problem: The Argentine volleyball league" INTERFACES Volume 42, (2012): 245-259.
  71. Guido de Caso, Victor A. Braberman, Diego Garbervestky, Sebastián Uchitel. "Automated Abstractions for Contract Validation" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Volume 38, no. 1 (2012): 141-162.
  72. Victor A. Braberman, Guido de Caso, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastián Uchitel. "Abstractions for Validation in Action", in: Marco Bernardo, Vittorio Cortellessa, Alfonso Pierantonio None Formal Methods for Model-Driven Engineering Volume 7320, (2012): 192-218.
  73. Victor A. Braberman, Miguel Felder. "Carlo, Software Engineering, and Latin America", in: Mehdi Jazayeri , Domenico Bianculli, Mauro Pezzè None Matinée with Carlo Ghezzi: from Programming Languages to Software Engineering, (2012): 167-196.
  74. Esteban Mocskos, Pablo Turjanski, Diego Fernández Slezak. "Grid Matrix: a Grid Simulation Tool to Focus on the Propagation of Resource and Monitoring Information" SIMULATION-TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY FOR MODELING AND SIMULATION INTERNATIONAL Volume 1, (2012): 1-1.
  75. Diego Fernández Slezak, Mariano Sigman. "Do not fear your opponent: sub-optimal changes of a prevention strategy when facing stronger opponents" JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-GENERAL Volume 141, (2012): 527-538.
  76. Carlos G. Diuk, Ivan Rascovsky, Mariano Sigman, Guillermo Cecchi, Diego Fernández Slezak. "A quantitative philology of introspection" Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience Volume 6, (2012): 1-1.
  77. Agustín Petroni, Diego Fernández Slezak, Mariano Sigman, Juliana Leone. "The Tell-Tale Heart: heart rate fluctuations index objective and subjective events during a game of chess" FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE Volume 6, (2012): 237-237.
  78. Federico Raimondo, Juan Kamienkowsi, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernández Slezak. "CUDAICA: GPU optimization of Infomax- ICA EEG analysis" Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience , (2012): 1-8.
  79. Guido de Caso, Víctor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastián Uchitel. "Automated Abstractions for Contract Validation" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Volume 38, no. 1 (2012): 141-162.
  80. Diego Garbervetsky, Sunghum Kim. "Report from 2nd International Workshop on Developing Tools as Plug-ins (TOPI 2012)" ACM SOFTWARE ENGINEERING NOTES Volume 37, no. 1 (2012): 24-27.
  81. Sebastián Uchitel, Dalal Alrajeh, Shoham Ben-David, Víctor Braberman, Marsha Chechik , Guido de Caso, Nicolas DIppolito, Dario Fischbein, Diego Garbervetsky, Jeff Kramer, Alessandra Russo, German Sybay. "Computer Science - Research and Development" Computer Science - Research and Development , (2012): 1-15.
  82. Diego Garbervetsky, Sunghum Kim. "Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Developing Tools as Plug-Ins (TOPI)" , (2012). [link]
  83. Verónica Becher, Laurent Bienvenu, Rod Downey, Elvira Mayordomo. "Computability, Complexity and Randomness (Seminar 12021)" DAGSTUHL REPORTS Volume 2, no. 1 (2012): 19-38.
  84. M. Teresa Higuera-Toledano, Sergio Yovine, Diego Garbervetsky. "Region-based Memory Management: An Evaluation of its Support in RTSJ" None Distributed, Embedded and Real-Time Java Systems, (2012): 101-127.
  85. Pablo Jacovkis, Rodrigo Castro. "Global Models and Applied Mathematics" Anales del VII Congreso Italo-Latinoamericano de Matemática Aplicada e Industrial , (2012).
  86. Gordon Pace, Fernando Schapachnik. "Types of Rights in Two-Party Systems: A Formal Analysis" Proceedings de las 25th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems , (2012).
  87. Diego Fernández Slezak, Pablo Turjanski, Esteban Mocskos. "Using distributed local information to improve global performance in Grids" CLEI ELECTRONIC JOURNAL , (2012).
  88. Luciana Benotti, María Emilia Echeveste, Fernando Schapachnik. "Una herramienta innovadora para acercar a los jóvenes a carreras en tecnología de la información y la comunicación" Proceedings of the IV Jornadas RedVITEC ?Relación Universidad- Entorno Socioproductivo-Estado. La cooperación interinstitucional para afrontar los desafíos del desarrollo? , (2012).
  89. Matías López y Rosenfeld, Andrea Paula Goldin, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernández Slezak. "Massive-scale educational intervention: Mate Marote goes to La Rioja" Resumen del XXVII Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencia , (2012).
  90. Nicolas D'Ippolito. "Synthesis of event-based controllers: A software engineering challenge" ICSE , (2012).
  91. Leandro J. Cymberknop, Ricardo L. Armentano, Franco M. Pessana, Alejandro Furfaro, Alberto J. Crottogini. "EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH ON MEASURING SHEEP CORONARY ARTERIES VASOMOTRICITY" Ibersensor 2012 Conf. Proceedings , (2012).
  92. Sol Pedre, Tomas Krajnik, Elias Todorovich, Patricia Borensztejn. "Hardware/Software co-design for real time embedded image processing: a case study," CIARP , (2012).
  93. Agustín Gravano, Julia Hirschberg. "A corpus-based study of interruptions in spoken dialogue" Proceedings of Interspeech 2012 , (2012).
  94. Juan Manuel Rodriguez, Francisco Gómez Fernández, Julio Jacobo, M E Buemi, . "Dynamic Textures Segmentation with GPU" Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications , (2012).
  95. Francisco Gómez Fernández, Maria Elena Buemi, Julio Jacobo, Juan Manuel Rodriguez. "Dynamic Textures Segmentation with GPU" Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications , (2012).
  96. Julio Jacobo, Ariel Morelli, Sebastián Padovani, Marta Mejail, . "Randomized Face Recognition on Partially Occluded Images" Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications , (2012).
  97. Régis Fournier, Amine Naït-Ali, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail, Marcelo Mottalli, Heitor S. Ramos, Alejandro César Frery, Leonardo Viana. "Supervised Biometric System Using Multimodal Compression Scheme" Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications , (2012).
  98. Alejandro Díaz Caro, Gilles Dowek. "Non determinism through type isomophism" Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science , (2012).
  99. Pablo Negri, Pablo Lotito. "Pedestrian detection using a feature space based on colored level lines" Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications , (2012).
  100. Leticia Maria Seijas, Enrique Carlos Segura. "A Wavelet-based Descriptor for Handwritten Numeral Classification" Proceedings XIII Intl. Conf. on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition , (2012).
  101. Gordon Pace, Fernando Schapachnik. "Contracts for Interacting Two-Party Systems" Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science , (2012).
  102. Maria Vanina Martinez, Alejandro J. García, Guillermo R. Simari. "On the Use of Presumptions in Structured Defeasible Reasoning (12 páginas)" Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2012) , (2012).
  103. and Julio C. Jacobo María E. Buemi Francisco Gómez Fernández Juan Manuel Rodríguez. "Dynamic textures segmentation with GPU" Lecture Notes in Computer Science , (2012).
  104. Pablo Negri, Pablo Lotito. "Pedestrian detection on CAVIAR dataset using a movement feature space" 41 Jornadas Argentinas de Informática , (2012).
  105. German Castigniani, Pablo Negri, Nicolas Montavont. "Relevamiento de redes IEEE 802.11 en Buenos Aires: Hacia la implementación de Redes Comunitarias" Jornadas Argentinas de Informática , (2012).
  106. Agustín Pecorari, Irene Loiseau. "Algorithms and Models for P-Cycle Design Without Cycle Enumeration" Anais CLAIO-SBPO: Trabalhos Completos , (2012).
  107. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Giorgio Orsi, Gerardo I. Simari. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Heuristic Ranking in Tightly Coupled Probabilistic Description Logics (10 páginas)" Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2012) , (2012).
  108. Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Inconsistency Handling in Datalog+/- Ontologies (6 páginas)" Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2012) , (2012).
  109. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Nir Piterman, Sebastian Uchitel. "The Modal Transition System Control Problem" FM 2012: Formal Methods , (2012).
  110. Gervasio D Perez, Esteban J Pavese, Fernando Schapachnik. "Branching Data Structures for Real-Time Model Checking Not As Good As Thought" Anales de las 41 JAIIO , (2012).
  111. Feuerstein Esteban, Gil Costa Verónica, Marin Mauricio, Tolosa Gabriel, Baeza Yates Ricardo. "3D Inverted Index with Cache Sharing for Web Search Engines" Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7484- EURO- , (2012).
  112. German Sibay, Sebastian Uchitel, Victor Braberman, Jeff Kramer. "Distribution of Modal Transition Systems" FM 2012: Formal Methods , (2012).
  113. Guillermina Galache, Rodrigo Castro. "A Platform for Discrete Event Control of Software Systems using Models and Real Time Simulation: Application to Resource Consumption in a Web/JEE Application" Transactions of the 13th. Argentine Symposium on Software Engineering ASSE2012 , (2012).
  114. Esteban Pavese, Gervasio Pérez, Fernando Schapachnik. "Branching Data Structures for Real-Time Model Checking Not As Good As Thought" Actas de las 13 ASSE , (2012).
  115. Luciana Benotti, María Emilia Echeveste, Fernando Schapachnik. "Despertando vocaciones en computación mediante el uso de autómatas de chat" Proceedings of the VI Jornadas de Vinculación Universidad-Industria, 41 JAIIO , (2012).
  116. Manuel Giménez, Sergio Mera, Fernando Schapachnik. "Detección automática de defectos normativos, una invitación a la colaboración" Proceedings del Primer Congreso Iberoamericano de Investigadores y Docentes de Derecho e Informática , (2012).
  117. Verónica Becher, Pablo Ariel Heiber. "Normality and Differentiability" Proceedings of Computability, Complexity and Randomness 2012 , (2012).
  118. G. Sibay, Victor A. Braberman, Sebastián Uchitel, jeff kramer. "Distribution of Modal Transition Systems" LNCS , (2012).
  119. DIPPOLITO R. NICOLAS, Victor Braberman, NIR PITERMAN, Sebastián Uchitel. "The Modal Transition System Control Problem" LNCS , (2012).
  120. Valeria Colombo, Daniel Acevedo, Ana Ruedin. "Detección de Movimiento en Secuencias de Video de Pacientes con Epilepsia Monitoreados" Escuela y Workshop Argentino en Ciencias de las Imágenes - Actas ECImag2012 , (2012).
  121. L. Gómez, C. Munteanu, M. E. Buemi, J. Jacobo Berlles, M. Mejail. "Supervised Evolutionary Optimization of Bayesian Nonlocal Means Filter with Sigma Preselection for Despeckling SAR Images." European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar , (2012).
  122. Gordon Pace, Manuel Giménez, Fernando Schapachnik. "Permisos en contratos, una mirada lógica" Proceedings del Primer Congreso Iberoamericano de Investigadores y Docentes de Derecho e Informática , (2012).
  123. JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, ANDREAS ZELLER. "Inferring Loop Invariants Dynamically" Contributions of the 4th International Workshop on Invariant Generation (WING 2012) , (2012).
  124. Guido de Caso, Victor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastian Uchitel. "Abstractions for Validation in Action" FORMAL METHODS FOR MODEL-DRIVEN ENGINEERING - LNCS , (2012).
  125. Dalal Alrajeh, Jeff Kramer, Axel van Lamsweerde, Alessandra Russo, Sebastian Uchitel. "Generating obstacle conditions for requirements completeness" 34th International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2012 , (2012).
  126. Rivka Levitan, Agustín Gravano, Laura Willson, Stefan Benus, Julia Hirschberg, Ani Nenkova. "Acoustic-prosodic entrainment and social behavior" Proceedings of HLT/NAACL 2012 , (2012).
  127. MARCOS CHICOTE, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI. "TacoPlug: An Eclipse plug-in for TACO" IEEE Digital Library , (2012).
  128. Horacio Franco, Luciana Ferrer, Harry Bratt. "Adaptive and Discriminative Modeling for Improved Mispronunciation Detection" Proc. IS ADEPT , (2012).
  129. Flavia Bonomo, Gianpaolo Oriolo, Claudia Snels. "Minimum Weighted Clique Cover on Strip-Composed Perfect Graphs" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7551 , (2012).
  130. Flavia Bonomo, Monia Giandomenico, Fabrizio Rossi. "On the Cornaz-Jost transformation to solve the graph coloring problem" Proceedings of the 11st Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization , (2012).
  131. L. Ferrer, L. Burget, O. Plchot, N. Scheffer. "A Unified Approach for Audio Characterization and its Application to Speaker Recognition" Proc. Odyssey Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop , (2012).
  132. A. Stolcke, M. Graciarena, L. Ferrer. "Effects of audio and ASR quality on cepstral and high-level speaker verification systems" Proc. Odyssey Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop , (2012).
  133. Eduardo Bonelli, Delia Kesner, Carlos Lombardi, Ríos. Alejandro. "Normalisation for Dynamic Pattern Calculi" Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics , (2012).
  134. E. Feuerstein, Tolosa Gabriel. "Mejoras Algorítmicas y Estructuras de Datos para Búsquedas Altamente Eficientes" WICC 2012. Proceedings of XIV Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación , (2012).
  135. Ezequiel Pecker Marcosig, Aníbal Zanini. "Artificial Vision as a Position Sensing Method for a Ball and Beam System" Conference on Computational Engineering in Systems and Applications, CESA , (2012).
  136. Franco M. Luque, Ariadna Quattoni, Borja Balle, Xavier Carreras. "Spectral learning for non-deterministic dependency parsing" Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the ACL (EACL 2012) , (2012).
  137. Rodrigo Castro, Iván Ramello, Matias Bonaventura, Gabriel Wainer. "M&S-based design of embedded controllers on network processors" Proceedings of the 2012 Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation - DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium , (2012).
  138. Yun Lei, L. Burget, L. Ferrer, M. Graciarena, N. Scheffer. "Towards Noise-Robust Speaker Recognition Using Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis" Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , (2012).
  139. D. Martinez, L. Burget, L. Ferrer, N. Scheffer. "IVector-Based Prosodic System for Language Identification" Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , (2012).
  140. Sergio Mera, Fernando Schapachnik. "Common Semantics and Complexity - An NMAS Research Agenda Proposal" Dagstuhl Reports , (2012).
  141. Dalal Alrajeh, Jeff Kramer, Alessandra Russo, Sebastian Uchitel. "Learning from Vacuously Satisfiable Scenario-Based Specifications" Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering , (2012).
  142. Sol Pedre, Tomas Krajnik, Elias Todorovich, Patricia Borensztejn. "A co-design methodology for processor-centric embedded systems with hardware acceleration using FPGA" Proceedings of the 2012 VII Designer Forum , (2012).
  143. Verónica Becher. "Normal numbers computable in Exponential time" Dahstul Reports , (2012).
  144. Verónica Becher, Pablo Ariel Heiber. "Normal Numbers and Finite Automata" Dagstuhl Reports , (2012).


  1. Martin Rais , Norberto A. Goussies , Marta Mejail. "Using Adaptive Run Length Smoothing Algorithm for Accurate Text Localization in Images", in: César San Martín and Sang-Woon Kim None LNCS Progress in Pattern Recognition, ImageAnalysis, Computer Vision, and Applications Volume 7042, (2011): 149-156.
  2. Fernando Asteasuain, Victor A. Braberman. "FVS: A declarative aspect oriented modeling language" SADIO Electronic Journal of Informatic and Operation Research Volume 10, no. 1 (2011): 20-37.
  3. Luciana Ferrer, Alexander G. Shearer, Peter D. Karp. "Discovering Novel Subsystems Using Comparative Genomics" BIOINFORMATICS (OXFORD, ENGLAND) , (2011): 2478-2485.
  4. Cuervo Parrino , Juan Pablo Galeotti, Diego Garbervetsky, Marcelo Frias. "A dataflow analysis to improve SAT-based program verification" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 7041, (2011): 138-154.
  5. Diego Garbervetsky, Sergio Yovine, Víctor Braberman, Martín Rouaux, Alejandro Taboada. "Quantitative dynamic-memory analysis for Java" CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE Volume 23, no. 14 (2011): 1665-1678.
  6. Guido de Caso, Víctor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastián Uchitel. "Program Abstractions for Behaviour Validation" IEEE/ACM International Conference of Software Engineering , (2011): 381-390.
  7. Diego Garbervetsky, Daniel Gorín, Ariel Neisen. "Enforcing Structural Invariants using Dynamic Frames" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 6605, (2011): 65-80.
  8. Philippe Clauss, Diego Garbervetsky, Vincent Loechner, Sven Verdoolaege. "Polyhedral Techniques for Parametric Memory Requirement Estimation" None Energy-Aware Memory Management for Embedded Multimedia Systems: A Computer-Aided Design Approach, (2011): 117-149.
  9. Agustín Gravano, Julia Hirschberg. "Turn-taking cues in task-oriented dialogue" COMPUTER SPEECH AND LANGUAGE Volume 25, (2011): 601-634.
  10. Stefan Benus, Julia Hirschberg, Agustín Gravano. "Pragmatic aspects of temporal accommodation in turn-taking" JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS Volume 43, (2011): 3001-3027.
  11. Hernán Berinski, Paula Zabala. "An Integer Linear Programming Formulation and Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Capacitated m-Ring-Star Problem" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 37, (2011): 273-278.
  12. Benson L. Joeris, Min Chih Lin, Ross M. McConnell, Jeremy P. Spinrad, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Linear Time Recognition of Helly Circular-Arc Models and Graphs" ALGORITHMICA Volume 59, no. 2 (2011): 215-239.
  13. Min Chih Lin, Dieter Rautenbach, Francisco Juan Soulignac, Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter. "Powers of cycles, powers of paths, and distance graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 159, no. 7 (2011): 621-627.
  14. C. Martínez, I. Loiseau, MCG, Resende, S Rodriguez. "BRKGA algorithm for the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem" Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science Volume 281, (2011): 69-83.
  15. Santiago. Balseiro, Irene Loiseau, Juan Ramonet. "Ant Colony Algorithm hybridized with insertion heuristics for the Time Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows" COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 38, no. 6 (2011): 954-966.
  16. Min Chih Lin, Dieter Rautenbach, Francisco J. Soulignac, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Powers of cycles, powers of paths, and distance graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 159, (2011): 621-627.
  17. Mathieu Sassolas, Marsha Chechik, Sebastian Uchitel. "Exploring inconsistencies between modal transition systems" SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS MODELING Volume 10, no. 1 (2011): 117-142.
  18. Howard Foster, Arun Mukhija, Martin Rais, Sebastian Uchitel. "Specification and Analysis of Dynamically-Reconfigurable Service Architectures" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 6582, (2011): 428-446.
  19. Arun Mukhija, David Rosenblum, Howard Foster, Sebastian Uchitel. "Runtime Support for Dynamic and Adaptive Service Composition" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 6582, (2011): 585-603.
  20. Howard Foster, Arun Mukhija, Martin Rais, Sebastian Uchitel. "Specification and analysis of dynamically-reconfigurable service architectures" None Rigorous Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Systems Results of the SENSORIA Project on Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Computing Volume 6582, (2011): 428-446.
  21. Arun Mukhija, David Rosenblum, Howard Foster, Sebastian Uchitel. "Runtime support for dynamic and adaptive service composition" None Rigorous Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Systems Results of the SENSORIA Project on Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Computing Volume 6582, (2011): 585-603.
  22. Flavia Bonomo, Diego Delle Donne, Guillermo Durán, Javier Marenco. "Segmentación automática de la Provincia de Buenos Aires para el Censo Nacional Argentino 2010 Mediante Programación Matemática" Revista Ingeniería de Sistemas Volume 25, (2011): 29-45.
  23. Diego Delle Donne, Guillermo Durán, Javier Marenco. "Solving the segmentation problem for the 2010 Argentine census with integer programming" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 37, (2011): 279-284.
  24. Diego Delle Donne, Javier Marenco. "A branch & cut algorithm for the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem" DISCRETE OPTIMIZATION Volume 8, (2011): 540-554.
  25. Alimonti Paola, Feuerstein Esteban, Laura Luigi, Nanni Umberto. "Linear time analysis of properties of conflict-free and general Petri nets" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 412, no. 5 (2011): 320-338.
  26. José M. Castaño, Rodrigo Castaño. "Variable and Clause Ordering in an FSA Approach to Propositional Satisfiability" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 6807, (2011): 76-87.
  27. Francisco Gómez Fernández, Pablo Negri, Marta Mejail, Julio Jacobo. "A Multi-style License Plate Recognition System Based on Tree of Shapes for Character Segmentation" None Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications Volume 7042, (2011): 443-450.
  28. P. Turjanski, N. Olaiz, F. Maglietti, S. Michinski, C. Suárez, F. Molina, G. Marshall. "The Role of pH Fronts in Reversible Electroporation" PLOS ONE Volume 6, (2011): 1-7.
  29. Christian Tomás Schmiegelow, Ariel Bendersky, Miguel Antonio Larotonda, Juan Pablo Paz. "Selective and Efficient Quantum Process Tomography without Ancilla" PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume 107, (2011): 100502-100502.
  30. Carlos Areces, Facundo Carreiro, Santiago Figueira, Sergio Mera. "Basic Model Theory for Memory Logics" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 6642, (2011): 20-35.
  31. Carlos Areces, Santiago Figueira, Daniel Gorín. "Using Logic in the Generation of Referring Expressions" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 6736, (2011): 17-32.
  32. Santiago Figueira, Daniel Gorín, Rafael Grimson. "On the Expressive Power of IF-Logic with Classical Negation" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 6642, (2011): 135-145.
  33. Carlos Areces, Diego Figueira, Santiago Figueira, Sergio Mera. "The Expressive Power of Memory Logics" REVIEW OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC Volume 4, no. 2 (2011): 290-318.
  34. Diego Figueira, Santiago Figueira, Sylvain Schmitz, Philippe Schnoebelen. "Ackermannian and Primitive-Recursive Bounds with Dickson's Lemma", in: Martin Grohe None LICS '11 Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE 26th Annual Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, (2011): 269-278.
  35. P. Solernó G. Matera J. Heintz N. Giménez. "Lower complexity bounds for interpolation algorithms" JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY Volume 27, (2011): 151-187.
  36. B. Kuijpers J. Heintz R. Grimson. "Efficient evaluation of specific queries in constraint databases" INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS Volume 111, (2011): 941-944.
  37. Lisandro N Kaunitz, Juan E Kamienkowski, Emanuele Olivetti, Brian Murphy, Paolo Avesani, David P Melcher. "Intercepting the first pass: rapid categorization is suppressed for unseen stimuli" Frontiers in Psychology Volume 2, (2011): 1-10.
  38. Juan E Kamienkowski, Harold Pashler, Stanislas Dehaene, Mariano Sigman. "Effects of practice on task architecture: Combined evidence from interference experiments and random walk models of decision-making" Cognition Volume 119, (2011): 81-95.
  39. Roberto Bruni, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari. "A Connector Algebra for P/T Nets Interactions" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 6901, (2011): 312-326.
  40. Roberto Bruni, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari. "cJoin: Join with communicating transactions" MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2011).
  41. D. Garbervetsky, S. YOVINE, V. Braberman, M. Rouaux, A. Taboada. "Quantitative dynamic-memory analysis for Java" CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION: PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE Volume 23, no. 14 (2011): 1665-1678.
  42. Ch. Kloukinas, S. YOVINE. "A model-based approach for multiple QoS in scheduling: from models to implementation" AUTOMATED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Volume 18, no. 1 (2011): 5-38.
  43. Bruno Cuervo Parrino, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Diego Garbervetsky, Marcelo Frias. "A dataflow analysis to improve SAT-based program verification" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 7041, (2011): 138-154.
  44. NAZARENO AGUIRRE, VALERIA BENGOLEA, MARCELO FRIAS, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI. "Incorporating Coverage Criteria in Bounded Exhaustive Black Box Test Generation of Structural Inputs" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 6706, (2011): 15-32.
  45. Felix Bou, Francesc Esteva, Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "On the Minimum Many-Valued Modal Logic over a Finite Residuated Lattice" JOURNAL OF LOGIC AND COMPUTATION , (2011).
  46. Francesc Esteva, Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez, Thomas Vetterlein. "Logics for approximate and strong entailments" FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS , (2011).
  47. Raul Carnota, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Chapter 1: AGM theory and artificial intelligence" None Belief Revision meets Philosophy of Science, (2011): 1-42.
  48. L. Gómez, C. Munteanu, J. Jacobo Berlles, M. Mejail. "Evolutionary Expert-Supervised Despeckled SRAD Filter Design for Enhancing SAR Images" IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS Volume 8, (2011): 814-818.
  49. M. Tepper, P. Musé, A. Almansa, M. Mejail. "Automatically finding clusters in normalized cuts" PATTERN RECOGNITION Volume 44, (2011): 1372-1386.
  50. L. Gómez, C. Munteanu, J. Jacobo, M. Mejail. "Evolutionary Expert-Supervised Despeckled SRAD Filter Design for Enhancing SAR Images" IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS Volume 8, (2011): 814-818.
  51. Heitor S. Ramos Alejandro César Frery Julio C. Jacobo Marta Mejail María E. Buemi. "Assessment of SAR Image Filtering Using Adaptive Stack Filters", in: César San Martín and Sang-Woon Kim None LNCS - Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications Volume 7042, (2011): 89-96.
  52. Verónica Becher, Pablo Ariel Heiber. "On extending de Bruijn sequences" INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS Volume 111, (2011): 930-932.
  53. L. Gómez, Cristian Munteanu, J. Jacobo Berlles, M.. Mejail. "Evolutionary Expert-Supervised Despeckled SRAD Filter Design for Enhancing SAR Images" IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS Volume 8, (2011): 814-818.
  54. Luis Gómez, Cristian Munteanu, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail. "Evolutionary Expert-Supervised Despeckled SRAD Filter Design for Enhancing SAR Images" IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS Volume 8, (2011): 814-818.
  55. Maria Elena Buemi, Marta Mejail, Alejandro César Frery, Heitor S. Ramos. "Assessment of SAR Image Filtering Using Adaptive Stack Filters", in: Cesar Martin, Sang-Woon Kim None Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications, (2011): 89-96.
  56. Julio C. Jacobo, Pablo Negri, Francisco Gómez Fernández, Marta E Mejail. "A Multi-style License Plate Recognition System Based on Tree of Shapes for Character Segmentation", in: Sang-Woon Kim, Cesar Martin None LNCS Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications, (2011): 443-450.
  57. M. E. Buemi, Marta E Mejail, Alejandro César Frery, Julio Jacobo, Heitor S. Ramos. "Randomized Face Recognition on Partially Occluded Images", in: Cesar Martin, Sang-Woon Kim None LNCS Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications, (2011): 89-96.
  58. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Graciela Nasini, Daniel Severín. "Polyhedral results for the Equitable Coloring Problem" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 37, (2011): 159-164.
  59. G. Bellomo, G.A. Patterson, P.I. Fierens, D.F. Grosz. "Noise-assisted multibit storage device" PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume 375, (2011): 3233-3236.
  60. Massimiliano Albanese, Matthias Broecheler, John Grant, Maria Vanina Martinez, V.S. Subrahmanian. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) PLINI: A Probabilistic Logic Program Framework for Inconsistent News Information", in: Marcello Balduccini, Tran Cao Son None Logic Programming, Knowledge Representation, and Nonmonotonic Reasoning Volume 6565, (2011): 347-376.
  61. Alejandro Díaz-Caro, Pablo Arrighi, Manuel Gadella, Jonathan Grattage. "Measurements and confluence in quantum lambda calculi with explicit qubits" Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science Volume 270, no. 1 (2011): 59-74.
  62. Pablo Arrighi, Alejandro Díaz-Caro. "Scalar system F for linear-algebraic λ-calculus: Towards a quantum physical logic" Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science Volume 270, no. 2 (2011): 219-229.
  63. Rodrigo Castro, Ernesto Kofman, François Cellier. "Quantization Based Integration Methods for Delay Differential Equations" SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY Volume 19, no. 1 (2011): 314-336.
  64. Rosana Matuk Herrera. "Tactile afferent simulation from pressure arrays", in: Roderich Groß et al. None Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems, TAROS 2011, (2011): 1-2.
  65. Javier Caccavelli, Sol Pedre, Pablo De Cristóforis. "A New Programming Interface for Educational Robotics" Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume 161, (2011): 68-77.
  66. M E Buemi, Marta Mejail, Julio Jacobo, Alejandro Frery, Heitor S. Ramos. "Assessment of SAR Image Filtering Using Adaptive Stack Filters", in: Sang-Woon Kim, César Martín, None Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications, (2011): 89-96.
  67. Esteban Mocskos, Graciela Gónzalez, Fernando Molina, Guillermo Marshall. "Numerical and Experimental Studies of ECD Quasi-Stable Growth" JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY - (Print) Volume 653, (2011): 27-39.
  68. Flavia Bonomo, Marcia R. Cerioli. "On the L(2,1)-labeling of block graphs" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER MATHEMATICS Volume 88, no. 3 (2011): 468-475.
  69. Clara Betancur Velasquez, Flavia Bonomo, Ivo Koch. "On the b-coloring of P4-tidy graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 159, (2011): 60-68.
  70. Flavia Bonomo, Sara Mattia, Gianpaolo Oriolo. "Bounded coloring of co-comparability graphs and the pickup and delivery tour combination problem" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 412, (2011): 6261-6268.
  71. Flavia Bonomo, Diego Delle Donne, Guillermo Durán, Javier Marenco. "Segmentación automática de la Provincia de Buenos Aires para el Censo Nacional Argentino 2010" Revista Ingeniería de Sistemas Volume 25, (2011): 29-45.
  72. Flavia Bonomo, Mariano Cecowski. "Between coloring and list-coloring: μ-coloring" ARS COMBINATORIA Volume 99, (2011): 383-398.
  73. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Javier Marenco, Mario Valencia-Pabon. "Minimum sum set coloring of trees and line graphs of trees" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 159, no. 5 (2011): 288-294.
  74. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Luciano Norberto Grippo, Martín Darío Safe. "Partial characterizations of circle graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 159, (2011): 1699-1706.
  75. Wolfgang Grieskamp, Nicolas Kicillof, Keith Stobie, Victor Braberman. "Model-Based Quality Assurance of Protocol Documentation: Tools and Methodology" SOFTWARE TESTING, VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY , (2011): 1-21.
  76. Diego Garbervetsky, Sergio Yovine, Víctor Braberman, Alejandro Taboada, Martin Roaux. "Quantitative dynamic-memory analysis for Java" CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE , (2011): 1-18.
  77. Luciana Ferrer, H. Bratt, L. Burget, H. Cernocky, O. Glembek, M. Graciarena, A. Lawson, Y. Lei, P. Matejka, O. Plchot, N. Scheffer. "Promoting robustness for speaker modeling in the community: the PRISM evaluation set" Proceedings of SRE11 analysis workshop , (2011).
  78. Gordon Pace, Fernando Schapachnik. "Permissions in Contracts, a Logical Insight" Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Appl , (2011).
  79. Mariano Zapatero, Rodrigo Castro, Gabriel Wainer, Maysoun Houssein. "Architecture for integrated modeling, simulation and visualization of environmental systems using GIS and cell-devs" Proc. of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference , (2011).
  80. Daniel Acevedo, Ana Ruedin. "Correlation-based inter and intra-band predictions for lossless compression of multispectral images" Programa, libro de resúmenes y trabajos completos: XIV Reunión de Trabajo en Procesamiento de la Información y Control , (2011).
  81. Bruno Cuervo Parrino, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Diego Garbervetsky, Marcelo Frias. "A dataflow analysis to improve SAT-based program verification" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2011).
  82. Francisco Gómez Fernández, Marta Mejail, Pablo Negri, Julio Jacobo, . "A Multi-style License Plate Recognition System Based on Tree of Shapes for Character Segmentation" Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications , (2011).
  83. Maria Elena Buemi, Marta Mejail, Alejandro César Frery, Heitor S. Ramos, . "LNCS Assessment of SAR Image Filtering Using Adaptive Stack Filters" Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications , (2011).
  84. Julio Jacobo Marta Mejail Pablo Negri Francisco Gómez Fernández. "A Multi-style License Plate Recognition System based on Tree of Shapes for Character Segmentation" Lecture Notes in Computer Science , (2011).
  85. Alejandro Frery, Julio Jacobo, M E Buemi, Marta Mejail, Heitor S. Ramos. "Assessment of SAR Image Filtering Using Adaptive Stack Filters" Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications , (2011).
  86. Ezequiel Pecker Marcosig, Aníbal Zanini. "Diseño y Control de un Sistema de Barra y Bola Utilizando Visión Artificial" Proceedings de la XIV Reunión de Trabajo en Procesamiento de la Información y Control (RPIC) , (2011).
  87. María Elena Buemi, Marta E. Mejail, Julio C. Jacobo, Alejandro Frery. "Assessment of SAR Image Filtering Using Adaptive Stack Filters" Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications , (2011).
  88. Matías López y Rosenfeld, Andrea Paula Goldin, Mariano Sigman, Diego Fernández Slezak. "The GROT project: global repository of thoughts" Resumen del XXVI Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencia , (2011).
  89. David Gonzáles Márquez, Diego Fernández Slezak, Pablo Turjanski, Esteban Mocskos. "Gaining insight in the analysis of performance for Resource Monitoring and Discovery in Grids" Actas del Congreso JAIIO , (2011).
  90. Federico Raimondo, Juan Kamienkowsi, Diego Fernández Slezak. "GPU optimization of electroencephalogram analysis" Actas del Congreso JAIIO , (2011).
  91. Daniel Gorín, Sergio Mera, Fernando Schapachnik. "A Software Tool for Legal Drafting" Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Compute , (2011).
  92. Shoham Ben David, Marsha Chechik, Arie Gurfinkel, Sebastian Uchitel. "CSSL: a logic for specifying conditional scenarios" ESEC/FSE '11 Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGSOFT symposium and the 13th European conference on Foundations of software engineering , (2011).
  93. Manuel Giménez, Sergio Mera, Fernando Schapachnik. "Detección automática de defectos normativos, una invitación a la colaboración" Anales del SID 2011 , (2011).
  94. Matías Nitsche, Pablo De Cristóforis, Miroslav Kulich, Karel Konar. "Hybrid Mapping for Autonomous Mobile Robot Exploration" Proceedings of the IEEE 6th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems , (2011).
  95. Michelle Hewlett Sanchez, Dimitra Vergyri, Luciana Ferrer, Colleen Richey, Pablo Garcia, Bruce Knoth, William Jarrold. "Using Prosodic and Spectral Features in Detecting Depression in Elderly Males" Proc. of the Interspeech Conference , (2011).
  96. M. Kockmann, Luciana Ferrer, L. Burget, J. Cernocky. "iVector Fusion of Prosodic and Cepstral Features for Speaker Verification" Proc. of the Interspeech Conference , (2011).
  97. Dalal Alrajeh, Alessandra Russo, Sebastian Uchitel, Jeff Kramer. "Integrating Model Checking and Inductive Logic Programming" LNCS - Inductive Logic Programming , (2011).
  98. David Gónzalez Márquez, Diego Fernández Slezak, Pablo G. Turjanski, Esteban E. Mocskos. "Gaining insight in the analysis of performance for Resource Monitoring and Discovery in Grids" Proceedings del HPCLAtam 2011 , (2011).
  99. G. D. Corti Bielsa, W. M. Farina, E. C. Segura. "Modeling information transfer in honey bees" Actas Apimondia ? XXXXII International Apicultural Congress , (2011).
  100. David González Márquez, Diego Fernández Slezak, Pablo Turjanski, Esteban Mocskos. "Gaining insight in the analysis of performance for Resource Monitoring and Discovery in Grids" Proceedings of HPC 2011 - High-Performance Computing Symposium , (2011).
  101. Agustín Gravano, Rivka Levitan, Laura Willson, Stefan Benus, Julia Hirschberg, Ani Nenkova. "Acoustic and prosodic correlates of social behavior" Proceedings of Interspeech 2011 , (2011).
  102. F Raimondo, Kamienkowski JE, D Fernandez Slezak. "GPU optimization of EEG analysis" Proceedings of HPC 2011 - High-Performance Computing Symposium , (2011).
  103. Pablo Buiras, Alejandro Díaz Caro, Mauro Jaskelioff. "Confluence via strong normalisation in an algebraic lambda-calculus with rewriting" Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science , (2011).
  104. Michelle Hewlett Sanchez, Luciana Ferrer, Elizabeth Shriberg, Andreas Stolcke. "Constrained Cepstral Speaker Recognition Using Matched UBM and JFA Training" Proc. of the Interspeech Conference , (2011).
  105. Isabel Méndez Díaz, Graciela Nasini, Daniel Severín. "Polyhedral results for the Equitable Coloring Problem" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics , (2011).
  106. Maria Vanina Martinez. "Contributions to Personalizable Knowledge Integration (2 páginas)" Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2011) , (2011).
  107. Pablo Arrighi, Alejandro Díaz Caro, Benoît Valiron. "A type system for the vectorial aspects of the linear-algebraic lambda-calculus" Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science , (2011).
  108. Matias Barber, Pablo Perna, C. Bruscantinni, Francisco Grings, Haydee Karszenbaum, M. Piscitelli, Julio Jacobo. "A Bayesian methodology for soil parameters retrieval from SAR images" 2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium , (2011).
  109. JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI. "Análisis modular y recuperación de contraejemplos en TACO" Anales de XVII Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación , (2011).
  110. Dalal Alrajeh, Jeff Kramer, Alessandra Russo, Sebastian Uchitel. "An Inductive Approach for Modal Transition System Refinement" Technical Communications of the 27th International Conference on Logic Programming, ICLP 2011 , (2011).
  111. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan Miranda-Bront, Paolo Toth, Paula Zabala. "Infeasible path formulations for the time-dependent TSP with time windows" Proceeding of the 10-th Cologne-Twente Worksh , (2011).
  112. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan José Miranda Bront, Paolo Toth, Paula Zabala. "Infeasible path formulations for the time-dependent TSP with time windows" Proceedings of the 10th Cologne-TwenteWorkshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (CTW2011) , (2011).
  113. Rivka Levitan, Agustín Gravano, Julia Hirschberg. "Entrainment in speech preceding backchannels" Proceedings of ACL/HLT 2011 , (2011).
  114. Isabel Méndez Díaz, Juan José Miranda-Bront, Paula Zabala. "Infeasible path formulations for the time-dependent TSP with time windows" Proceeding of the 10 th Cologne-T wente W orkshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (CTW 2011) , (2011).
  115. Pablo Factorovich, Isabel Méndez Díaz, Paula Zabala. "Pickup and Delivery Problem with Incompatibility Constraints" Proceeding of the 10-th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (CTW 2011) , (2011).
  116. Pablo Factorovich, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "Pickup and Delivery Problem with Incompatibility Constraints" Proceeding of the 10-th Cologne-Twente Worksh , (2011).
  117. Pablo Coll, Pablo Factorovich, Irene Loiseau. "A linear programming approach for adaptive synchronization of traffic signals" Proceedings of ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization , (2011).
  118. Jonathan Tapicer, Diego Garbervetsky, Martín Rouaux. "Resource Usage Contracts for .NET" Proceeding of the 1st International Workshop , (2011).
  119. M. Kockmann, Luciana Ferrer, L. Burget, Elizabeth Shriberg, J. Cernocky. "Recent Progress in Prosodic Speaker Verification" Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , (2011).
  120. N. Scheffer, Luciana Ferrer, M. Graciarena, Sachin S. Kajarekar, Elizabeth Shriberg, Andreas Stolcke. "The SRI NIST 2010 Speaker Recognition Evaluation System" Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , (2011).
  121. NICOLAS D´IPPOLITO, Victor A. Braberman, NIR PITERMAN, Sebastián Uchitel. "Synthesis of live behaviour models for fallible domains" Proceedings of ICSE 2011 , (2011).
  122. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Nir Piterman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Synthesis of live behaviour models for fallible domains" Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering , (2011).
  123. Guido de Caso, Victor A. Braberman, Diego Garbervestky, Sebastián Uchitel. "Program Abstractions for Behaviour Validation" Proceedings of ICSE 2011 , (2011).
  124. C. Suarez, P. Turjanski, G. Marshall. "Mathematical-numerical modeling of glioma evolution" 2do Congreso Argentino de Bioinformática y Bi , (2011).
  125. Xavier Caicedo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "A relation between Kripke and algebraic semanticsfor bi-modal Gödel logics." Boolet of abstract , (2011).
  127. Edgardo Zoppi, Víctor Braberman, Guido de Caso, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastián Uchitel. "Contractor.NET: Inferring Typestate Properties to Enrich Code Contracts" TOPI '11 Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Developing Tools as Plug-ins , (2011).
  128. Edgardo Zoppi, Victor Braberman, Guido de Caso, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastian Uchitel. "Contractor.NET: Inferring Typestate Properties to Enrich Code Contracts" AUN NO PUBLICADO - Proccedings of TOPI 2011: , (2011).
  129. Guido de Caso, Victor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastian Uchitel. "Program Abstractions for Behaviour Validation" AUN NO PUBLICADO - Proceedings of Internation , (2011).
  130. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Nir Piterman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Synthesis of live behaviour models for fallible domains" Proceedings of ICSE 2011 , (2011).
  131. Guido de Caso, Diego Garbervetsky, Daniel Gorín. "Pest: from the lab to the classroom" Proceeding of the 1st International Workshop , (2011).
  132. Egdardo Zoppi, Víctor Braberman, Guido de Caso, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastián Uchitel. "Contractor.NET: Inferring Typestate Properties to Enrich Code Contracts" Proceeding of the 1st International Workshop , (2011).
  133. Edgardo Zoppi, Victor A. Braberman, Guido de Caso, Diego Garbervestky, Sebastián Uchitel. "Contractor.NET: Inferring Typestate Properties to Enrich Code Contracts" Proceedings of TOPI 2011: , (2011).
  134. Matías López y Rosenfeld, Patricia Borensztejn , Francisco Laborda. "Secuenciador Musical en una placa FPGA" SPL2011 procedures , (2011).
  135. Matias Lopez Rosenfeld, Francisco Laborda, Patricia Borensztejn. "SECUENCIADOR MUSICAL EN UNA PLACA FPGA MUSIC SEQUENCER ON A FPGA BOARD" Proceedings of the 2011 VII Designer Forum , (2011).
  136. Mohammad Moallemi, Gabriel Wainer, Federico Bergero, Rodrigo Castro. "Component-Oriented Interoperation of Real-Time DEVS Engines" Proceedings of the 44th Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS'11) , (2011).
  137. Jose Mosquera, Sol Pedre, Patricia Borensztejn. "Layered testbench for assertion based verification" Proceedings of the 2011 VII Designer Forum , (2011).
  138. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Martín Darío Safe, Annegret Katrin Wagler. "Clique-perfectness of complements of line graphs" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 35 , (2011).
  139. Diego Garbervetsky, Daniel Gorín, Ariel Neisen. "Enforcing Structural Invariants Using Dynamic Frames" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2011).
  140. Ezequiel Pecker Marcosig, Aníbal Zanini. "Sensado basado en visión para el control de un sistema Ball & Beam" Proceedings del !er Congreso Argentino de Sistemas Embebidos , (2011).
  141. Diego Delle Donne, Guillermo Durán, Javier Marenco. "Solving the segmentation problem for the 2010 Argentine census with integer programming" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics , (2011).
  142. Verónica Becher, Pablo Heiber. "A better complexity of finite squences" Computability, Complexity and Randomness (CCR , (2011).


  1. Juan Miranda-Bront, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "An integer programming approach for the time-dependent TSP" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 36, (2010): 351-358.
  2. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Marcelo Frias, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Esteban Lanzarotti, Sergio Mera. "Alloy+HotCore: A Fast Approximation to Unsat Core" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 5977, (2010): 160-173.
  3. Ariel Zylberberg, Diego Fernández Slezak, Pieter R. Roelfsema, Stanislas Dehaene, Mariano Sigman. "The Brain's Router: A Cortical Network Model of Serial Processing in the Primate Brain" PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Volume 6, no. 4 (2010): 1-23.
  4. Diego Fernández Slezak, Cecilia Suarez, Guillermo Cecchi, Guillermo Marshall, Gustavo Stolovitzky. "When the optimal is not the best: parameter estimation in complex biological models" PLOS ONE Volume 5, no. 10 (2010): 1-10.
  5. Mariano Sigman, Pablo Etchemendy, Diego Fernández Slezak, Guillermo Cecchi. "Response time distributions in rapid chess: A large-scale decision making experiment" Frontiers in Decision Neuroscience Volume 4, (2010): 1-12.
  6. Diego Fernández Slezak, Pablo Turjanski, Damián Montaldo, Esteban Mocskos. "Hands-On Experience in HPC with Secondary School Students" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION Volume 53, no. 1 (2010): 128-135.
  7. Luciana Ferrer, Joseph M Dale, Peter D Karp. "A systematic study of genome context methods: calibration, normalization and combination" BMC BIOINFORMATICS , (2010): 1-24.
  8. Agustín Gravano. "Modelado de la mimetización entre interlocutores para mejorar la naturalidad de sistemas de diálogo hablado" Subjetividad y Procesos Cognitivos Volume 14, (2010): 79-88.
  9. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "Solving a multicoloring problem with overlaps using integer programming" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 158, (2010): 349-354.
  10. Min Chih Lin, Francisco J. Soulignac, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "The Clique Operator on Circular-Arc Graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 158, no. 12 (2010): 1259-1267.
  11. Irene Loiseau, Alberto Ceselli, Nelson Maculan, Mateo Salani. "Column Generation in Integer Linear Programming", in: Vangelis Paschos None Concepts of Combinatorial Optimization, (2010): 235-260.
  12. Juan José Miranda Bront, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "An integer programming approach for the time-dependent TSP" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 36, (2010): 351-358.
  13. Min Chih Lin, Francisco J. Soulignac, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "The clique operator on circular-arc graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 158, no. 12 (2010): 1259-1267.
  14. Howard Foster, Sebastian Uchitel, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer. "An Integrated Workbench for Model-Based Engineering of Service Compositions" IEEE Transactions on Services Computing Volume 3, no. 2 (2010): 131-144.
  15. Dalal Alrajeh, Jeff Kramer, Alessandra Russo, Sebastian Uchitel. "Deriving Non-Zeno Behavior Models from Goal Models using ILP" FORMAL ASPECTS OF COMPUTING Volume 22, no. 3 (2010): 217-241.
  16. Jeff Kramer, Judith Bishop, Prem Devanbu, Sebastian Uchitel. "Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering" , (2010).
  17. Sebastian Uchitel, Jorge Boria, Victor Braberman, Marcelo Campo, Santiago Ceria, Pablo Michelis, Angel Perez Puletti, Daniel Yankelevich. "Prospectiva en Ingeniería de Software 2020" None Libro Blanco de la Prospectiva TIC 2020, (2010): 200-231.
  18. Franco M. Luque, Gabriel Infante-Lopez. "Bounding the maximal parsing performance of Non-Terminally Separated Grammars", in: José M. Sempere, Pedro García None Grammatical Inference: Theoretical Results and Applications Volume 6339, (2010): 135-147.
  19. Franco M. Luque, Gabriel Infante-Lopez. "PAC-Learning Unambiguous k,l-NTS<= Languages", in: José M. Sempere, Pedro García None Grammatical Inference: Theoretical Results and Applications Volume 6339, (2010): 122-134.
  20. Pablo Negri, Mariano Tepper, Daniel Acevedo, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail. "Multiple Clues for License Plate Detection and Recognition" None Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications, (2010): 269-276.
  21. D. Fernández Slezak, P. Turjanski, D. Montaldo, E. Mocskos. "Hands-On Experience in HPC with Secondary School Students" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION Volume 53, no. 1 (2010): 128-135.
  22. Cecilia C. López, Ariel Bendersky, Juan Pablo Paz, David G. Cory. "Progress toward scalable tomography of quantum maps using twirling-based methods and information hierarchies" PHYSICAL REVIEW A - ATOMIC, MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS Volume 81, no. 6 (2010): 62113-62113.
  23. Santiago Figueira, Daniel Gorín, Rafael Grimson. "On the formal semantics of IF-like logics" JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES Volume 75, (2010): 333-346.
  24. Santiago Figueira, Denis Hirschfeldt, Joseph S. Miller, Keng Meng Ng, André Nies. "Counting the Changes of Random $\Delta^0_2$ Sets" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 6158, (2010): 162-171.
  25. Santiago Figueira, Daniel Gorín. "On the Size of Shortest Modal Descriptions" None Advances in Modal Logic Volume 8, (2010): 120-139.
  26. E. Schost M. Safey El Din J. Heintz M. Giusti B. Bank. "On the geometry of polar varieties" APPLICABLE ALGEBRA IN ENGINEERING COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTING Volume 21, (2010): 33-83.
  27. L. M. Pardo J. Heintz M. Giusti B. Bank. "Bipolar varieties and real solving of a singular polynomial equation" Jaen Journal of Approximation Volume 2, no. 1 (2010): 65-77.
  28. Mariano Miguel Moscato, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Marcelo Fabián Frias. "Dynamite 2.0: New Features Based on UnSAT-Core Extraction to Improve Verification of Software Requirements" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 6255, (2010): 275-289.
  29. Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Marcelo Fabián Frias. "Complete Calculi for Structured Specifications in Fork Algebra" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 6255, (2010): 290-305.
  30. Pablo Castro, Nazareno M. Aguirre, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Thomas S.E. Maibaum. "Towards Managing Dynamic Reconfiguration of Software Systems in a Categorical Setting" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 6255, (2010): 306-321.
  31. Nicolas Rosner, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Marcelo Fabián Frias. "ParAlloy: Towards a Framework for Efficient Parallel Analysis of Alloy Models" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 5977, (2010): 396-397.
  32. I. ASSAYAD, S. YOVINE. "A scheduler synthesis methodology for joint SW/HW design exploration of SoC" DESIGN AUTOMATION FOR EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Volume 14, no. 2 (2010): 75-103.
  33. Ana Ruedin, Daniel Acevedo. "A Class-Conditioned Lossless Wavelet-Based Predictive Multispectral Image Compressor" IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS Volume 7, (2010): 166-170.
  34. Pablo Negri, Mariano Tepper, Daniel Acevedo, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail. "Multiple Clues for License Plate Detection and Recognition", in: Isabelle Bloch, Roberto M. Cesar Jr. None Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications (15th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition) Volume 6419, (2010): 269-276.
  35. Xavier Cicedo, Ricardo o. Rodriguez. "Standard Godel Modal Logic" STUDIA LOGICA Volume 94, (2010): 189-214.
  36. Norberto Goussies , Marta Mejail, Julio Jacobo, Guillermo Stenborg. "Detection and Tracking of Coronal Mass Ejections Based on Supervised Segmentation and Level Sets" PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS Volume 31, no. 6 (2010): 496-501.
  37. M., J.and Mejail Gambini J. Jacobo A. Frery. "Polarimetric SAR Image Segmentation with B-Splines and a New Statistical Model" MULTIDIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING Volume 21, no. 4 (2010): 319-342.
  38. J. and Stenborg G. Jacobo Marta E Mejail M. E. N. A. Goussies. "Detection and Tracking of Coronal Mass Ejections Based on Supervised Segmentation and Level Sets" PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS Volume 31, no. 6 (2010): 496-501.
  39. M. J. and Mejail Jacobo M. E. Buemi. "SAR image processing using adaptive stack filter" PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS Volume 31, (2010): 307-314.
  40. Mariano Tepper, Pablo Musé, Andrés Almansa, Marta Mejail. "Automatically finding clusters in Normalized Cuts." PATTERN RECOGNITION , (2010).
  41. Ezequiel Cura,, Mariano Tepper, Marta Mejail. "Content-Based Emblem Retrieval using Zernike Moments" None LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, (2010): 79-86.
  42. Marcelo Mottalli, Mariano Tepper, Marta Mejail. "Controlling False Matches in Iris Recognition Using A Contrario Matching" None LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, (2010): 442-449.
  43. Pablo Negri, Mariano Tepper, Daniel Acevedo, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail. "Multiple clues for license plate detection and recognition" None LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, (2010): 269-276.
  44. M. E. Buemi, J. Jacobo, M. Mejail. "SAR image processing using adaptive stack filter" PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS Volume 31, (2010): 307-314.
  45. A. Frery, J. Jacobo, J. Gambini, M., Mejail. "Polarimetric SAR Image Segmentation with B-Splines and a New Statistical Model" MULTIDIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING Volume 21, no. 4 (2010): 319-342.
  46. N. A. Goussies, M. E. Mejail, J. Jacobo, G. Stenborg. "Detection and Tracking of Coronal Mass Ejections Based on Supervised Segmentation and Level Sets" PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS Volume 31, no. 6 (2010): 496-501.
  47. Pablo Negri, Mariano Tepper, Daniel Acevedo, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail. "Multiple clues for license plate detection and recognition" None LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, (2010).
  48. Isabel Méndez Díaz, Paula Zabala. "Solving a multicoloring problem with overlaps using integer programming" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 158, (2010): 349-354.
  49. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan José Miranda-Bront, Paula Zabala. "An integer programming approach for the time-dependent TSP" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 36, (2010): 351-358.
  50. Enrique Carlos Segura. "Racionales e Irracionales, Apolo y Dionisos. De Pitágoras a J. S. Bach" Ciencia e Investigación Volume 59, no. 3 (2010): 46-49.
  51. Enrique Carlos Segura. "Los matematicos, su oficio y su saber: entre la armonia de las esferas y el arrebato inspirador" Ciencia e Investigación Volume 60, no. 1 (2010): 51-56.
  52. A. D'Onofrio, J. P. Boulanger, E. C. Segura. "CHAC: A weather pattern classification system for regional climate downscaling of daily precipitation" CLIMATIC CHANGE , no. 98 (2010): 405-427.
  53. Emmanuel G. Blanchard , Danièle Allard. "Handbook of Research on Culturally-Aware Information Technology: Models and Perspectives" , (2010). [link]
  54. Maria Vanina Martinez, Francesco Parisi, Andrea Pugliese, Gerardo I. Simari, V.S. Subrahmanian. "Efficient Policy-based Inconsistency Management in Relational Knowledge Bases", in: Amol Deshpande, Anthony Hunter None Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM) - 4th International Conference (LNCS) Volume 6379, (2010): 264-277.
  55. Sol Pedre, Pablo De Cristóforis, Javier Caccavelli, Andrés Stoliar. "A mobile mini robot architecture for research, education and popularization of science" Journal of Applied Computer Science Methods Volume 2, no. 1 (2010): 41-59.
  56. F. Pessana, Venialgo E., Rubstein J., A. Furfaro. "Assessment of Human Instantaneous Arterial Diameter Using B-Mode Ultrasound Imaging and Artificial Neural Networks: Determination of Wall Mechanical Properties" Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. Volume 2010, (2010): 1409-1412.
  57. L. Cymberknop, F. Pessana, R. Armentano, W. Legnani, A. Furfaro. "Flow behavior and applicability of models for different hemodynamic states" Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. Volume 2010, (2010): 4963-4966.
  58. EDUARDO BONELLI, PABLO BARENBAUM. "Superdevelopments for Weak Reduction" Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science Volume 15, (2010): 20-31.
  59. M. E Buemi, Julio Jacobo, M. E. Mejail. "SAR images processing using Adaptive Stack Filter" PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS Volume 31, no. 4 (2010): 307-314.
  60. Diego Fernández Slezak, Pablo G. Turjanski, Damián Montaldo, Esteban E. Mocskos. "Hands-On Experience in HPC with Secondary School Students" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION Volume 53, (2010): 128-135.
  61. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan José Miranda-Bront, Gustavo Vulcano, Paula Zabala. "A branch-and-cut algorithm for the latent class logit assortment problem" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 36, no. C (2010): 383-390.
  62. Daniela Sabán, Flavia Bonomo, Nicolás Stier-Moses. "Analysis and Models of Bilateral Investment Treaties using a Social Networks Approach" PHYSICA A - STATISTICAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume 389, (2010): 3661-3673.
  63. Kimmo Nurmi, Dries Goossens, Thomas Bartsch, Flavia Bonomo, Dirk Briskorn, Guillermo Durán, Jari Kyngäs, Javier Marenco, Celso C. Ribeiro, Frits Spieksma, Sebastián Urrutia, Rodrigo Wolf. "A Framework for Scheduling Professional Sports Leagues", in: S.-l. Ao, H. Katagiri, L. Xu, A.H.-S. Chan None IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies Volume 5, (2010): 14-28.
  64. Diego Fernández Slezak. "Juegos: ventanas al pensamiento" None , (2010).
  65. Daniel Gorín, Sergio Mera, Fernando Schapachnik. "Model Checking Legal Documents" Legal Knowledge and Information Systems , (2010).
  66. Flavia Bonomo, Jayme Szwarcfiter. "On weighted clique graphs" Matematica Contemporanea , (2010).
  67. Marcelo Mottalli, Mariano Tepper, Marta Mejail. "Controlling False Matches in Iris Recognition Using A Contrario Matching" LNCS , (2010).
  68. Pablo Barenbaum, Verónica Becher, Alejandro Deymonnaz, Melisa Halsband, Pablo Heiber, Javier Herrero, Hernán Dopazo. "Deep into Genomes: Looking for Perfect Repeats in Eukaryote Genomes" Comparative Genomics Meeting , (2010).
  69. Pablo Negri, Mariano Tepper, Daniel Acevedo, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail. "Multiple Clues for License Plate Detection and Recognition" None , (2010).
  70. Pablo Negri, Mariano Tepper, Daniel Acevedo, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail. "Multiple clues for license plate detection and recognition" None , (2010).
  71. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Nir Piterman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Synthesis of Live Behaviour Models" FSE '10 Proceedings of the eighteenth ACM SIG , (2010).
  72. Ezequiel Cura, Mariano Tepper, Marta Mejail. "Content-Based Emblem Retrieval using Zernike Moments" None , (2010).
  73. Raul Barrachina, Edgar Jaím Altszyler Lemcovich. "Multiple-Scattering Effects in Single Ionization Processes" 63rd Gaseous Electronic Conference & 7th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Conference Proceedings , (2010).
  74. Raúl Carnota, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "1.Fulgor y Ocaso de CEUNS. Una apuesta a la tecnología nacional en el Sur de Argentina" None , (2010).
  75. Raúl Carnota, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Fulgor y Ocaso de CEUNS. Una apuesta a la tecnología nacional en el Sur de Argentina" Actas del Simposio , (2010).
  76. S. YOVINE, A. Olivero, D. Monteverde, L. Córdoba, G. Reiter. "An approach for the verification of the temporal consistency of NCL applications" None , (2010).
  77. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Nir Piterman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Synthesis of Live Behaviour Models" Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering , (2010).
  78. NICOLAS D´IPPOLITO, Victor A. Braberman, NIR PITERMAN, SEBASTIAN UCHITEL. "Synthesis of Live Behaviour Models" None , (2010).
  79. R. L. Armentano, F. M. Pessana, L. J. Cymberknop, A. Lozano, L.B.Fraigi, A. Furfaro. "Desarrollo de un Sistema Integral de Medición de Parámetros Hemodinámicos in Vitro Para la Caracterización de Células Endoteliales" Ibersensor 2010 Conf. Proceedings , (2010).
  80. Fernando Asteasuain, Victor A. Braberman. "Exploring visual scenarios as an aspect-oriented modeling language" Proceedings of ASSE 2010, Argentine Symposium , (2010).
  81. P.I. Fierens, G.A. Patterson, G. Bellomo, D.F. Grosz. "On the effect of noise and electronics bandwidth on a stochastic-resonance memory device" AIP Conference Proceedings , (2010).
  82. David Gónzalez Márquez, Esteban Mocskos, Diego Fernández Slezak, Pablo Turjanski. "Simulation of Resource Monitoring and Discovery in Grids" Proceedings del HPCS 2010 , (2010).
  83. Michael Jenik, Esteban Mocskos, Adrián Roitberg, Adrián Turjanski. "Accelerating Protein-Protein Docking using a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)" Proceedings del HPCS 2010 , (2010).
  84. Diego Fernández Slezak, Pablo Etchemendy, Mariano Sigman. "Rapid chess: A massive-scale experiment" None , (2010).
  85. David Gonzáles Márquez, Esteban Mocskos, Diego Fernández Slezak, Pablo Turjanski. "Simulation of Resource Monitoring and Discovery in Grids" None , (2010).
  86. M. Kockmann, L. Burget, O. Glembek, Luciana Ferrer, J. Cernocky. "Prosodic Speaker Verification using Subspace Multinomial Models with Intersession Compensation" Proc. of the Interspeech Conference , (2010).
  87. Michelle Hewlett Sanchez, G. Tur, Luciana Ferrer, D. Hakkani-Tur. "Domain Adaptation and Compensation for Emotion Detection" Proc. of the Interspeech Conference , (2010).
  88. Maria Grazia Buscemi, Hernán Melgratti. "Controllability and Abstraction in Business Processes" Proceedings of FLACOS 2010 , (2010).
  89. Daniel Gorín, Sergio Mera, Fernando Schapachnik. "Verificación automática de documentos normativos: ¿ficción o realidad?" None , (2010).
  90. Francisco E Veiras, Gervasio D Perez, Maria T Garea, Liliana I Perez. "Characterization of uniaxial crystals through the study of fringe patterns" Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) , (2010).
  91. Silvia A Comastri, Liliana I Perez, Gervasio D Perez, Gabriel Martin, Arturo Bianchetti. "Corneal aberrations in keratoconic eyes: influence of pupil size and centering" Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) , (2010).
  92. David González Márquez, Esteban Mocskos, Diego Fernández Slezak, Pablo Turjanski. "Simulation of Resource Monitoring and Discovery in Grids" None , (2010).
  93. Luis Herrera, Rodrigo Castro, Fernando Lichtschein, Carlos Godfrid. "Experiencias en la enseñanza de Informática en un Postgrado en Automatización Industrial" Anales de AADECA XXII CONGRESO DE CONTROL AUTOMÁTICO , (2010).
  94. Esther de Ves, Xaro Benavent, Ana Ruedin, Daniel Acevedo, Leticia Seijas. "Wavelet-Based Texture Retrieval Modeling the Magnitudes of Wavelet Detail Coefficients with a Generalized Gamma Distribution" Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition , (2010).
  95. Kimmo Nurmi, Dries Goossens, Thomas Bartsch, Flavia Bonomo, Dirk Briskorn, Guillermo Durán, Jari Kyngäs, Javier Marenco, Celso C. Ribeiro, Frits Spieksma, Sebastián Urrutia, Rodrigo Wolf. "A Framework for a Highly Constrained Sports Scheduling Problem" Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2010 Vol III , (2010).
  96. Maria Grazia Buscemi, Hernán Melgratti. "Contracts for Abstract Processes in Service Composition" Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Compute , (2010).
  97. N. Scheffer, Y. Lei, Luciana Ferrer. "Factor Analysis Back Ends for MLLR Transforms in Speaker Recognition" Proc. of the Interspeech Conference , (2010).
  98. Juan Pablo Galeotti, Nicolas Rosner, Carlos G. Lopez Pombo, Marcelo F. Frias. "TACO: Analysis of Invariants for Efficient Bounded Verification" None , (2010).
  99. Delia Kesner, Carlos Lombardi, Ríos. Alejandro. "Standardisation for constructor based pattern calculi" Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Higher-Order Rewriting , (2010).
  100. Fernando Asteasuain, Victor Braberman. "Specification patterns can be formal and still easy" Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2010) , (2010).
  101. Ariel Mendelzon, Ríos. Alejandro, Beta Ziliani. "Swapping: a natural bridge between named and indexed explicit substitution calculi" Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Higher-Order Rewriting , (2010).
  102. JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, NICOLAS ROSNER, CARLOS LOPEZ POMBO, MARCELO FRIAS. "Analysis of Invariants for Efficient Bounded Verification" Proceedings of the Nineteenth International S , (2010).
  103. Feuerstein Esteban, Gil Costa Verónica, Mizrahi Michel, Marin Mauricio. "Performance Evaluation of Improved Web Search Algorithms" Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6449 - VECP , (2010).
  104. Ivan Rascovsky, Diego Fernández Slezak, Carlos G. Diuk, Guillermo Cecchi. "The emergence of the modern concept of introspection: a quantitative linguistic analysis" None , (2010).
  105. Julio Jacobo and Marta Mejail Cristian Munteanu Luis Gómez. "Evolutionary Expert-Supervised Despeckled SRAD filter design for SAR images." None , (2010).
  106. Luis Gómez, Cristian Munteanu, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail. "Evolutionary Expert-Supervised Despeckled SRAD filter design for SAR images." None , (2010).
  107. Jens Edlund, Mattias Heldner, Samer Al Moubayed, Agustín Gravano, Julia Hirschberg. "Very short utterances in conversation" Proceedings of Fonetik 2010 , (2010).
  108. Andreas Stolcke, M. Akbacak, Luciana Ferrer, Sachin S. Kajarekar, Colleen Richey, N. Scheffer, Elizabeth Shriberg. "Improving Language Recognition with Multilingual Phone Recognition and Speaker Adaptation Transforms" Odyssey, the speaker and language recognition workshop , (2010).
  109. Esteban Pavese, Sebastian Uchitel, Victor Braberman. "My Model Checker Died! How Well Did It Do?" QUOVADIS '10 Proceedings of the 2010 ICSE Wor , (2010).
  110. Esteban Pavese, Victor Braberman, Sebastián Uchitel. "My Model Checker Died! How Well Did It Do?" QUOVADIS '10 Proceedings of the 2010 ICSE Workshop on Quantitative Stochastic Models in the Verification and Design of Software Systems , (2010).
  111. Dario Fischbein, Victor Braberman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Sound Observational Semantics for Modal Transition Systems" None , (2010).
  112. Matias Bonaventura, Gabriel Wainer, Rodrigo Castro. "Advanced IDE for Modeling & Simulation of Discrete Event Systems" Proceedings of 2010 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim10), DEVS Symposium , (2010).
  113. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan Miranda Bront, Gustavo Vulcano, Paula Zabala. "A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Latent Class Logit Assortment Problem" Electronics Notes in Discrete Mathematics , (2010).
  114. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Martín Darío Safe, Annegret Katrin Wagler. "Balancedness of some subclasses of circular-arc graphs" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 36 , (2010).
  115. Luciana Ferrer, N. Scheffer, Elizabeth Shriberg. "A Comparison of Approaches for Modeling Prosodic Features in Speaker Recognition" Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , (2010).
  116. Isabel Méndez Díaz, Juan José Miranda-Bront, Paula Zabala. "A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Latent Class Logit Assortment Problem" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics , (2010).
  117. Daniel Acevedo, Ana Ruedin. "Lossless compression of hyperspectral images: Look-up tables with varying degrees of confidence" Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , (2010).
  118. Andres Stoliar and Patricia Borensztejn Sol Pedre. "Derivation of PBKFD2 keys using FPGA" None , (2010).
  119. Maximiliano Sacco y Patricia Borensztejn Sol Pedre Andrés Stoliar Mosquera. "Audio sobre Ethernet: Implementación utilizando FPGA" None , (2010).
  120. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Juan José Miranda Bront, Gustavo Vulcano, Paula Zabala. "A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Latent Class Logit Assortment Problem" Electronic Notes on Discrete Mathematics , (2010).
  121. M. Graciarena, M. Delplanche, Elizabeth Shriberg, Andreas Stolcke, Luciana Ferrer. "Acoustic frontend optimization for bird species recognitions" Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , (2010).
  122. Francesc Esteva, Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez, Thomas Vetterlein. "Similarity-based approximate and strong entailments" None , (2010).


  1. Verónica Becher, Serge Grigorieff. "From index sets to randomness in the the n-th jump of the halting problem. Random reals and possibly infinite computations Part II"" JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC, THE Volume 74, no. 1 (2009): 124-156.
  2. Verónica Becher, Pablo Heiber, Alejandro Deymonnaz. "Efficient computation of all perfect repeats in genomic sequences of up to half a Gigabyte, with a case study on the Human genome" BIOINFORMATICS (OXFORD, ENGLAND) Volume 25, no. 14 (2009): 1746-1753.
  3. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Luciano Norberto Grippo, Martín Darío Safe. "Partial characterizations of circular-arc graphs" JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY Volume 61, (2009): 289-306.
  4. Flavia Bonomo, Maria Chudnovsky, Guillermo Durán. "Partial characterizations of clique-perfect graphs II: diamond-free and Helly circular-arc graphs" DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume 309, (2009): 3485-3499.
  5. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Javier Marenco. "Exploring the complexity boundary between coloring and list-coloring" ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 169, (2009): 3-16.
  6. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Francisco Juan Soulignac, Gabriel Sueiro. "Partial characterizations of clique-perfect and coordinated graphs: superclasses of triangle-free graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 157, (2009): 3511-3518.
  7. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Francisco Juan Soulignac, Gabriel Sueiro. "Partial characterizations of coordinated graphs: line graphs and complements of forests" MATHEMATICAL METHODS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH (HEIDELBERG) Volume 69, (2009): 251-270.
  8. Víctor Braberman, Diego Garbervestky, Nicolás Kicillof, Daniel Monteverde, Alfredo Olivero. "Speeding Up Model Checking of Timed-Models by Combining Scenario Specialization and Live Component Analysis" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 5813, (2009): 58-72.
  9. Dario Fischbein, Victor Braberman, Sebastián Uchitel. "A Sound Observational Semantics for Modal Transition Systems" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 5684, (2009): 215-230.
  10. Sebastian Uchitel, Jorge Boria, Victor Braberman, Marcelo Campo, Santiago Ceria, Pablo Michellis, Angel Perez Puletti, Daniel Yankelevich. "Prospectiva en Ingeniería de Software 2020" None Libro Blanco de la Prospectiva TIC 2020, (2009): 181-198.
  12. Luciana Ferrer, Kemal Sönmez, Elizabeth Shriberg. "An Anticorrelation Kernel for Subsystem Training in Multiple Classifier Systems" JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH Volume 10, (2009): 2079-2114.
  13. Philippe Clauss, Federico Fernández, Diego Garbervetsky, Sven Verdoolaege. "Symbolic polynomial maximization over convex sets and its application to memory requirement estimation" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS Volume 17, no. 8 (2009): 983-996.
  14. Guido de Caso, Víctor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastián Uchitel. "Validation of Contracts using Enabledness Preserving Finite State Abstractions" 31st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) , (2009): 452-462.
  15. Víctor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Nicolás Kicillof, Daniel Monteverde, Alfredo Olivero. "Speeding Up Model Checking of Timed-Models by Combining Scenario Specialization and Live Component Analysis" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 5813, (2009): 58-72.
  16. Min Chih Lin, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Characterizations and recognition of circular-arc graphs and subclasses: a survey" DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume 309, (2009): 5618-5635.
  17. Min Chih Lin, Francisco J. Soulignac, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Short Models for Unit Interval Graphs" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 35, (2009): 247-255.
  18. Juan José Miranda Bront, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Gustavo Vulcano. "A Column Generation Algorithm for Choice-Based Network Revenue Management" OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 57, no. 3 (2009): 769-784.
  19. FRANCISCO SOULIGNAC, GABRIEL SUEIRO. "Exponential families of minimally non-coordinated graphs" REVISTA DE LA UNIóN MATEMáTICA ARGENTINA Volume 50, no. 1 (2009): 75-85.
  20. Francisco J. Soulignac, Gabriel Sueiro. "NP-hardness of the recognition of coordinated graphs" ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 169, no. 1 (2009): 17-34.
  21. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Francisco Soulignac, Gabriel Sueiro. "Partial characterizations of clique-perfect and coordinated graphs: superclasses of triangle-free graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 157, no. 17 (2009): 3511-3518.
  22. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Francisco Soulignac, Gabriel Sueiro. "Partial characterizations of coordinated graphs: line graphs and complements of forests" MATHEMATICAL METHODS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH (HEIDELBERG) Volume 69, no. 2 (2009): 251-270.
  23. Min Chih Lin, Francisco J. Soulignac, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Short models for unit interval graphs" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 35, (2009): 247-255.
  24. Sebastian Uchitel, Greg Brunet, Marsha Chechik. "Synthesis of Partial Behaviour Models from Properties and Scenarios" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING , (2009): 776-799.
  25. V. Cortellessa, S. Uchitel, D. Yankelevich. "Guest Editorial" JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE Volume 82, no. 1 (2009): 1-2.
  26. Dalal Alrajeh, Oliver Ray, A. Russo, Sebastian Uchitel. "Using Abduction and Induction for Operational Requirements" JOURNAL OF APPLIED LOGIC Volume 5, no. 3 (2009): 275-288.
  27. M. Mydlarz. P. Heiber E. Feuerstein. "Optimal Auctions Capturing Constraints in Sponsored Search" LNCS,Proc. 5th International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management , no. 0 (2009): 0-0.
  28. A. Strejilevich de Loma. G. Sadovoy E. Feuerstein M. Aprea. "Discrete Online TSP" LNCS, Proc. 5th International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management, AAIM 2009 , no. 0 (2009): 0-0.
  29. Silvia A Comastri, Gervasio D Perez, Gabriel Martin, Arturo Bianchetti. "Corneal Zernike aberrations for different pupils: precision in the parameters and applications - Aberraciones Zernike corneales para diferentes pupilas: precisión en los parámetros y aplicaciones" OPTICA PURA Y APLICADA Volume 41, (2009): 367-380.
  30. Silvia A Comastri, Liliana I Perez, Gabriel Martin, Arturo Bianchetti, Gervasio D Perez. "Zernike modes when pupil is contracted, decentred and rotated: analytical and graphical methods- Modos Zernike al contraer, descentrar y rotar la pupila: métodos analítico y gráfico" OPTICA PURA Y APLICADA Volume 42, no. 3 (2009): 163-176.
  31. Silvia A Comastri, Karina Bastida, Arturo Bianchetti, Liliana I Perez, Gervasio D Perez, Gabriel Martin. "Zernike aberrations when pupil varies: selection rules, missing modes and graphical method to identify modes" JOURNAL OF OPTICS. A, PURE AND APPLIED OPTICS (PRINT) Volume 11, (2009): 1-10.
  32. Xavier Clady, Pablo Negri, Maurice Milgram, Raphael Poulenard. "Reconnaissance par vision du type d'un véhicule automobile" TRAITEMENT DU SIGNAL Volume 26, no. 1 (2009): 31-46.
  33. P. Turjanski, N. Olaiz, P. Abou-Adal, C. Suarez, M. Risk, G. Marshall. "pH front tracking in the electrochemical treatment (EChT) of tumors: Experiments and simulations" ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA Volume 54, no. 26 (2009): 6199-6206.
  34. Ariel Bendersky, Juan Pablo Paz, Marcelo Terra Cunha. "General Theory of Measurement with Two Copies of a Quantum State" PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume 103, no. 4 (2009): 40404-40404.
  35. Ariel Bendersky, Fernando Pastawski, Juan Pablo Paz. "Selective and efficient quantum process tomography" PHYSICAL REVIEW A - ATOMIC, MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS Volume 80, no. 3 (2009): 32116-32116.
  36. Santiago Figueira, Joseph S. Miller, André Nies. "Indifferent sets" JOURNAL OF LOGIC AND COMPUTATION Volume 19, no. 2 (2009): 425-443.
  37. Carlos Areces, Santiago Figueira, Sergio Mera. "Completeness results for Memory Logics" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 5407, (2009): 16-30.
  38. L. M. Pardo J. Heintz M. Giusti B. Bank. "On the intrinsic complexity of point finding in real singular hypersurfaces" INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS Volume 109, (2009): 1141-1144.
  39. Maria Grazia Buscemi, Hernán Melgratti. "Abstract Processes in Orchestration Languages" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 5502, (2009): 301-315.
  40. Ariel Arbiser, Alexandre Miquel, Ríos. Alejandro. "The Lambda-Calculus with constructors: syntax, confluence and separation" JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING Volume 19, no. 5 (2009): 581-631.
  43. NICOLAS ROSNER, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, CARLOS LOPEZ POMBO, MARCELO FRIAS. "ParAlloy: Towards a Framework for Efficient Parallel Analysis of Alloy Models" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2009).
  44. Andrés Stoliar y Patricia Borensztejn Sol Pedre. "Real Time Hot Spot Detection using FPGA" 14th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition , (2009): 595-602.
  45. M. and Mejail M. Mastriani. "Union is strength in lossy image compression" Journal of Signal Processing , no. 0 (2009): 0-0.
  46. M. Mejail and J. Jacobo-Berlles M. Mottalli. "Flexible Image Segmentation and Quality Assesment for Real-Time Iris Recognition" IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP , no. 0 (2009): 0-0.
  47. M. Mejail M. Tepper M. Mottalli. "Controlling False Identification in Iris Recognition using A Contrario Matching" IEEE Third International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems , no. 0 (2009): 0-0.
  48. N. Goussies and M. Mejail D. Acevedo M. Tepper. "A Decision Step for Shape Contexts Matching" IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP 2009 , no. 0 (2009): 0-0.
  49. A. Almansa and M. Mejail P. Musé F. F. Gómez M. Tepper. "Morphological Shape Context: Semi-Locality and Robust matching in Shape Recognition" IberoAmerican Congress on Pattern Recognition CIARP2009 , no. 0 (2009): 0-0.
  50. M. Tepper, F. Gómez, P. Musé, A. Almansa, M. Mejail. "Morphological Shape Context: Semi-locality and Robust Matching in Shape R" None LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, (2009): 129-136.
  51. M. Buemi, N. Goussies, J. Jacobo, M. Mejail. "SAR image segmentation using level sets and region competition under the Gh model" None LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, (2009): 153-160.
  52. J. Jacobo Berlles P. Borensztejn M. Mejail J. M. Santos E.F. Mallaina H.A. Abbate E. H. Castro. "Thermographic detection of buried objects" None , (2009).
  53. F. M. Grings, M. Salvia, H. Karszenbaum, P. Ferrazzoli, P. Perna, M. Barber, J. C. Jacobo-Berlles. "Statistical Information of ASAR observations over wetland areas: an interaction model interpretation" ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING , (2009).
  54. Juan José Miranda-Bront, Isabel Méndez Díaz, Gustavo Vulcano. "A column generation algorithm for choice-based network revenue management" OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 57, (2009): 769-784.
  55. Enrique Carlos Segura. "Associative Memory in a Continuous Metric Space: A Theoretical Foundation" Computacion y Sistemas Volume 13, no. 2 (2009): 161-186.
  56. L. M. Seijas, E. C. Segura. "Detection of Ambiguous Patterns using SVMs: Application to Handwritten Numeral Recognition", in: X. Jiang and N. Petkov (Eds.) None Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Vol. 5702), (2009): 840-847.
  57. Enrique Carlos Jean-Philippe. y Segura Boulanger Ariel D'Onofrio. "A weather pattern classification system for regional climate downscaling of daily precipitation over Argentina" None , (2009).
  58. V.S. Subrahmanian, Maria Vanina Martinez, DR Reforgiato. "Multimedia Presentation Databases" None Encyclopedia of Database Systems, (2009): 1829-1831.
  59. Amy Sliva, V.S. Subrahmanian, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari. "CAPE: Automatically Predicting Changes in Group Behavior" None Mathematical Methods in Counterterrorism, (2009): 253-269.
  60. Rodrigo Castro, Ernesto Kofman, Gabriel Wainer. "A Formal Framework for Stochastic DEVS Modeling and Simulation" SIMULATION-TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY FOR MODELING AND SIMULATION INTERNATIONAL Volume 86, no. 10 (2009): 587-611.
  61. H. D. Scolnik, N. E. Echebest, M. T. Guardarucci. "Implicit regularization of the incomplete oblique projections method" INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH Volume 16, no. 4 (2009): 525-546.
  63. M. E. J. Mejail M. E. Jacobo Buemi. "SAR images processing using Adaptive Stack Filter" PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS , no. 0 (2009): 0-0.
  64. IEEE Computer Press. ISBN 978-0-7695-2996-7 ISSN Number 1530-1834 pp. 263-270 J. Gambini. Proceedings XX Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (SIBGRAPI). 2007 J. Jacobo Berlles M. Mejail M.E. Buemi. "Improvement in SAR image classification using adaptive stack filters" SIBGRAPI '08: Proceedings of the 2008 XXI Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing , no. 20 (2009): 263-270.
  65. M E buemi, Noberto Goussies, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail, . "SAR Image Segmentation Using Level Sets and Region Competition under the Gh Model", in: Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano, Jan-Olof Eklundh, , , None Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications, (2009): 153-160.
  66. E. Mocskos, G. Marshall. "Impact of Gravity in Thin-Layer Cell Electrodeposition" ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS Volume 34, (2009): 90-101.
  67. Martín Elías Costa, Flavia Bonomo, Mariano Sigman. "Scale-invariant transition probabilities in free word association trajectories" Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience Volume 3, (2009): 19-39.
  68. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Frédéric Maffray, Javier Marenco, Mario Valencia-Pabon. "On the b-coloring of cographs and P_4-sparse graphs" GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS Volume 25, (2009): 153-167.
  69. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Federico Larumbe, Javier Marenco. "Optimización de la recolección de residuos en la zona sur de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires" Revista Ingeniería de Sistemas Volume 23, (2009): 71-88.
  70. Verónica Becher, Serge Grigorieff. "Effective Wadge Hardness" None , (2009).
  71. JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, NICOLAS ROSNER, CARLOS LOPEZ POMBO, MARCELO FRIAS. "Distributed SAT-Based Analysis of Object Oriented Code" None , (2009).
  72. Feuerstein Esteban, Marin Mauricio, Mizrahi Michel, Gil Costa Verónica, Baeza Yates Ricardo. "Two-dimensional distributed inverted files" None , (2009).
  73. Damián Montaldo, Esteban Mocskos, Diego Fernández Slezak. "Clover: Efficient Monitoring of HPC Clusters" None , (2009).
  74. Verónica Becher, Alejandro Deymonnaz, Pablo Heiber. "A new efficient algorithm to find all DNA repeats with exact matching" None , (2009).
  75. Aprea Mauro, Feuerstein Esteban, Sadovoy Gustavo, Strejilevich de Loma Alejandro. "Discrete online TSP" None , (2009).
  76. Damián Montaldo, Diego Fernández Slezak, Esteban Mocskos. "Clover: Effcient Monitoring of HPC Clusters" None , (2009).
  77. Saveli Vassiliev, Cecilia Suarez, Diego Fernández Slezak, Nahuel Olaiz, Guillermo Marshall. "Medición automática de área en esferoides multicelulares" None , (2009).
  78. Diego Fernández Slezak, Cecilia Suarez, Guillermo Marshall. "In silico modeling of multicellular spheroids" None , (2009).
  79. Guido de Caso, Victor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastián Uchitel. "Validation of Contracts using Enabledness Preserving Finite State Abstractions" None , (2009).
  80. Andres Stoliar and Enric Pastor Cristina Barrado Patricia Borensztejn Sol Pedre Esther Salamí. "Decision Support System for Hot Spot Detection" None , (2009).
  81. Feuerstein Esteban, Heiber Pablo, Mydlarz Marcelo. "Optimal auctions capturing constraints in sponsored search" None , (2009).
  82. German Sibay, Victor Braberman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Existential Live Sequence Charts Revisited" None , (2009).
  83. M., Mottalli, M Mejail, J. Jacobo. "Flexible Image Segmentation and Quality Assesment for Real-Time Iris Recognition" None , (2009).
  84. M. Tepper,, Gómez F., P. Musé, A. Almansa, M. Mejail. "Morphological Shape Context: Semi-locality and Robust Matching in Shape Recognition" None , (2009).
  85. M. Buemi,, N. Goussies, J. Jacobo, M. Mejail. "SAR image segmentation using level sets and region competition under the Gh model" None , (2009).
  86. Mariano Tepper, Daniel Acevedo, Norberto Goussies, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail. "A Decision Step for Shape Context Matching" None , (2009).
  87. Flavia Bonomo, Yuri Faenza, Gianpaolo Oriolo. "On coloring problems with local constraints" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 35 , (2009).
  88. Flavia Bonomo, Javier Marenco, Daniela Sabán, Nicolás Stier Moses. "A polyhedral study of the maximum edge subgraph problem" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 35 , (2009).
  89. Flavia Bonomo, Mario Valencia-Pabon. "Minimum Sum Coloring of P_4-sparse graphs" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 35 , (2009).
  90. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Martín Darío Safe, Annegret Katrin Wagler. "On minimal forbidden subgraph characterizations of balanced graphs" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 35 , (2009).
  91. Mariano Tepper, Daniel Acevedo, Julio Jacobo, Norberto A Goussies, Marta Mejail. "A decision step for Shape Context matching" Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP , (2009).
  92. M. Mottalli, M. Mejail, J. Jacobo. "Flexible Image Segmentation and Quality Assesment for Real-Time Iris Recognition" None , (2009).
  93. M. Buemi, N. Goussies, J. Jacobo, M. Mejail. "SAR image segmentation using level sets and region competition under the Gh model" None , (2009).
  94. Mariano Tepper, Daniel Acevedo, Norberto Goussies, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail. "A decision step for Shape Context matching" IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , (2009).
  95. María E. Buemi, Norberto Goussies, Julio C. Jacobo, Marta Mejail. "SAR Image Segmentation Using Level Sets and Region Competition under the GH Model" Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications , (2009).
  96. M. Mejail A. Almansa P. Musé F. Gómez Fernández M. Tepper. "Morphological Shape Context: Semi-locality and Robust Matching in Shape Recognition" None , (2009).
  97. Howard Foster, Arun Mukhija, David Rosenblum, Sebastian Uchitel. "Engage: Engineering Service Modes with WS-Engineer and Dino" ICSOC/ServiceWave 2009 proceedings , (2009).
  98. Maria Vanina Martinez, Anthony Hunter. "Incorporating Classical Logic Argumentation into Policy-based Inconsistency Management in Relational Databases (6 páginas)" The Uses of Computational Argumentation: Papers from the AAAI Fall Symposium , (2009).
  99. V. C. Estrada, A. Nakao, E. C. Segura. "Classifyng computer session data using self-organizing maps" Proc. Int. Conf. on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS 2009) , (2009).
  100. Alexandra Diehl,, Claudio Delrieux, Horacio Abbate, Marta Mejail, María Mercedes Sánchez. "3D Geographical Environments and Geospatial Data Exploration Using Flight Simulators and Geodatabases," None , (2009).
  101. Victor A. Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Nicolas Kicillof, Daniel Monteverde, Alfredo Olivero. "Speeding Up Model Checking of Timed-Models by Combining Scenario Specialization and Live Component Analysis" FORMATS '09 Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems , (2009).
  102. Rodrigo Castro, Ernesto Kofman, Gabriel Wainer. "A DEVS-based End-to-end Methodology for Hybrid Control of Embedded Networking Systems" None , (2009).
  103. D. Garbervetsky, S. Yovine, Victor Braberman, Martin Rouaux, Alejandro Taboada. "On transforming Java-like programs into memory-predictable code." None , (2009).
  104. Diego Garbervetsky, Sergio Yovine, Víctor Braberman, Martín Rouaux, Alejandro Taboada. "On transforming Java like programs into memory-predictable code" None , (2009).
  105. Agustín Gravano, Julia Hirschberg. "Backchannel-inviting cues in task-oriented dialogue" Proceedings of Interspeech , (2009).
  106. Agustín Gravano, Julia Hirschberg. "Turn-yielding cues in task-oriented dialogue" Proceedings of SigDial 2009 , (2009).
  107. Esteban Pavese, Victor Braberman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Probabilistic Environments in the Quantitative Analysis of (Non-Probabilistic) Behaviour Models" None , (2009).
  108. Silvia A Comastri, Liliana I Perez, Gervasio D Perez, Gabriel Martin, Arturo Bianchetti. "Métodos para transformar coeficientes Zernike al variar la pupila de un sistema óptico aberrado" Anales AFA , (2009).
  109. Rodrigo Castro, Ernesto Kofman, Gabriel Wainer. "Control Híbrido de Redes Embebidas Basado en DEVS" None , (2009).
  110. Leandro J. Cymberknop, Alejandro Furfaro, Franco M. Pessana, Ricardo L. Armentano. "ANÁLISIS DEL COMPORTAMIENTO DEL FLUJO SANGUÍNEO EN ARTERIAS MUSCULARES: COMPARACIÓN FUNCIONAL DE MODELOS ESPECÍFICOS" Anales Sabi 2009 , (2009).
  111. Francesc Esteva, Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Truthlikeness, graded similarity and fuzziness:some logic-based approaches" Proccedings , (2009).
  112. L. M. Seijas, E. C. Segura. "Detection of Ambiguous Patterns using SVMs: Application to Handwritten Numeral Recognition" Proceedings 13th Int. Conf. on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns , (2009).
  113. D. Garbervetsky, S. YOVINE, V. Braberman, M. Rouaux, A. Taboada. "On transforming Java-like programs into memory-predictable code" None , (2009).
  114. Shafa*gh Jafer, Gabriel Wainer, Matias Bonaventura, Rodrigo Castro. "Algoritmos Conservadores Para Simuladores Achatados DEVS y Cell-DEVS" None , (2009).
  115. Paulo Henrique M. Maia, Jeff Kramer, Sebastian Uchitel, Nabor C. Mendonca. "Towards accurate probabilistic models using state refinement" Proceedings of the the 7th joint meeting of t , (2009).
  116. Sebastian Uchitel. "Partial Behaviour Modelling: Foundations for Incremental and Iterative Model-Based Software Engineering" Lecture Notes in Computer Science , (2009).
  117. ESTEBAN PAVESE, VICTOR BRABERMAN, SEBASTIAN UCHITEL. "Probabilistic environments in the quantitative analysis of (non-probabilistic) behaviour models." None , (2009).
  118. Dario Fischbein, Victor A. Braberman, Sebastián Uchitel. "A Sound Observational Semantics for Modal Transition Systems" ICTAC '09 Proceedings of the 6th Internationa , (2009).
  119. Felix Bou, Francesc Esteva, Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Characterizing Fuzzy Modal Semantics by fuzzy multimodal systems with crisp accessibility relations" Proccedings IFSA - EUSFLAT 2009 , (2009).
  120. Esteban Feuerstein, Pablo Ariel Heiber, Matías López y Rosenfeld, Marcelo Mydlarz. "Optimal Auctions Capturing Constraints in Sponsored Search" Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Manage , (2009).
  121. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Luciano Norberto Grippo, Martín Darío Safe. "Partial characterizations of circle graphs" Proceedings of the 8th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization , (2009).
  122. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Javier Marenco, Mario Valencia-Pabon. "Minimum Sum Set Coloring on some Subclasses of Block Graphs" Proceedings of the 8th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization , (2009).
  123. Eduardo Bonelli, Pablo Barenbaum. "Superdevelopments for Weak Reduction" Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science , (2009).
  124. Dalal Alrajeh, Alessandra Russo, Jeff Kramer, Sebastian Uchitel. "Learning Operational Requirements from Declarative Goal Models" None , (2009).
  125. Guido de Caso, Victor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Sebastian Uchitel. "Validation of Contracts using Enabledness Preserving Finite State Abstractions" Proceedings of the 31st International Confere , (2009).
  126. Agustín Gravano, Martin Jansche, Michiel Bacchiani. "Restoring punctuation and capitalization in transcribed speech" Proceedings of ICASSP 2009 , (2009).
  127. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "A generalization of the graph multicoloring problem" Proceeding of International Network Optimization Conference 2009 , (2009).
  128. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "A generalization of the graph multicoloring problem" Proceedings of the International Network Optimization Conference , (2009).
  129. Sachin S. Kajarekar, N. Scheffer, M. Graciarena, Elizabeth Shriberg, Andreas Stolcke, Luciana Ferrer, T. Bocklet. "The SRI NIST 2008 Speaker Recognition Evaluation System" Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , (2009).
  130. Pablo Arrighi, Alejandro Díaz Caro. "Scalar System F for linear-algebraic lambda-calculus: Towards a quantum physical logic" Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science , (2009).
  131. Avigdor Gal, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari, V.S. Subrahmanian. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Aggregate Query Answering under Uncertain Schema Mappings (12 páginas)" Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2009) , (2009).
  132. Franco M. Luque, Gabriel Infante-Lopez. "Upper Bounds for Unsupervised Parsing with Unambiguous Non-Terminally Separated Grammars" Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Computational Linguistic Aspects of Grammatical Inference , (2009).
  133. Guido de Caso, Diego Garbervetsky, Daniel Gorín. "Reducing the number of annotations in a verification-oriented imperative language" None , (2009).


  1. Ariel Bendersky, Fernando Pastawski, Juan Pablo Paz. "Selective and Efficient Estimation of Parameters for Quantum Process Tomography" PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume 100, (2008): 190403-190403.
  2. Santiago Figueira, André Nies, Frank Stephan. "Lowness properties and approximations of the jump" ANNALS OF PURE AND APPLIED LOGIC Volume 152, no. 1-3 (2008): 51-66.
  3. Benjamín René Callejas Bedregal, Santiago Figueira. "On the computing power of fuzzy Turing machines" FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS Volume 159, no. 9 (2008): 1072-1083.
  4. Carlos Areces, Diego Figueira, Santiago Figueira, Sergio Mera. "Expressive Power and Decidability for Memory Logics" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 5110, (2008): 56-68.
  5. Santiago Figueira, Daniel Gorín, Rafael Grimson. "On the Formal Semantics of IF-like Logics" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 5110, (2008): 164-178.
  6. Juan E Kamienkowski, Mariano Sigman. "Delays without mistakes: Response time and error distributions in dual-task" PLOS ONE , (2008): 1-7.
  7. Mario Benevides, Carla Delgado, Carlos G. Lopez Pombo, Luis Lopes, Ricardo Ribeiro. "A Compositional Automata-based Approach for Model Checking Multi-Agent Systems" Electronic notes in theoretical computer science Volume 195, (2008): 133-149.
  8. Ivan Lanese, Hernán Melgratti. "Synchronous Multiparty Synchronizations and Transactions" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 5065, (2008): 76-95.
  9. Roberto Bruni, Ivan Lanese, Hernán Melgratti, Emilio Tuosto. "Multiparty Sessions in SOC" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 5052, (2008): 67-82.
  10. F. Grings, P. Ferrazzoli, H. Karszenbaum, M. Salvia, P. Kandus, J. C. Jacobo-Berlles, P. Perna. "Model investigation about the potential of C band SAR in herbaceous wetlands flood monitoring" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING Volume 29, (2008): 5361-5372.
  11. E. ASARIN, G. PACE, G. SCHNEIDER, S. YOVINE. "Algorithmic analysis of polygonal hybrid systems. Part II: Phase Portrait and Tools" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 390, no. 1 (2008): 1-26.
  12. S. YOVINE, I. ASSAYAD, F.-X. DEFAUT, M. ZANCONI, A. BASU. "Formal Approach to Derivation of Concurrent Implementations in Software Product Lines" None Process Algebra for Parallel and Distributed Processing, (2008): 359-400.
  13. Min Chih Lin, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Unit Circular-Arc Graph Representations and Feasible Circulations" SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume 22, no. 1 (2008): 409-423.
  15. M. and Frery A.C. Mejail J. Jacobo J. Gambini M. E. Buemi. "Comparative study of contour fitting methods in speckled images" None , (2008).
  16. Min Chih Lin, Ross M. McConnell, Francisco J. Soulignac, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "On cliques of Helly circular-arc graphs" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 30, (2008): 117-122.
  17. Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Logical approaches to fuzzy similarity-based reasoning: an overview" CISM Lectures and Courses , (2008).
  18. Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Logical approaches to fuzzy similarity-based reasoning: an overview", in: Giacomo Della Riccia, Didier Dubois, Rudolf Kruse None Preferences and Similarities Volume 504, (2008): 111-145.
  19. M. E. Buemi and J. Jacobo N. Goussies J. Gambini M.Mejail. "SAR Image Segmentation using a Fast Level Set Technique" None , (2008).
  20. J. Jacobo and G. Stenborg M. Mejail N. Goussies. "Detection and Tracking of Coronal Mass Ejections" None LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, (2008): 716-723.
  21. J. Jacobo and G. Stenborg M. Mejail N. Goussies. "Detection and Tracking of Coronal Mass Ejections" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2008): 716-723.
  22. J. Jacobo Berlles M. Mejail M. E. Buemi J Gambini D. Rozichner. "Occlusion Handling for Object Tracking using a Fast Level Set Method" Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing , no. 0 (2008): 61-68.
  23. M. E. Buemi and J. Jacobo N. Goussies M.Mejail. "SAR Image Segmentation using a Fast Level Set Technique" 7th EUSAR European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar , no. 1 (2008): 67-71.
  24. A., J. and Frery Jacobo M Mejail J. Gambini. "Accuracy of edge detection methods with local information in speckled imagery" STATISTICS AND COMPUTING Volume 18, (2008): 15-26.
  25. Guillermo Durán, Min Chih Lin, Sergio Mera, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Algorithms for finding clique-transversals of graphs" ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 157, (2008): 37-45.
  26. J. Jacobo. Maria E. Buemi N. Goussies J. Gambini M. Mejail. "SAR image segmentation using a fast level set technique" None , (2008).
  27. Flavia Bonomo, Maria Chudnovsky, Guillermo Durán. "Partial characterizations of clique-perfect graphs I: subclasses of claw-free graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 156, (2008): 1058-1082.
  28. Sachin S. Kajarekar, Luciana Ferrer, Andreas Stolcke, Elizabeth Shriberg. "Voice-Based Speaker Recognition Combining Acoustic and Stylistic Features" None Advances in Biometrics: Sensors, Algorithms and Systems, (2008): 183-202.
  29. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "A new formulation to the Traveling Deliveryman Problem" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 156, (2008): 3223-3237.
  30. Isabel Méndez Díaz, Paula Zabala. "A cutting plane algrorithm for Graph Coloring" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 156, (2008): 159-179.
  31. Julio Jacobo Marta Mejail Maria Elena Buemi Damian Rozichner Juliana Gambini. "Occlusion Handling for Object Tracking using a Fast Level Set Method" None , (2008).
  32. N. Goussies, M. Mejail, J. Jacobo, G. Stenborg. "Detection and Tracking of Coronal Mass Ejections" None LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, (2008): 716-723.
  33. Julio Jacobo Marta Mejail María Elena Buemi Damian Rozichner Juliana Gambini . "Occlusion Handling for Object Tracking using a Fast Level Set Method" Proceddings of the XXI Brazilian Sympsium on Computer Graphic in Image Processing (SIBGRAPI) , no. 0 (2008): 0-0.
  34. H. D. Scolnik, N. E. Echebest, M. T. Guardarucci. "Incomplete oblique projections method for solving regularized least-squares problems in image reconstruction" INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH Volume 15, no. 4 (2008): 417-438.
  35. Fernando Schapachnik. "Verificación de autómatas temporizados en arquitecturas monoprocesador y multiprocesador" , (2008).
  36. Min Chih Lin, Francisco J. Soulignac, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "A Simple Linear Time Algorithm for the Isomorphism Problem on Proper Circular-Arc Graphs" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 5124, (2008): 355-366.
  37. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Francisco J. Soulignac, Gabriel Sueiro. "Partial characterizations of clique-perfect and coordinated graphs: superclasses of triangle-free graphs" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 30, (2008): 51-56.
  38. E. Letier, J. Kramer, J. Magee, S. Uchitel. "Deriving Event-Based Transition Systems from Goal-Oriented Requirements Model" AUTOMATED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING , no. 15 (2008): 175-206.
  39. S. Uchitel, S. Easterbrook. "Guest editor's introduction" AUTOMATED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Volume 15, no. 1 (2008): 5-6.
  40. Guillermo Stenborg, Norberto A Goussies, Marta Mejail, Julio Jacobo, . "Detection and Tracking of Coronal Mass Ejections", in: José Ruiz-Shulcloper, Walter G. Kropatsch None Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications, (2008): 716-726.
  41. Rosana Matuk Herrera. "A Bio-inspired Method for Friction Estimation", in: A. Gelbukh y A. Kuri Morales None Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 6th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence MICAI 2007, (2008): 1-11.
  42. Rosana Matuk Herrera. "Multilayer Perceptrons for Bio-inspired Friction Estimation", in: Lotfi A. Zadeh y Jacek M. Zurada Ryszard Tadeusiewicz Leszek Rutkowski None Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 9th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing ICAISC 2008, (2008): 1-11.
  43. Víctor Braberman, Federico Fernández, Diego Garbervetsky, Sergio Yovine. "Parametric Prediction of Heap Memory Requirements" ACM SIGPLAN NOTICES Volume 43, no. 8 (2008): 141-150.
  44. Manuel Fahndrich, Diego Garbervetsky, Wolfram Schulte. "A Static Analysis to Detect Re-entrancy in Object Oriented Programs" Journal of Object Technology Volume 7, no. 5 (2008): 5-23.
  45. Rodrigo Castro, Gabriel Wainer. "A Survey on the Application of the Cell-DEVS Formalism" JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AUTOMATA Volume 5, no. 6 (2008): 509-524.
  46. M. Mydlarz P. Heiber E. Feuerstein. "Truthful stochastic and deterministic auctions for sponsored search." Proc. 6th Latin American Web Congress LA-WEB 2008 , no. 0 (2008): 39-48.
  47. Feuerstein Esteban. "Alternative performance measures for on-line algorithms", in: Kao None Encyclopedia of Algorithms, (2008): 34-37.
  48. Gerardo I. Simari, Maria Vanina Martinez, Amy Sliva, V.S. Subrahmanian. "Scaling Most Probable World Computations in Probabilistic Logic Programs" None Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM) - 2nd International Conference (LNCS) Volume 5291, (2008): 372-385.
  49. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala, Abilio Lucena. "A new formulation to the Traveling Deliveryman Problem" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 156, no. 17 (2008): 3223-3237.
  50. J. Gambini, M. Mejail, J. Jacobo, A. Frery. "Accuracy of edge detection methods with local information in speckled imagery" STATISTICS AND COMPUTING Volume 18, (2008): 15-26.
  51. Pablo Negri, Xavier Clady, Shehzad Muhammad Hanif, Lionel Prevost. "A cascade of boosted generative and discriminative classifiers for vehicle detection" EURASTP JOURNAL AN APPLIED SIGNAL PROCESSING Volume 2008, (2008): 1-12.
  52. Xavier Clady, Pablo Negri, Maurice Milgram, Raphael Poulenard. "Multi-class Vehicle Type Recognition System" None Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition, (2008): 228-239.
  53. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "A cutting plane algorithm for graph coloring" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 156, (2008): 159-179.
  54. Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari, Amy Sliva, V.S. Subrahmanian. "CONVEX: Similarity-Based Algorithms for Forecasting Group Behavior" IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Volume 23, no. 4 (2008): 51-57.
  55. Mitre C. Dourado, Min Chih Lin, Fábio Protti, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Improved Algorithms for Recognizing p-Helly and Hereditary p-Helly Hypergraphs" INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS Volume 108, (2008): 247-250.
  56. Ariel Bendersky, Fernando Perez Quintian, María Aurora Rebollo. "Modification of the structure of Bessel beams under oblique incidence" JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS Volume 55, no. 15 (2008): 2449-2456.
  57. N. Goussies, Marta E Mejail, J. Jacobo, Stenborg G.. "Detection of Coronal Mass Ejections" None , (2008).
  58. Verónica Becher, Serge Grigoreff. "Wadge Hardness and Randomness" None , (2008).
  59. G. Sibay, S. Uchitel, V. Braberman. "Existencial Life Sequence Charts Revisited" None , (2008).
  60. Daniel Monteverde, Afredo Olivero, Sergio Yovine, Victor Braberman. "VTS-based Specification and Verification of Behavioral Properties of AADL Models" None , (2008).
  61. V. Braberman, F. Fernández, D. Garbervetsky, S. Yovine. "Parametric Prediction of Heap Memory Requirements" None , (2008).
  62. Diego Fernández Slezak, Pablo Turjanski, Julio Monetti, Marcelo Risk, Carlos Garcia Garino, Guillermo Marshall. "CardioGrid: una tecnología innovadora para el estudio de enfermedades cardiovasculares" None , (2008).
  63. Min Chih Lin, Francisco J. Soulignac, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Efficient Representation Of Unit Interval Graphs" None , (2008).
  64. Marina Groshaus, Min Chih Lin, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Characterizations And Recognitions For Neighborhood Helly Graphs" None , (2008).
  65. Min Chih Lin, Francisco J. Soulignac, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "A Simple Linear Time Algorithm for the Isomorphism Problem on Proper Circular-Arc Graphs" None , (2008).
  66. A. Eidelman, A. Valdez, I. Loiseau. "Heuristic for a dynamic vehicle routing problem with time windows" Annals of the VI ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization , (2008).
  67. Juan José Miranda Bront, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Gustavo Vulcano. "Un algoritmo de generación de columnas para la gestión de ingresos bajo preferencias de clientes" Anales del XIV Congreso Latino Ibero Americano de Investigación de Operaciones , (2008).
  68. Juan José Miranda Bront, Isabel Méndez-Díaz. "A Cut and Branch Algorithm for the Time-Dependent Travelling Salesman Problem" Proceeding of the VI ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization , (2008).
  69. Dario Fischbein, Sebastian Uchitel. "On Correct and Complete Merging of Partial Behaviour Models" None , (2008).
  70. D. Alrajeh, A. Russo, S. Uchitel. "Deriving Non-zeno Behaviour Models from Goal models Using ILP" None , (2008).
  71. Shiva Nejati, Mehrdad Sabetsadeh, Marsha Chechik, Sebastian Uchitel, Pamela Zave. "Towards Compositional Synthesis of Evolving Systems" None , (2008).
  72. L. Duarte, J. Kramer, S. Uchitel. "Towards Faithful Model Extraction Based on Contexts" None , (2008).
  73. H. Foster, A. Mukhija, D. Rosenblum, S. Uchitel. "A Model-Driven Approach to Dynamic and Adaptive Service Brokering Using Modes" None , (2008).
  74. Feuerstein Esteban, Heiber Pablo, Mydlarz Marcelo. "Truthful Stochastic algorithms for placing ads in sponsored search" None , (2008).
  75. ANTONIO BUCCHIARONE, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI. "Dynamic Software Architectures Verification using DynAlloy" None , (2008).
  76. Shehzad Muhammad Hanif, Lionel Prevost, Pablo Negri. "A cascade detector for text detection in natural scene images" None , (2008).
  77. Shehzad Muhammad Hanif, Lionel Prevost, Pablo Negri. "Text Detection in Natural Scene Images Using a Cascade of Boosted Ensembles" None , (2008).
  78. D. Fernández Slezak, P. Turjanski, J. Monetti, M. Risk, C. García Garino, G. Marshall. "CardioGrid: una tecnología innovadora para el estudio de enfermedades cardiovasculares" Libro de Trabajos , (2008).
  79. V. Braberman, F. Fernández, D. Garbervetsky, S. YOVINE. "Parametric Prediction of Heap Memory Requirements" None , (2008).
  80. M. Sacco, Patricia Borensztejn. "Implementación en FPGA del algoritmo DCM para Detección de Bordes" Proceedings of the SPL Southern Programmable Logic Conference , (2008).
  81. M. E. Buemi and J. Jacobo. N. Goussies J. Gambini M.Mejail. "SAR Image Segmentation using a Fast Level Set Technique," None , (2008).
  82. J. Jacobo and G. Stenborg. M. Mejail N. Goussies. "Detection and Tracking of Coronal Mass Ejections" None , (2008).
  83. G. J. and Stenborg Jacobo M. Mejail N. Goussies. "Detection of Coronal Mass Ejections" None , (2008).
  84. M. Mejail and J. Jacobo Berlles M. E. Buemi J Gambini D. Rozichner. "Occlusion Handling for Object Tracking using a Fast Level Set Method," None , (2008).
  85. Francisco Matias Grings, Matias Barber, Carolina Pepe, Pablo Perna, Julio Jacobo, Marc Thibeault, Haydee Karszenbaum. "A Novel Method for 2-D Agricultural Soil Roughness Characterization Based on a Laser Scanning Technique" Remote Sensing Symposium , (2008).
  86. N. Goussies, M. Mejail, J. Jacobo, G. Stenborg. "Detection and Tracking of Coronal Mass Ejections" None , (2008).
  87. Verónica Becher. "Random reals from usual mathematical notions" None , (2008).
  88. D. Rozichner, J Gambini,, M. E. Buemi, M. Mejail, J. Jacobo Berlles. "Occlusion Handling for Object Tracking using a Fast Level Set Method," None , (2008).
  89. M.Mejail, J. Gambini, N. Goussies, M. E. Buemi, J. Jacobo. "SAR Image Segmentation using a Fast Level Set Technique" None , (2008).
  90. Isabel Méndez Díaz, Graciela Nasini, Daniel Severín. "A polyhedral approach for the graph equitable coloring problem" Proceedings of VI ALIO/EURO Conference on Combinatorial Optimization , (2008).
  91. Juan Miranda Bront, Isabel Méndez-Díaz. "A Cut and Branch algorithm for the time dependent traveling salesman problem" Proceeding of VI ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization , (2008).
  92. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Graciela Nasini, Daniel Severín. "A polyhedral approach for the graph equitable coloring problem" Proceeding of VI ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization , (2008).
  93. Pablo De Cristóforis, Sol Pedre, Juan Santos. "ExaBot: un robot para divulgación, docencia e investigación" Actas de Congreso , (2008).
  94. D. Rozichner, J Gambini, M. E. Buemi, M. Mejail, J. Jacobo Berlles. "Occlusion Handling for Object Tracking using a Fast Level Set Method," Occlusion Handling for Object Tracking Using a Fast Level Set Method , (2008).
  95. G. Marshall, M. Olaiz, E. Mocskos, L. Colombo, C. Suarez, G. González, M. Risk, A. Soba, L. Nuñez, J. C. Calvo, F. Molina. "In vitro polymer based models of tumors under electric fields : comparison with in silico simulations and in vivo measurements" None , (2008).
  96. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Dario Fischbein, Marsha Chechik, Sebastian Uchitel. "MTSA: The Modal Transition System Analyser" Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering , (2008).
  97. Luciana Ferrer. "Modeling Prior Belief for Speaker Verification SVM Systems" Proc. of the Interspeech Conference , (2008).
  98. Juan José Miranda-Bront, Isabel Méndez Díaz, Gustavo Vulcano. "Un algoritmo de generación de columnas para la gestión de ingresos bajo preferencia de clientes" Anales de XIV Congreso Latinoiberoamericano de Investigación Operativa , (2008).
  99. Pablo Factorovich, Isabel Méndez Díaz, Paula Zabala. "Formulaciones de tamaño polinomial para el problema de recolección y entrega punto a punto" Anales del XIV Congreso Latinoiberoamericano de Investigación Operativa , (2008).
  100. Juan Miranda Bront, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Gustavo Vulcano. "Un algoritmo de generación de columnas para la gestión de ingresos bajo preferencias de clientes" Anales de XIV Congreso Latinoiberoamericano de Investigación Operativa , (2008).
  101. Pablo Factorovich, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "Formulaciones de Tamaño Polinomial para el Problema de Recolección y Entrega Punto a Punto" Anales de XIV Congreso Latinoiberoamericano de Investigación Operativa , (2008).
  102. John Dickerson, Maria Vanina Martinez, Diego Reforgiato, V.S. Subrahmanian. "CIG: Cultural Islands and Games (6 páginas)" Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computational Cultural Dynamics (ICCCD 2008) , (2008).
  103. Raúl Carnota, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "De la Filosofía del Derecho a la Inteligencia Artificial" None , (2008).
  104. Raul Carnota, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "De la Filosofía del Derecho a la Inteligencia Artificial" Actas VI Encuentro de la Asociación de Filoso , (2008).
  105. Maria Vanina Martinez, Francesco Parisi, Andrea Pugliese, Gerardo I. Simari, V.S. Subrahmanian. "Inconsistency Management Policies (9 páginas)" Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference (KR 2008) , (2008).
  106. Santiago Balseiro, Irene Loiseau, Juan Ramonet. "An ant colony heuristic for the time dependent vehicle routing problem with time Windows" None , (2008).
  107. N. Goussies, M. Mejail, J. Jacobo, G. Stenborg. "Detection and Tracking of Coronal Mass Ejections" None , (2008).
  108. D. Negrotto, I. Loiseau, Aráoz Durand.,J. . "A Branch and Cut Algorithm for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem Based in a New Three Index Model" Anales del XIV Congreso Latino-Iberomaericano de Investigación Operativa , (2008).
  109. Pablo Arrighi, Alejandro Díaz Caro, Manuel Gadella, Jonathan Grattage. "Measurements and confluence in quantum lambda calculi with explicit qubits" Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science , (2008).
  110. Edgar Jaím Altszyler Lemcovich, Raul Barrachina. "Efectos de dispersión múltiple en procesos de ionización molecular" Libro de resumenes de la 93° Reunión Nacional de la Asociación Física Argentina y XI Reunión de la Sociedad Uruguaya de Física , (2008).
  111. M. Tabacman, N. Krasnagor, Baccardi,J., I. Loiseau. "Learning classifier systems for optimisation problems: a case study on fractal travelling salesman problem" GECCO '08: Proceedings of the 2008 GECCO Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2008 , (2008).
  112. Ani Nenkova, Agustín Gravano, Julia Hirschberg. "High frequency word entrainment in spoken dialogue" Proceedings of ACL 2008 , (2008).
  113. Marta Mejail, Juliana Gambini, Norberto Goussies, María E. Buemi, Julio C. Jacobo. "SAR Image Segmentation using a Fast Level Set Technique" None , (2008).
  114. Roberto Bruni, Ivan Lanese, Leonardo Mezzina, Hernan Melgratti, Emilio Tuosto. "Trustworthy Multiparty Sessions" None , (2008).
  115. Agustín Gravano, Stefan Benus, Julia Hirschberg, Elisa Sneed German, Gregory Ward. "The effect of contour type and epistemic modality on the assessment of speaker certainty" Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2008 , (2008).
  116. H. Foster, S. Uchitel, J. Magee, J. Kramer. "Leveraging Modes and UML2 for Service Brokering Specifications" n/d , (2008).
  117. Rodrigo Castro, Ernesto Kofman, Gabriel Wainer. "Stochastic DEVS Modeling and Simulation" None , (2008).
  118. Rodrigo Castro, Ernesto Kofman, Gabriel Wainer. "A formal framework for stochastic DEVS modeling and simulation" Proceedings of the 2008 Spring simulation multiconference , (2008).
  119. Amy Sliva, V.S. Subrahmanian, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari. "The SOMA Terror Organization Portal (STOP): social network and analytic tools for the real-time analysis of terror groups (10 páginas)" International Workshop on Social Computing, Behavioral Modeling, and Prediction (SBP 2008) , (2008).
  120. Daniel Acevedo, Ana Ruedin. "A Lossless Wavelet-Based Predictive Multispectral Image Compressor" Proceedings of the Data Compression Conference , (2008).
  121. Luciana Ferrer, M. Graciarena, A. Zymnis, Elizabeth Shriberg. "System combination using auxiliary information for speaker verification" Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , (2008).
  122. Andreas Stolcke, Sachin S. Kajarekar, Luciana Ferrer. "Nonparametric feature normalization for SVM-based speaker verification" Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , (2008).
  123. Elizabeth Shriberg, Luciana Ferrer, Sachin S. Kajarekar, N. Scheffer, Andreas Stolcke, M. Akbacak. "Detecting nonnative speech using speaker recognition approaches" Odyssey, the speaker and language recognition workshop , (2008).
  124. Luciana Ferrer, Kemal Sönmez, Elizabeth Shriberg. "An anticorrelation kernel for improved system combination in speaker verification" Odyssey, the speaker and language recognition workshop , (2008).


  1. Samir Khuller, Maria Vanina Martinez, Dana Nau, Gerardo I. Simari, Amy Sliva, V.S. Subrahmanian. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Finding Most Probable Worlds of Probabilistic Logic Programs", in: Henri Prade, V.S. Subrahmanian None Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM) - 1st International Conference (LNCS) Volume 477, (2007): 45-59.
  2. Silvia A Comastri, Liliana I Perez, Gervasio D Perez, Gabriel Martin, Karina Bastida. "Zernike expansion coefficients: rescaling and decentering for different pupils and evaluation of corneal aberrations" JOURNAL OF OPTICS. A, PURE AND APPLIED OPTICS (PRINT) Volume 9, (2007): 209-221.
  3. Maria Vanina Martinez, Andrea Pugliese, Gerardo I. Simari, V.S. Subrahmanian, Henri Prade. "How Dirty Is Your Relational Database? An Axiomatic Approach" None Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU) - 9th European Conference (LNCS) Volume 4724, (2007): 103-114.
  4. Braberman, Lucangeli, Olivero, Schapachnik. ""Hypervolume Approximation in Timed Automata Model Checking" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 4763, (2007): 69-81.
  5. Verónica Becher, Santiago Figueira, Rafael Picchi. "Turing's unpublished algorithm for normal numbers" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 377, (2007): 126-138.
  6. Julia Hirschberg, Agustín Gravano, Ani Nenkova, Elisa Sneed, Gregory Ward. "Intonational overload: Uses of the downstepped (H* !H* L- L%) contour in read and spontaneous speech" None Laboratory Phonology 9, (2007): 455-481.
  7. L. Colombo, G. González, G. Marshall, F. Molina, A. Soba, C. Suárez, P. Turjanski. "Ion transport in tumors under electrochemical treatment: in vivo, in vitro and in silico modeling" BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY Volume 71, (2007): 223-232.
  8. Samir Khuller, Maria Vanina Martinez, Dana Nau, Amy Sliva, Gerardo I. Simari, V.S. Subrahmanian. "(AUTORES LISTADOS EN ORDEN ALFABETICO) Computing Most Probable Worlds of Action Probabilistic Logic Programs: Scalable Estimation for 10^30,000 Worlds" ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Volume 51, no. 2-4 (2007): 295-331.
  9. V.S. Subrahmanian, Massimiliano Albanese, Maria Vanina Martinez, Nau Dana, Diego Reforgiato, Gerardo I. Simari, Amy Sliva, Octavian Udrea, Jonathan Wilkenfeld. "CARA: A Cultural-Reasoning Architecture" IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Volume 22, no. 2 (2007): 12-16.
  10. J.-P. Boulanger, F. Martinez, E. C. Segura. "Projection of future climate change conditions using IPCC simulations, Neural Networks and Bayesian statistics. Part 2: Precipitation mean state and seasonal cycle in South America" CLIMATE DYNAMICS Volume 28, no. 2-3 (2007): 255-271.
  11. Verónica Becher, Santiago Figueira, Rafael Picchi. "Turing's unpublished algorithm for normal numbers" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 377, no. 1--3 (2007): 126-138.
  12. Enrique Carlos Olga; Segura Fernando; Penalba Jean-Philippe; Martínez Boulanger. "Neural network based daily precipitration generator (NNGEN-P)" CLIMATE DYNAMICS , no. 28 (2007): 307-324.
  13. Min Chih Lin, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Faster recognition of clique-Helly and hereditary clique-Helly graphs" INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS Volume 103, (2007): 40-43.
  14. Elena M. Godfrin, Diego Fernández Slezak, Julio Durán. "Modelo sencillo para la generación de curvas I-V de celdas y paneles solares en el ambiente espacial a partir de mediciones en laboratorio" AVANCES EN ENERGIAS RENOVABLES Y MEDIO AMBIENTE Volume 11, (2007): 471-475.
  15. Diego A Laplagne, Juan E Kamienkowski, M Soledad Esposito, Veronica C Piatti, Chunmei Zhao, Fred H Gage, Alejandro F Schinder. "Similar GABAergic inputs in dentate granule cells born during embryonic and adult neurogenesis" EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE Volume 25, (2007): 2973-2981.
  16. Marcelo Fabián Frias, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Mariano Miguel Moscato. "Alloy Analyzer+PVS in the Analysis and Verification of Alloy Specifications" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 4424, (2007): 587-601.
  17. Maria Grazia Buscemi, Hernán Melgratti. "Transactional Service Level Agreement" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 4912, (2007): 124-139.
  18. Verónica Becher, Serge Grigorieff. "Random reals à la Chaitin with or without prefix freeness" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 385, (2007): 193-201.
  19. Ariel Arbiser, Fairouz Kamareddine, Ríos. Alejandro. "The Weak Normalization of the Simply Typed Lambda-se Calculus" LOGIC JOURNAL OF THE IGPL (PRINT) Volume 15, no. 2 (2007): 121-147.
  20. E. ASARIN, G. SCHNEIDER, S. YOVINE. "Algorithmic analysis of polygonal hybrid systems, part I: Reachability" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 379, no. 1-2 (2007): 231-265.
  21. Víctor Braberman, Alfredo Olivero, Jorge Lucángeli Obes, Fernando Schapachnik. "Hypervolume Approximation in Timed Automata Model Checking" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 4763, (2007): 69-81.
  22. Min Chih Lin, Francisco J. Soulignac, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Proper Helly Circular-Arc Graphs" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 4769, (2007): 248-257.
  23. Segura. Enrique Carlos. "Infinite Dimensional Associative Memories: Foundations (with Theorems)" Research in Computer Science , no. 28 (2007): 15-28.
  25. Esther de Ves, Ana Ruedin, Daniel Acevedo, Xaro Benavent, Leticia Seijas. "A New Wavelet-Based Texture Descriptor for Image Retrieval" None Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, CAIP 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Volume 4673, (2007): 895-902.
  26. J Gambini, M. Mejail, Julio Jacobo, Frery A.C.. "Feature extraction in speckled imagery using dynamic B-spline deformable contours under the model" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING Volume 26, no. 16 (2007): 5037-5059.
  27. CASTRO E. H. ; ABBATE H. A. ; COSTANZO M. ; MEJAIL M. E. ; GAMBINI J. ; JACOBO BERLLES J. C. ; SANTOS J. M. ; BORENSZTEJN P.. "Processed infrared images of plastic and metallic landmines in an Argentine project" SPIE , (2007): 1-9.
  28. Hugo Esteva, Tomás Nuñez, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Neural Network and Artificial Intelligence in Thoracic Surgery" Thoracic Surgery Clinics Volume 17, no. 3 (2007): 359-367.
  29. A. J. y Frery Jacobo Berlles M. Mejail j. Gambini. "Local accuracy in Edge Detection in Speckled Imagery" STATISTICS AND COMPUTING , no. 0 (2007): 15-26.
  30. J. Jacobo-Berlles and A. C. Frery M. E. Mejail J. Gambini . "Feature extraction in speckled imagery using dynamic B-spline deformable contours under the model" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING Volume 26, no. 16 (2007): 5037-5059.
  31. V. Cortellessa, S. Uchitel, D. Yankelevich. "Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Software and Performance" , (2007).
  32. H. Foster, S. Uchitel, J. Magee, J. Kramer. "WS-Engineer: A Model-Based Approach to Engineering Web Service Compositions and Choreography in Test and Analysis of Web Services" None Test and Analysis of Web Services, (2007): 87-119.
  33. Diego Fernández Slezak, Cecilia Suarez, Alejandro Soba, Marcelo Risk, Guillermo Marshall. "Numerical simulation of avascular tumor growth" Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 90, (2007): 12049-12054.
  34. J. Gambini J. Jacobo Berlles M. Mejail M.E. Buemi. "Improvement in SAR image classification using adaptive stack filters" None , (2007).
  35. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Marina Groshaus. "Coordinated graphs and clique graphs of clique-Helly perfect graphs" UTILITAS MATHEMATICA Volume 72, (2007): 175-191.
  36. M. and Frery A.C. Mejail J. Jacobo J. Gambini M. E. Buemi. "Comparative study of contour fitting methods in speckled images" International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications , no. 0 (2007): 309-316.
  37. H. D. Scolnik, N. Echebest, M. T. Guardarucci, M. C. Vacchino. "Incomplete oblique projections for solving large inconsistent linear systems" MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING Volume 111, no. 1-2 (2007): 273-300.
  38. Andreas Stolcke, Sachin S. Kajarekar, Luciana Ferrer, Elizabeth Shriberg. "Speaker recognition with session variability normalization based on MLLR adaptation transforms" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING Volume 15, (2007): 1-12.
  39. Rosana Matuk Herrera. "A Bio-inspired Method for Incipient Slip Detection", in: M.A. Orgun y J. Thornton None Advances in Artificial In- telligence, 20th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence AI2007, (2007): 1-10.
  40. R. Baeza-Yates J. Martínez-Viademonte P. Heiber E. Feuerstein. "New Stochastic Algorithms for Placing Ads in Sponsored Search" Proc. 5th Latin American Web Congress LA-WEB 2007 , no. 0 (2007): 22-31.
  41. Roberto Bruni, Antonio Bucchiarone, Stefania Gnesi, Hernán Melgratti. "Modelling Dynamic Software Architectures using Typed Graph Grammars" None , (2007).
  42. Verónica Becher. "Random reals" None , (2007).
  43. Kicillof, Grieskamp, Tillmann, Braberman. "Achieving Both Model and Code Coverage with Automated Gray-Box Testing"" None , (2007).
  44. Elena M. Godfrin, Diego Fernández Slezak, Gerardo Berbeglia, Julio Durán. "Design and Simulation of the Power Subsystems for two Argentine Satellites" None , (2007).
  45. Pablo Turjanski, Diego Fernández Slezak, Esteban Mocskos, Carolina Leon Carri, Guillermo Marshall, Julio Monetti, Carlos Catania, Carlos Garcia Garino. "Grid Computing Technology in Argentina: possibilities and Advances in Science and Education" None , (2007).
  46. Marcelo Risk, Diego Fernández Slezak, Pablo Turjanski, Alejandro Panelli, RAM Taborda, Guillermo Marshall. "Time Series Calculation of Heart Rate Using Multi Rate FIR Filters" None , (2007).
  47. Diego Fernández Slezak, Cecilia Suarez, Alejandro Soba, Marcelo Risk, Guillermo Marshall. "Nonlinear PDE System as Model of a a Avascular Tumor Growth" None , (2007).
  48. Mike Barnett, Manuel Fanhdrich, Diego Garbervetsky, Francesco Logozzo. "Annotations for (more) Precise Points-to Analysis" None , (2007).
  49. Manuel Fahndrich, Diego Garbervetsky, Wolfram Schulte. "A Reentrancy Analysis for object oriented programs" None , (2007).
  50. Min Chih Lin, Francisco J. Soulignac, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Proper Helly Circular-Arc Graphs" None , (2007).
  51. M. Chechik, G. Brunet, D. Fischbein, S. Uchitel. "Partial Behavioural Models for Requirements and Early Design." None , (2007).
  52. Dalal Alrajeh, Oliver Ray, Alessandra Russo, Sebastian Uchitel. "Using Abduction and Induction for Operational Requirements Elaboration" None , (2007).
  53. Sebastián Uchitel, Greg Brunet, Marsha Chechik. "Behaviour Model Synthesis from Properties and Scenarios" None , (2007).
  54. H. Foster, S. Uchitel, J. Kramer, J. Magee. "Towards Self-Management in Service-oriented Computing with Modes" None , (2007).
  55. H. Foster, W. Emmerich, J. Kramer, H. Magee, D. Rosenblum, S. Uchitel. "Model Checking Service Compositions under Resource Constrains" None , (2007).
  56. Nicolas D'Ippolito, H. Foster, D. Fischbein, S. Uchitel. "MTSA: The Modal Transition System Analyser Eclipse Plugin" None , (2007).
  57. Felipe Cantal de Sousa, Nabor C. Mendonca, Jeff Kramer, Sebastián Uchitel. "Detecting Implied Scenarios from Execution Traces" None , (2007).
  58. Feuerstein Esteban, Heiber Pablo, Martínez Viademonte Javier, Baeza Yates Ricardo. "New stochastic algorithms for placing ads in sponsored search" None , (2007).
  59. Karina Bastida, Gervasio D Perez, Gabriel Martin, Silvia A Comastri, Liliana I Perez. "Desarrollo de la aberración del frente de ondas en modos Zernike: transformación de coeficientes al contraer y trasladar la pupila" None , (2007).
  60. Silvia A Comastri, Liliana I Perez, Gervasio D Perez, Karina Bastida, Gabriel Martin. "Wavefront aberrations: analytical method to convert Zernike coefficients from a pupil to a scaled arbitrarily decentered one" None , (2007).
  61. Xavier Clady, Pablo Negri, Maurice Milgram, Raphael Poulenard. "Reconnaissance multiclasses de type de véhiclues à l'aide d'algorithme de votes sur des contours orientés" None , (2007).
  62. Pablo Negri, Xavier Clady, Lionel Prevost, Maurice Milgram, Raphael Poulenard. "Multiclass Vehicle Type Recognition System using an Oriented Points Set based Model" None , (2007).
  63. Turjanski P., León Carri M.C., Mocskos E., Fernández Slezak D., Marshall G., Monetti J., Catania C., García Garino C.. "Grid Computing Technology in Argentina: possibilities and advances in science and education" Society of Information and Communication Emerging Technologies and their Applications in Society and Arts , (2007).
  64. Turjanski P.; Soba A.; Suárez C.; Colombo L.; González G.; Molina F.; Marshall G.. "Anodic pH distribution analysis during electrochemical treatment of tumors: numerical simulations" Mecánica Computacional , (2007).
  65. MR Risk, DF Slezak, P Turjanski, A Panelli, RAM Taborda, G Marshall. "Time Series Calculation of Heart Rate Using Multi Rate FIR Filters" IEEE Computers in Cardiology , (2007).
  66. B. Kuijpers J. Heintz M. Egenhofer B. Bank. "Constraint databases, geometric elimination and geographic information systems." None , (2007).
  67. J. Heintz. "Constraint Database Complexity and Programming" None , (2007).
  68. J. Heintz. "Complexity and programming: the distinct meaning of one-way functions in the continuous world" None , (2007).
  69. G. Salagnac, Ch. Rippert, S. YOVINE. "Semi-automatic Region-Based Memory Management for Real-Time Java Embedded Systems" None , (2007).
  70. I. ASSAYAD, S. YOVINE. "P-Ware: A precise and scalable component-based simulation tool for embedded multiprocessor industrial applications" None , (2007).
  71. M. and Frery A.C. Mejail J. Jacobo J. Gambini M. E. Buemi. "Comparative study of contour fitting methods in speckled images" None , (2007).
  72. M. E. Buemi, Gambini J, Jacobo J., M. Mejail, Frery A.C.. "Comparative study of contour fitting methods in speckled images" None , (2007).
  73. Enrique Carlos Segura. "Topologically Continuous Associative Memory: a Theoretical Foundation" Proceedings III Indian Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence , (2007).
  74. Mar&#305;a E. Buemi, Juliana Gambini, Julio C. Jacobo, Marta E. Mejail. "Comparative study of contour fitting methods in speckled images" Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications , (2007).
  75. I. ASSAYAD, S. YOVINE. "Modelling and Exploration Environment for Application Specific Multiprocessor Systems" None , (2007).
  76. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Luciano Norberto Grippo, Martín Darío Safe. "Partial characterizations of circular-arc graphs" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 30 , (2007).
  77. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Francisco Juan Soulignac, Gabriel Sueiro. "Partial characterizations of clique-perfect and coordinated graphs: superclasses of triangle-free graphs" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 30 , (2007).
  78. Maria Elena Buemi, Marta Mejail, Julio Jacobo, Juliana Gambini. "Improvement in SAR Image Classification using Adaptive Stack Filters" Proceedings of the XX Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing , (2007).
  79. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Dario Fischbein, Howard Foster, Sebastian Uchitel. "MTSA: Eclipse support for modal transition systems construction, analysis and elaboration" Proceedings of the 2007 OOPSLA workshop on Eclipse Technology eXchange , (2007).
  80. L. M. Seijas, E. C. Segura. "Detection of ambiguous patterns in a SOM based recognition system: application to handwritten numeral classification" Proceedings 6th Int. Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM 2007) , (2007).
  81. Sol Pedre, Pablo De Cristóforis, Diego Bendersky, Juan Santos. "Reinforcement Learning in Vision Based Mobile Robots using Hough Transform" Proceedings of the 4th International AMiRE Symposium , (2007).
  82. Stefan Benus, Agustín Gravano, Julia Hirschberg. "The prosody of backchannels in American English" Proceedings of ICPhS , (2007).
  83. Stefan Benus, Agustín Gravano, Julia Hirschberg. "Prosody, emotions, and... whatever" Proceedings of Interspeech , (2007).
  84. Amy Sliva, Maria Vanina Martinez, Gerardo I. Simari, V.S. Subrahmanian. "SOMA Models of the Behaviors of Stakeholders in the Afghan Drug Economy: A Preliminary Report (9 páginas)" Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Cultural Dynamics (ICCCD 2007) , (2007).
  85. Daniel Acevedo, Ana Ruedin, Leticia Seijas. "Prediction of wavelet transform coefficients using neural networks applied to lossless compression of multispectral images" Satellite Data Compression, Communications, and Archiving III , (2007).
  86. Luciana Ferrer, Kemal Sönmez, Elizabeth Shriberg. "A Smoothing Kernel for Spatially Related Features and Its Application to Speaker Verification" Proc. of the Interspeech Conference , (2007).
  87. Agustín Gravano, Stefan Benus, Julia Hirschberg, Shira Mitchell, Ilia Vovsha. "Classification of discourse functions of affirmative words in spoken dialogue" Proceedings of Interspeech , (2007).
  88. Agustín Gravano, Stefan Benus, Héctor Chávez, Julia Hirschberg, Lauren Wilcox. "On the role of context and prosody in the interpretation of 'okay'" Proceedings of ACL 2007 , (2007).
  89. Gabriel Wainer, Rodrigo Castro, Ernesto Kofman. "Advances in DEVS Modeling and Simulation Methodologies" None , (2007).
  90. Luciana Ferrer, Elizabeth Shriberg, Sachin S. Kajarekar, Kemal Sönmez. "Parameterization of Prosodic Feature Distributions for SVM Modeling in Speaker Recognition" Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , (2007).
  91. Maria Elena Buemi, Marta Mejail, Julio Jacobo, Juliana Gambini. "Improvement in SAR Image Classification using Adaptive Stack Filters" SIBGRAPI 2007, Proceedings of the XX Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing , (2007).
  92. Andreas Stolcke, Elizabeth Shriberg, Luciana Ferrer, Sachin S. Kajarekar, Kemal Sönmez, G. Tur. "Speech recognition as feature extraction for speaker recognition" Workshop on Signal Processing Applications for Public Security and Forensics , (2007).


  1. Verónica Becher, Santiago Figueira, Serge Grigorieff, Joseph Miller. "Randomness and Halting Probabilities" JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC, THE Volume 71, (2006): 1411-1430.
  2. Flavia Bonomo. "Self-clique Helly circular-arc graphs" DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume 306, (2006): 595-597.
  3. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Min Chih Lin, Jayme Szwarcfiter. "On Balanced Graphs" MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING Volume 105, no. 2-3 (2006): 233-250.
  4. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Marina Groshaus, Jayme Szwarcfiter. "On clique-perfect and K-perfect graphs" ARS COMBINATORIA Volume 80, (2006): 97-112.
  5. Pablo Burzyn, Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán. "NP-completeness results for edge modification problems" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 154, (2006): 1824-1844.
  6. Victor A. Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Sergio Yovine. "A Static Analysis for Synthesizing Parametric Specifications of Dynamic Memory Consumption" Journal of Object Technology Volume 05, (2006): 31-58.
  7. Víctor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Sergio Yovine. "A Static Analysis for Synthesizing Parametric Specifications of Dynamic Memory Consumption" Journal of Object Technology Volume 5, no. 5 (2006): 31-58.
  8. Guillermo Durán, Agustín Gravano, Ross M. McConnell, Jeremy Spinrad, Alan Tucker. "Polynomial time recognition of unit circular-arc graphs" JOURNAL OF ALGORITHMS Volume 58, (2006): 67-78.
  9. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "A Branch-and-Cut for Graph Coloring" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 154, (2006): 826-847.
  10. Guillermo Durán, Min Chih Lin, Sergio Mera, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Algorithms for clique-independent sets on subclasses of circular-arc graphs" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 154, (2006): 1783-1790.
  11. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Min Chih Lin, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "On Balanced Graphs" MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING Volume 105, (2006): 233-250.
  12. Víctor Braberman, Alfredo Olivero, Fernando Schapachnik. "Dealing with practical limitations of distributed timed model checking for timed automata" FORMAL METHODS IN SYSTEM DESIGN Volume 29, no. 2 (2006): 197-214.
  13. Sebastian Uchitel, Robert Chatley, J. Kramer, Jeff Magee. "Fluent-Based Animation: Exploiting the Relation between Goals and Scenarios for Requirements Engineering Journal" REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING , no. 2 (2006): 26-56.
  14. Sebastian Uchitel, Manfred Broy, Ingolf Krueger, Jon Whittle. "Special Section on Interaction and State-Based Modeling" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Volume 31, (2006): 997-998.
  15. Steve Easterbrook, Sebastian Uchitel. "21st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering" , (2006).
  16. Feuerstein Esteban, Seiden Steve, Strejilevich de Loma Alejandro. "On multi-threade metrical task systems" Journal of Discrete Algorithms , (2006): 401-413.
  17. Benjamín René Callejas Bedregal, Santiago Figueira. "Classical Computability and Fuzzy Turing Machines" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 3887, (2006): 154-165.
  18. Santiago Figueira, André Nies, Frank Stephan. "Lowness properties and approximations of the jump" ELECTRONIC NOTES IN THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 143, (2006): 45-57.
  19. Santiago Figueira, Frank Stephan, Guohua Wu. "Randomness and universal machines" JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY Volume 22, no. 6 (2006): 738-751.
  20. Verónica Becher, Santiago Figueira, Serge Grigorieff, Joseph S. Miller. "Randomness and halting probabilities" JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC, THE Volume 71, no. 4 (2006): 1411-1430.
  21. Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Marcelo Fabián Frias. "Fork Algebras as a Sufficiently Rich Universal Institution" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 4019, (2006): 235-247.
  22. Marcelo Fabián Frias, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Nazareno M. Aguirre. "Efficient Analysis of DynAlloy Specifications" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY Volume 17, no. 1 (2006): 1-34.
  23. Marcelo Fabián Frias, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo. "Interpretability of First-Order Linear Temporal Logics in Fork Algebras" JOURNAL OF LOGIC AND ALGEBRAIC PROGRAMMING Volume 66, (2006): 161-184.
  24. Roberto Bruni, Hernán Melgratti, Emilio Tuosto. "Translating Orc Features into Petri Nets and the Join Calculus" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 4184, (2006): 123-137.
  25. Roberto Bruni, Hernán Melgratti. "Dynamic Graph Transformation Systems" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 4178, (2006): 230-244.
  26. Davide Bacciu, Alessio Botta, Hernán Melgratti. "A Fuzzy Approach for Negotiating Quality of Services" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 4661, (2006): 200-217.
  27. Roberto Bruni, Hernán Melgratti. "Non-sequential Behaviour of Dynamic Nets" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 4024, (2006): 105-124.
  28. Roberto Bruni, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari. "Event Structure Semantics for Nominal Calculi" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 4137, (2006): 295-309.
  29. Ariel Arbiser, Alexandre Miquel, Ríos. Alejandro. "A Lambda Calculus with Constructors" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 4098, (2006): 181-196.
  30. V. Braberman, D. Garbervetsky, S. YOVINE. "A Static Analysis for Synthesizing Parametric Specifications of Dynamic Memory Consumption" Journal of Object Technology Volume 5, no. 5 (2006): 31-58.
  31. JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, MARCELO FRIAS. "Dynalloy as a formal method for the analysis of Java programs" None Software Engineering Techniques: Design for Quality, (2006): 249-260.
  32. Raúl Carnota, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Carlos Alchourrón y la Inteligencia Artificial" Análisis Folosófico Volume XXVI, no. 1 (2006): 9-52.
  33. Eduardo Ferme, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "DFT and Belief Revision" Análisis Filosófico Volume XXVI, no. 2 (2006): 373-393.
  34. A., J. y Frery Jacobo Berlles M. Mejail Gambini,J.. "Feature Extraction in Speckled Imagery using Dynamic B-spline Deformable contours under the G0 Models" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING , no. 27 (2006): 5037-5059.
  35. J. J. and Gambini Jacobo M. Mejail M. E. Buemi. "Adaptive stack filters in speckled imagery" None , (2006).
  36. Andrea Katz y Marta Mejail . "Segmentación jerárquica de imagénes color mediante herramientas de morfología matemática" None , (2006).
  37. J. J. y Gambini Jacobo M. Mejail M. E. Buemi. "Filtros Stack adaptativos para imágenes de Radar de Apertura Sintética" None , (2006).
  38. M. Mejail . "SAR image segmentation using fast level sets methods" None , (2006).
  39. F. Grings, P. Ferrazzoli, Julio Jacobo, H. Karszenbaum, J. Tiffenberg, P. Kandus. "Monitoring flood condition in marshes using EM models and Envisat ASAR observations" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING Volume 44, (2006): 936-942.
  40. Juliana Gambini, Marta E Mejail, Julio C. Jacobo, Alejandro César Frery. "Feature extraction in speckled imagery using dynamic B-spline deformable contours under the model" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING Volume 27, no. 22 (2006): 5037-5059.
  41. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "A Branch-and-Cut algorithm for graph coloring" DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 154, (2006): 826-847.
  42. J.-P. Boulanger, F. Martinez, E. C. Segura. "Projection of future climate change conditions using IPCC simulations, Neural Networks and Bayesian statistics. Part 1: Temperature mean state and seasonal cycle in South America" CLIMATE DYNAMICS , no. 27 (2006): 233-259.
  43. J. J. and Gambini Jacobo M. Mejail M. E. Buemi. "Adaptive stack filters in speckled imagery" International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications VISAPP06 , no. 1 (2006): 33-40.
  44. J. . 3-7 abril 2006. Puerto La Cruz. Venezuela. J. y Gambini Jacobo M. Mejail M. E. Buemi. "Estudio de la performance de filtros stack adaptativos en clasificaci\'on en im\'agenes afectadas por ruido speckle" 2do Congreso Iberoamericano de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Computación (II CIBELEC 2006) , no. 0 (2006): 0-0.
  45. J. J. and Gambini Jacobo M. Mejail M. E. Buemi. "Estudio de la Performance de Filtros Stack Adaptativos en Clasificacion de Imagenes Afectadas por Ruido Speckle" None , (2006).
  46. J.-P. Boulanger, F. Martínez, O. Penalba, E. C. Segura. "Neural network based daily precipitration generator (NNGEN-P)" CLIMATE DYNAMICS , no. 28 (2006): 307-324.
  47. Pablo Negri, Xavier Clady, Maurice Milgram, Raphael Poulenard. "An Oriented-Contour Point Based Voting Algorithm for Vehicle Type Classification" None , (2006).
  48. Verónica Becher. "“On the old problem of a definition of randomness useful in practice”" None , (2006).
  49. Verónica Becher. "Turing's unpublished algorithm for normal numbers" None , (2006).
  50. C Suárez, P Turjanski, L Colombo, A Soba, N Olaiz, E Mocskos, G González, G. Marshall. "Transporte Iónico en Tumores Sujetos a Tratamiento Electroquímico (TEQ): Modelado In Vivo, In Vitro e In Silico" Libro de Resúmenes , (2006).
  51. Víctor Braberman, Alfredo Olivero, Fernando Schapachnik. "Optimizing Timed Automata Model Checking via Clock Reordering" None , (2006).
  52. G. G.; Marshall E.; González N.; Mocskos A.; Olaiz L.; Soba C.; Colombo P.; Suárez Turjanski. "Transporte Iónico en Tumores Sujetos a Tratamiento Electroquímico (TEQ): Modelado In Vivo, In Vitro e In Silico" None , (2006).
  53. Dan Hirsch, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Sebastian Uchitel. "Modes for Software Architecture" None , (2006).
  54. Dalal Alrajeh, Alessandra Russo, Sebastian Uchitel. "Inferring Operational Requirements from Scenarios and Goal Models Using Inductive Learning" None , (2006).
  55. G. Brunet, M. Chechik, S. Uchitel. "Properties of Behavioural Model Merging" None , (2006).
  56. D. Fischbein, S. Uchitel, V. Braberman. "A Foundation for Behavioural Conformance in Software Product Line Architectures" None , (2006).
  57. L. Duarte, J. Kramer, S. Uchitel. "Model Extraction Based on Context Information" None , (2006).
  58. Howard Foster, Sebastián Uchitel, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer. "WS-Engineer: A Tool for Model-Based Verification of Web Service Compositions and Choreography" None , (2006).
  59. H. Foster, J. Magee, J. Kramer, S. Uchitel. "Adaptable Software Aechitectures and Task Synthesis for UAVs" None , (2006).
  60. H. Foster, S. Uchitel, J. Magee, J. Kramer. "Model Based Analysis of Obligations in Web Service Choreography" None , (2006).
  61. Dalal Alrajeh, Oliver Ray, Allesandra Russo, Sebastián Uchitel. "Extracting requirements from scenarios with ILP" None , (2006).
  62. Roberto Bruni, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari. "Event Structure Semantics for Dynamic Graph Grammars" None , (2006).
  63. Silvia A Comastri, Liliana I Perez, Gervasio D Perez, Gabriel Martin, Karina Bastida. "Coeficientes Zernike de la función aberración: influencia del escaleo y descentrado pupilar y aplicación al cálculo de aberraciones corneales" None , (2006).
  64. L. Colombo, S. Dengra, D. Fernandez Slezak, G. Gonzalez, G. Marshall, E. Mocskos, F. V. Molina, N. Olaiz, M. Risk, A. Soba, C. Suarez, P. Turjanski. "Electric field effects in tumors: in vitro and in silico modeling" Libro de Trabajos , (2006).
  65. Darío Fishbein, Sebastián Uchitel, Victor A. Braberman. "A Foundactions for Software Behavioural Conformance in Software product Line Architectures" None , (2006).
  66. Víctor A. Braberman, Alfredo Olivero, Fernando Schapachnik. "Optimizing timed Automata model Checking via Clock Reordering" None , (2006).
  67. Lucía Cavatorta, Guido de Caso, Andrés Ferari, Víctor A. Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Nicolas Kicillof, Fernando Schapachnik, Alfredo Olivero. "A Toolsuite for the Verification of Real- Time Systems in Eclipse" None , (2006).
  68. Lucas Colombo, Silvina Dengra, Diego Fernández Slezak, Graciela Gonzalez, Guillermo Marshall, Esteban Mocskos, Fernando Molina, Nahuel Olaiz, Marcelo Risk, Alejandro Soba, Cecilia Suarez, Pablo Turjanski. "Electric field effects in tumors: in vitro and in silico modeling" None , (2006).
  69. Pablo Turjanski, Esteban Mocskos, Diego Fernández Slezak, Guillermo Marshall. "Using Resource and Service Information Systems in a Real Numerical Application" None , (2006).
  70. Guido de Caso, Lucía Cavatorta, Andrés Ferrari, Víctor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Nicolás Kicillof, Alfredo Olivero, Fernando Schapachnik. "A Toolsuite for the Verification of RealTime Systems in Eclipse" None , (2006).
  71. MARCELO FRIAS, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI. "Faster SAT-Based Analysis of OO-Programs by Separation of Mutant and Non Mutant Objects" None , (2006).
  72. Agustín Gravano, Julia Hirschberg. "Effect of genre, speaker, and word class on the realization of given and new information" Proceedings of Interspeech 2006 , (2006).
  73. Marcelo Fabián Frias, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Mariano Miguel Moscato. "Dynamite: Alloy Analyzer+PVS in the Analysis and Verification of Alloy Specifications" None , (2006).
  75. Min Chih Lin, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Efficient Construction of Unit Circular-Arc Models" None , (2006).
  76. Min Chih Lin, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Characterizations and linear time recognition of Helly circular-arc graphs" None , (2006).
  77. C. Suarez and P. Turjanski A. Soba M. Risk N. Olaiz F. V. Molina E. Mocskos G. Marshall G. Gonzalez D. Fernandez Slezak S. Dengra L. Colombo. "Electric field effects in tumors: in vitro and in silico modeling" None , (2006).
  78. Lucía Cavatorta, Guido de Caso, Andrés Ferrari, Víctor Braberman, Diego Garbervertsky, Nicolás Kicillof, Alfredo Olivero, Fernando Schapachnik. "A Toolsuite for the Verification of Real-Time Systems in Eclipse" None , (2006).
  79. Isabel Méndez Díaz, Paula Zabala, Abilio Lucena. "Cotas inferiores para el Problema del Repartidor" Anales de XIII Congreso Latinoiberoamericano de Investigación Operativa , (2006).
  80. Francisco Soulignac, Gabriel Sueiro. "NP-hardness of the recognition of coordinated graphs" Anales del XIII Congreso Latino-Iberoamericano de Investigación Operativa (XIII CLAIO) , (2006).
  81. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala, Abilio Lucena. "Cotas inferiores para el Problema del Repartidor" Anales de XIII Congreso Latinoiberoamericano de Investigación Operativa , (2006).
  82. Enrique Carlos Rafael; Segura García. "Optimisation with Simulated Annealing through Regularisation of the Target Function" Proceedings XII Congreso Arg. de Ciencias de la Computación , (2006).
  83. Irene Loiseau, Nelson Maculan. "Rings Network Design" None , (2006).
  84. I. ASSAYAD, S. YOVINE. "System-Platform Simulation Model Applied to Performance Analysis of Multiprocessor Video Encoding" None , (2006).
  85. Daniel Acevedo, Ana Ruedin. "Classification and prediction of wavelet coefficients for lossless compression of Landsat images" Satellite Data Compression, Communications, and Archiving II , (2006).
  86. Ariel Arbiser, Alexandre Miquel, Ríos. Alejandro. "A Lambda Calculus with Constructors" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4098 , (2006).
  87. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Javier Marenco. "Exploring the complexity boundary between coloring and list-coloring" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 25 , (2006).
  88. Andreas Stolcke, Luciana Ferrer, Sachin S. Kajarekar. "Improvements in MLLR-transform-based speaker recognition" Odyssey, the speaker and language recognition workshop , (2006).
  89. Luciana Ferrer, Elizabeth Shriberg, Sachin S. Kajarekar, Andreas Stolcke, Kemal Sönmez, Anand Venkataraman, H. Bratt. "The contribution of cepstral and stylistic features to SRI’s 2005 NIST speaker recognition evaluation system" Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , (2006).
  90. Maria E. Buemi, Marta E. Mejail, Juliana Gambini, Julio C. Jacobo. "ADAPTIVE STACK FILTERS IN SPECKLED IMAGERY" Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications , (2006).
  91. J. and Gambini Jacobo M. Mejail M. E. Buemi. "Adaptive stack filters in speckled imagery" None , (2006).
  92. Maria Elena Buemi, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail, Juliana Gambini, . "Adaptive stack filters in speckled imagery" Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications , (2006).


  1. Marta Mejail y Julio Jacobo Berlles Juliana Gambini Maríia E. Buemi. "Aplicacion de un Filtro Stack en Imagenes con Ruido Speckle" None , (2005).
  2. J. M.,Jacobo Berlles Mejail M. J. Gambini M. Buemi. "Filtro stack aplicado a Imágenes con ruido speckle" Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC 2005) , no. 0 (2005): 0-0.
  3. Diego Garbervetsky, Chaker Naghli, Sergio Yovine, Hichem Zorgati. "Program Instrumentation and Run-Time Analysis of Scoped Memory in Java" Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Sciences Volume 113, (2005): 105-121.
  4. Guillaume Salagnac, Sergio Yovine, Diego Garbervetsky. "Fast Escape Analysis for Region-based Memory Management" Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science Volume 131, (2005): 99-110.
  5. Verónica Becher, Santiago Figueira, André Nies, Silvana Picchi. "Program size complexity for possibly infinite computations" NOTRE DAME JOURNAL OF FORMAL LOGIC Volume 46, no. 1 (2005): 51-64.
  6. Verónica Becher, Santiago Figueira. "Kolmogorov complexity for possibly infinite computations" JOURNAL OF LOGIC, LANGUAGE AND INFORMATION Volume 14, no. 2 (2005): 133-148.
  7. L. M. Pardo J. Heintz M. Giusti B. Bank. "Generalized polar varieties: geometry and algorithms" JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY Volume 21, no. ---- (2005): 377-412.
  8. C. Iemmi F.V. Molina S. Dengra G. González E. Mocskos G. Marshall. "Stable, quasi-stable and unstable physicochemical hydrodynamic flows in thin-layer cell electrodeposition" ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA Volume 51, (2005): 3058-3065.
  9. Marcelo Fabián Frias, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Gabriel A. Baum, Nazareno M. Aguirre, Thomas S. E. Maibaum. "Reasoning About Static and Dynamic Properties in Alloy: A Purely Relational Approach" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY Volume 14, (2005): 478-526.
  10. Victor A. Braberman, Alfredo Olivero, Fernando Schapachnik. "On-the-fly Workload Prediction and Redistribution in the Distributed Time Model Cheker Zeus" Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. Volume 128, (2005): 3-18.
  11. Roberto Bruni, Michael Butler, Carla Ferreira, Tony Hoare, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari. "Comparing Two Approaches to Compensable Flow Composition" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 3653, (2005): 383-397.
  12. Roberto Bruni, Gianluigi Ferrari, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari, Daniele Strollo, Emilio Tuosto. "From Theory to Practice in Transactional Composition of Web Services" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 3670, (2005): 272-286.
  13. N. Echebest, M. T. Guardarucci, H. D. Scolnik, M. C. Vacchino. "An Accelerated Iterative Method with Diagonally Scaled Oblique Projections for Solving Linear Feasibility Problems" ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 138, no. 1 (2005): 235-257.
  14. Eduardo Bonelli, Delia Kesner, Ríos. Alejandro. "de Bruijn Indices for Metaterms" JOURNAL OF LOGIC AND COMPUTATION Volume 15, no. 6 (2005): 855-899.
  15. Eduardo Bonelli, Delia Kesner, Ríos. Alejandro. "Relating Higher-Order and First-Order Rewriting" JOURNAL OF LOGIC AND COMPUTATION Volume 15, no. 6 (2005): 901-947.
  16. S. Tripakis, S. Yovine, A. Bouajjani. "Checking Timed Büchi Automata Emptiness Efficiently" FORMAL METHODS IN SYSTEM DESIGN Volume 26, no. 3 (2005): 267-292.
  17. Rosana Matuk Herrera y Fabio Leoni. "Bio-inspired Control of Dexterous Manipulation", in: S. Zhang y R. Jarvis None Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 18th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence AI2005, (2005): 1-4.
  18. Sonia V. Rueda, Maria Vanina Martinez. "A Framework for Deliberation and Negotiation among BDI Agents" Journal of Computer Science & Technology Volume 5, no. 4 (2005): 334-341.
  19. Enrique Carlos Segura, Robin Whitty. "Modelling Human Intelligence: a Learning Algorithm", in: and H. Terashima (Eds.): A. de Albornoz A. Gelbukh None Advances in Artificial Intelligence (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Vol. 3789), (2005): 1-10.
  20. Enrique Carlos Leticia; Segura Seijas. "Those Golems, our Golems", in: Proyecto Golem None Proyecto Golem 2003-5764 / Buenos Aires-Praga, (2005): 322-324.
  21. Enrique Carlos Segura. "Evolutionary Computation with Simulated Annealing: Conditions for Optimal Equilibrium Distribution" JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , no. 5 (2005): 178-182.
  22. Víctor A. Braberman, Alfredo Olivero, Fernando Schapachnik. "Issues in distributed timed model checking" International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT) Volume 7, no. 1 (2005): 4-18.
  23. J. Jacobo Berllés M. Mejail J. Gambini M.E. Buemi. "Segmentación de Imágenes SAR usando Filtros Stack y Curvas B-spline" XI Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación , no. 0 (2005): 0-0.
  24. Irene Loiseau, Alberto Cesselli, Nelson Maculan, Mateo Salani. "Génération de colonnes en programmation linéaire en nombres entiers", in: Vangelis Th. Paschos None Optimisation Combinatoire 1 - concepts fondamentaux, (2005): 237-262.
  25. Víctor Braberman, Alfredo Olivero, Fernando Schapachnik. "Issues in distributed timed model checking: Building Zeus" International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT) Volume 7, no. 1 (2005): 4-18.
  26. F. Grings, P. Ferrazzoli, H. Karszenbaum, J. Tiffenberg, P. Kandus, L. Guerriero, J. C. Jacobo-Berlles. "Modeling temporal evolution of junco marshes radar signatures" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING Volume 47, (2005): 2238-2245.
  27. Víctor Braberman, Alfredo Olivero, Fernando Schapachnik. "On-the-fly Workload Prediction and Redistribution in the Distributed Timed Model Checker Zeus" Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science Volume 128, no. 3 (2005): 3-18.
  28. A.C J.; Frery M.E.; Jacobo-Berlles J.; Mejail Gambini. "Polarimetric SAR Region Boundary Detection Using B-Spline Deformable Countours under the GH Model" None , (2005).
  29. M. D. and Mejail Wassermann. "Development and validation of an algorithm for cardiomyocyte beating frequency determination" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , (2005): 420-430.
  30. Victor A. Braberman, Alfredo Olivero, Fernando Schapachnik. "Dealing with Practical Limitations of Distributed Timed Model Checking for Timed Automata" FORMAL METHODS IN SYSTEM DESIGN Volume 29, (2005): 197-214.
  31. Víctor A. Braberman, Nicolas Kicillof, Alfredo Olivero. "A Scenario-Matching Approach to the Description and Model Checking of Real -TimeProperties" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Volume 31, no. 12 (2005): 1028-1041.
  32. Verónica Becher, Santiago Figueira. "Kolmogorov Complexity for Possibly Infinite Computations" Journal of Logic Language and Information Volume 14, (2005): 133-148.
  33. Verónica Becher, Santiago Figueira, André Nies, Siilvana Picchi. "Program size complexity for possibly infinite computations" NOTRE DAME JOURNAL OF FORMAL LOGIC Volume 46, (2005): 51-64.
  35. Verónica Becher. "E-mailboxes: Golem's stomachs or a hippie dream?" None Interdisciplinary aspects of human-machine interaction, (2005): 313-322.
  36. Verónica Becher, Serge Grigoreff. "RAMDOM REALS AND POSSIBLY INFINITE COMPUTATIONS. Part I: randomnes in the first jump of the halting problem" JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC, THE Volume 70, (2005): 891-913.
  37. and E. Arias E. Mocskos S. Dengra F. V. Molina G. Marshall. "Computational modeling of ion transport in electrodeposition" None APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS IN STRUCTURES AND FLUIDS, (2005): 40-57.
  38. Elizabeth Shriberg, Luciana Ferrer, Sachin S. Kajarekar, Anand Venkataraman, Andreas Stolcke. "Modeling Prosodic Feature Sequences for Speaker Recognition" SPEECH COMMUNICATION Volume 46, (2005): 455-472.
  39. Pablo Negri, Xavier Clady, Maurice Milgram. "A New Voting Algorithm for Human Grasping Gestures" None Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, (2005): 130-137.
  40. E. and Quesada-Allué L. A. R.A.; Mocskos Rabossi A.; Alzogaray. "Caracterizacion molecular de especies y poblaciones de Triatomíneos" None , (2005).
  41. Andrés Ferrari, Diego Garbervetsky, Víctor A. Braberman, Pablo Listingart, Sergio Yovine. "JScoper: Eclipse support for research on scoping and instrumentation for real time Java Applications" None , (2005).
  42. Victor A. Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Sergio Yovine. "Synthesizing parametric specifications of dynamic memory utilization in object oriented programs" None , (2005).
  43. Pablo Turjanski, Diego Fernández Slezak, Juan Pablo Suarez, Alejandro Panelli, Alejandro Soba, Santiago Peña, Guillermo Marshall. "Computación de alto rendimiento utilizando GRID computing en un entorno multiplataforma" None , (2005).
  44. Diego Fernández Slezak, Pablo Turjanski, Julio Monetti, Leandro Bertogna, Martin Silva, Guillermo Marshall, Carlos Garcia Garino. "Grid Computing. Panorama y Actividades en Argentina" None , (2005).
  45. Pablo Turjanski, Diego Fernández Slezak, Julio Monetti, Martin Silva, Carlos Garcia Garino, Guillermo Marshall. "Creación de un laboratorio virtual para computación de alto rendimiento" None , (2005).
  46. Andrés Ferrari, Diego Garbervetsky, Víctor Braberman, Pablo Listingart, Sergio Yovine. "JScoper: Eclipe support for Research on Scoping and Instrumentation for Real Time Java Applications" None , (2005).
  47. Víctor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Sergio Yovine. "Synthesizing parametric specifications of dynamic memory utilization in object oriented programs" None , (2005).
  48. Ruhi Sarikaya, Agustín Gravano, Yuqing Gao. "Rapid language model development using external resources for new spoken dialog domains" Proceedings of ICASSP 2005 , (2005).
  49. Emmanuel letier, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Sebastián Uchitel. "Fluent Temporal Logic for Discrete-Time Event-Based Models" None , (2005).
  50. Howard Foster, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Sebastian Uchitel. "Using a Rigorous Approach of Engineering Web Service Compositions: A Case Study" None , (2005).
  51. Howard Foster, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Sebastian Uchitel. "Tool Support for Model-Based Engineering of Web Service Compositions" None , (2005).
  52. Emmanuel Letier, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Sebastian Uchitel. "Monitoring and Control in Scenario-Based Requirements Analysis" None , (2005).
  53. H. Foster, S. Uchitel, J. Magee, J. Kramer. "Web Service Compositions: From XML Syntax to Service Model" None , (2005).
  54. Geniana Rodriguez, David Rosenblum, Sebastian Uchitel. "Using Scenarios to Predict Reliability for Concurrent Component Based Systems" None , (2005).
  55. H. Foster, S. Uchitel, J. Magee, J. Kramer. "Levering Eclipse for Integrated Model-Based Engineering of Web Service compositions" None , (2005).
  56. Geniana Rodriguez, David Rosenblum, Sebastian Uchitel. "Sensitivity analysis for Secenario-Based Reliability Prediction Model" None , (2005).
  57. G. Rodrigues, D. Rosenblum, S. Uchitel. "Reliability Predicion in Model Driven Development" None , (2005).
  58. Pablo Negri, Xavier Clady, Maurice Milgram. "Perception visuelle du geste de préhension" None , (2005).
  59. D. Fernández Slezak, P. Turjanski, M. Silva, J. Monetti, E. Mocskos, C. García Garino, G. Marshall. "Construcción de un laboratorio de GRID Virtual para HPC" Libro de Trabajos , (2005).
  60. P Turjanski, D Fernández Slezak, J. Suarez, A. Penelli, A. Soba, A. Peña, G. Marshall. "Computación de alto rendimiento utilizando GRID computing en un entorno multiplataforma" Mecánica Computacional , (2005).
  61. Fernández Slezak D, P Turjanski, J Monetti, L Bertogna, M Silva, C García Garino, G Marshall. "GRID Computing. Panorama y Actividades en la Argentina" Mecánica Computacional , (2005).
  62. J. Heintz (joint work with B. Kuijpers). "The queries in algebraic geometry: specification and abstract data types in effective elimination theory" None , (2005).
  63. Marcelo Fabián Frias, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Nazareno M. Aguirre. "DynAlloy: upgrading Alloy with actions" None , (2005).
  64. MARCELO FRIAS, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, CARLOS LOPEZ POMBO, NAZARENO AGUIRRE. "DynAlloy: Upgrading Alloy with Actions (Extended Abstract)" None , (2005).
  65. MARCELO FRIAS, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, CARLOS LOPEZ POMBO, MARIO ROMAN. "Fork Algebras as a Formalism to Reason Across Behavioral Specifications (Extended Abstract)" None , (2005).
  66. MARCELO FRIAS, JUAN PABLO GALEOTTI, CARLOS LOPEZ POMBO, NAZARENO AGUIRRE. "DynAlloy: upgrading alloy with actions" None , (2005).
  67. Daniel Acevedo, Ana Ruedin. "Reduction of Interband Correlation for Landsat Image Compression" XXIII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing , (2005).
  68. J. Jacobo Berlles P. Borensztejn M. Mejail J. M. Santos E.F.Mallaina H.A. Abbate E. H. Castro. "Thermographic detection of buried objects" None , (2005).
  69. Isabel Méndez Díaz, Paula Zabala, Abilio Lucena. "A Branch and Cut algorithm for theDeliveryman problem" Proceedings of the V ALIO/EURO Conference on Combinatorial Optimization , (2005).
  70. Rodrigo Daniel Castro, José Coronel, Elizabeth Tapia, Fabiana Ferreira. "Modelado para el Estudio de Performance de una Red en Tiempo Real, Considerando Fuentes Estocásticas de Interferencia" None , (2005).
  71. C. García Garino y G. Marshall E. Mocskos J. Monetti M. Silva P. Turjanski D. Fernández Slezak. "Construcción de un laboratorio de GRID Virtual para HPC" None , (2005).
  74. I. ASSAYAD, V. Bertin, F.-X. DEFAUT, Ph. Gerner, O. Quévreux, S. YOVINE. "Jahuel: A Formal Framework for Software Synthesis." None , (2005).
  75. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Graciela Nasini. "The disjunctive rank as strength measure of valid inequalities" Proceeding of V ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization , (2005).
  76. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Graciela Nasini. "The disjunctive rank as strength measure of valid inequalities" Proceedings of Fifth ALIO/EURO conference on combinatorial optimization , (2005).
  77. Sonia V. Rueda, Maria Vanina Martinez. "Interaction among BDI Argumentative Agents: A Dialogue Games approach (12 páginas)" Actas del XI Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación , (2005).
  78. A. Ferrari, D. Garbervetsky, V. Braberman, P. Listingart, S. YOVINE. "JScoper: Eclipse support for research on scoping and instrumentation for real time Java applications" None , (2005).
  79. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala, Abilio Lucena. "A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Deliveryman Problem" Proceeding of V ALIO/EURO Conference on Combinatorial Optimization , (2005).
  80. Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail, Juliana Gambini, Alejandro César Frery, . "Polarimetric SAR Region Boundary Detection Using B-Spline Deformable Countours under the G^H Model" 18th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing , (2005).
  81. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán. "Characterization and recognition of Helly circular-arc clique-perfect graphs" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 22 , (2005).
  82. Alejandro Furfaro, Mariano Llamedo Soria, Julián Bruno, Marcelo Risk. "Procesamiento Intensivo del ECG con procesadores IA-32 e IA-64" Anales Sabi 2005 , (2005).
  83. Andreas Stolcke, Luciana Ferrer, Sachin S. Kajarekar, Elizabeth Shriberg, Anand Venkataraman. "MLLR transforms as features in speaker recognition" Proceeding of Eurospeech , (2005).
  84. Luciana Ferrer, Kemal Sönmez, Sachin S. Kajarekar. "Class-dependent score combination for speaker recognitio" Proceeding of Eurospeech , (2005).
  85. Luciano Blandi, Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "A connection between Similarity Logic Programming and Gödel Modal Logic" None , (2005).
  86. Luciano Blandi, Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "A connection between Similarity Logic Programming and Gödel Modal Logic" Proceedings EUSFLAT-LFA_2005 , (2005).
  87. L. M. Seijas, E. C. Segura. "A Hybrid Neural Network Model for Pattern Recognition: Solving Ambiguities and Explaining Answers" Proceedings II Argentine Symposium on Information Systems (ASIS) 2005 - 34 JAIIO , (2005).
  88. Ana Ruedin, Daniel Acevedo. "Prediction of coefficients for Lossless Compression of Multispectral Images" Satellite Data Compression, Communications, and Archiving , (2005).
  89. E. C. Segura, R. Whitty. "A Learning Mechanism that can Compute and its Implications for Modelling Human Intelligence" Proceedings XX Workshop Eur. Soc. for the Study of Cognitive Systems , (2005).
  90. I. ASSAYAD, S. YOVINE. "Compositional Constraints Generation for Concurrent Real-Time Loops with Interdependent Iterations" None , (2005).
  91. Alejandro Díaz Caro. "Generalización del algoritmo cuántico de teleportación" Anales del VII Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación , (2005).
  92. G. Salagnac, S. YOVINE, D. Garbervetsky. "Fast Escape Analysis for Region-based Memory Management" None , (2005).
  93. Sonia V. Rueda, Maria Vanina Martinez. "An Interaction Language for Argumentation-based Negotiation (5 páginas)" Actas del VII Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación , (2005).
  94. Sonia V. Rueda, Maria Vanina Martinez, Guillermo R. Simari. "Specifying Agent Interaction Protocols (5 páginas)" Actas del VII Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación , (2005).
  95. L. M. Seijas, E. C. Segura. "Modelos Conexionistas Auto-organizados y su Aplicación en Reconocimiento de Patrones" Proceedings VII WICC 2005 , (2005).
  96. Flavia Bonomo, Maria Chudnovsky, Guillermo Durán. "Partial characterizations of clique-perfect graphs" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 19 , (2005).
  97. Flavia Bonomo, Mariano Cecowski. "Between coloring and list-coloring: \mu-coloring" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 19 , (2005).
  98. I. ASSAYAD, V. Bertin, Ph. Gerner, S. YOVINE. "Modelling, Analysis and Parallel Implementation of an On-line Video Encoder" None , (2005).
  99. Roberto Bruni, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari. "Theoretical foundations for compensations in flow composition languages" Sigplan notices , (2005).


  1. Jacobo Berlles C. Delrieux M. Mejail M. J. Gambini. "SAR images Segmentation through B-spline Deformable Contours and Fractal Dimension" None , (2004).
  2. and A. Frery J. Jacobo M. Mejail J. Gambini. "Automatic Contour Detection in SAR images" None , (2004).
  3. Victor A. Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Alfredo Olivero. "A Time Automata Slicer Based on Observers" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 3114, (2004): 470-474.
  4. Sebastian Uchitel, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee. "Elaboration of Behaviour Models using Implied Scenarios" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY , no. 1 (2004): 37-85.
  5. M.E. Buemi J. Jacobo Berlles C. Delrieux M. Mejail M. J. Gambini. "Contornos Activos en Imágenes SAR por medio de Dimensión Fractal" Argentine Symposium of Technology, AST2004, 33 Jornadas Argentinas de Informática e Investigación Operativa (JAIIO 2004) , no. 0 (2004): 993-996.
  6. M.E. Buemi M. J. Gambini M. Mejail D. Wasserman. "Segmentation with Active Contours: a comparative study of B-spline and Level Set Methods" Proceddings XVII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (SIBGRAPI) , no. 0 (2004): 98-105.
  7. N. Echebest, M.T. Guardarucci, H. Scolnik, M.C. Vacchino. "An Acceleration Scheme for Solving Convex Feasibility Problems Using Incomplete Projection Algorithms" NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS Volume 35, no. 2-4 (2004): 331-350.
  8. Víctor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Alfredo Olivero. "ObsSlice: A Timed Automata Slicer Based on Observers" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 3114, (2004): 470-474.
  9. Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán. "Computational complexity of classical problems for hereditary clique-Helly graphs" PESQUISA OPERACIONAL Volume 24, no. 3 (2004): 435-443.
  10. M.E. Buemi M. Gambini M. Mejail D. Wasserman. "Segmentation with Active Contours: a comparative study of B-spline and Level Set Methods" None , (2004).
  11. Guillermo Durán, Min Chih Lin, Sergio Mera, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Clique-independent sets of Helly circular-arc graphs" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 18, (2004): 103-108.
  12. Verónica Becher, Serge Grigorieff. "Recursion and Topology on finite and infinite words for possibly Infinite computations" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 322, no. 1 (2004): 85-136.
  13. S. Mazzeo, I. Loiseau. "An Ant Colony Algorithm for the capacitated vehicle routing problem" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 18, (2004): 181-186.
  14. L. M. Pardo J. Heintz M. Giusti B. Bank. "Generalized polar varieties and an efficient real elimination procedure" KYBERNETIKA Volume 40, no. 5 (2004): 519-550.
  15. B. Kuijpers J. Heintz. "Constraint data bases, data structures and efficient query evaluation" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 3074, no. ---- (2004): 1-24.
  16. Marcelo Fabián Frias, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Nazareno M. Aguirre. "An equational calculus for Alloy" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 3308, (2004): 162-175.
  17. G. G; Marshall E; González N; Mocskos A; Olaiz L; Soba P; Colombo C; Turjanski Suárez. "EXPERIENCIAS INICIALES EN EL TRATAMIENTO ELECTROQUÍMICO (EChT) DE TUMORES" None , (2004).
  18. A. Alfonso, Victor A. Braberman, Nicolas Kicillof, Alfredo Olivero. "Visual Tmed Event Scenarios" ICSE: International Conference on Software Engineering , (2004).
  19. A. Alfonso, Victor A. Braberman, Nicolas Kicillof, Alfredo Olivero. "Visual Tmed Event Scenarios" None , (2004).
  20. Alejandra Alfonso, Victor A. Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Nicolas Kicillof, Alfredo Olivero, Fernando Schapachnik. "Vin-Time: Combing High-Level Finesse with Low-Level Muscle to Verify Real-Time systems" None , (2004).
  21. Alejandra Alfonso, Víctor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Nicolás Kicillof, Alfredo Olivero, Fernando Schapachnik. "VInTiMe: Combining High-Level Finesse with Low-Level Muscle to Verify Real-Time Systems" None , (2004).
  22. Guillermo Durán, Min Chih Lin, Sergio Mera, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Clique-transversals of Helly circular-arc graphs" None , (2004).
  23. Alejandra Alfonso, Víctor Braberman, Diego Garbervertsky, Nicolás Kicillof, Alfredo Olivero, Fernando Schapachnik. "VInTiMe: Combining High-Level Finesse with Low-Level Muscle to Verify Real-Time Systems" None , (2004).
  24. Sebastian Uchitel, Robert Chatley, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee. "System Architecture: the Context for Scenario-based Model Synthesis" None , (2004).
  25. Sebastian Uchitel, Rebert Chatley, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee. "Fluent-Based Animation: Exploting the Relation between Goals and Scenarios" None , (2004).
  26. Howard Foster, Sebastian Uchitel, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer. "Compatibility Verification for Web Service Choreography" None , (2004).
  27. R. Chatley, S. Eisenbach, J. Kramer, J. Magee, S. Uchitel. "Predictable Dynamic Plugin System" None , (2004).
  28. Sebastian Uchitel, Marsha Chechik. "Merging Partial Behavioural Models" None , (2004).
  29. L. Colombo, D. Fernadez Slezak, D. Minsky, E. Mocskos, P. Turjanski, S. Vanzulli. "Experiencias Iniciales en el Tratamiento Electroquímico De Tumores" Libro de Resúmenes , (2004).
  30. Santiago Figueira, Daniel Gorín, Rafael Grimson. "Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé games for the imperfect information logic" None , (2004).
  31. Martín Urtasun, Alejo Capparelli, Santiago Figueira. "Automatic file classification based on Vitányi's universal similarity metric" None , (2004).
  32. Verónica Becher, Santiago Figueira, Silvana Picchi. "A conjecture on randomness in the spirit of Rice's theorem for computability" None , (2004).
  33. Andres Stoliar, Sergio Soria, Andrea Katz, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail, Patricia Borensztejn, Juan Miguel Santos. "Robot implementation for climbing a pyramid" Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium. LAARS 2004 , (2004).
  34. Juan Santos Patricia Borensztejn Marta Mejail Julio Jacobo Berlles Andrés Stoliar Andrea Katz Sergio Soria Juan Rojas. "UBASot-2004: an approach for coordination, vision and control of a small robot soccer team" None , (2004).
  35. F. M. Grings, J. C. Jacobo-Berlles, H. Karszenbaum, J. Tiffenberg, P. Kandus, R. Depine. "Comparing Capabilities of Current C-Band Systems and Future L-Band Argentine SAR System in Wetland Studies" None , (2004).
  36. Rodrigo Castro Castro, Jose Coronel, Fabiana Ferreira, Elizabeth Tapia. "SIMULADOR DE RED CAN Y BRIDGE WIRELESS IEEE 802.11b CON CARACTERIZACIÓN DE CANAL MULTIPATH." None , (2004).
  37. S. Dengra and F. V. Molina G. González E. Mocskos G. Marshall. "THIN-LAYER CELL ELECTRODEPOSITION: STABLE AND UNSTABLE FLOWS" None , (2004).
  38. Demian Wasserman, Marta Mejail, Juliana Gambini , María E. Buemi. "Segmentation with Active Contours: A Comparative Study of B-Spline and Level Set Techniques" XVII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing , (2004).
  39. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala, Abilio Lucena. "Modelos de Dos Flujos para el Problema de Ruteo de Vehículos" Anales de XII Congreso Latinoiberoamericano de Investigación Operativa , (2004).
  40. Demian Wassermann, Marta Mejail, Juliana Gambini, M E Buemi, . "Segmentation with Active Contours: A Comparative Study of B-Spline and Level Set Techniques" XVII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing , (2004).
  41. Elizabeth Shriberg, Luciana Ferrer, Anand Venkataraman, Sachin S. Kajarekar. "SVM modeling of ‘‘SNERF-Grams’’ for speaker recognition" Proc. Intl. Conf. Spoken Language Systems , (2004).
  42. Martín Maceratessi, Federico Abramzom, Osvaldo Quevedo, Irene Loiseau. "Un Algoritmo de Búsqueda Tabú para el Problema de la Paginación de Avisos Clasificados" None , (2004).
  43. María Granillo, Irene Loiseau. "Un algoritmo Tabu Search para un problema de asignación de vagones y trenes" Anales del SIO (33 JAIIO) , (2004).
  44. Alberto Baragatti, Roberto Bruni, Hern[an Melgratti, Ugo Montanari, Giorgio Spagnolo. "Prototype Platforms for Distributed Agreements" Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science , (2004).
  45. Roberto Bruni, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari. "Nested Commits for Mobile Calculi: Extending Join" Exploring New Frontiers of Theoretical Informatics , (2004).
  46. Pablo Burzyn, Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán. "Computational complexity of edge modification problems in different classes of graphs" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 18 , (2004).
  47. Sachin S. Kajarekar, Luciana Ferrer, Kemal Sönmez, J. Zheng, Elizabeth Shriberg, Andreas Stolcke. "Modeling NERFs for speaker recognition" Odyssey, the speaker and language recognition workshop , (2004).
  48. D. Garbervetsky, Ch. Nakhli, S. YOVINE, H. Zorgati. "Program Instrumentation and Run-Time Analysis of Scoped Memory in Java" None , (2004).
  49. Sachin S. Kajarekar, Luciana Ferrer, Elizabeth Shriberg, Kemal Sönmez, Andreas Stolcke, Anand Venkataraman, J. Zheng. "SRI’s 2004 NIST speaker recognition evaluation system" Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , (2004).


  1. Leen Stougie Marcelo Mydlarz Esteban Feuerstein. "On-line Multi-threaded Scheduling" JOURNAL OF SCHEDULING , no. 6 (2003): 167-181.
  2. Feuerstein Esteban, Mydlarz Marcelo, Stougie Leen. "On-line multi-threaded scheduling" JOURNAL OF SCHEDULING , (2003): 401-413.
  3. Marcelo Fabián Frias, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Gabriel A. Baum, Nazareno M. Aguirre, Thomas S. E. Maibaum. "Taking Alloy to the movies" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 2805, (2003): 678-697.
  4. M.. Mejail, J. Jacobo, A. Frery, O. Bustos. "Classification of SAR images using a general and tractable multiplicative model" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING Volume 24, no. 18 (2003): 3565-3582.
  5. Fairouz Kamareddine, Ríos. Alejandro. "Explicit substitutions à la de Bruijn: the local and global way" ELECTRONIC NOTES IN THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 85, no. 7 (2003): 86-105.
  6. O. A. and Bustos Frery J. Jacobo M. Mejail. "Classification of SAR images using a general and tractable multiplicative model" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING Volume 24, no. 18 (2003): 3565-3582.
  7. J. Sifakis, S. Tripakis, S. YOVINE. "Building models of real-time systems from application software" PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE Volume 91, no. 1 (2003): 100-111.
  8. Enrique Carlos Segura. "El Golem como Metáfora en las Ciencias de la Computación" None , (2003).
  9. Guillermo Durán, Agustín Gravano, Marina Groshaus, Fábio Protti, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "On a conjecture concerning Helly circle graphs" PESQUISA OPERACIONAL Volume 23, (2003): 221-229.
  10. Ricardo O. Rodriguez, Francesc Esteva, Pere García, Lluis Godo. "On Implicative Closure Operators in Approximate Reasoning" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING , no. 33 (2003): 159-184.
  11. Enrique Carlos Segura. "Associative memories for pedestrians: some variations on a theme by Hopfield" Cognitive Systems , no. 6 (2003): 55-68.
  12. Adrian Bondy, Guillermo Durán, Min Chih Lin, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Self-clique graphs and matrix permutations" JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY Volume 44, (2003): 178-192.
  13. Nelson Maculan, Marcos de Mendonça Passini, José André de Moura Brito, Irene Loiseau. "Column generation in Integer Linear Program" RAIRO - RECHERCHE OPERATIONNELLE (OPERATIONS RESEARCH) Volume 37, no. 2 (2003): 67-83.
  14. Ingolf Krueger, Sebastian Uchitel, Jon Whittle, Albert Zundorf. "A Summary of the ICSE 2003 Workshop on Scenarios and State Machines: Models, Algorithms, and Tools" ACM SOFTWARE ENGINEERING NOTES Volume 28, no. 6 (2003): 9-10.
  15. Sebastian Uchitel, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee. "Synthesis of Behavioural Models from Scenarios" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING , no. 2 (2003): 99-115.
  16. Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Sebastian Uchitel. "Software Architecture Modeling and Analysis: A Rigorous Approach" None Formal Methods for Software Architecture, (2003): 44-51.
  17. Gerardo Berbeglia, Diego Fernández Slezak, Elena M. Godfrin, Julio Durán. "SIMULACIÓN DEL SISTEMA ELÉCTRICO DE LA MISIÓN SATELITAL SAOCOM" AVANCES EN ENERGIAS RENOVABLES Y MEDIO AMBIENTE , (2003): 831-835.
  18. Victor A. Braberman, Afredo Olivero, Fernando Schapachnik. "ZEUS: A Distributed Timed Model- Checker Based on KRONOS" Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. Volume 68, no. 4 (2003): 503-522.
  19. G. Marshall, E. Mocskos, F. Molina, S. Dengra. "Three-dimensional nature of ion transport in thin-layer electrodeposition" PHYSICAL REVIEW E - STATISTICAL PHYSICS, PLASMAS, FLUIDS AND RELATED INTERDISCIPLINARY TOPICS Volume 68, no. 2 (2003): 21607-21615.
  20. and S. Dengra F. V. Molina E. Mocskos G. Marshall. "Three-dimensional nature of ion transport in thin-layer electrodeposition" PHYSICAL REVIEW E - STATISTICAL PHYSICS, PLASMAS, FLUIDS AND RELATED INTERDISCIPLINARY TOPICS Volume 68, (2003): 216071-216078.
  21. H. D. Scolnik, J M Santos, I Laplagne, S Daiez, F Scarpettini, H Fassi, C Castelo. "UBA-Sot: an approach for control and team strategy in Robot Soccer" JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND MANAGEMENT OPTIMIZATION , (2003).
  22. Enrique Carlos Leticia María; Segura Seijas. "Un clasificador neuronal que explica sus respuestas: aplicación al reconocimiento de dígitos manuscritos" None , (2003).
  23. Sebastian Uchitel, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee. "Synthesis of Partial Labelled Transition Systems" None , (2003).
  24. Victor A. Braberman, Fernando Oliveto, Matías Blaunstein. "Scenario-based Validation and Verification for Real time Software: On run Conformance and Coverage for MSC-graphs" None , (2003).
  25. Sachin S. Kajarekar, Luciana Ferrer, Anand Venkataraman, Kemal Sönmez, Elizabeth Shriberg, Andreas Stolcke, R. R. Gadde. "Speaker recognition using prosodic and lexical features" Proc. IEEE Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU) , (2003).
  26. Sebastian Uchitel, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee. "Visual Methods for Web Application Design. Tech note at Symposium on Visual and Multimedia Software Engineering" None , (2003).
  27. Robert Chatley, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Sebastian Uchitel. "Model-based Simulation of Web Application for Usability Assesment" None , (2003).
  28. Sebastian Uchitel, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee. "Modeling Undefined Behaviour in Scenarios Synthesis" None , (2003).
  29. S. Uchitel, R. Chatley, J. Kramer, J. Magee. "Tool Support for Behaviour Model Elaboration Using Implied Scenarios" None , (2003).
  30. Howard Foster, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Sebastian Uchitel. "Model-based Verification of Web Service Compositions" None , (2003).
  31. Ch. Kloukinas, S. YOVINE. "Synthesis of Safe, QoS Extendible, Application Specific Schedulers for Heterogeneous Real-Time Systems" None , (2003).
  32. Ch. Kloukinas, Ch. Nakhli, S. YOVINE. "A Methodology and Tool Support for Generating Scheduled Native Code for Real-Time Java Applications" None , (2003).
  33. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala, Abilio Lucena. "On the performance of a two-commodity flow model to the vehicle routing problem" Proceedings of Mathematical Programming In Rio , (2003).
  34. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala, Abilio Lucena. "On the performance of a two-commodity flow model to the vehicle routing problem" Proceeding of Mathematical Programming In Rio , (2003).
  35. Roberto Bruni, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari. "Flat Committed Join in Join" Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science , (2003).
  36. Isabel Méndez Díaz, Paula Zabala, Abilio Abilio Lucena. "On the performance of a two-commodity flow model to the vehicle routing Problem." Proceedings of the Mathematical Programming In Rio , (2003).
  37. Patricia Borensztejn, Andres Stoliar, Juan Santos, Julio Jacobo Berlles. "Velocity Profile for fast and precise mobile robot using step motor actuators" Proceedings of the FIRA Robot World Congress 2003 , (2003).
  38. Fabio Schygiel and Andres Stoliar Martín Ferreyra Mario Bergotto,Patricia Borensztejn. "Using performance counters to know how a real microprocessor works" Proceedings de JAIIO 2003 , (2003).
  39. Fairouz Kamareddine, Ríos. Alejandro. "Explicit substitutions à la de Bruijn: the local and global way" Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science , (2003).
  40. Luciana Ferrer, H. Bratt, R. R. Gadde, Sachin S. Kajarekar, Elizabeth Shriberg, Kemal Sönmez, Andreas Stolcke, Anand Venkataraman. "Modeling duration patterns for speaker recognition" Proceeding of Eurospeech , (2003).
  41. Sachin S. Kajarekar, Kemal Sönmez, Luciana Ferrer, R. R. Gadde, Anand Venkataraman, Elizabeth Shriberg, Andreas Stolcke, H. Bratt. "‘‘TalkPrinting’’: improving speaker recognition by modeling stylistic features" Intelligence and Security Informatics. First NSF/NIJ Symposium , ISI 2003, vol. 2665 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science , (2003).
  42. Anand Venkataraman, Luciana Ferrer, Andreas Stolcke, Elizabeth Shriberg. "Training a prosody-based dialog act tagger from unlabeled data" Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , (2003).
  43. Luciana Ferrer, Elizabeth Shriberg, Andreas Stolcke. "A prosody-based approach to end-of-utterance detection that does not require speech recognition" Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , (2003).
  44. Dimitra Vergyri, Andreas Stolcke, R. R. Gadde, Luciana Ferrer, Elizabeth Shriberg. "Prosodic knowledge sources for automatic speech recognition" Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , (2003).


  1. Verónica Becher, Gregory Chaitin. "Another example of higher order randomness" FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE Volume 51, no. 4 (2002): 325-338.
  2. Verónica Becher, Santiago Figueira. "An example of a computable absolutely normal number" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 270, (2002): 947-958.
  3. Victor A. Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Alfredo Olivero. "Improving the Verification of Time Systems Using Influence Information" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 2280, (2002): 21-36.
  4. Victor A. Braberman, Carlos López Pombo, Alfredo Olivero. "On Improving Backwards Verification Time Automata" Electr.notes Theror. Comput. Sci. Volume 65, no. 6 (2002): 60-67.
  5. Víctor Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky, Alfredo Olivero. "Improving the Verification of Timed Systems Using Influence Information" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 2280, (2002): 21-36.
  6. Agustín Gravano, Guillermo Durán. "The intersection between some subclasses of circular-arc and circle graphs" CONGRESSUS NUMERANTIUM Volume 159, (2002): 183-192.
  7. Hernán Czemerinski, Guillermo Durán, Agustín Gravano. "Bouchet graphs: A generalization of circle graphs" CONGRESSUS NUMERANTIUM Volume 155, (2002): 95-108.
  8. Pablo Coll, Javier Marenco, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "Facets of the graph colorign" ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 116, (2002): 79-90.
  9. Guillermo Durán, Min Chih Lin, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "On Clique-Transversals and Clique-Independent Sets" ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 116, (2002): 71-77.
  10. Víctor Braberman, Alfredo Olivero, Fernando Schapachnik. "Zeus: A Distributed Timed Model-Checker Based on Kronos" Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science Volume 68, no. 4 (2002): 503-522.
  11. Sebastian Uchitel, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee. "Implied Scenario Detection in the Presence of Behaviour Constraints" Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science Volume 65, (2002): 1-20.
  12. Feuerstein Esteban, Strejilevich de Loma Alejandro. "On-line multi-threaded paging" ALGORITHMICA Volume 32, (2002): 36-60.
  13. Verónica Becher, Santiago Figueira. "An example of a computable absolutely normal number" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 270, no. 1-2 (2002): 947-958.
  14. Victor Braberman, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Alfredo Olivero. "On Improving Backwards Verification for Timed Automata" Electronic notes in theoretical computer science Volume 65, (2002): 1-8.
  15. Fairouz Kamareddine, Ríos. Alejandro. "Pure Type Systems with de Bruijn Indices" COMPUTER JOURNAL Volume 45, no. 2 (2002): 187-201.
  16. Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Graded Similarity-Based Semantics for Non Monotonic Inferences" ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE , no. 34 (2002): 89-105.
  17. Pablo Coll, Javier Marenco, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "Facets of the graph coloring problem" ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 116, (2002): 79-90.
  18. Roberto P. J. Enrique Carlos; Perazzo Segura. "Biologically Plausible Associative Memory: Continuous Unit Response + Stochastic Dynamics" NEURAL PROCESSING LETTERS , no. 16 (2002): 243-257.
  19. H. Scolnik, N. Echebest, M.T. Guardarucci, M.C. Vacchino. "Acceleration Scheme for Parallel Projected Aggregation Methods for Solving Large Linear Systems" ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume 117, no. 1/4 (2002): 95-115.
  20. M. E. Buemi G. E. Ramos J. M. Zamorano. "Tipificación instrumental de reses bovinas: hacia una cadena eficiente" Revista IDIA XXI , no. 2 (2002): 169-172.
  21. Víctor Braberman, Alfredo Olivero, Fernando Schapachnik. "An Architecture Centric Approach for the Development of a Distributed Model Checker" None , (2002).
  22. Sebastian Uchitel, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee. "Negative Scenarios for Implied Scenario elicitation" None , (2002).
  23. Sebastian Uchitel, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee. "Implied Scenerios Detection in the Presence of Behaviour Constraints" None , (2002).
  24. Sebastián Blaustein, Fernando Oliveto, Victor Braberman. "Observing timed systems by means of messages sequence chart graphs" None , (2002).
  25. Fernando Schapachnik, Víctor Braberman, Alfredo Olivero. "An Architecture-centric approach to the development of a distributed model-checker for time automata" None , (2002).
  26. V. Colin de Verdière, S. Cros, Ch. Fabre, R. Guider, S. YOVINE. "Speedup Prediction for Selective Compilation of Embedded Java Programs" None , (2002).
  27. Guillermo Durán, Min Chih Lin, Sergio Mera, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "Clique-transversals and clique independent sets on Helly circular-arc graphs" None , (2002).
  28. Irene Loiseau, Nelson Maculan, Gerard Plateau. "Column generation techniques in network design" .... , (2002).
  29. Daniel Negrotto, Julián Aráoz Durand, Elena Fernández, Irene Loiseau. "Exploring alternative network flow models for thcapacitated vehicle routing problem" Anales del IV ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization , (2002).
  30. F. Daffara and R. Fernandez E. Mocskos E. Arias S. Dengra G. González F.V. Molina G. Marshall. "Electrochemical interconnections: hydrodynamic, growth patterns and contact morphology. Experimental, theoretical, and parallel computational simulations studies" None , (2002).
  31. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "An Exact Algorithm for Graph Coloring" Proceeding of IV ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization , (2002).
  32. D. Barea, S. Cativa Tolosa, Irene Loiseau. "Un algoritmo genético para el problema online Dial-a-Ride" Anales del XI CLAIO , (2002).
  33. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "An Exact Algorithm for Graph Coloring" None , (2002).
  34. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "An Exact Algorithm for Graph Coloring" Proceedings of the IV ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization , (2002).
  35. Luciana Ferrer, Elizabeth Shriberg, Andreas Stolcke. "Is the speaker done yet? Faster and more accurate end-of-utterance detection using prosody in human-computer dialog" Proc. Intl. Conf. Spoken Language Systems , (2002).
  36. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "A branch-and-cut algorithm for graph coloring" Proceedings of Computational Symposium on Graph Coloring and its Generalizations , (2002).
  37. Isabel Méndez Díaz, Paula Zabala. "A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for Graph Coloring" Proceedings of Computational Symposium on Graph Coloring and its Generalizations , (2002).
  38. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "A branch-and-cut algorithm for graph coloring" Proceeding of Computational Symposium on Graph Coloring and its Generalizations , (2002).
  39. Ariel Arbiser, Eduardo Bonelli, Ríos. Alejandro. "Perpetuality in a Lambda Calculus with Explicit Substitutions and Composition" None , (2002).
  40. Patricia Borensztejn, Julio Jacobo Berlles, Marta Mejail, Andres Stoliar, Andrea Katz, M. Cecowski. "Design of the Vision System for the UBA.Sot team" Proceedings of the FIRA Robot World Congress 2002 , (2002).
  41. Jorge Buzaglo, A. Calzadilla, Irene Loiseau, R Morales. "Analyzing Bolivian Poverty Reduction Strategies: Database and Model Construction" ... , (2002).
  42. Enrique Carlos Segura. "Some variations on a theme by Hopfield" Proceedings of the Special Workshop on Multidisciplinary Aspects of Learning , (2002).


  1. Carlos Areces, Verónica Becher. "Iterable AGM functions" None Frontiers of Belief Revision, (2001): 261-278.
  2. Carlos Areces, Verónica Becher, Sebastián Ferro. "Characterization Results for d-Horn Formulas, or On formulas that are true on Dual Reduced Products" None Logic, Language and Computation, Volume 3, , Cavedon, P.Blackburn, N.Braisby and A. Shimoji.(eds),, (2001): 49-66.
  3. Verónica Becher, Sergio Daicz, Gregory Chaitin. "A highly random number" None Combinatorics, Computability and Logic, C.Calude, M. J.Dineen and S.Sburlan (eds), (2001): 55-68.
  4. Victor A. Braberman, Alfredo Olivero. "Extending Timed Automata for Compositional Modeling Healthy Timed Systems" Electric Notes Theory in Computer Science Volume 52, no. 3 (2001): 1-19.
  5. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "A polyhedral approach for graph coloring" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 7, (2001): 178-181.
  6. Adrian Bondy, Guillermo Durán, Min Chih Lin, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter. "A sufficient condition for self-clique graphs" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 7, (2001): 174-177.
  7. Guillermo Durán, Min Chih Lin. "Clique graphs of Helly circular-arc graphs" ARS COMBINATORIA Volume 60, (2001): 255-271.
  8. Feuerstein Esteban, Stougie Leen. "On-line single-server dial a ride problems" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 268, (2001): 91-105.
  9. Ausiello Giorgio, Feuerstein Esteban, Leonardi Stefano, Stougie Leen, Talamo Maurizio. "Algorithms for the on-line traveling salesman" ALGORITHMICA Volume 29, (2001): 560-581.
  10. L. Stougie E. Feuerstein. "On-line single-server dial a ride problems" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE , no. 268 (2001): 91-105.
  11. L. Stougie y M. Talamo S. Leonardi E. Feuerstein G. Ausiello. "Algorithms for the On-line Traveling Salesman." ALGORITHMICA , no. 29 (2001): 560-581.
  12. Eduardo Bonelli, Delia Kesner, Ríos. Alejandro. "From Higher-Order Rewriting to First-Order Rewriting" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 2051, (2001): 47-62.
  13. S. Tripakis, S. YOVINE. "Analysis of Timed Systems Using Time-Abstracting Bisimulations" FORMAL METHODS IN SYSTEM DESIGN Volume 18, no. 1 (2001): 25-68.
  14. G. Lafferriere, G. Pappas, S. Yovine. "Symbolic Reachability Computation for Families of Linear Vector Fields" JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION Volume 32, no. 3 (2001): 231-253.
  15. P. Niebert, S. Yovine. "Computing efficient operation schemes for chemical plants in multi-batch mode" EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL Volume 7, no. 4 (2001): 440-454.
  16. H. D. Scolnik, N. Echebest, M. T. Guardarucci, M. C. Vacchino. "New optimized and accelerated PAM methods for Solving Large Non- Symmetrics Systems", in: Butnariu D., Censor Y., Reich S. None Inherently Parallel Algorithms in feasibility and optimization and their applications Volume 8, (2001): 457-471.
  17. Victor A. Braberman, Alfredo Olivero. "Preserving Branching-time Structure in timed Systems" None , (2001).
  18. Sebastian Uchitel, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee. "From Sequence Diagrams to Behaviour Models" None , (2001).
  19. P. Inverardi, S. Uchitel. "Proving Deadlock Freedom in component Based Programming" None , (2001).
  20. V. Bertin, E. Closse, M. Poize, J. Pulou, J. Sifakis, D. Weil, S. Yovine. "TAXYS=Esterel+Kronos. A tool for verifying real-time properties of embedded systems" None , (2001).
  21. Sebastian Uchitel, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee. "Detecting Implied Scenarios in Message Sequence chart Specifications" None , (2001).
  22. J. Della Dora, A. Maignan, M. Mirica-Ruse, S. YOVINE. "Hybrid computation" None , (2001).
  23. Sebastian Uchitel, Jeff Kramer. "A Workbench for Synthesising Behaviour Models from Scenarios" None , (2001).
  24. Victor A. Braberman, Alfredo Olivero. "Preserving Branching-time Structure in timed Systems" Jaiio Jornadas Argentinas de Informática , (2001).
  25. Sebastián Urrutia, Irene Loiseau. "A New Metaheuristic and its Application to the Steiner Problems in Graphs" Proceedings SCCC 2001 , (2001).
  26. Irene Loiseau, Isabel Mendez Diaz, Carlos Montani, Guillermo Durán. "Una herramienta matemática para la planificación de la producción" I Congreso Internacional de Matemática Aplicada a la Ingeniería , (2001).
  27. Luciana Ferrer, Claudio Estienne. "Improving performance of a Keyword Spotting System by using a new confidence measure" Proceeding of Eurospeech , (2001).
  28. Luciana Ferrer, Claudio Estienne. "Un sistema de deteccion de palabras claves inmersas en habla continua" Proc. IX Workshop in Information Processing and Control (RPIC) , (2001).
  29. Enrique Carlos Segura. "Associative Memories: randomness, continuity and biological plausibility" Proceedings CACIC 2001 , (2001).
  30. Javier Marenco, Irene Loiseau. "Facetas del poliedro de mapping simple" Anales del SIO 2001 , (2001).
  31. Rocío Romero Zaliz, Igor Zwir, Irene Loiseau. "Using Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms for Biological Sequence Pattern Recognition" Anales de las 30 JAIIO , (2001).
  32. Rocio Romero Zaliz, Igor Zwir, Irene Loiseau. "Automated biological sequence description and recognition: studies of quality and extension properties" Proceedings International Conference on Mathematics and engineering techniques in medicine and biological Sciences , (2001).
  33. Fairouz Kamareddine, Ríos. Alejandro. "Is the se-calculus strongly normalising?" None , (2001).
  34. Eduardo Bonelli, Delia Kesner, Ríos. Alejandro. "From Higher-Order Rewriting to First-Order Rewriting" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2051 , (2001).
  35. Isabel Méndez Díaz, Paula Zabala. "A Polyhedral Approach for Graph Coloring" Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics , (2001).


  1. G. Fernandez, J. Jacobo, P. Borensztejn, M. Bauza, Marta Mejail. "Use of PVM for MAP Image Restoration : A Parallel Implementation of the ARTHUR Algortihm" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 1908, (2000): 113-120.
  2. Guillermo Durán, Min Chih Lin. "On some subclasses of circular-arc graphs" CONGRESSUS NUMERANTIUM Volume 146, (2000): 201-212.
  3. J. Jacobo and O. Bustos A. Frery M. Mejail. "Approximation of Distributions for SAR Images: Proposal, Evaluation and Practical Consequences" LATIN AMERICAN APPLIED RESEARCH , no. 13 (2000): 37-49.
  4. Roberto P. J. Enrique Carlos; Perazzo Segura. "Associative Memories in Infinite Dimensional spaces" NEURAL PROCESSING LETTERS , no. 12 (2000): 129-144.
  5. N.Echebest,M.T.Guardarucci,,H.Scolnik M.C. Vacchino. "Cutting Planes and a biased Newton direction for minimizing quasiconvex functions" INVESTIGACION OPERATIVA Volume 9, no. 1,2, (2000): 135-166.
  6. Eduardo Bonelli, Delia Kesner, Ríos. Alejandro. "A de Bruijn Notation for Higher Order Rewriting" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 1833, (2000): 62-79.
  7. Fairouz Kamareddine, Ríos. Alejandro. "Relating the lambda-sigma and lambda-s styles of explicit substitutions" JOURNAL OF LOGIC AND COMPUTATION Volume 10, no. 3 (2000): 349-380.
  8. A. Frery and O. Bustos J. Jacobo-Berlles l". M. Mejail. "Parametric Roughness Estimation in Amplitude SAR Images under the Multiplicative Mode" Revista de Teledetección , no. 13 (2000): 37-49.
  9. Victor A. Braberman, Fabio Pieniazck. "Duration Properties over Real Time System Designs" None , (2000).
  10. Sebastian Uchitel, Daniel Yankelevich. "Enhancing Architecture Mismatch Detection with Assumptions" None , (2000).
  11. Patricia Borensztejn, Mario Bergotto . "Speculation and Prediction" Online Symposium of Electronics Engineers , (2000).
  12. Nelson Maculan, Marco Passini, José André Moura Brito, Irene Loiseau. "Column generation in Integer Linear Programming" Anales del X CLAIO , (2000).
  13. Gustavo F. Fernández, Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail, Patricia Borensztejn, Marisa Bauzá. "Parallelization of ARTUR Algorithm using PVM" 13th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing , (2000).
  14. Pablo Coll, Javier Marenco, Isabel Méndez Díaz, Paula Zabala. "An integer programming model for the Graph Coloring problem" Proceedings of X Congreso Latinoiberoamericano de Investigación Operativa , (2000).
  15. Pablo Coll, Javier Marenco, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "An integer programming model for the graph coloring problem" Anales de X Congreso Latinoiberoamericano de Investigación Operativa , (2000).
  16. Pablo Coll, Javier Marenco, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "An integer programming model for the Graph Coloring problem" Anales de X Congreso Latinoiberoamericano de Investigación Operativa , (2000).
  17. Gustavo F. Fernández, Julio Jacobo, Patricia Borensztejn, Marisa Bauzá, Marta Mejail. "Use of PVM for MAP Image Restoration: A Parallel Implementation of the ARTUR Algorithm" Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface , (2000).
  18. B. Cernuschi-Frias, E. C. Segura. "On learning mean values in Hopfield associative memories trained with noisy examples using the Hebb rule" Proceedings IEEE-INNS-ENNS Int. Joint. Conf. On Neural Networks , (2000).
  19. Eduardo Bonelli, Delia Kesner, Ríos. Alejandro. "A de Bruijn Notation for Higher Order Rewriting" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1833 , (2000).
  20. Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "A short note on nonmonotonic inferences inducwed by graded similarity" Proceedings of 8th International Workshop on , (2000).


  1. Verónica Becher, Eduardo Fermé, Sandra Lazzer, Carlos Oller, Ricardo Rodriguez, Gladys Palau. "Some Observations on Carlos Alchourrón's Theory of Defeasible Conditionals" None Norms Logics and Information Systems, P.Mc Namara and H. Prakken (eds),, (1999): 219-230.
  2. Flavia Bonomo, Santiago Laplagne, Martín Szew, Dora Tilli. "Competencias entre Clubes Cabri" , (1999).
  3. Victor A. Braberman, Miguel Felder. "Verification of Real-Time Designs: Combining Scheduling Theory with Automatic Formal Verification" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 1687, (1999): 494-510.
  4. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "A generalization of the coloring graph problem" INVESTIGACION OPERATIVA Volume 8, (1999): 167-184.
  5. azar yossi, Bartal Yair, Feuerstein Esteban, Fiat Amos, Leonardi Stefano, Rosen Adi. "on capital investment" ALGORITHMICA Volume 25, (1999): 22-36.
  6. S. Leonardi y A. Rosen. A. Fiat E. Feuerstein Y. Bartal Y. Azar. "On Capital Investment." ALGORITHMICA , no. 25 (1999): 22-36.
  7. Y. Ketsten, A. Pnueli, J. Sifakis, S. Yovine. "Decidable Integration Graphs" Information and Computation Volume 150, no. 2 (1999): 209-243.
  8. Veronica Becher, Eduardo Ferme, Ricardo Rodriguez, Sandra Lazzer, Carlos Oller, Gladys Palau. "Some Observations on Carlos Alchourrón's Theory of Defeasible Conditionals" None Norms, Logics and Informations Systems, (1999): 219-230.
  9. Lluis Godo, Ricardo Rodriguez. "Fuzzy Modal Logic for Similarity Reasoning" None Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing, (1999): 33-48.
  10. K. Vasconcellos M. Mejail and S. Sant'Anna. J. Jacobo C. Freitas C. Rennó A. Correia A. Frery. "Models for Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Analysis" RESENHAS DO INSTITUTO DE MATEMATICA E ESTATISTICA DA UNIVERSIDADE DE SAO PAULO , no. 4 (1999): 45-77.
  11. Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala. "A generalization of the coloring graph problem" INVESTIGACION OPERATIVA , (1999): 167-184.
  12. K. Altisen, G. Goessler, A. Pnueli, J. Sifakis, S. Tripakis, S. YOVINE. "A framework for scheduler synthesis" None , (1999).
  13. T. Simsek, R. Sengupta, S. YOVINE, F. Eskafi. "Fault diagnosis for intra-platoon communications" None , (1999).
  14. Victor A. Braberman, Miguel Felder. "Automatic Verifiction of Real-Time-Designs" None , (1999).
  15. Dan Hirsch, Sebastian Uchitel, Daniel Yankelevich. "Towards a Periodic Table of Connectors. In proceedings of First Symposium on software Technology" None , (1999).
  16. A. Girault, S. YOVINE. "Stability analysis of a longitudinal control law for autonomous vehicles" None , (1999).
  17. Julio Jacobo, Marta Mejail, Alejandro César Frery, , . "The GA0 Distribution as the True Model for SAR Images" XII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing , (1999).
  18. M. Graciarena, Claudio Estienne, Luciana Ferrer. "Reconocimiento Automatico de Habla Continua en Espanol sobre un Vocabulario Restringido" Proc. VIII Workshop in Information Processing and Control (RPIC) , (1999).
  19. G. Lafferriere, G. Pappas, S. YOVINE. "Reachability computation for linear hybrid systems" None , (1999).
  20. G. Lafferriere, G. Pappas, S. YOVINE. "Reach set computation for linear vector fields using quantifier elimination" None , (1999).
  21. G. Lafferriere, G. Pappas, S. YOVINE. "A new class of decidable hybrid systems" None , (1999).


  1. Feuerstein Esteban, Leonardi Stefano, Marchetti-Spaccamela Alberto, Santoro Nicola. "Efficient token-based control in rings" INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS , no. 66 (1998): 75-80.
  2. Eduardo Ferme, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "Semi-Contraction: Axioms and Contrtauction" NOTRE DAME JOURNAL OF FORMAL LOGIC Volume 39, no. 3 (1998): 332-345.
  3. Francesc Esteva, Pere García, Lluis Godo, Ricardo O.Rodriguez. "Fuzzy Approximation Relations, Modal Structures and Possibilistic Logic" Mathware & Soft Computer Volume 5, no. 3 (1998): 341-356.
  4. Feuerstein Esteban, Marchetti-Spaccamela Alberto. "Memory paging for connectivity and path problems in graphs" journal on graph algorithms and applications Volume 2, (1998): 1-22.
  5. E. Feuerstein y A. Marchetti-Spaccamela.. "Memory Paging for Connectivity and Path Problems in Graphs. " Journal on Graph Algorithms and Applications , no. 2 (1998): 1-22.
  6. E. Feuerstein . " Uniform Service Systems with $k$-servers" None , (1998).
  7. E. C. Segura. "La Teoría del Mercado de Valores Culturales y el Argentinismo", in: Fundación Aiglé None Fundación Aiglé, (1998): 141-186.
  8. S. YOVINE. "Model Checking Timed Automata" None Lectures on Embedded Systems, (1998): 114-152.
  9. Feuerstein Esteban. "Uniform service systems with k servers" None , (1998).
  10. Victor A. Braberman, Dang Vna Hung. "On Checking Timed Automata For Linear Duration Invariants" None , (1998).
  11. S. Tripakis, S. YOVINE. "Verification of the Fast Reservation Protocol with Delayed Transmission using the Tool Kronos" None , (1998).
  12. A. Deshpande, S. YOVINE. "System design using Teja and Kronos. Case Study: The FDDI Protocol" None , (1998).
  13. Paula Zabala. "Extensión del problema de grafos perfectos" None , (1998).


  1. S. YOVINE. "Kronos: A verification tool for real-time systems" International Journal of Software Tools for Technology Transfer Volume 1, no. 1/2 (1997): 123-133.
  2. Enrique Carlos Segura. "Aproximación de la dinámica inversa de un manipulador robótico mediante un algoritmo estocástico de aprendizaje en redes neuronales" None , (1997).
  3. Feuerstein Esteban. "Paging more than one page" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 181, (1997): 75-90.
  4. E. Feuerstein. "Paging more than one page" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE , no. 181 (1997): 75-90.
  5. Francesc Esteva, Pere García,, Lluis Godo, Ricardo O. Rodriguez. "A Modal Account of Similarity-Based Reasoning" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING , no. 16 (1997): 235-260.
  6. A. Bouajjani, S. Tripakis, S. YOVINE. "On-the-fly symbolic model-checking for real-time systems" None , (1997).
  7. Victor A. Braberman, Marina Marré, Miguel Felder. "Testing Timing Behaviors of Real Time Software" None , (1997).
  8. Victor A. Braberman. "On Integrating Scheduling Theory into Formal Models for Hard Real Time Systems" None , (1997).
  9. G. Matera, Rosa Wachenchauzer, Victor A. Braberman. "The TERA Development Group as Interface between mathematician and Computer Scientists" None , (1997).
  10. M. Bozga, O. Maler, A. Pnueli, S. YOVINE. "Some Progress in the Symbolic Verification of Timed Automata" None , (1997).
  11. S. Tasiran, S. P. Khatri, S. YOVINE, R. K. Brayton, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. "A Timed Automaton-Based Method for Accurate Computation of Circuit Delay in the Presence of Cross-Talk" None , (1997).
  12. Irene Loiseau, Eduardo Laplagne. "Modelo y heurísticas para un problema real de timetabling" Actas de Optima 97 , (1997).
  13. B. Cernuschi-Frias, E. C. Segura. "Concept learning in Hopfield associative memories trained with noisy examples using the Hebb rule" Proceedings VII RPIC , (1997).


  1. Flavia Bonomo, Carlos D'Andrea, Santiago Laplagne, Martín Szew. "Explorando la geometría en los Clubes Cabri" , (1996).
  2. A. Strejilevich de Loma E. Feuerstein. "On Line Multi-threaded Paging" None , (1996).
  3. Ricardo O. Rodriguez, Pere García, Lluis Godo. "Using Fuzzy Similarity Relations to Revise and Update" Mathware & Soft Computer Volume 3, no. 3 (1996): 357-370.
  4. A. Marchetti-Spaccamela y N. Santoro. S. Leonardi E. Feuerstein. "Efficient Token-Based Control in Rings." None , (1996).
  5. Feuerstein Esteban, Strejilevich de Loma Alejandro. "On-line multi-threaded paging" None , (1996).
  6. C. Daws, S. YOVINE. "Reducing the number of clock variables of timed automata" None , (1996).
  7. J. Sifakis, S. YOVINE. "Compositional Specification of Timed Systems" None , (1996).
  8. A. Bouajjani, Y. Lakhnech, S. YOVINE. "Model-Checking for Extended Timed Temporal Logics" None , (1996).
  9. Feuerstein Esteban, Leonardi Stefano, Marchetti-Spaccamela Alberto, Santoro Nicola. "Efficient token-based control in rings" None , (1996).
  10. Luciano Baresi, Victor A. Braberman, Miguel Felder, Mauro Pezze, Fabio Pieniazeck. "A Practical Approach to Formal Design of Real-time Systems" None , (1996).
  11. Victor A. Braberman, Fabio Pieniazck, Miguel Felder. "Enhancing the adoption of Formal Methods to Design Real Time Systems" None , (1996).
  12. azar yossi, Bartal Yair, Feuerstein Esteban, Fiat Amos, Leonardi Stefano, Rosen Adi. "on capital investment" None , (1996).
  13. A. B. Martinez, R. M. Planas, E. C. Segura. "Disposición anular de cámaras sobre un robot móvil" Proceedings XVII Jornadas de Automática Santander 96 , (1996).
  14. S. Tripakis, S. YOVINE. "Analysis of timed systems based on time-abstracting bisimulations" None , (1996).
  15. O. Maler, S. YOVINE. "Hardware timing verification using Kronos" None , (1996).
  16. M. Bobrowski, S. Uchitel , D. Yankelevich. "CML as a development tool: A Case Study" 25th Jornadas Argentinas de Informatica e Investigación Operativa , (1996).
  17. Enrique Carlos Segura. "A non parametric method for video camera calibration using a neural network" Proceedings Intl. Symp. Multi-Technology Information Processing , (1996).


  1. Verónica Becher, Craig Boutilier. "Abduction as Belief Revision" ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Volume 77, no. 1 (1995): 43-94.
  2. Verónica Becher. "Two Conditional Logics for Defeasible Inference: A Comparison Preliminary Version" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 991, (1995): 49-58.
  3. L. Stougie y M. Talamo. S. Leonardi E. Feuerstein G. Ausiello. " Competitive Algorithms for the Traveling Salesman" None , (1995).
  4. E. Feuerstein. " Paging more than one page." None , (1995).
  5. R. Alur, C. Courcoubetis, N. Halbwachs, T. A. Henzinger, P. -H. Ho, X. Nicollin, A. Olivero, J. Sifakis, S. YOVINE. "The algorithmic analysis of hybrid systems" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 138, no. 1 (1995): 3-34.
  6. Ausiello Giorgio, Feuerstein Esteban, Leonardi Stefano, Stougie Leen, Talamo Maurizio. "Competitive Algorithms for the traveling salesman" None , (1995).
  7. C. Daws, A. Olivero, S. Tripakis, S. YOVINE. "The Tool KRONOS" None , (1995).
  8. C. Daws, S. YOVINE. "Two Examples of Verification of Multirate Timed Automata with Kronos" None , (1995).
  9. Feuerstein Esteban. "Paging more than one page" None , (1995).
  10. Verónica Becher. "Two Conditional Logics for Defeasible Inference: A Comparison. Preliminary Version" Lecture Notes in Computer Science , (1995).
  11. Verónica Becher. "Unified Semantics for Revision and Update, or the Theory of Lazy Update" roceedings of the 24 Jornadas Argentinas de Informática e Investigación Operativa (JAIIO) , (1995).
  12. Carlos Areces, Verónica Becher. "On the Logic for Utopia" Anales de 1er Congreso Argentino en Ciencias de la Computación (CACIC) , (1995).


  1. L. Stougie y M. Talamo. S. Leonardi E. Feuerstein G. Ausiello. " Serving Request with On-line Routing," None , (1994).
  2. T. A. Henzinger, X. Nicollin, J. Sifakis, S. Yovine. "Symbolic Model Checking for Real-Time Systems" Information and Computation , no. 2 (1994): 193-244.
  3. Enrique Carlos Segura. "On the relation between entropy, information and stability in Hopfield Memories" None , (1994).
  4. Ausiello Giorgio, Feuerstein Esteban, Leonardi Stefano, Stougie Leen, Talamo Maurizio. "Serving requests with on-line routing" None , (1994).
  5. C. Daws, A. Olivero, S. YOVINE. "Verifying ET-LOTOS programmes with KRONOS" None , (1994).
  6. A. Olivero, J. Sifakis, S. YOVINE. "Using Abstractions for the Verification of Linear Hybrid Systems" None , (1994).


  1. E. Feuerstein y A. Marchetti-Spaccamela. . "Dynamic Algorithms for Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs." THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE , no. 116 (1993): 359-371.
  2. E. Feuerstein. . "A Competitive Algorithm for the Paging Problem with sizes. " None , (1993).
  3. P. Alimonti y E. Feuerstein.. "Petri Nets, Hypergraphs and Conflicts. " None , (1993).
  4. X. Nicollin, J. Sifakis, S. YOVINE. "From ATP to timed graphs and hybrid systems" ACTA INFORMATICA Volume 30, no. 2 (1993): 181-202.
  5. Feuerstein Esteban, Marchetti-Spaccamela Alberto. "Dynamic algorithms for shortest paths in plannar graphs" THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 116, (1993): 359-371.
  6. Alimonti Paola, Feuerstein Esteban. "Petri Nets, Hypergraphs and Conflicts" None , (1993).
  7. Feuerstein Esteban, Marchetti-Spaccamela Alberto. "Memory paging for connectivity and path problems in graphs" None , (1993).
  8. Feuerstein Esteban. "A competitive algorithm for the paging problem with sizes" None , (1993).
  9. Irene Loiseau, Mendez Diaz,Isabel, Graciela Nasini. "Estudio del rango disyuntivo de facetas del problema de ordenamiento lineal" Anales del PANEL93 del CLEI y 22 JAIIO , (1993).
  10. B. Cernuschi-Frias, E. C. Segura. "Concept learning in Hopfield associative memories trained with noisy examples using the Hebb rule" Proceedings IJCNN , (1993).
  11. Enrique Carlos Segura. "Training a Hopfield memory with noisy examples" Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks , (1993).


  1. E. Feuerstein y U. Nanni P. Alimonti. " Linear Time Algorithms for Liveness and Boundedness in Conflict-free Petri Nets. " None , (1992).
  2. X. Nicollin, J. Sifakis, S. YOVINE. "Compiling real-time specifications into extended automata" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Volume 18, no. 9 (1992): 794-804.
  3. Alimonti Paola, Feuerstein Esteban, Nanni. "Linear Time algorithms for liveness and boundedness in conflict-free Petri Nets" None , (1992).
  4. S. YOVINE. "Compiling timed algebras into timed automata" None , (1992).
  5. Y. Ketsten, A. Pnueli, J. Sifakis, S. YOVINE. "Integration graphs a class of decidable hybrid systems" None , (1992).
  6. X. Nicollin, A. Olivero, J. Sifakis, S. Yovine. "An approach to the description and analysis of hybrid systems" None , (1992).
  7. T. A. Henzinger, X. Nicollin, J. Sifakis, S. YOVINE. "Symbolic model checking for real-time systems" None , (1992).


  1. E. Feuerstein y A. Marchetti-Spaccamela. " Dynamic Algorithms for Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs" None , (1991).
  2. S. Bandinelli y E. Feuerstein. " On Formally Refining Timed Petri Nets" None , (1991).
  3. Enrique Carlos Bruno; Segura Cernuschi-Frías. "A neural network approach for position invariant pattern classification" None , (1991).
  4. J. E. Jr. Dennis, N. Echebest, M. T. Guardarucci, H. D. Scolnik, C VACCHINO, J M MARTiNEZ. "A Curvilinear Search Using Tridiagonal Secant Updates for Unconstrained Optimization" SIAM JOURNAL ON OPTIMIZATION Volume 1, no. 3 (1991): 333-357.
  5. Bandinelli Sergio, Feuerstein Esteban. "On formally refining timed petri nets" None , (1991).
  6. Feuerstein Esteban, Marchetti-Spaccamela Alberto. "Dynamic algorithms for shortest paths in plannar graphs" None , (1991).
  7. R. ALVEZ, S. YOVINE. "Distributed implementation of a Linda kernel" None , (1991).
  8. X. Nicollin, J. Sifakis, S. YOVINE. "From ATP to timed graphs and hybrid systems" None , (1991).
  9. E. C. Segura, B. Cernuschi-Frias. "A method for the approximation of continuous functions using Simulated Annealing" Proceedings II Makuhari International Conference on High Technology , (1991).


  1. Enrique Carlos Alejandro; Segura Bruno; Blumenkrans Cernuschi Frias. "Reconocimiento de formas mediante coordenadas logpolares con invariancia a traslaciones, rotaciones y escalajes" None , (1990).
  2. E. C. Segura, B. Cernuschi-Frias. "Pattern classification using neural networks, with invariance under rotations, translations and scaling" Proceedings International Neural Network Conference , (1990).
  3. E. C. Segura, Enrique Carlos Alejandro; Segura Bruno; Blumenkrans Cernuschi Frias. "Self-learning Simulated Annealing" Proceedings IJCNN-90-WASH-DC , (1990).


  1. Enrique Carlos Rafael; Segura García. "Síntesis de controles bang-bang utilizando Simulated Annealing" None , (1989).
  2. Enrique Carlos Alejandro; Segura Blumenkrans. "Aplicación de modelos estadísticos al procesamiento y análisis de imágenes" None , (1989).


  1. Jorge Cogno, Isabel Méndez-Díaz. "Mixed-Integer Programming Algorithm for Computer Color Matching." COLOR RESEARCH AND APPLICATION Volume 13, no. 1 (1988): 25-33.
  2. Enrique Carlos Alejandro; Segura Néstor; Blumenkrans Bruno; Barraza Cernuschi-Frías. "Modelos estocásticos y su aplicación en optimización combinatoria, análisis de imágenes y cambios de fase " None , (1988).


  1. Irene Loiseau, Eleonora Poyard. "Un sistema para minimizar el desperdicio en el corte de papel" Anales III Congreso Latino-Iberoamericano de Investigación Operativa e Ingeniería de Sistemas , (1986).


  1. Irene Loiseau, Hugo Scolnik, Carlos Ruiz, Guillermo Albizuri, Neantro Saavedra, Zonisein. Jonas. "Answering the 6th IIASA Global Modeling Conference Questionary", in: G. Bruckmann, Meadows,D., Richardson,J None Groping in the Dark: First Decade of Global Modelling, (1982): 1-2.


  1. H. D. Scolnik. "Mathematische Hilfsmittel zur Modellierung Dynamischer Prozesse", in: Heintz Peter None Weltgesellschaft und Sozialstruktur Volume 2, (1980): 191-208.


  1. H. D. Scolnik. "A critical review of some global models", in: A. V. BALAKRISHNAN None GLOBAL AND LARGE SCALE SYSTEM MODELS, LECTURE NOTES IN CONTROL AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, (1979): 58-80.


  1. Guillermo Albizuri, Irene Loiseau. "Estudio de las relaciones entre el nivel de fuerza de trabajo femenina y variables demográficas y económicas" Anales del Workshop "A mulher na forca de trabalho na America Latina" , (1978).


  1. Carlos Ruiz, Irene Loiseau, Hugo Scolnik. "Adaptation of the Bariloche Model to Brazil" Proceedings of the meeting of experta on the applicability of global modeling techniques to integrated planning in developing countries , (1977).


  1. H. D. Scolnik, Amílcar O Herrera, Graciela Chichilnisky, Gilberto C Gallopin, Jorge E Hardoy. "Catastrophe or New Society?" , (1976).


  1. H. D. Scolnik, Guttman Irwin, Victor Pereyra. "Least Squares Estimation for a Class of Non-Linear Models" TECHNOMETRICS , (1973).


  1. S. Leonardi y A. Rosen. A. Fiat E. Feuerstein Y. Bartal Y. Azar. "On Capital Investment." None , (1901).

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