No-Bake Cherry Vanilla Protein Bar Recipe - Hummusapien (2024)

from 6 reviews

Published · Modified · by Alexis Joseph · 62 Comments

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This No-Bake Vegan Cherry Vanilla Protein Bar recipe is the perfect easy snack! Not only are they packed with protein, but theyalsohave zerorefined sugar, flour, or oil and are easily gluten-free!

I'm just gonna go ahead and tell you that this protein bar recipe tastes like COOOOOKIES and rainbows and butterflies. Like are they a healthy snackity or are they an indulgent treat? Nobody knows.

Which protein powder should you use?

Before we get into it, I should tell you that I wholeheartedly believe these taste like cake mostly because of this vanilla protein powder. It's organic, super tasty, and downright perfect in the texture department. I use it in smoothies all the time, too!

Loaded with oodles of healthy goodies like oats, flax, coconut, and almond butter, thesebars really are the perfect energizing snack.

You all knowvery well that I'm a busy bee so having homemade bars in the freezer is my saving grace for maintaining my health and my sanity.

No-Bake Cherry Vanilla Protein Bar Recipe - Hummusapien (3)

Lots of no-bake bars are made entirely ofnuts and dates, soI decided to usewhole-grain oats as the base instead. This not only helps lighten up the bars a bit, but it also makes them a bit easier to mix together.

I like the texture that blending all the dry ingredients lends to these bars, but if you want to just throw everything in a bowl, that's fine too!

I froze mine in a loaf pan to achieve the trendy bar look, but you could totally roll them into balls if you're feeling lazy. Or if you're feeling like a baller.

Being busy doesn't mean sacrificing flavor! Say NO to that boring snack-time routine by preparing a couple of snacks ahead of time and storing them in the freezer. Snack smarter, not harder. Your taste buds and waistline will thank you!

And then they'll thank all the almonds of the world for being so gosh darn tasty and healthy and cute.

If you're looking for more protein bar recipes, you've come to the right place:

  • Cookie Dough Protein Bars
  • No-Bake Matcha Protein Bars
  • No-Bake Raspberry Protein Bars
  • No-Bake Banana Nut Protein Bars


No-Bake Cherry Vanilla Protein Bar Recipe - Hummusapien (5)

No-Bake Cherry Vanilla Protein Bars

5 Stars4 Stars3 Stars2 Stars1 Star4.5 from 6 reviews

  • Author: Alexis Joseph,
  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Cook Time: 0 min
  • Total Time: 10 mins
  • Yield: 9 bars 1x
  • Category: Snack
  • Method: No Bake
  • Cuisine: American
  • Diet: Vegan
Print Recipe


The perfect nutrient-dense snack, packed with oats, flax, and plant-powered protein!This No-Bake Vegan Cherry Vanilla Protein Bar Recipe is the perfect easy snack! They're packed with protein, and zerorefined sugar, flour, or oil.




  1. Line a loaf pan with parchment paper (unless you want to roll them into balls instead). Set aside.
  2. Place oats, ground flax, coconut and protein powder in a blender or food processor (I used my nutribullet). Blend until the mixture resembles a powder.
  3. Dump dry mixture into a medium mixing bowl. Add in almond butter, maple syrup, almond milk and vanilla, stirring until well combined (I used my hands). Fold in dried cherries.
  4. Dump mixture into lined loaf pan. Press down firmly using your fingers until it's completely flat and smooth. Freeze for at least 30 minutes before slicing into 9-11 bars. Store in the fridge or freezer.

About Alexis Joseph

No-Bake Cherry Vanilla Protein Bar Recipe - Hummusapien (6)
Oh HEY there! I'm Alexis Joseph, food writer, blogger, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN), new mama, and co-founder of local restaurant group, Alchemy. I use my passion for cooking and wellness as fuel to help others ignite a more freeing and happy relationship with food. Learn more about Alexis!

Reader Interactions

    Please leave a comment & star rating!

  1. Doug Smith says

    Good to know. I'm a vegan marathon runner (eight so far) but this is the first time I've trained in my 50s and first time I'm going to be weight training. I need to focus on getting a lot of protein in me. (A gram/pound of body weight!) This recipe will help.

    In good health,


    • Alexis Joseph says

      That's so cool. You can always add more protein! Just add more of the liquid ingredients to taste if needed. Enjoy!


  2. DF says

    Hey hey hey!
    I used this recipe as a snack for my 30 day vegan meal plan! I loveeee then! Because I was counting macronutrients, I had to do a full breakdown. It should be noted that I used NAKED Pea Protein (27g per serving) + 2 tbsp of vanilla extract, 1/3 cup coconut flour & 1 cup oat flour..

    Cals - 236 | Carbs - 14.6g | Fiber - 6g | Proteins - 11.9


    • DF says



    • Doug Smith says

      I take it the serving size for these macros is one bar?


      • Alexis Joseph says

        Yep, just added nutrition info!


  3. Alison says

    Made this today with a few minor subs - instead of coconut, I used hemp seeds for added protein. Used agave nectar and cranberries instead of your suggestions, and they still worked wonderfully. Very tasty! Will definitely be making these again.


  4. Eileen R. says

    Can you provide the name of the protein powder you used/like? The link for it is dead; I have never tried a plant based protein powder and don't know good ones from bad. I presume there are good and bad plant based since I know from experience there are good and bad whey powders!


      • Eileen R. says

        Thank you! And, do you think both brands will work well in this recipe?


        • Alexis Joseph says

          I'd use vanilla version of either. Any vanilla plant based (pea/rice) protein should work.

  5. Shea says

    Delicious recipe - thank you!! I made them with plain rice protein and JIF almond butter. I'll definitely use natural almond butter next time since they're a bit crumbly.


    • Alexis says

      Awesome! You can also add more almond milk or maple syrup to help with texture if needed. Enjoy!


  6. M. Worthington says

    How much is a scoop? Don't know if my scoop is the same size as your scoop. 🙂


    • Alexis says

      A scoop is around 27-30 grams 🙂 Hope this helps!


  7. Bobbie Carbonell says

    Good morning,
    These look delicious and I would like to try them but can't seem to locate the nutritional values. Would it be possible to share those please?
    Thanks very much and have a healthy, happy day!


    • Alexis says

      Hi there! I don't calculate nutrition info for my recipes but feel free to enter it into a nutrition calculator online like My Fitness Pal.


  8. says

    It's going to be ending of mine day, but before finish I am reading this impressive piece of writing to improve my experience.


  9. Rebecca says

    What is the calorie, protein and fat content? Thanks!


    • Alexis says

      Hi there! You can import the recipe into MyFitnessPal for nutrition information.


      • Rebecca says

        Thank you!


      • Bobbie Carbonell says

        I'm looking the import option...not seeing it. Could you please tell me where that is?


        • Alexis says

  10. Allison says

    I attempted to make these tonight, but failed miserably. Perhaps the whey protein powder was the culprit? They were very dry and crumbly to the point where cutting them was impossible. I ended up with what looked like a bowlful of granola. I tried adding more almond butter and even honey for moisture, but that didn't work either. I ended up sort of rolling them into balls...crumbly balls. The TASTE however, was fantastic!! I'd love to figure out how to make these function better since they tasted so good!! Any thoughts??


    • Alexis says

      Oh dear, sorry to hear that Allison! Whey protein can't be substituted unfortunately. I'll add that to the notes. Glad it still tasted good!

      • Allison says

        Thanks!! I'm looking forward to trying again!!


      • Lesllie says

        Why won't whey work? You made the note but didn't explain.


        • Alexis says

          It changes the texture.

  11. Christy says

    Changed these up a bit to make them Paleo. I used raw almonds (because I was out of almond butter) and a little extra almond milk. I also used almond flour instead of oatmeal


  12. Brittney says

    I'd like to make these, can I omit the protein powder or is it necessary? Thank you!


    • Nicole says

      Same question, can you omit the protein powder? Is it acting as a binding ingredient or just a protein boost?


      • Alexis says

        It adds sweetness. If you take it out, I'd add an equivalent amount of dry ingredients like oats/flax/coconut to replace it. Hope that helps!


    • Alexis says

      It adds sweetness. If you take it out, I'd add an equivalent amount of dry ingredients like oats/flax/coconut to replace it. Hope that helps!


  13. Sofie @ says

    This sounds so so good I need to make it asap!


  14. Kayleigh says

    Delicious! Used cacao nibs and raisins since I didn't have anything else on hand but they turned out great!


    • Alexis says

      Mmmm I'll have to add nibs sometime!


  15. daphne says

    What would be a good sub for the almond butter for someone with a nut allergy and still tast good?


    • Alexis says



  16. Dani @ DaniCaliforniaCooks says

    Love the easy ingredient breakdown on these! I'll have to try!


    • Alexis says

      Thanks, Dani! I love how quickly they come together.


      • JW Jarrett says

        I was wondering that too! Are all "scoops" the same? Is there a way to get a standardized unit of measure for the protein powder?


        • Alexis says

          27-30 grams 🙂

  17. Alex says

    I tried this with another kind of protein (Vega Sport) and failed miserably. Maybe you can add more detail to the amount of protein powder or whether or not another type of protein powder can be used.


    • ANdrea says

      Me too! These did not solidify for me at all and just crumbled - I used Garden of Life plant based protein powder. Rather than throw them away, I'm going to try adding some coconut oil or maybe dates for the stick factor! Or do you have suggestions?!


      • Alexis says

        Copying my reply from above-- Bummer! I haven't heard that feedback before. I provided the scoop quantity and grams for protein in the recipe. Was your almond butter drippy? Protein powders can vary. No worries--just add more maple syrup or almond milk until it sticks together. Hope that helps!


        • Sabrina says

          How long can these last in the fridge?

        • Alexis Joseph says

          I'd keep them in the fridge for up to a week then freeze.

    • Alexis says

      Bummer! I haven't heard that feedback before. I provided the scoop quantity and grams for protein in the recipe. Was your almond butter drippy? Protein powders can vary. No worries--just add more maple syrup or almond milk until it sticks together. Hope that helps!


  18. Sarah @ Making Thyme for Health says

    Looks like we were both had homemade protein bars on the brain this week! I'm loving your version with cherries and vanilla. And they really do look like cookies and rainbows and butterflies! 🙂


  19. Lauren says

    These look so great lady. I am a little tired of all the bars with dates in them too and very weirdly, too many dates give me really bad heartburn. It is so strange.
    The texture of these look awesome - they look like they would give you a really filling snack to tide you over until dinner!


  20. Shannon says

    Yum! Everyone is going crazy with cherries all of the sudden. I don't ever eat cherries, but that definitely needs to change !


  21. Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl says

    Yum!! Almonds are definitely a huge obsession of mine, so I am totally on board with these. I also LOVE that you added dried cherries. I bet they would be awesome with dried cranberries too!

    Also.. I am now wondering what rainbows and butterflies taste like 😉


  22. Jenni Schaffer says

    Cookies Rainbows AND Butterflies??? I'm in!


  23. Amanda @ .running with spoons. says

    In LUST! Both with the cherry vanilla combo, and the ground up oats. Kind of a texture freak over here, and I LOVE how soft and doughy bars become with ground oats.


  24. She Rocks Fitness says

    Well don't these just look absolutely AMAZING! XOXO


  25. Shashi at RunninSrilankan says

    I love using oats as a base too! Alexis - I am replacing my bowl of oats with these bars - they are simply PHENOMENAL!


  26. Julia says

    I love those snacks that can double as dessert/breakfast/all the purposes! These bars look perfecto!! My first attempt at a granola bar was a fail, so I'll have to follow your recipe to get these maaaahvelous bars. Bring on those almonds!


  27. Arman @ thebigmansworld says

    YESS. Silly bars based off dates.

    Pictures = ON. POINT. like a ballerina's toe.


  28. Liz S. says

    Love the ingredient combination in these bars!


  29. Holly @ EatGreatBEGreat says

    Delicious! I love the cherry vanilla flavor!


  30. Colleen Welsch says

    Om nom nom. These look so good! I've been looking for something to do with all this protein powder I bought lol


No-Bake Cherry Vanilla Protein Bar Recipe - Hummusapien (2024)
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