Morning Sentinel from Waterville, Maine (2024)

Morning Sentinel, Tuesday, July 12,1949 SOCIAL EVENTS Central Maine Garden Club Planning Annual Flower Show Tuesday, July 19 The 13th annual flower show of the Central Maine Garden Club will be held at the Winslow Congregational Church from 2 to 9 Tuesday, July 19. Arrangements will include: Class 1, arrangement of fruit and or Flowers allowed (in arrangement with tray as background; the sugar bowl arrangement: grandmother's pitcher arrangement; study in pastels; Victorian arrangement; arrangement for dinner table; monochromatic arrangement: arrangement with mirror (by blackboard); arrangeament suggesting a season; foliage, levergreen allowed) with flowers for line accent; arrangement of pansies: corsages; as. you like it; arrangement in brass or copper: arrangement for coffee table, (in center of roont. Class 2, for beginners in flower arrangement, (in back parlor), Arrangement of white flowers in white container: arrangement of mixed Sowers: cup and saucer ment. Class 3, horticulture, Three stems, must be grown by exhibitor.

Sweet peas: delphinium; Sweet William: foxglove: bury bells; lilies; garden salad bowl with herbs. Class 4, any annual not listed Class 3, any, perennial not listed Class 3. Class S. Juniors. Under six years of age; six to ten years of ace; 11 to 16 years of age; arrangement for teacher's desk: arrangement for doll's tea table, (place setting to be Included).

Class 6. House plants. Class 7. Fer men only. Popular prize for most fragrant exhibit chosen by spectators.

Miss Catherine Turbyne's Junior Nature Club will also have a special exhibit of wild life. Members of the Conservation and Garden Department of the Waterville Woman's Club are Invited take part in the exhibit, -also anyone else who is interested in the affair. Rules and committee members be announced. I Miss Rhoda Wein Engaged To Wed RHODA WEIN Mr. and Mrs.

Samuel Wein are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Rhoda, to Marvin Kraft, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kraft of Hackensack, N. J. Miss Wein received her B.

A. degree from Colby College. She WAS graduated from the Leland Powers School of the Theatre, Boston, and was awarded her M. A. degree in drama at Columbia University, Miss.

Wein recently resigned her position as director of the Drama Department at Davis High School, Mount Vernon, N. Y. She was formerly with radio station WMGM and with a stock at the Weston Summer Playhouse, Weston. Vt. She also taught English and dramatics at Waterville Senior High School and was director of her own School of Speech here.

Mr. Kraft is a graduate of Rutgers University and New York University. He served as an artillery DIARY OF A COUNTRY WIFE BY MARY DUNNE The weekend of the Fourth has left me limp. The heat was intense, and except for our island Sunday, hard to bear. On Saturday we went into town for the later afternoon parade, and also for some odds and ends of shopping while we waited for the thing to come along.

I had to bay another kind of lotion for my little leper. Jonny has an ugly rash which the doctor. attributes to some sort of external Poisoning -insect, foliage, or whatever. There's always something. And I bought myself some pedal pushers, no less.

Faded-red denim. they are, and Bobby doesn't like them. I said to him. "What's the matter? Do you think I'm too fat. Too old, too something to wear And he said.

"No, I Just think look funny, They're not short and they're not They're funny." trust he means funny-peculiar not funny-haha. Yesterday morning I stayed at home to mend my fences, as it were, chile Bob took the boys into Town see the Aremen's parade and luster. The house looked dusty and musty after several days' neglect, and the towels and socks were runlow. In a few hours I went over the surface and washed by and the most necessary of the dirty clothes. in the afternoon Bob had to go over to the ball field to help in the groundwork for last night's Areworks.

Fireworks are illegal in our town this year, either to sell or buy. And so, continuing last year's plan, the athletic association put on massed display again at the ball field Last year everyone who planned to. attend chipped in whatever they could afford and on the night of the Fourth we all went over to the field. They had expected two or three hundred people, but word officer area with the army the in the pean during war. now general manager of Kraft Insurance Agency; vice president of the Boundary Realty Company, Hackensack; is president of the Hackensack Association of Insurance to Agents, and secretary and rector of Realtors Multiple List ing System of Teaneck and Eastern Bergen County.

The wedding will take place in early August in Boston. Today's Events Club. Elmwood Hotel, 16.15. Forest J. Pare Post.

Veterans of Forcian Wars, 7.30 p. Post Home. Havelock Lodge. Knights of Pythias, K. P.

Hall, 8 p. m. Irene Lambert Is Married To Leroy Porter Miss Irene Evelyn Lambert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lindley Lambert of thin town, became the bride of Leroy son of Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Porter, July 1. Rev, Howard Welch of Madison. performed the service, using the double ring ceremony, The bride wore a navy blue suit with white accessories and had a corsage of white carnations. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Olsen of Mercer, close friends of the young couple, served as their only attendants. 7 Mrs. Porter graduated from Skowhegan High In 1948, and has been employed at the Norrwock Shoe In Norridgewok: Mr. Porter is a veteran of World War It and is employed at the woolen mill In Wilton.

They will reside In Wilton. Marion Lambert And Harold Obert Are Wed July 2 Miss Marion Avis Lambert of this, 2, town, to was Harold united Obert in also marriage of Norridgewock by Rev. Perley Sloat, who used the double ring ceremony. The bride wore a light blue suit with white accessories and a corsage of red roses. They were attended by and Mrs.

George Holt. Mrs. Obert is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lindley Lambert.

She was High School graduated from ed at the Norrowock Shoe Co. Mr. in 1944 and is Obert is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Obert of Norridgewock, veteran of World War IT, and is also employed at the Norwock Shoe branch in Skowhegan.

Mr. and Mrs. Obert are residing on Hanover Street in Skowhegan. The United Circle will hold its last regular meeting for the summer today with Mrs. Casey at members her cottage are asked in Smithfield.

take The a paper bag treat and anyone wishing transportation are to contact the president of the circle, Mrs. Amy Taylor, Mrs. Phoebe Huston and Mrs. Celia Brewer of New Brunswick, Canada, have returned home after viisting with the former's sister, Mrs. Coburn Moore.

Mrs. Myrtle Stinchfeld spent few days last week with her dater, Mrs. 'Fred In Mount Vernon. Mr. and Mrs.

Alton Horne of Manchester, N. called on Mrs. Hattie Miller, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Huff spent their vacation at North Pond at one of Harlow's camps. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bigelow and Mr. and Mrs.

Ollie Strickland a 900 mile trip last week traveling through the Adirondacks, Green Mountains, White Mountains and Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton and son. Gerald, spent the week with friends and relatives In New Brunswick, Canada.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester C. Brooks and four children and Mrs. Dorothy Bullard, all of Wallingford, spent the past week with Mr.

and Mrs. Howard Jackson and family. Deer are an important item in the wolf's diet. 1000 000 COLORS IN PAINT A product of Ready to Put on Martin Senour NO Waste Messy Guessing Results of Mixing as paint to See the Room of the Month as planned by Roger B. Withington Maine's leading Color Stylist At Rollins Dunham Co.

29 FRONT ST. WATERVILLE. ME. TEL. 2120 Beverley Barnes, Aubert O.

Gibbs Married Saturday' Beverley Maxine Barnes, daughter of Mrs. Vera Barnes Benton Falls and Archie Barnes of Portland became the bride of. Aubert Oliver Gibbs son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L.

Gibbs of Benton Falls in a double ring ceremony performed Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of the bride. Rev. George Gledhill performed the ceremony, They were attended by Earline G. Stevens of West Buxton as maid of honor and David Gagnon of Benton Falls as best man. The hom was prettily decorated with hydrangeas, blue delphinium and sweet peas.

The wedding marches were by John Goan of South Portland. The bride was becomingly gowned in blue lace over er pink net with white accessories. She wore a picture hat trimmed with blue velvet and a corsage of pink roses and gypsophella. The maid of honor wore brown lace of pink net with tan accessorles and tan hat trimmed with tan corsage picture, was yellow roses and gypsophelia. Mrs.

Barnes, mother of the bride wore light blue dress with white accessories and a corsage of red roses and gypsophelia and MrA. Gibbs, mother of the groom was dressed In teal blue with white accessories and corsage of red roses and Following the ceremony reception was held at the home with Miss Dorothy Gibbs In charge of the guest book. The grooms gift to the bride was string of matched pearls, carrings and bracelet. The maid of honor received silver earrings and the best man was presented with a gold tie clasp. Mr.

and Mrs. Gibbs left on motor trip to Niagara Falls and Canada and on their return will reside on Montcalm Street in Fairfield. Mrs. Gibbs is a native of South Portland and graduated from South Portland High school in 1943. She moved to Waterville in 1944 and is employed in the laboratory at Hollingsworth and Whitney, Mr.

Gibbs has always lived in Benton Falls. He was a graduate of Lawrence High School in 1941. He served three and half years in the U. S. Air Force, two and half years of which were spent in the Pacific area.

He is now employed in the finishing room' at the Hollingsworth and Whitney MIlL Among those from out of town to attend the ceremony were Mrs. Mathew Goan, Mrs. Victor Ward, Mrs. Nellie Blake, Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Thorsted, South Portland, James Murphy, Portland, Adria Bradeen, Manchester, N. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Proctor, Mr. and Mrs.

John Turbyne, Winslow, Jack Low, Albion, Mr. and Mrs. Merton Holt, Canaan, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Nelson, Clinton.

Rev. Gledhills Tendered Party Rev. and Mrs. George Gledhill were tendered farewell party Sunday evening at the Congregational Church when an old fashloned sing WAS enjoyed. There were about 70 friends gathered for this occasion.

Old songs and hymns were sung by the group and Rev, Gledhill showed colored slides. Refreshments of cake and punch were served by a group from the church. Rev. Gledhill will preach his last sermon next Sunday before leaving for Boothbay Harbor, where he will begin his new pastorate Aus. 1.

Mrs. Glendon Buzzell and two children of Westfleld, are visiting her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Buzzell. Mrs.

Jennie Gagnon has returned from South Harpswell, where she has been the guest of Miss Lucy Hinds, formerly of this town. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Witham and Mr. and Mrs.

David Richards have returned from a trip to Massachusetts and New Hampshire, FACE COURT HEARINGS LEWISTON, July 11-(A)- Two 19-year-old youths face Municipal Court hearings Wednesday in connection with a $1.000 jewelry theft July 1. An Innocent plea was ordered for Marcel Caron of Lewiston to a breaking, entering and larceny charge by Municipal Court Judge Adrian A. Cote. Charles, R. Leavitt of Auburn pleaded innocent to being an accessory after the fact.

The cases stemmed from a break at Lewiston jeweler Henry D. Nolin's home. The youths were held in total bail of $10,000. Tomatoes for summer salads are often nice peeled. To do so dip them whole in hot water for a few minutes, then plunge them into cold water (or hold under the cold water tap) and strip the skin off.

OAKLAND Cooled by Refrigeration "TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME" in Technicolor Gene Kelley- -Esther Williams Two Complete Shows 7:00 and 9:00 P. M. Plan Celebration Here Labor Day Secretary Leland A. Hurd announces that the directors of the Patriarch's Club Harmony plan a gala celebration Labor Day when 44 valuable prizes will be given away, among them a 1949 Chevrolet automobile. Many floats will be in the parade which will form at 10 a.

m. Beano will be played all day and evening. There will be a ball game in the afternoon, and horse pulling all day under the direction of Raynor Crosman of Corinna; also sports and entertainment in the evening. Prizes will be awarded at 8:30 p. m.

There will be no admission fee the grounds and everyone is invited to spend the day in Harmony on Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fanjoy, and children of Franklin are guests for week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Andrew Howell. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown and daughter of Monson were guests Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Lyman Farrin. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Howard Bellerica, were callers at the home of Mr. and -Mrs.

Morrill Deering, Thursday afternoon. Joanne and Frances Amen of Skowhegan were visiting friends in town Friday, SOUTH CHINA Miss Miriam Jones and Miss Evelyn Jones left their homes here Saturday and will travel by Greyhound bus to Newburs. where they will visit an aunt, Mra. Ida Jones and family. They will go by way of Chicago and return by the Canadian route planning to be gone month.

Mrs. E. Mae Carvell is accompanying the Misses Jones far as Richmond, where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Paul Lamartine. Mr.

and Mrs. Kenneth Austin, formerly of this place, now of Salisbury, are the son born June 30th, weighing pounds. He has been named Mark Douglas. Mr. Austin is the son of Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Austin, South China. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richards of Virginia are staying at one of Eliot William's cottages.

Mr. Richards is in the Merchant Marine. He formerly lived here with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kenoyer.

He graduated from Erskine Academy. Howard Fuller and Carroll Farrington have been enjoying a several days fishing trip with Harold Rapp and Harold Rapp, at Parlin Pond. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Arnold were, Mrs.

Robert Arnold and daughters Nancy and Ruth, of Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Arnold and son Alan of Waterville, Mr. and Mrs.

Albert Julia and children Jean and Charles of Vassalboro. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvio Morals of Biddeford were Sunday guests of their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs.

Rudolphe Morais and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rapp and children Harold Helen, Margaret and Raymond of Bethel, are visiting Mrs. Ernest Frost and daughter Nikki Jane at the home of Mrs.

Frost's father, Howard Fuller. Mrs. Rapp is Mrs. Frost's sister-in-law. Hazel Ingraham returned to her work at the Augusta telephone oflice after several weeks vacation at her home with her mother, Mrs.

Effie Ingraham and brother, Kenneth. Recent callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Farrington were Mr. and Mrs.

Clinton Briggs daughter Dorothy arid son, Gerald of Waterville. and Mrs. Clarence Glidden of Jefferson were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Carroll and Carleton: Farrington Farrington at a family party, for who celebrated their 27th birthday's on that day.

Mr. and Mrs. Irving Bragg and son Donald of Lancaster, and Mrs. Florence Dodge and son neth of Waltham, were weekend and holiday guests of the formers sister, Mrs. George Morrill and Mr.

Morrill. They were route to Canada. Supper Party Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Williams.

were hosts on Sunday evening at a camp supper party at their cottage on China lake. Those present were Mrs. nie Mrs. Marjorie Knight Mrs. Clara Bruce, Mr.

and Mrs. Irving Bragg and son, Donald of Lancaster, Mrs. Florence Hodge son, Kenneth of Waltham, Daniel William, Harold Clowes, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- LAKEWOOD THEATRE The Lakewood Players With JOHN BARAGREY (Back from Hollywood) Presenting the Laugh Riot "SEE HOW THEY RUN" First Time in U.

Staged by Melville Burke Eves. at Mat. 2.30 Reservations: Dexter's Drug Tel. Waterville 2095 Tuesdays: Theatre at 7 P.M. TONITE: Theatre Bus at 7 p.m.


I of neth Morton Mr. and and daughter Mrs. Cheryl Pittsfield, George Morrill, Mr. and Mrs. William Russell of Reading, Mass.

Frank and Constance Witham have returned to their home. in Winthrop, after visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Elden Davis, for the past two weeks. Mr.

and Mrs. Guy Stover of Belfast were recent evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huntington. Mrs.

Minnie Chase, son Myron and daughters Edith and Edna, of Gardiner were recent guests of Mrs. Arrie Worth and Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald. While visiting here they visited Mrs. Florence Clark, who is seriously ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Van Whitney of Winn were guests several days of Mr. and Mrs. Bay Huntington.

Gerry Lamb, who was employed at Old Orchard, has gone to Ogunquit where she is employed at the Wheltlock hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Boynton and family of Madison were recent callers of his brother, John Boynton, Mrs. Boynton and family.

China Grange conferred the third and fourth degrees at their Wednesday evening meeting. Charles Huntington of Portland is assisting his father, Ray Huntington, with his farm work during his vacation from his work at Portland Terminal Co. EAST BURNHAM Tendered Shower Mrs. Charles K. Cookson, entertained the Cookson cottage on Lake Winnecook Thursday afternoon at a pink and blue shower honor of her daughter-In-law, Mrs.

Clayton Cookson, present Included Mrs. Sumner A. Jones: Mrs. Sumner A. Jones, Jr.

and daughter. Nancy, of Pittatield, Mrs. Alphonzo Cookson and daughters Althea, Sonya, and Charlotte of Dexter. Mrs. Horace Buxton, and Miss Florence Buxton of Pittsfield, Mrs.

Vinal B. Rideout of Albion, Miss Sally G. Merrow of Brownville, Mrs. Edwin Cookson and daughter Glenys of Burnham village, also Mrs. Clarence Basford, Mrs.

Alfred Miles and daughter Maureen, Mrs. Sherman Cookson and daughters Joan and Arline, Mrs. Walter Braley. and daughter Brenda, Mrs. Lloyd Hunt, Miss Evelyn Chase, Mrs.

Ralph Fletcher, Mrs. Nathan Reynolds. Mrs. Cookson received many nice gifts from those attending and from other friends who were unable to be present. Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by her daughter, Mrs.

Vera Basford. Grange Meets A varied program of games, stunts and readings was presented by the lecturer at the July 8th meeting or Sebasticook Grange. One name was proposed for membership. A spaghetti supper was. served by the Golden Chariots to the Cadillacs, at the close of the business meeting.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sayward and daughter Mary Ellen of Gardiner are spending vacation Mr. Sayward's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs.

Leon B. Reynolds. Richard D. Braley of Augusta and George W. Braley of Clinton spent Thursday with Mr.

and Mrs. Nelson Braley. Mrs. Sally B. Estes was in Pittsfield Thursday on business connected with her nursing home, Bachelder which she is licensed to operate and which was open for public inspection Sunday, Martin Gould was in Yarmouth Tuesday and Wednesday, Leslie Braley of Bangor is visIting his grandfather Edward Braley, Martin Gould and Mrs.

Emma Eldridge were in Canaan Monday, guests of Mr. Gould's, sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. James Brown. Donald Lester of the Navy is spending month's leave with his.

parents, Mr. and Clair Lester. Cecil Whitehead, of Atlanta, was an overnight Saturday of Lynwood A. Cookson. The vogue for hoop skirts was in full swing between 1860 and 1870.

NON HAINES: EN THE FOUNTAINHEAD COOPER NEAL WARNER BROS' ME WED. THURS. CRAIN CARROLL GREENE 20. Thorndike Fire Truck Arrives The new piece of fire apparatus for the Thorndike Fire Department has been received and for the present is being housed by Isaac Reynolds. It is planned to build a station for the equipment.

The new truck 1 has a tank of500 gallons capacity mounted on a Ford one and a half ton chassis. It has a pump mounted on front and carries 150 feet of booster tank hose and 1250 feet of one and a half inch hose. It has ladders, axes, hooks and other tools needed in fire fighting in town and in the woods. Merle Grass is fire chief; Leo Fortier, first assistant, Oscar Tweedle, second assistant; Stanley McCorrison, secretary and treasurer. A meeting of the Layman's Christian Fellowship was at Harold Parkhurst's Monday evening.

On Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock a free supper will be held at the Grange Hall for the men of the Thorndike, Knox and Freedom area. Rev. Kenneth Cassens of Rockland will be the guest speaker and the Gordon College Male Quartet will sing. CLINTON Saturday. 10th Constance birthday Weymouth anniver.

sary and in observance of the event she was tendered party afternoon, Norris arranged by her mother. Mrs. Weymouth and grandmother, Mrs. Ada N. Weymouth at the home of her grandmother on Morrison's Avenue.

Games were played and prizes were won by Elizabeth Staples, Supper was served and each guest received a basket of candies. Constance received many nice Guests present included Phyllis Libby, Karleen Fernald of Benton: Elizabeth Staples of Cold Springs, N. Eleanor Drew, Nancy Nelson, Antoinette King, Judith Coro, Betty McLellan, Linda Gordon, Marianne Barrett. Mrs. Edward Ryder was a caller of her son, Llewellyn Ryder, patient at the Sisters Hospital, Waterville, Saturday evening.

William, Barbara and Elizabeth Staples of Cold Springs, N. are spending their vacation their grandmother, Mrs. Florence Staples, and aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John S.

Darling. Mrs. Mary Reynolds and six children have moved her household goods to Fairfield, where they will reside. Lee Hayward was called to Woodstock, N. Saturday by the death of his father, Frank Hayward.

Funeral services were held Monday afternoon. Mrs. Gwendolyn F. Tozier of Portland is visiting her aunt, Miss Alma Flood. Mr.

and Mrs. Leslie Decker, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilde, and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.

Henry White of Portland, have returned. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Flewelling entertained at their cottage at Lake Winnecook over the weekend their son, Gordon Flewelling of Pownal and Mr. and Mrs.

John Marshall of Portland. Glenwood Hayward, U. S. stationed at Norfolk, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Lee Hayward, has returned. Ira Cunningham and his daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.

McIntire of Boston and Mr. and Mrs. Ford Trueman of Waterville were guests of Mrs. Nellie Crommett Friday. Miss Beverly Hayward, a student nurse at Maine General pital, Portland; spent the weekend at her home.

Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Sirols went to Damariscotta Sunday where they AIR CONDITIONED (NOW STATE The BABY, IT5 COLD OUTSIDE Technicolor Musical Hit MOM Neptunes Daughter ESTHER WILLIAMS RED SKELTON BETTY KEENAN RICARDO WYNN GARRETT MONTAIRAN, 05 XAVIER CUGAT FREE DANCE TONIGHT at ISLAND PARK For Island Park Club Members Only MUSIC by RANNY met her sister, Mrs.

E. C. Rice of Bradenton, who returned with them for several weeks' visit at the Sirois' home. Mr. and Mrs.

Levi Miller were guests of her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Bamford of Weld Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Orman Hunt and daughters, Carolyn and Barbara, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hunt and children, Brian and Karry of Skowhegan, enjoyed picnic supper with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Hunt, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hunt and family visited last week his sister, Miss Eve elyn Hunt of this town, who is employed in Rangeley for. the summer season. Miss Joan Maynard, student nurse at Maine General Hospital, Portland, who has been spending few weeks' vacation at her home returned Monday.

Mrs. Willis Page of the True Road entertained at a double birthday party in honor of two of her children, Leone Page whose 6th birthday fell on Wednesday and Annie Page whose fourth birthday fell on Saturday at their home Friday afternoon. Games were played and the guests of honor received many gifts. Refreshments were served by the hostess which included prettily ed birthday, cake, Walpole of Cranston, R. have returned from visiting his sister, Mrs.

Fred Lombard of the Horseback Road who had not seen each other for 25 years. Mr. and Mrs. John Darling. Georgia Darling and Mrs.

Postie Hallowell of Belfast were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Darling Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.

Wilfred Cloutier of Augusta were guests of her mother, Mrs. Ada N. Weymouth, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs.

Lawrence Mitchell and three children of Portsmouth, N. were callers of Mrs. Nellie Crommett Friday, Fay and Joyce Bamford of Weld, who spent week's vacation with their grandmother, Mrs. Levi MI1ler have returned. JUDGES TO MEET AUGUSTA, July 11-(P) Plans for the annual meeting of the Maine Association of Municipal Court judges will be discussed at an executive committee meeting here July 19.

Theater Timetable As Furnished By The Theaters had gone, around and as the dark came upon us: so did hundreds of cars jammed with people. From miles around they came until the field 'darned near caved in under the load. This year the asociation was a mite cannier. The motto was: You wanna watch you gotta pay. Car stickers were printed and without one no vehicle was allowed on the field.

There was no set fee; anyone could have a sticker by giving whatever he felt it was worth. There are times when I feel a bit nostalgic about the widening bans fireworks, although my mind knows it's, the better plan. America's Fourths have always been noisy; little boys looked forward to the bang and crash and danger. Not being a little boy, I always stood squealing on the porch while Father lit my firecrackers, and like other small females I liked best running through the darkness with a sparkler in hand. But I have little boys now and I know fairly, well what little boys like, there seems to be no sate substitute to satisfy the firecracker urge.

When we went out to the Island Sunday smuggled along in my bag two leftover packages from last year's supply. Just after the swiiaming, I furtively gave them to Bobby who was dumfounded. He had been more or less resigned to the Inevitable, but he and Dave and Donny were glad enough, to take advantage of this fling, and on the rocks of Island they finished off the Illegal property in a short time. said that I knew that the new way is better; nothing can pensate for injured hands and eyesight lost in Arecracker's blast. But a lot of the snap, crackle and pop will be missing from the Fourtheof July, and a little bit of independence will have been taken out of Independence Day.

IN -TOWN HAINES -'The Fountainhead" at 1.00, 3.00, 5.00, 7.00, 9.00 OPERA HOUSE -Tom Brown's School Days at 1.35, 4.45, 8.20; Hell's Cross Roads at 3.25, 6.40, 10.10; Screeno at 8.00. STATE- at 1.35, 3.25, 5.20, 7.10, 9.10. OUT-OF-TOWN STRAND, Skowhegan "My Dream Is Yours" at 1.30, 6.45, 8.52. OPERA HOUSE, Fairfield -The Search at 2.15, 7.15, 8.50. OAKLAND Take Me Out the Ball Game at 7.30, 9.32.

STATE, Madiso Belvedere Goes To College at 1.30, 7.00, 9.00. BIJOU, Pittsfield- 'Take Me Out to the Ball Game" at 2.53, 7.08, 9.08. HOUSE 65 GOOD REASONS TO PLAY SCREENO TONIGHT NOWIII 2 BIG FEATURES Hell's Cross Roads CO FEATURE Gene Towne TON BROWNS SCHOOL DAYS SIR CEDRIC HARDWICKE FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEN JIMMY LYDON Opening BELGRADE LAKES PLAYHOUSE 'ART MRS. BOTTLE' with Allen Brown and Cherie Ross Tickets: Dexter's Drug 694 $1.20 $1.80 Curtain: 8:30 CAMDEN HILLS THEATRE OPENS TONIGHT AN ORIGINAL MUSICAL 'Come As You Are' Reservations Tel. Cam.

3083 Curtain 8.20.

Morning Sentinel from Waterville, Maine (2024)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.