How to Clean Your Tea Kettle—Electric or Stovetop—and Remove Mineral Deposits (2025)

Knowing how to clean a tea kettle is helpful for making the best-tasting cup of tea. Regardless of if you use an electric kettle or a stovetop kettle, minerals from water can get trapped inside and affect the taste of food or drinks. There is even a name for this build up of minerals: kettle furring.

Fortunately, cleaning a tea kettle and removing limescale is simple; all you need are a few supplies you probably have on hand. Follow these steps to clean your tea kettle—the easy way.

How Often to Clean a Tea Kettle

Clean your electric or stovetop kettle every one to three months, depending on how often you use it. If used daily, a tea kettle should be thoroughly cleaned and descaled at least seasonally. For those living in an area with hard water, you'll want to descale the kettle's interior once a month.

If your electric tea kettle has a water filter cartridge, follow the manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning and replacement, or clean it at least once every other month.

What You Need:

To Clean an Electric Tea Kettle

  • Distilled white vinegar, cleaning vinegar, or lemon juice
  • Degreasing dishwashing soap
  • Non-abrasive sponge or soft-bristled brush
  • Baking soda
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Olive oil (optional)

To Clean a Stovetop Tea Kettle

  • Distilled white vinegar, cleaning vinegar, or lemon juice
  • Non-abrasive sponge or soft-bristled brush
  • Degreasing dishwashing soap
  • Baking soda
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Olive oil (optional)
  • Lemon (optional)
  • Salt (optional)

To Clean a Burnt Tea Kettle

  • Degreasing dishwashing soap
  • Baking soda
  • Non-abrasive sponge or soft-bristled brush
  • Distilled white vinegar (optional)

How to Clean an Electric Tea Kettle With Vinegar or Lemon Juice

Step 1: Descale Kettle Interior

  • Fill the kettle with a solution of 50 percent water and 50 percent of either distilled white vinegar, cleaning vinegar, or lemon juice.
  • Turn on the kettle and bring the solution to a full boil, then turn it off.
  • Let the kettle sit for at least 20 minutes (longer is fine) before pouring out the solution.

Step 2: Clean Water Filter

  • Unplug the kettle.
  • If your model has a water filter, remove it.
  • Clean or replace the filter following the manufacturer's directions. Most filters can be cleaned by soaking them in a solution of one part water to one part distilled white vinegar.
  • Then, wash the filter with hot, soapy water.

Step 3: Scrub Kettle Interior

To clean the inside of the kettle, use a soft-bristled brush or sponge to scrub away any mineral buildup that remains inside. Dip the brush or sponge in pure distilled vinegar to help dislodge any minerals around the spout.

Step 4: Clean Kettle Exterior

Never submerge an electric tea kettle in water. This will damage the heating element. To clean the exterior, follow these steps:

  • Mix some warm water and a few drops of dishwashing liquid.
  • Dip the sponge in the soapy water and wipe down the outer surface.
  • If there are tough splatters, dip the damp sponge in some dry baking soda and use it to scrub the exterior, removing stuck-on messes.

Step 5: Buff Kettle

Finish cleaning the exterior by wiping the surface with a lint-free cloth. If you have a stainless steel kettle, you can put a small drop of olive oil on the cloth and rub the exterior of the kettle for a streak-free shine.

Step 6: Rinse Kettle

Reassemble the kettle and fill it with water. Bring the water to a boil and then pour it out. This rinse cycle will get rid of any remaining vinegar and loose minerals.

How to Clean a Stovetop Tea Kettle With Vinegar or Lemon Juice

Step 1: Descale Kettle Interior

  • Fill the kettle with a solution of 50 percent water and 50 percent of either distilled white vinegar, cleaning vinegar, or lemon juice.
  • Place the kettle on the stovetop and bring the solution to a full boil.
  • Turn off the stove and let the kettle sit for at least 20 minutes (longer is fine) to descale the minerals from the inside.
  • Pour out the solution.

Step 2: Scrub Kettle Interior

Use a soft-bristled brush or sponge to scrub away any remaining mineral buildup inside the kettle. Dip the brush or sponge in pure distilled vinegar to help dislodge built-up minerals around the inside spout opening, the spout tip, and the edges of the lid.

Step 3: Clean Kettle Exterior

  • To clean the outside of the kettle and lid, mix some warm water and a few drops of dishwashing liquid.
  • Dip the sponge in the soapy solution and wipe down the exterior.
  • For splatters and greasy residue from the stovetop, dip the damp sponge in some dry baking soda and scrub gently.
  • Rinse well.

Tip: If the tea kettle exterior is especially dirty, fill a sink with hot water and dishwashing liquid. Submerge the kettle and allow it to soak for at least 30 minutes before cleaning, following the steps above.

Step 4: Rinse Kettle

Fill the kettle with water and bring it to a boil. Pour out the water. This is the final rinse cycle to get rid of any remaining cleaning solution and loose minerals.

Step 5: Dry Kettle

Complete the kettle cleaning by drying the exterior with a lint-free cloth. If you have a stainless steel kettle, put a small drop of olive oil on the cloth and rub the outside of the kettle for a streak-free shine.

Tip: To clean a tarnished copper tea kettle exterior, cut a lemon in half, dip it in salt, then use it to rub the surface of the kettle back to a shine. Rinse thoroughly and dry.

How to Clean a Burnt Tea Kettle With Baking Soda

It happens: You forget a tea kettle heating on the stove, and the bottom gets burnt. Follow these steps to clean a burnt tea kettle and restore its shine.

Step 1: Soak Kettle

Fill the sink with hot water and a few drops of degreasing dishwashing liquid. Put the stovetop kettle in the solution and let it soak for at least 20 minutes (longer is better) until the water cools.

Step 2: Apply Baking Soda

Remove the kettle from the water and sprinkle it with baking soda.

Step 3: Scrub Bottom of Kettle

  • Dampen a soft-bristled brush or a sponge with water and squirt on a bit of dishwashing liquid.
  • Scrub the kettle using small circles.
  • Rinse your brush or sponge as the blackened mess is transferred.
  • Once stains are gone, rinse the kettle thoroughly.

Step 4: Remove Stubborn Stains

If stains remain, repeat the soaking and scrubbing steps. Alternatively, make a paste of baking soda and a few drops of white vinegar (there will be fizzing) to remove the final bits of burned-on mess.

How to Keep Your Tea Kettle Clean Longer

To keep your tea kettle clean long-term, follow these tips:

  • After every use or at the end of the day, empty any remaining water from your electric or stovetop kettle. (Don't waste the water: Use it to water plants or rinse out the sink.)
  • Consider using distilled water (it has no minerals) for your tea and when cleaning the kettle.
  • Wipe down the exterior weekly, or whenever splatters happen, to remove stains and fingerprints.
  • For stovetop tea kettles, learn to control the heat of your stove and never wander off while heating water.
  • To prevent a greasy tea kettle, clean your stovetop regularly to get rid of messes. Remove the kettle from the stovetop when frying or sautéing foods that splatter.

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How to Clean Your Tea Kettle—Electric or Stovetop—and Remove Mineral Deposits (2025)


How to Clean Your Tea Kettle—Electric or Stovetop—and Remove Mineral Deposits? ›

Grab a bottle of vinegar.

If you have distilled white vinegar on hand, add equal parts water and vinegar to the kettle until it is about halfway full. Bring to a boil; allow the boiled vinegar water mixture to sit in the kettle for 15 or 20 minutes. Pour out the mixture and rinse the kettle.

How do you remove mineral deposits from a kettle? ›

How to remove limescale with a natural limescale remover
  1. Fill the kettle ¾ full of either water and one lemon, or with equal parts water and vinegar (household vinegar is fine).
  2. Let it soak for one hour.
  3. Boil the kettle (three times for lemon, once for vinegar)
  4. Allow it to cool, then rinse thoroughly several times.
Dec 31, 2020

How do you clean electric kettle deposits? ›

Grab a bottle of vinegar.

If you have distilled white vinegar on hand, add equal parts water and vinegar to the kettle until it is about halfway full. Bring to a boil; allow the boiled vinegar water mixture to sit in the kettle for 15 or 20 minutes. Pour out the mixture and rinse the kettle.

Does vinegar damage electric kettle? ›

Does vinegar damage an electric kettle? Cleaning with diluted white vinegar is usually a safe and effective way to descale your electric kettle. The mild acidity in vinegar can help break down mineral buildup.

How do I prevent calcium buildup in my electric kettle? ›

Leaving water in the kettle after use will encourage limescale to build up, so we recommend you empty the kettle out once you're done if you've got hard water. In fact, to keep it completely scale free, you should rinse and dry the kettle thoroughly each time to prevent any hard water from drying.

How do you clean mineral deposits from an electric tea kettle? ›

How To Remove Limescale:
  1. In a large bowl, mix 2 cups water and 2 cups of white vinegar.
  2. Pour the water-vinegar solution into the kettle.
  3. Bring the water-vinegar solution to a boil.
  4. When the kettle boils, turn it off and unplug.
  5. Let the solution soak for 20 minutes, then pour it out.
Feb 19, 2020

What is the fastest way to remove limescale from a kettle? ›

  1. Fill the kettle ¾ of the way with water and add a heaped tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda.
  2. Boil the kettle.
  3. Allow the kettle to sit for an hour.
  4. Pour out the water and rinse.
  5. Fill the kettle with water again and boil to remove any lingering bicarbonate of soda flavour.
Feb 3, 2022

Can I use CLR in my tea kettle? ›

How do I use CLR Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover to clean coffee pots, pans or tea kettles? Pour enough CLR Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover to cover bottom. Swish around in pot or pan. Add one cup of warm water, allow mixture to soak for two minutes and thoroughly rinse with cold, clean water.

What removes mineral deposits? ›

White vinegar, a weak acid, is about 5 percent acetic acid. It may remove hard water deposits from glass, rust stains from sinks, and tarnish from brass and copper. Lemon juice, another weak acid, contains citric acid, which can be used in much the same way as vinegar. Oxalic acid is effective as a rust remover.

How do you clean an electric kettle without vinegar? ›

To clean an electric kettle without vinegar, mix a teaspoon of baking soda with 500ml of water. Pour the solution in the kettle and let it boil for 15 minutes. Leave the mixture in the kettle for another 15 minutes. Pour out the solution and rinse a couple of times with cold water.

What dissolves limescale? ›

Getting rid of limescale doesn't require expensive cleaning products! Lemon juice and vinegar can help you tackle most of your limescale problems — a win for your pocket and for the environment. Lemon juice and vinegar are both acidic, meaning that they can break down the calcium carbonate that limescale is made from.

How do you remove thick limescale? ›

How to get rid of limescale on tiles and plugholes
  1. Apply vinegar or lemon juice directly onto a cloth and scrub the limescale until it comes away.
  2. Alternatively, mix one part lemon juice or vinegar to four parts water. ...
  3. Polish the tiles or plughole with any remaining solution until completely clean.
Apr 12, 2022

What is the brown stuff on the bottom of my electric kettle? ›

What are those brown-coloured stains inside an electric kettle that looks like rust? They are called "limescale" and is formed as a result of boiling water. Limescale is mainly comprised of calcium carbonate and the amount is ultra-little and harmless to the body.

What is the residue at the bottom of my electric kettle? ›

Limescale in kettle occurs where mineral-rich hard water sits and eventually evaporates, leaving a build-up of minerals behind. You can prevent kettle limescale by simply rinsing out your kettle after each use and drying it thoroughly.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.