3 Central Virginia communities offer 3 different ways to celebrate Juneteenth (2024)

Juneteenth will be observed next Wednesday, but events in Charlottesville, Orange County and Nelson County this weekend will give residents from all backgrounds a chance to reflect and celebrate ahead of time.

Orange County Review

'We are not going back': Juneteenth celebrations lay groundwork for a brighter future in Orange

  • ANDRA LANDIFor The Orange County Review

Juneteenth National Independence Day, as it is formally known, is recognized on June 19 each year in remembrance of the final enforcement of the Emancipation Proclamation in Texas on June 19, 1865, which officially marked the end of slavery in the United States. The first celebrations took place in 1866, and Juneteenth became a federal holiday in 2021.

In Charlottesville

Charlottesville’s Juneteenth Celebration will happen at the same time as the eighth annual Charlottesville-Albemarle Black Business Expo; both events will take place Saturday at the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center.

The Juneteenth welcome begins at 11 a.m. Saturday and includes a libation and a performance of “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” a hymn widely known as the “Black National Anthem.” Poet James Weldon Johnson wrote the lyrics, which were set to music by his brother, composer J. Rosamond Johnson.

The Emancipation Concert begins at 3 p.m. Performers will be vocalist and guitarist Ezra Hamilton and trumpeter and musical storyteller Ellis Williams.

The Black Business Expo, which will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, will offer a business pitch competition with cash prizes, three panel discussions, plenty of entertainment and a children’s play area. Visitors can stop by dozens of booths to learn more about Black-owned businesses in the Charlottesville community.

The Expo began in the fall of 2017 in the aftermath of the fatal Unite the Right rally-turned-riot to focus on the strengths of the Black business community and the Black music and arts scene.

At Montpelier

“Juneteenth 2024: Celebrating African American History Across Generations” will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at James Madison’s Montpelier. It’s presented by the Montpelier Descendants Committee, Orange County African American Historical Society, James Madison’s Montpelier and Carver 4-County Museum.

A family oral history workshop starts the festivities at 9 a.m.; it’s free, but registration is required in advance.

The Juneteenth flag will be raised at 10:15 a.m., followed at 11 a.m. by a panel discussion of the Black Baseball League. Black history simultaneous video presentations can be seen in the Grand Salon starting at 11 a.m.

Enslaved community tours will begin in the David M. Rubenstein Visitor Center at 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 2 p.m.

Orange County High School’s African American Club will present “Music Through the Decades” at 1:45 p.m., and a panel discussion of Black equestrian history is planned for 3 p.m.

At 4 p.m., there will be a libation ceremony led by Rashida Kirton, treasurer of the Montpelier Descendants Committee, and a guided archaeology tour of the Montpelier Burial Ground of the Enslaved with Matthew Reeves, who will discuss the history of the burial ground and the ongoing research that will help protect the site.

Throughout the day, there will be vendors, food trucks, tours and a variety of children’s activities.

Admission is free. Details can be found at montpelier.org.

In Arrington

As Nelson County Juneteenth Celebration, set for 3 to 7 p.m. Sunday at the Nelson County Heritage Center in Arrington, falls on Father’s Day this year, its theme will be honoring Black fathers and father figures.

Whyse Legion will serve as emcee for the community gathering, and there will be spoken-word performances by Chris “The Poetic Genius” Green and the 2024 Nelson County High School poetry contest winners.

The Jen Tal Band will provide the music, and other attractions will include food, games and a bounce house.

Admission is free, and everyone is welcome. Learn more by emailing cacs.jb@gmail.com or calling (434) 263-8366.

Jane Dunlap Sathe (434) 978-7249


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3 Central Virginia communities offer 3 different ways to celebrate Juneteenth (2024)


How do communities celebrate Juneteenth? ›

Juneteenth celebrations then, like now, recognize the ongoing fight for human rights and equality and are commemorated through family cookouts, faith services, musical performances and storytelling.

What can we do to celebrate Juneteenth? ›

For non-Black allies, Juneteenth is a great opportunity to show solidarity by volunteering your time and/or resources to support Black community members. Consider volunteering at a Juneteenth event, giving money directly to Black community members, or working with local Black-led organizations.

What are two ways Juneteenth is commonly celebrated? ›

Juneteenth celebrations in the United States typically include prayer and religious services, speeches, educational events, family gatherings and picnics, and festivals with food, music, and dancing.

Does Virginia recognize Juneteenth? ›

Juneteenth Events in Virginia

A range of activities were provided to entertain the masses, many of which continue in tradition today. Celebrate Juneteenth in Virginia at these events across the state.

What is a traditional Juneteenth activity? ›

Juneteenth is celebrated and observed in different ways. One way is with food — be it a barbecue, fish fry, or other cookout — with friends and family. Music, dancing, and games — like dominoes, bid whist, and spades — round out some festivities.

What can seniors do for Juneteenth? ›

If you're observing Juneteenth with seniors, consider some of these activities to celebrate the history and Black culture.
  • Celebrate with a cookout. ...
  • Attend local events. ...
  • Visit a museum exhibition or historical site. ...
  • Learn about the history. ...
  • If your loved one needs additional help at home, consider a caregiver.

Why do we need to celebrate Juneteenth? ›

Juneteenth has become not only a time to commemorate Black liberation from the institution of slavery, but also a time to highlight the resilience, solidarity, and culture of the Black community. It is a time for Black Americans to reflect on their ancestral roots.

What is the best way to explain Juneteenth? ›

Juneteenth – also known as Freedom Day, Jubilee Day, Liberation Day, and Emancipation Day – is a holiday celebrating the emancipation of African Americans who had been enslaved in the United States.

What is Juneteenth for kids? ›

Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in America through the issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation. It is a day dedicated to celebrating accomplishments, justice and freedom for Black people, as well as reflection on the continuing struggle for equity.

What are the names for Juneteenth celebration? ›

OTHER NAMES: Juneteenth Independence Day; Freedom Day.

Is Juneteenth a religious holiday? ›

As the holiday spread, its ties to religious communities weakened. Today, it's generally thought of as a secular event.

How to observe Juneteenth? ›


Many cities across the United States have parades and festivals to celebrate Juneteenth. Check out what's happening in your area and join in the festivities. You'll get to meet new people, learn more about the history of Juneteenth, and have a great time.

What to say on Juneteenth? ›

Just Say 'Happy Juneteenth! ' The easiest way to wish someone a Happy Juneteenth is by messaging them and wishing them a fulfilled day.

Is Juneteenth a federal holiday for VA? ›

Juneteenth is a paid holiday for state employees in Texas, New York, Virginia and Washington, and hundreds of companies give workers a day off for Juneteenth. Across the country Friday, people gathered in observance of Juneteenth, a day that celebrates the end of slavery in the U.S.

What food do you eat on Juneteenth? ›

Well first, because it's a warm weather celebration, Juneteenth food traditions often include cookout fare like barbecued meats, potato salad and fruity or frozen desserts. You'll also see lots of traditional soul food dishes like fried chicken, cornbread and collard greens.

What is the appropriate greeting for Juneteenth? ›

Greet someone or a group by saying “Happy Juneteenth.”

What is red food for Juneteenth? ›

Many Black Americans commemorate the freedom from enslavement granted on that day with an array of red foods, such as barbecue, watermelon, red velvet cake, and strawberry pie. Streets will come alive with the aromas of grilled meats and spices mingling with the sweet scents of freshly baked pies and cakes.

What is the significance of Juneteenth for the black community? ›

Juneteenth, also known as Emancipation Day, is celebrated annually on June 19 to commemorate the emancipation of enslaved African Americans in the United States. The Emancipation Proclamation, issued by President Abraham Lincoln on Jan. 1, 1863, declared freedom for enslaved people in Confederate states.

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